The Spellblade Class


LevelProficiency Bonus1st Level Spell Slots2nd Level Spell Slots3rd Level Spell SlotsSpells KnownCantrips KnownFeatures
1+200002Weapon Bond, Shifting Fighter
2+220032Swordburst, Fighting Style, Spellcasting
3+220042Spellblade Combination, Subclass Feature
4+230052Ability Score Improvement
5+332062Extra Attack, Smart Mouth
6+342073Subclass Improvement
7+343083Arcane Hardening
8+343093Ability Score Improvement
9+4432103Subclass Advancement
11+4432124Spellblade Strike
12+4433134Ability Score Improvement

Basic Stats:

Level 1 HP = 10 + your Constitution Modifier; Gaining an additional [1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution Modifier] HP with every additional Spellblade Level


  • Armor: Light Armor, Bucklers, and Shields

  • Weapons: Simple Weapons and Martial Swords

  • Tools: None

  • Saves: Proficiency with Dexterity and Intelligence Saving Throws

  • Skills: Choose 3 Between Acrobatics, Athletics, Arcana, History, Nature, Religion, or Warfare


  • Simple Light Armor and a Shield or Buckler 

  • 1 Martial Melee Weapon of your choice

  • 1 Simple Weapons

  • a Backpack w/ A Bedroll, a Saex, a Mess Kit, a Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Day of Rations, a Waterskin, and a 15m bundle of Hempen Rope


  • Feature: Weapon Bond

    • You can select up to 2 Weapons to mark them as your Bonded Weapons by meditating with them for at least 1 Hour each. Then, as a Bonus Action you can deposit them into a hidden demi-plane that hovers behind your back. Later you can use another Bonus Action to bring your Weapon(s) back into your hand. This Bond lasts until you select another Weapon to give this benefit (you choose which one to replace if you already have 2 Bonded Weapons). If you die while these Weapons are within the demi-plane they fall to the ground immediately upon death

    • You can perform the Somatic Components of a Spell even if you have a Weapon or a piece of gear (such as a Shield) in both of your hands if at least one of these is your Bonded Weapon

  • Feature: Shifting Fighter

    • You have learned to harness to your magic in a fluid motion around you. A number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus you can use as a Bonus Action to grant yourself an additional 5m of Movement Speed this turn and to gain the ability to pass through objects or Creatures as if they’re not there. Additionally, if you’re Grappled or Restrained you can pass through the cause of that Condition unless the magic doesn’t allow you to move (such as by inflicting the Paralyzed Condition on you). This additional Movement Speed increases by 5m at 5th, 8th, and 11th Levels. You regain all uses of this ability upon completion of a Short or Long Rest.

      • At 8th Level you gain the ability to harness your ethereal nature in larger instantaneous moments. You can use this ability to teleport 15m to a point you can see instead of gaining the bonuses above

  • Feature: Fighting Style - Choose one of the Styles Below to focus your combat on

    • Arcane Training - You know 2 Cantrips from the Wizard Spell List, these function as Spellblade Spells for you

    • Defensive - You modify your Armor to fit you in a superior way, it has +1 AC when you wear it

    • Duelist - When only wielding a single one-handed Weapon (without the Versatile Property) you gain +3 to that Weapon’s Damage Roll

    • Light Traveler - When not wearing Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, or wielding a Shield you increase your Movement Speed by 3m and gain a Climbing and Swimming Speed equal to your Movement Speed

    • Offensive - Gain +1 to Attack and Damage Rolls with Weapons you are Proficient with

    • Two Weapon Fighting - When you make an Attack with your off-hand Weapon you can add your Ability Modifier to the Damage Roll

  • Spellcasting - You learn spells by study and by rigorously memorizing them. You have a specific subtype of a Spell List, the Spellblade Spell List is the Wizard Spell List but only has access to the Spells which are a part of the Abjuration, Conjuration, or Evocation schools of magic

    • Cantrips

      • You can learn 2 Cantrips of your choice from the Spellblade Spell List when you take this Class

    • Spells

      • You can learn 3 1st-level spells of your choice from the Spellblade Spell List when you take this Class

    • Spellcasting Ability

      • Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Spellblade Spells, since the power of your magic comes from your ability to memorize the complex magic. You utilize your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the Save DC for a Spellblade Spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one

        • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

        • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

    • Spellcasting Focus

      • You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your sorcerer spells, normally taking the form of Wands, Staves, or Orbs that Spellblades typically use in their Off-Hand

    • Learning Additional Spells

      • Every time you gain another Level in this Class you can select an additional Spell from the Spellblade Spell List, and you can select another Spell that you already have and replace it with a different Spell from the Spellblade Spell List. Each of these spells must be of a Level which you have Spell Slots of equal to or lesser value, starting with only 1st Level Slots at 1st Level, gaining 2nd Level Slots at 5th Level and 3rd Level Slots at 9th

    • Spell Slots of 1st Level or Higher

      • You regain all of your Spell Slots after completing a Long Rest. However, after you complete a Short Rest you can expend Magic Shards you’ve generated, with each Shard utilized regenerating a 1st Level Spell Slot

    • Magical Shards

      • Your arcane formulae have been developed in a unique way, creating bursts of arcane residue which persist nearby. Each time you expend a Spell Slot while holding your Bonded Weapon you generate a number of Shards equal to the Level of Spell cast. The shards you generate last for up to 1 minute but you can maintain a small amount of shards after this period equal to your Proficiency Modifier, which last until you take a Long Rest

  • Feature: Swordburst

    • You can empower your strikes utilizing Magic Shards that you generate from Casting Spells. Each time you strike an enemy using a Bonded Weapon you can expend any number of Magic Shards to deal additional Force Damage equal to 1d10 per Force Shard

  • Feature: Spellblade Combination 

    • Starting at 3rd Level when you use your Action to cast a Spellblade Cantrip you can then use your Bonus Action to take the Attack Action. The target of this Attack has Disadvantage on its next Save against a Spell of yours on a hit.

    • When you reach 6th Level you can use 1st Level Spells with your Spellblade Combination, then at 9th Level you can use 2nd Level Spells in this manner, and finally your Masterful Combination allows you to use 3rd Level Spells with this ability at 12th Level

  • Ability Score Improvement

    • When you reach a Level with this Feature you can increase any Ability Score by +2 or two separate Ability Scores by +1 each

  • Extra Attack

    • When you take the Attack Action you can make 2 Weapon Attacks instead of 1

  • Feature: Smart Mouth

    • Select Deception, Persuasion, or Intimidation; you gain Proficiency with this skill (or Expertise if you’re already Proficient) and utilize your Intelligence Modifier instead of Charisma for these Rolls

  • Feature: Arcane Hardening

    • If you deal Damage with a non-magical Weapon that you’re Proficient with you can treat its Damage as magical during the moment of impact, for the sake of overcoming Resistance 

  • Feature: Spellblade Strike

    • When you deal Damage with a Weapon you’re Proficient with you deal an additional 1d10 Force Damage

Subclass - You determine what kind of Spellblade you’d like to be, some become exceedingly Proficient with fighting in close combat while others decide to pick up leadership or arcane roles, and some even determine that Ranged Combat is preferable to melee

  • Aegis - 

    • Subclass Feature: Aegis Adaptability

      • You can utilize your Bonus Action to target an ally you can see within 20m of you, granting a small magical object that floats around its head for up to 1 minute or until you change the target of this effect, which you can utilize a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining all uses upon completion of a Long Rest. This Aegis grants the following benefits to the target…

        • +1 to AC vs Attacks

        • +1 to a single Save (your choice upon activating this ability)

        • +1 to all Checks with a single attribute (your choice upon activating this ability)

        • If they are hit by an Attack and the attacker is within Range of you then you can use your Reaction to make a Melee Attack against them, reducing their Movement Speed to 0 until the start of their next turn on a hit

    • Subclass Improvement: Defending Mark

      • When your Aegis has to make a Save that was caused by a Spell or Magical Effect they can add your Intelligence Modifier to their Save

      • You can spend a 1st Level Spell Slot whenever you hit an enemy with an Attack that has hit the target of your Aegis between the end of your last turn and this Attack. Doing so allows you to deal additional Damage equal to your Spellblade Level and force them to make a Save against your Spell Save DC, which on a Failure you can pick one of the following effects to inflict…

        • They take 1d4 Psychic Damage and are Confused on their next turn

        • They take 1d4 Force Damage and are Dazed on their next turn

        • They take 1d4 Acid Damage and are Flat-Footed on their next turn

        • They take 1d4 Bludgeoning Damage and are Restrained on their next turn

        • They take 1d4 Fire Damage and are Ignited on their next turn

        • They take 1d4 Poison Damage and are Poisoned on their next turn

    • Subclass Advancement: Aegis Armor

      • When your Aegis takes Damage not from a Weapon Attack you can utilize your Swordburst Feature to reduce the Damage instead of empowering your attacks

      • When you are utilizing Medium Armor and are not wearing a Shield or Buckler you gain the following benefits

        • You have an additional +1 AC

        • You have +1 to all Saves

        • When you are targeted by an Attack you can use your Reaction to add your Proficiency Bonus to your AC, which applies on for that specific Attack

        • If a Melee Attack misses you then you can immediately make an Attack against that Creature without expending your Reaction. This Damage deals bonus Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus

        • You can spend 1 Hour working with your Armor and can eliminate the Loud Property that Armor. This can only apply to 1 set of Armor at a time

  • Arcane Mercenary - 

    • Subclass Feature: Toughened Spellblade

      • You gain Proficiency with Constitution Saving Throws

    • Subclass Feature: Martial Spellblade

      • Select 3 of the Maneuvers from the Maneuvers List to gain access to from this Feature, you can change these out at the end of every Long Rest. You gain 2 Superiority Dice (these are d8s for you) to utilize for them and any Save required is 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Dexterity or Strength Modifiers (your choice). You gain another Maneuver of your Choice and another Superiority Die at 6th and 9th Levels

    • Subclass Improvement: Mind Shield

      • You gain Proficiency with Wisdom Saving Throws

    • Subclass Improvement: Versatile Merc

      • You can select any 3 (Martial Weapons/Tools/Skills/Languages) to gain Proficiency with

    • Subclass Advancement: Full-body Magic

      • You gain Expertise with Constitution Saving Throws

    • Subclass Advancement: Mystic Resistance

      • Every time you finish a Long Rest you can select your Intelligence or Dexterity Attribute, and gain Expertise with this type of Save until you complete the next Long Rest

  • Crimson Blade - 

    • Subclass Feature: Damned Healing

      • When you reduce a Creature with to 0HP you gain HP equal to your Intelligence Modifier up to half your Maximum HP. In addition, when healing you can utilize your Swordburst Feature to increase this amount

    • Subclass Feature: Terrific Fighting

      • If you hit a Creature with a Melee Weapon Attack you can use your Bonus Action to force that Creature to make a Wisdom Saving Throw vs your Spell Save DC. It is Frightened of you for up to 1 minute and can repeat this Save at the end of each of its turns. If you strike a Creature who has been Frightened in this way with a Melee Weapon Attack you deal an additional 1d6 Necrotic Damage to it. This Damage increases to 2d6 at 7th Level and to 3d6 at 10th Level. You cannot use this Feature on this Creature again until you finish a Long Rest

    • Subclass Improvement: Hellish Healing

      • You can add 1d4 to your Damned Healing Feature and you can utilize it even if the Creature doesn’t have blood such as Undead or Constructs

    • Subclass Improvement: Blood Sense

      • This ability can be utilized a number of times per Long Rest equal to your Proficiency Bonus. When you use your Action to do so your eyes begin to pulse and you can directly see all the pumping blood within a 30m radius (through thick walls may slightly obscure this view) for up to 1 minute. Walls more than 1m thick however completely block this view. This ability allows you to sense if a Creature if dying, if they are below ½ their maximum HP, if they are Poisoned, if they have a Disease and this gives you Advantage on Medicine and Survival Checks against this Creature

    • Subclass Advancement: Blood Curdling Fear

      • If you target a Creature that is affected by your Terrible Fighting Feature with something that forces it to make a Save you can use your Reaction to give it Disadvantage on the Roll. If you do so you can also deal the Damage from that Feature, however if the Creature fails that Save you can deal roll an additional 2d6 Damage

  • Eldritch Shadow - 

    • Subclass Feature: Duplicitous Magic

      • You can add the Cantrips Minor Illusion and True Strike to the Cantrips you know, which don’t count towards your Cantrips Known

      • You gain Proficiency with Deception or Stealth (your choice)

    • Subclass Feature: Shadow Sprint

      • You can Dash as a Bonus Action

    • Subclass Feature: Ranged Spellblade

      • You gain Proficiency with all Martial Weapons that are Bows or Crossbows and when you gain the Magus Combination Ability you can utilize it with these Weapons

    • Subclass Improvement: Illusive Spellslinger

      • When a Creature enters within 2m of you this ability can be used to teleport to any point within 5m of you that is unoccupied using your Reaction

    • Subclass Improvement: Deceptive Spellslinger

      • When you target a Creature with a Spell that requires them to make a Save you can use your Reaction to grant them Disadvantage, you can use this ability once per Short or Long Rest

    • Subclass Advancement: Eldritch Switch

      • When you utilize you are hit by an Attack Roll you can use your Reaction to leave behind an Illusion that mimics your own form, which the Attacks hits instead. This Illusion lasts for up to 1 minute and at any point within that time you can use your Bonus Action to switch positions with this illusory self. If you do so then you can immediately make an Attack as a part of that Bonus Action, the Illusion fading upon switching back. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus,

  • Elemental Blade - 

    • Subclass Feature: Blade of the Elements

      • You can spend a Bonus Action and a Spell Slot to channel magic along your Weapon, choosing between Cold, Fire, or Lightning. For the next minute your Weapon deals an additional 1d4 Damage of the chosen type, with each type providing an additional effect listed below. Additionally, when you gain higher level Spell Slots you can use them to deal an additional 1d4 Damage per increased Spell Slot Level. 

        • Cold - Your strikes reduce the Movement Speed of a Creature on their next turn by 2m on their next turn 

        • Fire - You can light objects not being worn or carried on fire, granting them the Ignited Condition 

        • Lightning - You can use your Bonus Action on a turn where you’ve done Damage to a Creature with this Feature to cause them to make a Dexterity Saving Throw vs your Spell Save DC, with Disadvantage if they’re wearing metal Armor. On a Failure they are Dazed and there is no effect

    • Subclass Feature: Bolt of the Elements

      • You can select a Cantrip from the list below, which functions as a Spellblade Spell for you. You gain another one of these Cantrips at 6th ,8th, 10th, and 12th Levels. 

        • Booming Blade, Firebolt, Green-Flame Blade, Lightning Lure, Ray of Frost, or Sword Burst

    • Subclass Improvement: Adaptation

      • Every time you finish a Long Rest you can select either Cold, Fire, or Lightning. You gain Resistance to the chosen type while conscious until you select a different one.  

    • Subclass Improvement: Extended Elements

      • You gain more Elemental Types for your Blade of the Elements Feature to choose from

        • Necrotic - You can use your Bonus Action on a turn where you’ve done Damage to a Creature with this Feature to cause them to make a Charisma Saving Throw vs your Spell Save DC, causing them to be Frightened of you on their next turn on a Failure

        • Poison - Your strikes poison the enemy, causing them to have Disadvantage on their next Attack Roll

        • Radiant - You can use your Bonus Action on a turn where you’ve done Damage to a Creature with this Feature to cause them to make a Constitution Saving Throw vs your Spell Save DC, causing them to be Blinded on their next turn on a Failure

    • Subclass Advancement: Complete Elementalist

      • You gain more Elemental Types for your Blade of the Elements Feature to choose from

        • Acid - You can cut through weaker objects, reducing the AC of any Creature wearing Armor for the remainder of combat

        • Psychic - You can use your Bonus Action on a turn where you’ve done Damage to a Creature with this Feature to cause them to make an Intelligence Saving Throw vs your Spell Save DC, causing them to become Confused on a Failure  

        • Thunder - You can use your Bonus Action on a turn where you’ve done Damage to a Creature with this Feature to cause them to make a Strength Save vs your Spell Save DC, causing them to be knocked back 5m and becoming Flat-Footed from you on a Failure

    • Subclass Advancement: Dual Elementalist

      • When you utilize your Blade of the Elements Feature you can select 2 Elements instead of 1 to apply to a Weapon, or you can apply an element to 2 Weapons at once

  • Guardian - 

    • Subclass Feature: Defensive Spellslinger

      • You gain Proficiency with Medium Armor and Martial Weapons with the Large and Heavy Properties

      • You gain Proficiency with Strength Saving Throws

    • Subclass Feature: Adaptive Guardian

      • Every time you finish a Long Rest you can meditate on what type of Guardian you’d like to be. You can choose either the Aggressive or Defensive Guardian, with the associated benefit below. Regardless of your chosen type you can select a Creature to be your Ward as an Action, granting them benefits for 1 Hour. You can do this a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining all uses after finishing a Short Rest

        • Aggressive Guardian - If your Ward is hit by an Attack you can use your Reaction to immediately make a Melee Attack against the Creature that attacked them, This Attack deals bonus Damage equal to your Intelligence Modifier . If it was a Ranged Attack and the target meets the normal criteria you can utilize a Spellblade Cantrip as a part of this Feature instead

        • Defensive Guardian -  Whenever your Ward takes Damage from an Attack (and they are within 10m of you) you can use your Reaction to either halve the Damage they took

      • Your Ward gains +1AC, +1 to all Saves, and when you use your Shifting Fighter Feature your range is doubled if you’re moving directly towards your Ward  

    • Subclass Improvement: Heavy Guardian

      • You gain Proficiency with Heavy Armor

      • You gain Expertise with Strength Saving Throws

    • Subclass Improvement: Magus Guardian

      • You can cast Dispel Magic once per Long Rest by sheer force of will if the Spell would affect your Ward or yourself. If you must roll (because the Magical Effect is higher than 3rd Level) you gain a base +5 to that Roll in addition to any other benefits you may have

    • Subclass Advancement: Unyielding Guardian

      • You gain another Guardian Type to choose from and your other Guardian Types gain additional abilities

        • Aggressive Guardian - If a Creature has made an Attack Roll against your Ward within the last minute your Shifting Fighter Feature’s Range is doubled if you’re attempting to move directly towards them. In addition, if they dealt Damage to your Ward within the last minute you’re first Attack against them deals bonus Damage equal to your Intelligence Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus

        • Defending Guardian - Whenever your Ward is within 10m of you they can choose one of the powerful boons below, replacing the base ones from your Adaptive Guardian Feature

          • +2 to AC

          • +4 to all Saves

          • They are immune to the Charmed, Confused, Dazed, Frightened, and Stunned Conditions

        • Hounding Guardian - If a Creature has dealt Damage to your Ward within the last minute your Attacks strike them with extra power. Once per turn when you hit a Creature who fits this condition you deal an extra 1d8 Force Damage and place a Guardian’s Mark on them. Whenever you apply your third Guardian Mark to a Creature that Attack deals an additional 1d12 Force Damage, knocks them 1m in the air (if they are of a Size Medium or Smaller), and forces them to make a Strength Saving Throw vs your Spell Save DC with a -5 Penalty on their Roll. On a Failure they are Stunned and knocked prone, while on a Success they are only Dazed. All Marks are consumed when it is activated.

  • Inquisitor - 

    • Subclass Feature: Crusade 

      • As a Bonus Action you can declare a Crusade against a Creature you can see within 15m. When fighting against this Creature you deal an additional 1d6 Damage on Attacks against them and they have Disadvantage on Attack against Creatures other than you and cannot move more than 50m from you. In addition, if your target forces you to make a Save you can use your Reaction to grant yourself Advantage on the roll but can only do so once per Creature per Short Rest. This Crusade lasts for up to 1 minute

      • If your target dies while the Crusade is in effect you gain Shielding equal to your Intelligence Modifier and can immediately change targets

    • Subclass Feature: Inquisition Spells - You gain the following Spells whenever you reach the Inquisitor Level specified, which don’t count against your number of Spells Known

      • 3rd - Detect Evil and Good

      • 5th - Zone of Truth

      • 7th - Silence

      • 9th - Dispel Magic

      • 11th - Counterspell

    • Subclass Improvement: Eyes of the Mage Hunter

      • You can cast Detect Magic at will without expending a Spell Slot 

    • Subclass Improvement: Inquisitor’s Intuition

      • You gain Proficiency with Insight, or Expertise if you’re already Proficient

    • Subclass Advancement: Anti-magic Decree

      • You can use your Action to force the magic around you to dissipate with a 3m radius for up to 1 minute. This invisible sphere of anti-magic separates the area from the magical energy that suffuses the multiverse. Within the sphere, the below effects occur. This field can only move up to 3m per round, trying its best to center itself around you. If it cannot stay centered on you (if you move more than 3m in a round) then this effect ends prematurely. It can also end in this way if you drop to 0HP.

        • Spells and other magical effects, except those created by an artifact or a deity, are suppressed in the sphere and can't protrude into it, such as via a Spell such as Magic Missile. A slot expended to cast a suppressed spell is consumed. While an effect is suppressed, it doesn't function, but the time it spends suppressed counts against its duration.

        • Areas of Magic - The area of another spell or magical effect, such as fireball, can't extend into the sphere. If the sphere overlaps an area of magic, the part of the area that is covered by the sphere is suppressed. For example, the flames created by a wall of fire are suppressed within the sphere, creating a gap in the wall if the overlap is large enough.

        • Spells - Any active spell or other magical effect on a creature or an object in the sphere is suppressed while the creature or object is in it.

        • Magic Items - The properties and powers of magic items are suppressed in the sphere. For example, a longsword, +1 in the sphere functions as a non-magical longsword.

          • A magic weapon's properties and powers are suppressed if it is used against a target in the sphere or wielded by an attacker in the sphere. If a magic weapon or a piece of magic ammunition fully leaves the sphere (for example, if you fire a magic arrow or throw a magic spear at a target outside the sphere), the magic of the item ceases to be suppressed as soon as it exits.

        • Magical Travel - Teleportation and planar travel fail to work in the sphere, whether the sphere is the destination or the departure point for such magical travel. A portal to another location, world, or plane of existence, as well as an opening to an extradimensional space such as that created by the rope trick spell, temporarily closes while in the sphere.

        • Dispel Magic - Spells and magical effects such as dispel magic have no effect on the sphere. Likewise, the spheres created by different anti-magic field spells don't nullify each other

  • Magiknight - 

    • Subclass Feature: Arcane Smite

      • When you deal Damage with a Melee Attack you can expend a Spell Slot to deal an additional 2d6 Force Damage. When you gain higher Level Spell Slots you can spend those instead, 2nd Level gives you 3d6 Damage and a 3rd Level gives you a total of 4d6 Damage

      • The first time you utilize this Feature after completing a Short Rest you can do so without spending a Spell Slot, acting as if you spent a 1st Level Spell Slot

    • Subclass Improvement: Arcane Dodge

      • When you take Damage from a Melee Attack from a Creature you can see and are wielding a Weapon you’re Proficient with you can use your Reaction to add your Proficiency Bonus to your AC. You can do so a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining all uses upon completion of a Short Rest

      • You gain Expertise with Dexterity Saving Throws

    • Subclass Advancement: Magic Surge

      • When you utilize your Magus Combination Feature you can make 3 Attacks instead of 2 if you only used a Cantrip, dealing an additional 1d4 Force Damage on every hit

      • You gain Proficiency with Wisdom Saving Throws

  • Sword Scholar - 

    • Subclass Feature: Scholarly Bladesman - You gain additional Proficiencies and knowledge as a part of your extended period of study

      • Select a Martial Weapon of your choice to gain Proficiency with

      • You gain Proficiency with any Intelligence-based Skill or Expertise if you’re already Proficient

      • You can add a Cantrip from the Wizard Spell List to the list of Cantrips you know

    • Subclass Feature: Wizard Learner

      • You gain additional Spells from the Wizard Spell List, using the table below to see what options you have for which Sword Scholar Level you’re at 

        • 3rd - 1st Level Wizard Spell (Divination, Enchantment, or Transmutation)

        • 5th - 1st Level Wizard Spell (Abjuration, Conjuration, or Evocation)

        • 7th - 2nd Level Wizard Spell (Divination, Enchantment, or Transmutation)

        • 9th - 2nd Level Wizard Spell (Abjuration, Conjuration, or Evocation)

    • Subclass Improvement: Spell Whispers - You can activate the echoes of spells you cast with your Action using your Bonus Action, the effect of which depends on the school of magic that you used

      • Abjuration - You gain 1d12 Shielding until the end of your next turn

      • Conjuration - Enemies have Disadvantage on all Attack Rolls against you until the end of your next turn

      • Divination - You have Advantage on all Attack Rolls until the end of your next turn

      • Enchantment - Your target has Disadvantage on its next Save against one of your Spells or Cantrips

      • Evocation - Your Melees Attack next turn deals an additional 1d8 Force Damage

      • Illusion - You AC and Saves gain a bonus equal to the Spell Level Cast until the end of your next turn

      • Transmutation - You can take the Attack (only 1 Attack), Dash, or Disengage Action as a part of this Bonus Action

    • Subclass Advancement: Zone of Magic - When you cast a Spell using your Action you can use your Bonus Action to create a zone of magical control 2 meters around you for up to 1 minute or until you exit the zone. It provides the following benefits…

      • You can add your Intelligence Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus to a Damage Roll when it’s caused by a Spell or Cantrip you cast. You can only utilize this effect once per turn

      • You have a +5 bonus to Concentration Checks

      • You critically strike on a 19 or 20 with Attack Rolls

      • Your Spells that have a Range of 10 meters or more have their Range doubled

      • You can treat a 15 or higher on a Death Save as a 20

  • Void Blade - 

    • Subclass Feature: Spatial Marking

      • You can use your Bonus Action to target a Creature you can see within 20m with your magic, creating an illusory fog that tracks its weak points which only you can see for up to 1 Minute. This provides the following benefits while the target is within this range…

        • Spatial Assault - You can use your Bonus Action to teleport to any unoccupied space next to them

        • Spatial Ensnarement - You can use your Action to make the illusory fog solid, requiring the Creature to make a Strength Saving Throw vs your Spell Save DC or become Restrained until the end of their next turn. This Creature can use an Action to make an Athletics Check vs your Spell Save DC to escape on their turn

        • Spatial Shielding -  You can use your Bonus Action to have the Fog protect you from your target. Until the start of your next turn if you are hit by a Melee Attack by this Creature you reduce the Damage by an amount equal to your Intelligence Modifier

    • Subclass Improvement: Void Marking

      • You gain additional abilities and benefits for your Spatial Marking Feature…

        • Range Improvement - Your Spatial Marking Feature has a Range of 40m

        • Void Assault - When you teleport with your Spatial Assault you gain Shielding equal to 1 + your Intelligence Modifier

        • Void Ensnarement - When you utilize your Spatial Ensnarement you deal 1d4 Force Damage any time a Creature fails the Save or Athletics Check

        • Void Gambit - When you strike your Target you can put out a Gambit against them. You both gain +2 to Attack and Damage Rolls against each other and -2 to Attack and Damage Rolls against other Creatures until the end of your next turn

    • Subclass Advancement: Hyper Marking

      • You gain additional abilities and benefits for your Spatial Marking Feature…

        • Range Improvement - Your Spatial Marking Feature has a Range of 40m

        • Hyper Assault - If you utilize your Void Assault ability you can immediately make a Melee Attack against your target as a part of that Bonus Action

        • Hyper Riposte - You can use your Reaction to make a Melee Attack against your target if they make a Melee Attack against you and miss, dealing additional Damage equal to your Intelligence Modifier

        • Hyper Burst - You can use your Action and a 1st Level Spell Slot to cause every Creature within 2m of you to make a Strength Saving Throw vs your Spell Save DC. They take 4d8 Force Damage and are pushed back a number of meters equal to your Intelligence Modifier


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