The Wizard Class


undefinedProficiency Bonus1st Level Spell Slots2nd Level Spell Slots3rd Level Spell Slots4th Level Spell SLots5th Level Spell SlotsFeatures
2+230000School Focus
3+231000Subclass Feature
4+242000Ability Score Improvement
6+343200Subclass Improvement
8+354320Ability Score Improvement
10+465432Subclass Advancement

Basic Stats:

Level 1 HP = 4 + your Constitution Modifier; Gaining an additional [1d4 (or 3) + your Constitution Modifier] HP with every additional Wizard Level


  • Armor: None

  • Weapons: None

  • Tools: None

  • Languages: Draconic

  • Saves: Proficiency with Will

    • Proficiency with Intelligence and Wisdom Saving Throws

  • Skills: Gain Expertise with Arcana and choose 2 from History, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, and Religion to gain Proficiency with


  • a Magical Focus (Orb, Rod, Staff, or Wand)

  • 10 GP worth of Writing Materials and a letter of recommendation from a School or Mentor

  • 50GP worth of enchanted paper and ink (for adding Spells)

  • a Backpack w/ A Bedroll, a Saex, a Mess Kit, a Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Day of Rations, a Waterskin, and a 15m bundle of Hempen Rope


  • Spellcasting - You learn spells by study and by copying them into your Spellbook

    • Cantrips

      • At 1st level, you know 3 cantrips of your choice from the Wizard Spell List

    • Spells

      • You have three1st-level spells of your choice from the Wizard Spell List in your Spellbook when you take this Class

    • Spellcasting Ability

      • Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells, since the power of your magic comes from your ability to . You utilize your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the Save DC for a Wizard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one

        • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

        • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

    • Spellcasting Focus

      • You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your sorcerer spells, normally taking the form of Wands, Staves, or Orbs. In addition, for Spells that you haven’t Prepared you also require to be holding your Spellbook in the process of Casting it as another Material Component

    • Learning and Preparing Spells

      • You can add Wizard Spells of a Level you have access to by finding them written down somewhere else and spending 2 Hours plus 50GP per Spell Level to your book, the cost accounting for the cost of materials to copy the spell’s language (having to re-write it in your own script) as well as the time to practice casting it from your Spellbook.

      • Each of these spells must be of a Level which you have Spell Slots of equal to or lesser value, starting with only 1st Level Slots at 1st Level and increasing by 1 every odd level of Wizard that you’ve taken

      • Every time you finish a Long Rest you can select a number of Spells equal to your Wizard Level + your Intelligence Modifier: You can cast these Spells without needing to have your Spellbook and if your Spellbook should ever be destroyed you can carry on casting them or adding them to another book. If you have a second Spellbook while your first is still intact then you can halve the Gold Cost (halved again if it’s a part of your School Focus) when transferring the Spell from one Spellbook of yours to another

    • Spell Slots of 1st Level or Higher

      • You regain all of your Spell Slots after completing a Long Rest. However, after you complete a Short Rest you can regain a number of Spell Slots equal to half your Wizard Level (rounded down). So a 5th Level Wizard can regain 2 1st Level Slots or a 2nd Level Slot 

    • Ritual Spellcasting

      • You can use this Ability a number of times per Long Rest equal to your Proficiency Bonus. To do so select any Spell that you have in your Spellbook which has a Casting Time less than 10 minutes. You can utilize this Ability to spend 10 minutes to cast that Spell and gain its benefits without expending a Spell Slot.

  • School Focus

    • Choose one of the Schools of Magic (Conjuration, Necromancy, Evocation, Abjuration, Transmutation, Divination, Enchantment, or Illusion). The cost of adding Spells of this type to your Spellbook is halved, both in time and gold cost. Then at 5th and 9th Levels you can select an additional School of your Choice for this Feature to apply to, and whenever you pick one of these Schools you can add one of the appropriate Spells to your Spellbook

  • Ability Score Improvement

    • When you reach a Level with this Feature you can increase any Ability Score by +2 or two separate Ability Scores by +1 each

Subclass: While many Wizards have gone to school for more formal trainings, such as the common Lore and War variants, there are still many who have taken their first Spellbook by more aggressive or mischievous means. Though most of the differentiation between Wizards come from the Spells they store in the book there are some that instead take their knowledge and began to apply them across the board for less scholarly intentions

  • Arcane Scoundrel: There will always be those who seek a life of skullduggery and to enter the type of life of personal benefit over the quiet place of order that other Wizards are accustomed to. The magical talents of them commonly have come out without even their intention, a charisma to them that few would expect

    • Arcane Scoundrel Feature: Charmer

      • After talking to a non-hostile Creature that understands your language for at least 1 Minute and who has been within 5m of you for the Duration you can influence them magically. You send out your Magic and they must make a Will Save against your Spell Save DC or become Charmed by you during the next Round. On this round you can convince them of an idea, such as how you’re innocent of a crime they think you did or how they really want to check on the nearest trap door. If they go to do so during this period they don’t notice what you did and don’t remember why they decided to do so in the first place. You can use this ability a number of times per Long Rest equal to your Intelligence Modifier.

      • You can also add the Sleep Spell to your Spellbook, you can add 2* your Intelligence Modifier to the total when you cast this Spell

    • Arcane Scoundrel Feature: Roguish Talent

      • Pick one of the following Skills, you gain Proficiency with it, Deception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Persuasion; select another one of these Skills at 9th Level to gain Proficiency with

    • Arcane Scoundrel Improvement: Illusory Self

      • You can create an Illusion of yourself next to you for up to 1 Minute using this Ability and your Bonus Action. During this time all Attack Rolls made against you are done at Disadvantage and you can make Spell Attack Rolls at Advantage against Creatures within 10m, adding your Intelligence Modifier to these Damage Rolls, as your Illusion allows you to surprise foes within this range. You can use this Ability a number of time per Long Rest equal to your Proficiency Modifier. This Illusion mimics your Actions and movement, following as you move without requiring input from you and regularly switching spots with you to confuse enemies

      • You gain Expertise with whichever Skill you selected with your Roguish Magic Talent

    • Advancement: Mind Bender

      • When a Creature that you can see makes a Attack Roll against you and hits you can expend your Reaction to push an illusory Duplicate at them instead, causing the Attack to miss in exchange for one of your uses of the Illusory Self Feature

      • You can spend your Bonus Action when casting any Spell of the Enchantment School that targets one Creature to target an additional one (as if they are the only target of the Spell, and must meet the same requirements) as part of the Spell’s casting, which is treated as a separate casting of this Spell

  • Blade Mage: In tradition of Elves there are those who train their bodies along with their minds. A Spellbook can only be used some of the time and so while most Wizards view having their Spellbooks gone as a huge detriment to their chances of survival the Blade Mage eagerly charges forward in this moment, a blade in one hand and their focus in the other as they cut down all foes in their way

    • Blade Mage Feature: Spellblade

      • You gain the Ability to use your Bonus Action to cast a specialized Magic known as “Spellsword” - this functions like a 2nd Level Spell for you with only a Material Component. It allows you to summon a magical aura around you that grants you assistance in combat, lasting up to 1 minute or until you reach 0HP or become unconscious. You can utilize this a number of times equal to your Intelligence Modifier, regaining all uses after finishing a Long Rest, or 1 use after finishing a Short Rest, up to your Proficiency Bonus. While using this Ability you gain the following benefits…

        • You gain 1d6 + your Wizard Level + your Proficiency Bonus Shielding upon casting this spell; this increases to 2d6 at level 6, and 3d6 at level 10

        • You have Advantage on Fortitude Saves to maintain Concentration

        • You gain a Bonus to your AC equal to your Intelligence Modifier

        • You gain 5m of Movement Speed

        • You have Advantage on all Acrobatics or Athletics Rolls

        • You have can add your Intelligence Modifier to all your Saves

        • For the purposes of Dispel Magic this Ability is the same Spell Level as the highest Spell Level you have in your current Spellbook

        • If you make an Attack with a Melee Weapon that you’re Proficient with you can add your Intelligence Modifier to the Attack and Damage Rolls

    • Blade Mage Feature - Physical Mage

      • You gain Proficiency with Light Armor, Shields, and any 3 Martial Melee Weapons that don’t have the Heavy or Large Properties

      • You gain 4 Maximum HP and when you would roll additional HP upon taking another Wizard Level treat any roll as a 4 instead

      • You gain Training with Fortitude Saves. This increases to Proficiency at 6th Level, and Expertise at 9th Level

    • Blade Mage Improvement: Swords Mage

      • When you use your Action to make the Attack Action using a Melee Weapon you’re Proficient with you can make an additional Melee Weapon Attack with the same Weapon or cast a Cantrip that requires a Spell Attack Roll as a part of the same Action

    • Blade Mage Advancement: Blademaster

      • When you take Damage you can use your Reaction to expend a Spell Slot to produce a magical shield, rolling a number of d12’s equal to the Spell Slot Level used and reducing the Damage by an equivalent amount

      • You can add your Intelligence Modifier to any Attack and Damage Rolls you make with any Weapon while using the Spellblade ability

  • Elementalist: These Wizards have taken to the powers of power itself, exchanging more myriad spells with the type that can strike down foes faster and faster as the Wizard gains access to more Spells. They are commonly mistrusted among the community, a special tenor kept up against Wizards who do nothing but copy down Spells that do damage

    • Elementalist Tradition - Controller

      • You can select a number of Creatures in the area affected by a Spell you’ve cast that deals Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, or Thunder Damage and requires a Save, up to an amount equal to 1 + your Intelligence Modifier. These Creatures automatically succeed on the Save and do not take any Damage if they would have normally taken some on a Successful Save

      • You also can add any 1st Level Spell of your Choice to your Spellbook that deals Acid, Fire, Cold, Lighting, Poison, or Thunder Damage

    • Feature - Master of Basics

      • Cantrips that you Cast which deal Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, or Thunder Damage deal additional Damage equal to your Intelligence Modifier and if they require a Save they deal half Damage on your target’s Success instead of dealing no Damage

    • Advancement - Elemental Master

      • When you use a Spell to deal Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, or Thunder Damage you can fully power it using your Bonus Action and this ability. If that Spell Requires an Attack Roll you have Advantage on it and if it requires a Save, everyone who you choose makes one has Disadvantage. You then maximize the Damage Dice Rolled. You regain the use of this ability on a Short Rest

  • Lore Scribe: This is the classic, common, traditional Wizard. They have spent their lives studying all types of spells and secrets of the magical world, with some of the most well informed Wizards being brought into the fold of great leaders or powerful merchants to serve as advisors in exchange for access to the vital resources of a wizard. Still others find their way through academia their whole lives, the pursuit of knowledge with their fellow mages bringing them their greatest joy

    • Scribe Feature - Master of Knowledge

      • When you are searching for information in a Library that you are familiar with, treat any Roll of 10 or lower on an Intelligence or Wisdom Check as a 10 instead.

      • You can select any Intelligence Skill you’re Proficient with and increase that to Expertise

      • You also can add the Spell “Unseen Servant” to your Spellbook 

    • Scribe Feature - Quick Scribe

      • Adding magic to your Spellbook is extremely efficient and so you can expend half the normal time and money to copy Spells from your Spellbook into another Spellbook, with the ability to copy Cantrips halved again

    • Scribe Improvement: Complete Study

      • You increase your Skill with Arcana to Mastery 

    • Scribe Improvement: Wide Study

      • You can select any Intelligence Skill that you are not Proficient with to gain Proficiency with

    • Advancement - Master Writer

      • You can adjust your Spellbook to compensate for any kind of Magic. You can add Spells from other Class Lists to your Spellbook, up to a number of Spells equal to your Intelligence Modifier. To copy these Spells they must be 3rd Level or Lower and it will cost 10* the normal cost (in both time and gold) to transcribe it into your Spellbook. From there it becomes a Wizard Spell for you, and because of its eclectic nature no other Wizard can try and copy it from your Spellbook as it comes across as complete nonsense unless they are also a Lore Scribe and spend a number of years equal to the Spell’s Level to do so

  • Materialist: There is a concept that only magic can produce, Transmutation, the ability through the use of magic to fundamentally change the properties of matter. The Wizards who focus on learning and manipulating these properties sometimes fall into the conceit of turning lead into gold but others find more reasonable interpretations of the magic, making great strides in the world around them, such as those of the Rochellian Dynasty

    • Materialist Feature: Solidified Magic

      • The first time you cast a Spell of 1st level or higher after completing a Short or Long Rest, you can simultaneously use a piece of its magic to create a magical ward on yourself that lasts until you finish another Short Rest or until its HP is brought to 0. The ward has an amount of HP equal to 2* [your Wizard Level + your Intelligence Modifier]. Whenever you take damage, the ward takes the damage instead. If this damage reduces the ward to 0 HP, you take any remaining damage remaining

      • Once this ward’s HP has reached 0 you can spend a Spell of 1st level or higher to refresh its HP, with additional HP granted by 2* the Spell Slot level. This counts as a Ritual Spell, requiring 10 minutes of prep. If desired you can spend multiple Spell Slots at once in this ritual, increasing the ward’s HP by the same amount before.

      • You can add Feather Fall to your Spellbook without any cost

    • Materialist Improvement: Stone of Changing

      • You can spend 8 Hours and a 1st Level Spell Slot to summon a Philosopher’s Stone as if it was a Ritual Spell. When this is completed you can carry this stone on you, it provides a single benefit from the list below (your choice upon casting) which you can change later by spending 1 minute focusing on it. Alternatively, when you cast a Transmutation Spell of 1st Level or higher with your Action you can use your Bonus Action to select a new effect

        • 20m of Darkvision

        • 5m additional to Movement Speed

        • Proficiency with Fortitude Saves

        • Proficiency with Reflex Saves

        • Resistance to one of the Following Damage Types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder, or Poison

        • Can Hide as a Bonus Action (you can add your Intelligence Modifier to this Roll)

        • Can Dash as a Bonus Action (you can add your Intelligence Modifier to your AC for the sake of Opportunity Attacks) 

    • Materialist Advancement: Shapechanger

      • You can prepare the Spell Polymorph as a part of reaching this Level without counting towards the maximum amount of Spells you can prepare. When you use cast this prepared Spell you first Casting after completing a Long Rest does not cost you a Spell Slot, and it has the following benefits…

        • It doesn’t require any material or somatic components

        • If you cast it on yourself you are able to keep your Intelligence Score while you’re Concentrating on the Spell (if you cast it on yourself)

        • You can cast Transmutation Spells while transformed if they are Transmutation Spells with an Instantaneous casting time and only targets a single Creature

        • You have Advantage on Fortitude Saves to keep Concentration on this Spell

      • In addition, you can spend the normal amount to add this to your Spellbook as normal. However, casting it from the Spellbook cannot provide any of the above benefits

  • Necrologist: Although greatly feared and looked down upon in most cultures there are those who both for good and for ill have taken to the study of creatures whose bodies can no longer be maintained by themselves, and so these corpse doctors advance the fields of medicine (if good) or soul magic (if evil). Of course many argue that this is simply a nonsensical moral qualm that people should rid themselves of but it doesn’t seem to be going away any time soon, even as Necrologist demonstrate their powers

    • Necrologist Feature - Reaper

      • When a Creature dies within 20m of you, you can use your Reaction to absorb some of their Soul Essence, regaining HP equal to 1d6 + your Wizard Level. If you would gain more HP than your Maximum HP it is instead stored as Shielding, though you cannot use this ability if you would gain Shielding and already have some from any source. This Shielding fades if you finish a Short or Long Rest and the normal amount increases to 2d6 at 6th Level and 3d6 at 10th Level

      • You can add the Spell “False Life” to your Spellbook

    • Necrologist Feature - Undeath

      • You gain Resistance to Necrotic Damage

      • You gain 3 Maximum HP upon taking this Subclass, and gain an additional 1 Maximum HP every time you gain another Wizard Level

      • When you are controlling undead they make their Attacks with an additional +1 to Attack Rolls, Damage Rolls, and Saves; they also gain extra Max HP equal to your Wizard Level

    • Necrologist Improvement - Loyal Servant

      • You can select any Undead you control to be your "Bodyguard" and no longer need to recast your Spells daily to keep them from going wild, this effect ends if they are reduced to 0HP, or if they ever stray more than 5km from you. Finally, they gain double the bonuses that your other undead get from the "Undeath" Feature. You can designate an additional Creature as a “Bodyguard” when you reach 8th Level, and another when you reach 10th Level

    • Necrologist Advancement - Necrolord

      • When you Create or Animate Undead they cannot be controlled by anyone but you, in addition you can use your Action to make any Undead of CR5 or lower within 30m make a Will Save against your Spell Save DC. On a Failure they become under your control as if you cast the Spell that animated them

  • Psionic: Some wizards have discovered the ancient text of awakening the mind itself, following the tradition of Psionics to hone the magical potential of their own minds. Sometimes called psions or mentalists, these wizards interact with the multiverse through the lens of their psionic aptitude and awareness. They channel this magic by focusing their minds as often as through their Spellbooks, and by doing so they can transcend their physical bodies, adopting forms of pure thought, casting spells psionically to bypass the need for components, and perceiving the world with a broader range of senses.

    • Psionic Feature - Awakened Mind

      • You gain the ability to communicate Telepathically to Creatures that share your language within 5m and you can lift objects up to 3kg within that same range if you can see it. These function like the Spells “Message” and “Mage Hand” respectively, but you aren’t casting a Spell and so don’t require any Material, Somatic, or Verbal Components.

      • You can add the Spell “Catapult” to your Spellbook without a cost

    • Psionic Improvement - Defended Mind

      • You have Expertise with Will Saves

      • You gain Resistance to Psychic Damage

      • When you cast a Spell or Cantrip that deals Psychic Damage you can add your Intelligence Modifier to the Damage Roll

    • Psionic Advancement - Mental Mastermind

      • You add the Spell “Dominate Person” to your Spellbook. Once per Day when you this Spell on a Creature within 5m you can use this feature and your Bonus Action on that turn to grant them Disadvantage on the Save

      • When you cast a Spell or Cantrip that deals Psychic Damage you can add 2* your Intelligence Modifier to the Damage Roll now

  • Seer: The counsel of a diviner is sought by royalty and commoners alike, for all seek a clearer understanding of the past, present, and future. As a diviner, you strive to part the veils of space, time, and consciousness so that you can see clearly. You work to master spells of discernment, remote viewing, supernatural knowledge, and foresight

    • Seer Feature - Clear Sight

      • When you complete a Short or Long Rest you focus on a Divination Circle for 1 Hour. Roll 2 d20s and write down each of these results, at a later time you can use your Reaction to change the Roll of a Creature that you can see to one of the results you wrote down when they make any Roll. Once this is done that d20 Value is removed. If you do not use these d20s by the time you take another Short or Long Rest they are removed and you replace them with the new Rolls

      • You can add “Detect Magic” to your Spellbook without a cost

      • You gain Proficiency with Insight or Perception (your Choice)

    • Seer Improvement - Enhanced Sight

      • When you finish a Long Rest you can choose between one of the following effects from the list below; this effect ends when you complete another Long Rest and choose your new Enhancement

        • You gain Darkvision (20m); True Sight (5m); Comprehend Languages (5m); See Invisibility (10m); or Advantage on Reflex Saves caused by something you can see

      • You gain Proficiency with whichever Skill from your Clear Sight Feature you didn’t choose at Level 3

    • Seer Advancement - Pure  Sight

      • When you Roll for the Clear Sight Feature after finishing a Long Rest you can roll 2 additional dice

      • You gain Expertise with Insight or Perception (your choice)

  • Theurgist: There are those Divines that claim arcane magic as their domain, for magic is as much a part of the fabric of the cosmos as wind, fire, lightning, and all other primal forces. Just as there are Divines of the sea or warfare, the arcane arts feature their own divine patrons. Such Divines often have clerics, but many gods of magic bid their followers to take up the study of wizardry instead. These religious magic-users follow the arcane tradition of Theurgy, and are commonly known as theurgists. Such spellcasters are as dedicated and scholarly as any other wizard, but they blend their arcane study with religious devotion.

    • Theurgist Feature - Channel Arcana

      • Once per Short Rest you can channel your connection to the Divine with your Action, and at any point within the next 10 minutes you can utilize this ability to add 1d6 to any Ability Check or Save, but you must say so before you Roll. If you Fail this Roll you can use this ability again during the 10 mintues

      • You can add the Spell Cure Wounds to your Spellbook without a cost

    • Theurgist Feature - Divine Spellcasting

      • Whenever you reach the Wizard Level listed below you can select one of the Spells associated with that Level and in a burst of knowledge add it to your Spellbook, which afterwards is treated as a Wizard Spell for you. In addition, if you find a Divine Scroll of one of these Spells listed (and meet the other requirements for adding Spells) you can copy them into your Spellbook. These Spells count as a part of your “School Focus” Feature for the sake of cost (in gold and time)

        • 3rd - Sacred Flame (You can add this Cantrip immediately) 

        • 3rd - Augury, Suggestion

        • 5th - Non-detection, Speak with Dead

        • 7th - Arcane Eye, Confusion

        • 9th - Legend Lore, Scrying

    • Theurgist Feature - Arcane Acolyte

      • You gain Expertise with Religion

    • Theurgist Improvement - Divine Blessing

      • You can add your Intelligence Modifier to any Damage Roll if you cast a Cantrip

    • Theurgist Advancement - Protective Arcana

      • Any time an ally you can see within 20m takes Damage you can utilize your Reaction to give them Resistance to that Damage type. If they are hit by multiple types you can select which one to give them Resistance to. And if you are struck by the same Damage Type before the end of your next turn you also gain Resistance to the first time this occurs

      • You now have Mastery with Religion

  • War Wizard: A variety of arcane colleges specialize in training wizards for war, the militaries of the times regularly relying on these specialists to turn the tides of battles. The tradition of War Magic blends principles of evocation and abjuration, teaching techniques that empower a caster’s spells, while also providing methods for wizards to bolster their own defenses. Followers of this tradition are known as war mages. They see their magic as both a weapon and armor, a resource superior to any piece of steel. War mages act fast in battle, using their spells to seize tactical control of a situation. Their spells strike hard, while their defensive skills foil their opponents’ attempts to counterattack. War mages are also adept at turning other spellcasters' magical energy against them.

    • War Feature - Magical Combatant

      • You can add your Intelligence Modifier to your Initiative Roll

      • You can add your Intelligence Modifier to your Saves while in combat

      • You have +2 to all Spell Attack Rolls when casting a spell from your Spellbook

      • You can add the “Absorb Elements” Spell to your Spellbook without a cost

    • War Improvement - Spell Duelist

      • When you use the Spells Counterspell or Dispel Magic and you must make an Ability Check to do so, you can add your Proficiency Bonus to the Roll

      • When you deal Damage with a Cantrip or Spell from your Spellbook that Requires an Attack Roll you can Reroll a number of dice equal to your Intelligence Modifier by spending your Bonus Action to properly Channel the Spell, but you must take the new rolls

    • War Advancement - Combat Spells

      • You can add 2* your Proficiency Bonus twice to Counterspell and Dispel Magic Rolls

      • After rolling Initiative you have Advantage on any Spell Attack Rolls you make on your first turn

      • When you Roll Initiative Roll a d10 + your Intelligence Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus, you gain Shielding equal to that amount for that combat


The Warlock Class

