Arcane Cantrips

Cantrip NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeDurationComponentsClasses
Acid SplashEvocation1 Action20 mInstantaneousV, SSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Blade WardAbjuration1 ActionSelfConcentration up to 1 minuteV, SBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Booming BladeEvocation1 ActionSelf (2 m radius)1 roundS, MSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Control FlamesTransmutation1 Action20 mInstantaneous or 1 hourSSorcerer, Wizard
Dancing LightsEvocation1 Action40 mConcentration up to 1 minuteV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Encode ThoughtsEnchantment1 ActionSelfConcentration, up to 1 hourSWizard
Fire BoltEvocation1 Action40 mInstantaneousV, SSorcerer, Wizard
Flash BoltEvocation1 Action30mInstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer
FriendsEnchantment1 ActionSelfConcentration up to 1 minuteS, MSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
FrostbiteEvocation1 Action20mInstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer, Warlock
Green-Flame BladeEvocation1 ActionSelf (2 m radius)InstantaneousS, MSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
GustTransmutation1 Action10 mInstantaneousV, SSorcerer, Wizard
Harrowing GraspNecromancy1 Action40 mInstantaneousV, SSorcerer, Warlock,Wizard
InfestationConjuration1 Action10 mInstantaneousV, S, M Sorcerer, Warlock
LightEvocation1 ActionTouch1 hourV, MBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Lightning LureEvocation1 Action5 mInstantaneousVSorcerer, Warlock,Wizard
Mage HandConjuration1 Action10 m1 minuteV, SBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
MendingTransmutation1 MinuteTouchInstantaneousV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
MessageTransmutation1 Action40 m1 roundV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Mind SliverEnchantment1 Action20 m1 roundVSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Minor IllusionIllusion1 Action10 m1 minuteS, MBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Mold EarthTransmutation1 Action10 mInstantaneous or 1 hourSSorcerer, Wizard
Poison SprayConjuration1 Action3 mInstantaneousV, SSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
PrestidigitationTransmutation1 Action3 mUp to 1 hourV, SBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Ray of FrostEvocation1 Action20 mInstantaneousV, SSorcerer, Wizard
Sapping StingNecromancy1 Action10 mInstantaneousV, SWizard
Shape WaterTransmutation1 Action10 mInstantaneous or 1 hourSWizard
Shocking GraspEvocation1 ActionTouchInstantaneousV, SSorcerer, Warlock,Wizard
Sword BurstConjuration1 ActionSelf (2 m radius)InstantaneousVSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
ThunderclapEvocation1 ActionSelf (2 m radius)InstantaneousSBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Toll the DeadNecromancy1 Action20 mInstantaneousV, SWarlock, Wizard
True StrikeDivination1 Action10 mConcentration up to 1 roundSBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Vicious MockeryEnchantment1 Action20mInstantaneousVBard
Watchful ShieldAbjuration1 Bonus Action SelfInstantaneousV, SSorcerer, Wizard
  • Acid Splash - Target a Creature within range, it must make a Dexterity Save or take 1d6 Acid Damage. If there is another creature within 4m of the target it is also affected by the spell. This increases to 2d8 Damage at 5th and 3d8 at 10th Level. 

  • Blade Ward - For the duration you have Resistance to non magical Bludgeoning, Slashing, or Piercing Damage

  • Booming Blade - You make a Weapon Attack as part of this cantrip, on a hit the target has a vicious swirling wind form around them. If they Move in the next minute they take 1d8 Thunder Damage. At 5th Level this increases to 2d8, and 3d8 at Level 10.

  • Control Flames - Hold your hand over a non-magical flame that fits within a 1m cube, it can be manipulated within range at will such as expanding it or diminishing it. 

  • Dancing Lights - Summon 4 spheres of light that you can move with a bonus action to a point within range, each sphere provides 6m of Bright Light and 6m of Dim Light beyond that

  • Encode Thoughts - For the duration your thoughts and feelings cannot be understood by magical means

  • Fire Bolt - You send out a magical streak of flame to strike a Creature, make a Spell Attack and deal 1d10 Fire Damage on a hit. This increases to 2d10 Damage at 5th and 3d10 at 10th Level Level. 

  • Flash Bolt - You send out a gravitational bolt of energy at a Creature within range. Roll 1d6 and teleport 2m towards your target as the bolt pulls you along briefly, if the target is closer than that you don’t move instead. The d6 determines the damage type (1-Cold, 2-Fire, 3-Force, 4-Lightning, 5-Thunder, 6-Psychic), and it deals 1d4 Damage of that type on a hit. This increases to 2d4 at 5th Level and to 3d4 at 10th Level. 

  • Friends - Target a Creature you can see, it must make a Charisma Save. On a Failure they treat you like a Friend and so you have Advantage on all Charisma Checks against them for the duration. If they passed their Charisma Save then upon the spell’s ending they know exactly what you did and will become hostile. This Spell cannot be used against a hostile creature. 

  • Frostbite - You cause numbing first to form on one Creature you can see within Range. They must make a Constitution Save and on a Failed Save it takes 1d4 Cold Damage plus they have Disadvantage on their next Attack Roll. This increases by an additional 1d4 at 5th and 10th Levels. 

  • Green Flame Blade - You make a Weapon Attack as part of this cantrip, on a hit you deal additional Damage equal to your Spellcasting Modifier. At 5th Level this increases to 1d6 + Spellcasting Modifier, and to 2d6 at Level 10. 

  • Gust - You can create a harmless effect with the air at a point within range such as blowing hair or causing a door to slam shut. You can also push a 3kg object not worn or attached to anything 4m in any direction. You can also target a creature within range and force them to make a Strength Save, it is pushed back 2m on a Failure.

  • Harrowing Grasp - You send out a magical hand to choke a Creature, make a Spell Attack and deal 1d6 Necrotic Damage on a hit. The Creature also has Disadvantage on its next Attack Roll. This increases to 2d6 Damage at 5th and 3d6 at 10th Level. 

  • Infestation - Choose a target within range, it must make a Constitution Save. On a Failure it takes 1d6 Poison Damage and must run 4m in a random direction, rolling a 1d4 to determine if it’s North, South, East, or West. If the direction determined is blocked they don’t move instead. This increases to 2d6 at 5th Level and 3d6 at 10th. 

  • Light - Touch an object, it glows like a Torch for 1 Hour. 

  • Lightning Lure - A creature makes a Strength Save, on a Failure it takes 1d6 Lightning Damage and is pulled 10ft towards you. This increases to 2d6 Damage at 5th and 3d6 at 10th Level. 

  • Mage Hand - Summon a floating magic hand within range, it can manipulate things while in range and can lift objects up to 3kg

  • Mending - Hold your hand over a non-magical object that fits within a 1m cube, pieces of it can be put back together but it cannot restore something that has been completely removed. The total break cannot be larger than 1/2m in size. 

  • Message - Send out a message to a Creature you know well within Range. It receives a 10 word message heard in their head that sounds exactly like you, the target can respond with a 5 word message that functions like the original message spell.  

  • Mind Sliver - Target a Creature within Range that you can see. It must make an Intelligence Save. On a Failure it takes 1d4 Psychic Damage and has Disadvantage on its next Intelligence Save. This increases to 2d4 Damage at 5th and 3d4 at 10th Level. 

  • Minor Illusion - Produce an illusory image within Range, it can fill up to a 1m cube in size

  • Mold Earth - Hold your hand over non-magical earth that fits within a 1m cube, it can be manipulated within range at will such as turning it into difficult terrain 

  • Poison Spray - You extend your hand toward a creature you can see within range and project a puff of noxious gas from your palm. The creature must succeed on a Constitution Save or take 1d10 poison damage. At 5th Level this increases to 2d10, and 3d10 at Level 10.

  • Prestidigitation - Produce a minor magical effect within range.

  • Ray of Frost - Target a Creature within Range, make a Spell Attack. On a hit the target takes 1d6 Cold Damage and its Speed is reduced by 2m on its next turn. This increases to 2d6 Damage at 5th and 3d6 at 10th Level. 

  • Sapping Sting - Target a creature within range, make a Spell Attack Roll. On a hit you deal 1d4 Poison Damage and heal for half that amount. This increases to 2d4 Damage at 5th and 3d4 at 10th Level. 

  • Shape Water - Hold your hand over non-magical water that fits within a 1m cube, it can be manipulated within range at will such as freezing or boiling it. 

  • Shocking Grasp - Make a Spell Attack Roll at a target within Melee Range, you do so with Advantage if the target has a metal item equipped. On a hit you deal 1d6 Lightning Damage. This increases to 2d6 Damage at 5th and 3d6 at 10th Level. 

  • Sword Burst - Create a burst of mystical swords around you. All creatures within 10ft must make a Dexterity Save or take 1d6 Magical Slashing Damage. This increases to 2d6 Damage at 5th and 3d6 at 10th Level. 

  • Thunderclap - Create a burst of magical thunder around you that makes a boom audible to all creatures within 100m. All creatures within 6m must make a Constitution Save or take 1d4 Thunder Damage. This increases to 2d4 Damage at 5th and 3d4 at 10th Level. 

  • Toll the Dead - Target a Creature within Range that has less than its maximum HP, it must make a Wisdom Save. On a Failure it takes 1d12 Necrotic Damage. This increases to 2d12 Damage at 5th and 3d12 at 10th Level. 

  • True Strike - Target a Creature you can see within Range so you can see through their defenses. Until the start of your next turn you can communicate to allies your insights, granting all their Attacks an additional 1 Critical Chance while you maintain concentration. This increases to 2 Critical Chance at Level 5 and to 3 Critical Chance at Level 10.  

  • Vicious Mockery - Pick a target within Range and unleash a series of insults laced with subtle enchantments, though the target must be able to hear you. It must succeed on a Intelligence Save or take 1d4 Psychic Damage and have Disadvantage on its next Attack Roll. This increases by 1d4 Damage at 5th and 10th Level

  • Watchful Shield - Quickly utilize your Bonus Action to grant yourself a small piece of sturdy Arcane Magic. You gain +1 AC until the start of your next turn


Natural Cantrips


Divine 5th Level Spells