The ABCs

2023 - 05 - 04

Back again to explain the basics of what will surely be a nonsense game that I’m going to eagerly rope my friends into because of unnecessary desire to have control of all the things around me as entropy continuously progresses to achieve its end goal where nothing matters. Wait, where was I going with that? Apologies for that nonsense, onto the topic of the post.

To begin the character creation process of this system I use a classic system of ABCs, or more accurately the A.B.C.’s. Each of these represent that main places in which you’ll make decisions with your Characters, with the A representing Ancestry, the B representing Background, and the C representing your Class. The Role playing kind to be specific. Each of these pieces of a character can be chosen in any order but following them alphabetically is both a convenient pneumonic and a helpful tip for the way I make a character.

Ancestry (or the genetic lineage) of a character will generally determine the types of cultures and geological locations they’re likely to be from. Humans are of course the most common group but the Dwarves, Orcs, and Genasi also represent those of the old world which have moved forward in the Translocation. Meanwhile there are also groups that are newly brought into the world such as the Goliaths or Goblinoids that many of the new arrivals have determined to be truly unreasonable and deserving of derision. Each of these choices grants at least a small benefit to between 1 and 4 ability scores along with general knowledge (age/alignment) and some features. When I think of a thief that strikes out from their small village to take from the world what they’re small farming town doesn’t allow them I first picture a Halfling and move along from there. For me Genasi have to be my go too, there’s something about the way that the elemental pieces of the universe contacting an unsuspecting person and bringing them to a different state of being entirely.

The Background is a simpler thing, though it directly impacts a generally wider piece of your life this downtime of your character can be seen as wholly less eventful. Of course some people have found this not to be true, such as a pirate or bounty hunter, but there is little experience to be gained towards another level when they’re collecting experience towards specific Skills that they’re in the process of acquiring. For most Backgrounds there is a +1 Bonus to a specific ability score along with Skills, Tools, or Languages that you can gain Proficiency with. If you find that certain Backgrounds grant additional income or a specific beneficial Feature that fits with your character consider that maybe there’s a way to work with that instead. Part of the fun is discovering where your character will take you after all! Now for me when I’m creating a character for myself there’s my inherent Lawful nature and so I love any kind of Background that grants a connection to a large organization while also having a piece of independence, which the Inquisitor or City Guard Backgrounds provide perfectly for me.

The big one, the big boy, the grand piano of the ABCs is undoubtedly the Class. Granting most of a Character’s Features and most of what gets used on a day-to-day basis this is what makes or breaks a character. There’s the versatile Fighter or the studious Wizard that don’t make much of a middle ground where the characters can meet, of course unless the Spellblade Class is chosen. Regardless, there are many choices and while I could spend an eternity (and just might later) talking about it instead I’ll give some brief descriptions for those who may need a small bump to take the leap into one of the Classes.

  • Barbarian - When you don’t need to have a whole myriad of options to have fun, preferring base stats to improve damage and survivability without the extra pizaz of pretty much any other Class. This is my recommendation for a new player with a penchant for excessive violence.

  • Bard - This is the prime Charisma piece for any kind of player, so while there are many many spells to choose from this Class grants many base benefits which can help a person expand their wings towards social encounters.

  • Cleric - The unrelenting survivor of the Classes, though not as prominent as the Barbarian the Cleric is very suited to even those who don’t want to become a healer spam but who want a huge variety of options to choose from. However, please not before choosing that regularly going through your Spell List and changing which Spells you pick is a requirement for playing this Class well.

  • Cursed Warrior - When you want a different style of character who is completely reliant on dealing damage to themselves to deal excessive amounts of Damage. They can have all kinds of abilities compared to the more standard Classes in this list, and one of the only who can become specialists in alchemy.

  • Druid - This intricate but fun Class is not one I’d recommend for a newer player but there are so many ways to play them that it’s hard to narrow it down. Becoming animals is quite fun but just like Clerics a huge portion of their desirable builds rely on you regularly checking your Spell List.

  • Fighter - The Versatile one, as a I like to call them. I have many options to choose from, Runes, Sniping, Battlemasters, but each can provide a variety of benefits that have a huge benefit for every kind of party. This is a go-to recommendation for newer players as Subclasses like the Champion have few extra abilities that must be looked after.

  • Monk - It may seem like there are few Monks that would fit into this style of game but there are so many great ways to play these magical combatants that I actually recommend these as well for players of all types, especially after I’ve completely buffed up the way they play compared to their lackluster previous official presentations.

  • Paladin - These are the bread and butter class for taking things and smiting them down, enough so that they can crusade their way through any number of enemies. Even with a few nerfs that I’ve sent their way they seem to still be on the top of the classes with their elite features.

  • Ranger - My favorite Class and one that has all kinds of ways to inflict damage or stray into the darkness and move past enemies. If someone wants to have a way to dabble in magic while being a versatile Class I have to recommend the Ranger, doubly so if we include the ability to gain more Skills rather than more damage.

  • Rogue - This is the ultimate Class for moving around the rolling high numbers, whether that is their singular precise attack or their expertise in a myriad of rolls this Class is eager to make their name known all the time

  • Sorcerer - When I want to play a Caster I use this Class. I have completely updated the way they play to make them feel very different compared to the intelligence Wizards, with Sorcery Points instead of Spell Slots that have become their go-to for everything, each way they utilize their inherent magic can change between every character who selects this Class.

  • Spellblade - When you want a Paladin or a Ranger but instead want your secondary Attribute to be Intelligence, this Class offers a variety of abilities similar to the Fighter but in exchange for the huge variety of physical options the Spellblade instead picks up a few Spells.

  • Warlock - These low casting Casters have some powerful magic but can only utilize it a few times. Instead they gain a more consistent way to use their energies and customize how exactly you want to exemplify your magic, including the ability to pick between Charisma or Intelligence to have even more choice within your Character

  • Wizard - The premier Intelligence Class, granting very little survivability in a direct encounter in exchange for the ability to grow absolutely massive amounts of power with enough preparation. They have to make their names known and so can have more Spells at their fingertips on each encounter more than each other Class combined!

    So with these brief intros I hope you’re well enough prepared to enjoy a fun character creation!


A Few Changes


The First One