Arcane 2nd Level Spells

Spell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeDurationComponentsClass
Agonizing ScorcherEvocation1 Action10 mInstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer, Wizard
Alter SelfTransmutation1 ActionSelfConcentration, up to 1 hourV, SSorcerer, Wizard
Arcane LockAbjuration1 ActionTouchUntil dispelledV, S, MSorcerer, Wizard
AuguryDivination1 Minute RSelfInstantaneousV, S, MWarlock, Wizard
Blindness/DeafnessNecromancy1 Action10 m1 minuteVBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
BlurIllusion1 ActionSelfConcentration, up to 1 minuteVSorcerer, Wizard
BurstEvocation1 Action10 mInstantaneousV, S, MWizard
Card DrawConjuration1 Action30mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Cloud of DaggersConjuration1 Action20 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Continual FlameEvocation1 ActionTouchUntil dispelledV, S, MWizard
Crown of MadnessEnchantment1 Action40 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, SBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
DarknessEvocation1 Action20 mConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, MSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
DarkvisionTransmutation1 ActionTouch8 hoursV, S, MSorcerer, Wizard
Detect ThoughtsDivination1 ActionTouchConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Dragon's BreathTransmutation1 ActionTouch1 minuteV, S, MSorcerer
Dust DevilConjuration1 Action20mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MSorcerer, Wizard
EarthbindTransmutation1 Action100 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteVSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Enhance AbilityTransmutation1 ActionTouch1 HourV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Enlarge/ReduceTransmutation1 Action10 mConcentration, up to 1 hourV, S, MBard, Wizard
FireworksTransmutation1 Action20 mInstantaneousV, SBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Flame BladeEvocation1 Bonus ActionSelfConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, S, MSorcerer
Flaming SphereEvocation1 Action20 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MSorcerer, Wizard
Flock of FamiliarsConjuration1 MinuteTouchConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, SWarlock, Wizard
Fortune's FavorDivination1 Action20 m1 hourV, S, MWizard
Gift of GabIllusion1 ReactionSelfInstantaneousV, S, MBard, Wizard
Gust of WindEvocation1 ActionSelf (20m line)Concentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MSorcerer, Wizard
Hold PersonEnchantment1 Action20 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Icy BlastEvocation1 Action5 m coneInstantaneousS, MSorcerer, Wizard
Immovable ObjectTransmutation1 ActionTouch1 hourV, S, MWizard
InvisibilityTransmutation1 ActionTouchConcentration, up to 1 hourV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
KnockTransmutation1 Action20 mInstantaneousVBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
LevitateTransmutation1 Action20 mConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, S, MSorcerer, Wizard
Locate CreatureDivination1 ActionSelfConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, S, MWizard
Locate ObjectDivination1 ActionSelfConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, S, MBard, Wizard
Magic AuraIllusion1 ActionTouch24 hoursV, S, MWizard
Magic MouthIllusion1 Minute10 mUntil dispelledV, S, MBard, Wizard
Magic WeaponTransmutation1 Bonus ActionTouch1 HourV, SSorcerer, Wizard
Maximillian's Earthen GraspTransmutation1 Action10 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MSorcerer, Wizard
Melf's Acid ArrowEvocation1 Action30 mInstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer, Wizard
Mental BarrierAbjuration1 ReactionSelf1 roundVWarlock, Wizard
Mind SpikeDivination1 Action20 mConcentration, up to 1 hourSSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Mirror ImageIllusion1 ActionSelf1 minuteV, SBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Misty StepConjuration1 Bonus ActionSelfInstantaneousVSorcerer, Wizard
Nathir’s MischiefIllusion1 Action20mConcentration, up to 1 minuteS, MBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Phantasmal ForceIllusion1 Action20mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Ray of EnfeeblementNecromancy1 Action20 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, SSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Rope TrickTransmutation1 ActionTouch1 hourV, S, MWizard
Scorching SpearsConjuration1 Action40 mInstantaneousV, SSorcerer, Wizard
See InvisibilityDivination1 ActionSelf1 hourV, S, MBard, Wizard
Shadow BladeIllusion1 Bonus ActionSelfConcentration, up to 1 minuteSSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
ShatterEvocation1 Action20 mInstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
SkywriteTransmutation1 ActionSightConcentrationV, SBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Snowball StormEvocation1 Action30 mInstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer, Wizard
Spider ClimbTransmutation1 ActionTouchConcentration, up to 1 hourV, S, MSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
SuggestionEnchantment1 Action10 mConcentration, up to 8 hoursV, MBard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Vortex WarpConjuration1 Action30mInstantaneousV, SSorcerer, Wizard
Warding WindEvocation1 ActionSelfConcentration, up to 10 minutesVBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
WebConjuration1 Action20 mConcentration, up to 1 hourV, S, MWizard
Withering BloomNecromancy1 Action30mInstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Wrist PocketConjuration1 MinuteSelfUntil DispelledS, MWizard
  • Agonizing Scorcher - Target a point 10m from you that you can see, a line of fire 2m wide burns through the ground in a line towards your targeted point and all creatures within that area must make a Reflex Save. On a Failure they take 3d8 Fire Damage and half as much on a success. Until the start of your next turn any creature that starts its turn in this area or within 2m of it takes an additional 1d8 Fire Damage at that point. You can spend a higher level Spell Slot to increase both instances of Damage by 1d8.

  • Alter Self - You change your physical appearance, such as adapting yourself with Claws for Climbing or Gills for Swimming. You can also change yourself to look like anything humanoid while the spell is active, such as drastically changing your height, hair, or facial features. However you cannot change your amount of limbs.

  • Arcane Lock (m* - 25GP Gold Dust, consumed by the spell) - Touch any kind of entryway (door, window, etc.) and you surround it with your magic. Until you dispel it, the reinforced entryway is locked magically, you can set a password while doing so that will disable the lock for 1 minute when spoken within 2m of the locked entryway. If people try to force their way in the required DC is increased by 5. This amount can be increased by an additional 5 for each higher level Spell Slot spent on this spell.

  • Augury (M* - A pile of shells worth 25GP) -  You cast bones or shells into a fire and take the broken pieces out to decipher the future, you spend 1 Minute making the prediction over an event that will occur within the next hour. Roll an Ability Check using your Spellcasting Modifier. On a Success you can ask 1 Question that your GM will vaguely answer (truthfully however) and on a Failure your GM just tells you a general idea. These include Well (Good things are predicted), Woe (Bad things are predicted), Mediocrity (a little of both), and Nothing (Nothing important will occur either good or bad). Every time you use this Spell again before completing a Long Rest the DC increases by 3. 

  • Blindness/Deafness - Target a Creature you can see within Range, they must make a Fortitude Save. On a Failure they become Blind or Deaf (your choice) for the duration, they can remake this Saving Throw at the end of their turns. You can spend a higher level Spell Slot to target a second creature with this Spell. 

  • Blur - Create an optical illusion of yourself that surrounds you, creating a Blurring effect that causes all Attacks against you for the duration to be made with Disadvantage. 

  • Burst - Summon a small bolt of lightning and send it at a Creature within Range that you can see, making a Spell Attack Roll. On a Hit they take 3d6 Lightning Damage, 4d6 if they have metal weapons or armor on them. You can spend additional Mana to increase this Damage by 1d6. 

  • Card Draw - Summon 3 cards into your hand, each holding small glyphs that allow you to alter the world around you. As part of this Action (and without focusing on the cards) you can toss all of them at once in a 30m cone, sending shards of these magical cards that hit all Creatures within that area. Each one must make a Reflex Save of your Spell Save DC, taking 2d6 Force Damage on a Failure or ½ as much on a Success. Alternatively you can instead choose 3 options from the cards below, ending your Action at this point. 

    • On future turns you can use a Bonus Action to throw one of your cards at a target within range that you can see. The color of the card determines its effect, however it always deals 1d6 Force Damage before the effect is applied. If they fail their appropriate Save they can remake the save at the end of their turn unless otherwise stated.

      • Black Card - The target must make a Will Save or the target is frightened for the duration. It also takes 1d4 Necrotic Damage 

      • Blue Card - The target must make a Reflex Save or become Slowed for the duration

      • Green Card - The target must make a Fortitude Save or be Poisoned for the duration

      • Orange Card - The target must make a Will Save or become Confused for the duration

      • Red Card - The target must make a Fortitude Save or be knocked prone and Ignited, without extra saves at the end of its turn to end this effect.

      • Violet Card - The target must make a Will Save or become Dazed for the duration

      • White Card - Make a Spell Attack Roll, dealing 1d6 Force Damage on a hit. Then roll a 1d10, on a 6 or higher this card returns to your hand

      • Yellow Card - The target must make a Fortitude Save, or become Stunned for only their next turn

    • If this Spell is cast at a higher level it either increases the Damage by 2d6 or allows you to form another card in your hand

  • Cloud of Daggers - Select a Creature at a point within Range that you can see, they are surrounded by Daggers and at the start of their next turn they take 4d4 Slashing Damage. You can spend a higher level Spell Slot to increase the damage by 2d4. 

  • Continual Flame (25GP of ruby dust, consumed by the Spell) - A flame, equivalent in brightness to a torch, springs forth from an object that you touch. The effect looks like a regular flame, but it creates no heat and doesn’t use oxygen. A continual flame can be covered or hidden but not smothered or quenched.

  • Crown of Madness - Select a Creature within Range that you can see, they must make a Will Save or be charmed on a Failure. On the following turns they must make an Attack against or Move towards a creature of your choice. You can spend a Bonus Action to change targets. They can repeat the Save again at the end of each of their turns for the duration.

  • Darkness - Select a point within Range that you can see, a 10m radius sphere of Magical Darkness is produced in the area, this Darkness cannot be seen through with special types of vision such as Darkvision or True Sight. You can cast this at higher levels to produce multiple spheres. 

  • Darkvision - For the duration the Creature you touch has 40m of Darkvision, meaning they can see in complete darkness as if it was lit by torches. You can spend a higher Level Spell Slot to target an additional Creature or increase your own duration by 1 hour. 

  • Detect Thoughts - While this Spell is active you can spend an Action to focus on a Creature within Range that you share a language with. You learn its Surface Thoughts and on subsequent turns you can spend an Action switching targets or diving deeper, forcing the creature to make a Will Save. On a Failure you gain insight to their deeper thoughts and on a Success you both take 1d4 Psychic Damage from the mental feedback.

  • Dragon's Breath -  Touch one willing creature and at any point during the duration it can spend its Action to spew power from their mouth, provided it has one. Choose acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison before casting the spell, this Spell Deals Damage of this type. When used, all creatures in a 3m cone must make a Reflex Save, taking 3d6 damage of the chosen type on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful one. You can spend a higher Level Spell Slot to increase this Damage by 1d6. 

  • Dust Devil - Select an unoccupied point 2m cube within Range and you summon a swirling column of sand and wind the size of a large creature that lasts for the Spell’s Duration. You can utilize your Bonus Action to move the Dust Devil up to 10m and in doing so it sucks up any sand, dust, loose dirt, or light gravel that it moves over, forming a 3m radius cloud of debris around itself that lasts until the start of your next turn. The cloud heavily obscures its area. Any Creature that ends its turn within the Dust Devil’s space or when the Dust Devil moves through them must make a Fortitude Save, taking 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage, being pushed 5m away from the Dust Devil, and falling Prone on a Failure. On a Success they only take the Damage. It deals an additional 2d8 Damage for every Spell Slot used higher than 2nd. 

  • Earthbind - Pick a Creature within Range that is over open ground, great magical chains reach out from the ground and grapple them. They must make a Fortitude Save, doing so with Disadvantage if they are Flying. On a Failure they are pulled to the ground, Prone and Restrained. If flying the Creature is pulled at 20m per turn until they strike the ground, dealing 1d8 Bludgeoning Damage per 5m of falling before striking the ground. The Restrained Creature can use their Action to escape using their Athletics or Acrobatics.   

  • Enhance Ability (M* - 25 GP of Gemstone Dust) - Touch a Creature and select an Attribute below

    • Strength - The target has Advantage on Strength Checks and doubled carrying capacity

    • Dexterity - The target has Advantage on Dexterity Checks and does not take Fall Damage if that they fall less than 30m

    • Constitution - The target has Advantage on Constitution Checks and gains 2d6 Shielding 

    • Intelligence - The target has Advantage on Intelligence Checks.  

    • Wisdom - The target has Advantage on Wisdom Checks. 

    • Charisma - The target has Advantage on Charisma Checks. 

  • Enlarge/Reduce - Pick a Creature you can see within Range, if they are willing their size doubled or is reduced by half, if they aren’t willing they must make a Fortitude Save to resist the effect. You can also do this with objects (cannot affect an object larger than human size). Enlarging a Creature gives them Advantage on Strength Checks but Disadvantage on Dexterity Checks, their Melee Weapons Attacks also deal +1d4 Damage. This is opposite for Creatures who are Reduced instead. 

  • Fireworks - Select a point within range, a cloud of smoke filled with popping fireworks fills a 5m cube in the area. All creatures in that area must make a Constitution Save, on a Failure they are blinded until the end of your next turn. Smoke within the area also makes it impossible to see through that area and all Perception Checks to do so are made with a -10 Modifier.

  • Flame Blade - You evoke a fiery blade in your free hand. The blade is similar in size and shape to a scimitar, and it lasts for the duration. If you let go of the blade, it disappears, but you can evoke the blade again as a Bonus Action. You can use your Action to make a Melee Spell Attack with the fiery blade. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 Fire Damage. The flaming blade sheds bright light in a 3m radius and dim light for an additional 3m. It deals an additional 1d6 Fire Damage for each higher Spell Level used. 

  • Flaming Sphere - Create a 2m radius sphere of red flame that forms at a point within range that you can see. Any Creature that moves within 2m of the Sphere must make a Reflex Save. A creature takes 2d6 Fire Damage on a Failed Save and half as much as a Successful one. On subsequent turns you can move the Sphere up to 10m as a Bonus Action and if you collide it with a Creature the Sphere stops as the Creature automatically fails the Saving Throw. Moving the Sphere within the 2m Range of another Creature also triggers a Saving Throw. You can spend a higher level Spell Slot to increase this Damage by 1d6. 

  • Flock of Familiars - You temporarily summon three familiars – spirits that take animal forms of your choice. Each familiar uses the same rules and options for a familiar conjured by the Find Familiar spell. All the familiars conjured by this spell must be the same type of creature (celestials, fey, or fiends; your choice). If you already have a familiar conjured by the Find Familiar spell or similar means, then one fewer familiars are conjured by this spell. 

    • Familiars summoned by this spell can telepathically communicate with you and share their visual or auditory senses while they are within 1 mile of you. In addition when you cast a spell with a range of touch, one of the familiars conjured by this spell can deliver the spell, as normal. However, you can cast a touch spell through only one familiar per turn. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, you conjure an additional familiar for each slot level above 2nd.

  • Fortune's Favor (M* - a 100GP Pearl, not consumed) - Touch a Creature and at some point during the next hour when they Roll a d20 they can spend this Favor to reroll. You can spend additional Mana to increase the time for this to stay. 

  • Gift of Gab (M* - 3 Gold Pieces, consumed by this Spell) - You quickly reshape the memories of listeners in your immediate area. You hold out 3 gold coins and as they disappear every creature within 2m of you forgets everything you said within the last 6 seconds, including the knowledge that you cast this Spell. Those creatures then believe whatever you say within the next 6 seconds is what you said in the part of their memory you forced them to forget. 

  • Gust of Wind - Create a powerful gust of wind that emanates from you for the duration, each creature in the line must make a Fortitude Save, being pushed back 5m on a Failure and taking 2d6 Bludgeoning Damage. On a Success they take half that Damage and aren’t pushed back. This line is difficult terrain for all creatures. It also causes lights to be put out, even lights which are protected (such as lanterns) have a 50/50 chance of being put out as well. While Concentrating on the spell you can change the direction of the wind as a Bonus Action on subsequent turns.

  • Hold Person - Choose a Person you can see within Range, they must make a Will Save or be Paralyzed for the duration. This Person can make additional Save at the end of each of their subsequent turns to end the effect. Increasing the Spell Slot used increases the number of affected Creatures by 1. 

  • Icy Blast - Send out a blast of ice from your hands, with all Creatures within the area making a Fortitude Save. On a Failure they take 3d10 Cold Damage and are covered in ice that reduces their Movement Speed by ½ or just suffering ½ Damage on a Success. You can spend a higher Level Spell Slot to increase the Damage of this Spell by 1d10. 

  • Immovable Object (M* - 25GP of Gold Dust) - Touch an object that weighs no more than 10kgs and it is fixed in place for the duration. Increasing the Slot Level spent increases the duration of the spell by 1 Hour.  

  • Invisibility - Touch a Creature, for the Duration they are Invisible. You can spend a higher level Spell Slot to Increase the Duration. 

  • Knock - Point to a locked object within Range that you can see, it becomes unlocked, though if it is locked by multiple locks only one is affected by this spell. If it is secured by the Arcane Lock Spell it is suppressed, however if the Arcane Lock was cast using a Spell Level higher than this Spell is Cast then this Spell Fails. When this Spell is successful an audible “knock” sound can be heard. Spending a higher Level Spell Slot increases the power of this spell or can suppress the sound of the knock. 

  • Levitate - Touch a Creature, they float 6m off the ground and can move up and down off the ground at will up to a height of 1km. An unwilling Creature can make a Fortitude Save to avoid this effect, and unwilling Creatures cannot choose to move up and down at will, plus this spell cannot affect something weighing more than 200kgs. 

  • Locate Creature - Choose a creature that you’ve seen before and can imagine in your mind, for the duration you can tell where the object is if it’s within 1km of you. Increasing the Slot Level increases the range by another 1km. 

  • Locate Object - Choose an object that you’ve seen before and can imagine in your mind, for the duration you can tell where the object is if it’s within 1km of you. Increasing the Slot Level spent increases the range by another 1km. 

  • Magic Mouth (M* - 10GP of Jade Dust) - Touch a non-magical object and select a keyword or key event, then speak up to 25 words to the object. When this trigger occurs later a magical mouth appears on the object and speaks those words again, specifically in your voice and with the exact same volume and intonation. The key events must be either audible or visible within 10m of the object. 

  • Magic Weapon - Touch a Weapon for 1 Hour it is Magical. Increasing the Slot Level spent on this Spell increases the duration by an additional Hour. 

  • Magic Aura - Touch a Creature and grant it an Aura that conceals its true nature, such as making a Celestial have the Aura of a Demon or vice versa. This applies even to Divination magic or the Detect Magic / Detect Evil and Good Spells. For instance you could grant a Creature an Evil Aura or make a Magical Object appear non-magical, when granting a non-magical object a Magical Aura you choose what type of Magic.

  • Maximillian's Earthen Grasp - Create a Large hand made of Earth that grabs at a Creature of your choice that is touching the ground (this spell cannot work on floors made of metal) which must make a Fortitude Save. On a Failed Save the target is Restrained and takes 2d10 Bludgeoning Damage. While Concentrating on this Spell you can use a Bonus Action to crush or grab a creature, another 2d10 Bludgeoning Damage. To escape the grasp a Creature must make an Athletics or Acrobatics Check with a DC equal to your Spell Save DC. Increasing the Spell Slot Level spent on this Spell increases the Damage by an additional 1d10. 

  • Melf's Acid Arrow - Target a Creature within Range that you can see and make a Spell Attack Roll. On a hit you deal 3d6 Acid Damage and half as much on a Miss. On the target’s next turn it must make a Fortitude Save, taking another 1d6 Acid Damage on a Failure and half as much on a Success. Increasing the Spell Slot level used increases the initial Damage by an additional 2d6. 

  • Mental Barrier - When you are targeted by something that forces you to make a Will Save you can cast this spell using your Reaction. Until the start of your next turn you have Advantage on all Will Saves (including the triggering Spell) and gain a Resistance to Psychic Damage.

  • Mind Spike - Target a Creature you can see within Range, they must make a Will Save. On a Failure they take 3d6 Psychic Damage and on their next turn they can only have an Action or a Bonus Action. On a Success they take half damage and aren’t affected otherwise. You can spend a higher level Spell Slot to increase the Damage by 1d6.

  • Mirror Image - Create an illusory exact copy of you that mirrors your movements and stays within 3m of you, when a Creature targets you with an Attack roll a d20. On an 8 or higher they Attack the Copy instead of you. Once this occurs that Creature knows which one is you as the illusion fades from their vision, this can continue for each creature that attacks you during the duration.

  • Misty Step - Choose a point within 10m that you can see, you teleport there by disappearing into a puff of smoke. Spending a higher Level Spell Slot increases the range by another 10m. 

  • Nathir’s Mischief - Form an invisible 5m cube at a point within Range and fill it with a powerful illusion, choosing if those that enter the cube or end their turn in the cube are Charmed, Blinded, or Incapacitated, requiring a Will Save to avoid this effect.  

  • Phantasmal Force - You craft an illusion that takes root in the mind of a creature you can see within range, which must make a Will Save. On a failed save, you create a phantasmal object, creature, or other visible phenomenon of your choice that is no larger than a 3m cube and that is perceivable only to the target for the duration. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. This phantasm includes sound and other stimuli such as temperature (however these are still only perceivable by the target). 

    • The target can use its Action to examine the phantasm with an Investigation Check against your Spell Save DC. If the check succeeds, the target realizes that the phantasm is an illusion, and the spell ends. 

    • While a target is affected by the spell, the target treats the phantasm as if it were real. The target rationalizes any illogical outcomes from interacting with the phantasm. For example, a target attempting to walk across a phantasmal bridge that spans a chasm falls once it steps onto the bridge. If the target survives the fall, it still believes that the bridge exists and comes up with some other explanation for its fall; it was pushed, it slipped, or a strong wind might have knocked it off.

      • An affected target is so convinced of the phantasm’s reality that it can even take damage from the illusion. A phantasm created to appear as a creature can attack the target. Similarly, a phantasm created to appear as fire, a pool of acid, or lava can burn the target. Each round on your turn, the phantasm can deal 1d6 psychic damage to the target if it is in the phantasm’s area or within 5 feet of the phantasm, provided that the illusion is of a creature or hazard that could logically deal damage, such as by attacking. The target perceives the damage as a type appropriate to the illusion.

  • Ray of Enfeeblement - Choose a Creature within Range that you can see and make a Spell Attack Roll. On a Hit the Creature takes 1d12 Poison Damage and for the duration their Weapon Attacks deal ½ Damage. Increasing the Spell Slot Level used increases the Damage by an additional 1d12 and allows you to target an additional Creature. 

  • Rope Trick - You touch a length of rope that is up to 10m long. One end of the rope then rises into the air until the whole rope hangs perpendicular to the ground. At the upper end of the rope, an invisible entrance opens to an extradimensional space that lasts until the spell ends. The extradimensional space can be reached by climbing to the top of the rope. The space can hold as many as eight Medium or smaller creatures. The rope can be pulled into the space, making the rope disappear from view outside the space. Attacks and spells can’t cross through the entrance into or out of the extradimensional space, but those inside can see out of it as if through a 3-foot-by-5-foot window centered on the rope. Anything inside the extradimensional space drops out when the spell ends.

  • Scorching Spears - Summon 3 Spears of Fire above you, when you target a Creature within range that you can see with a Spear make a Spell Attack Roll; the spear turns into a very bright beam that launches out from you, dealing 2d6 Fire Damage on a hit. If you choose not to use a Spear it dissipates at the end of your turn. Increasing the Spell Slot used on this Spell increases the number of Spear conjured by 1.   

  • See Invisibility - For the duration you can see anything with the Invisible Condition as if they were visible, ignoring its benefits, though they do have a slight blue hue so you know they are invisible to others. Spending higher Level Spell Slots increases the duration by 1 hour. 

  • Shadow Blade - Reach into an area without light and pull out a blade made of magical shadows that last until you drop concentration. This Weapon is a simple Scimitar that you are proficient with that has the Finesse and Light Properties, it deals 2d8 Slashing Damage (Magical) and an additional 1d8 Slashing Damage when you Attack while in an area without light. If the weapon is in an area without light it is effectively invisible (including to Creatures with Darkvision) and so Attacks have Advantage. You can spend higher Level Spell Slots to increase this Damage by 1d8, the bonus from attacking while within darkness not increasing in this way however. 

  • Shatter - Select a point in range, a 3ft sphere of violent air erupts within range. All creatures within the area must make a Fortitude Save, taking 3d10 Thunder Damage on a Failure and half as much on a success. Creatures made of inorganic materials have Disadvantage on this saving throw. Any non magical objects not being worn in this area automatically fail this saving throw and take Damage. You can increase the Spell Slot Level used for this Spell to increase the Damage by 1d10. 

  • Skywrite - Point to a place in the sky that you can see, up to 10 words of your choice appear as if made of clouds at that point and last until you drop concentration. For each level of Spell Slot used above 2nd increases the number of words by 10. 

  • Snowball Storm - Select a point within range that you can see, in a 3m radius circle a small storm produces ice cold snowballs flying at a great speed. All creatures in this area must make a Reflex Save, taking 3d8 Cold Damage on a Failure and half as much on a Success. Until the start of your next turn this area is difficult terrain. You can spend a higher level Spell Slot to increase this amount by 1d8.  

  • Spider Climb - For the duration you can walk on walls or ceilings as if they were the floor. Using a higher Level Spell slot increases the duration by 1 hour.

  • Suggestion - Choose a target within range that you can see and who can understand you, speaking a sentence about an action that you suggest that they’d take. This instruction is somewhat limited, trying to force a Creature to do something they’d never do (such as killing themselves or a close friend) decreases the DC they must make by an amount between 5 and 15. The target makes a Will Save and on a Failure they follow that direction until the spell ends or their task is complete. For each Level higher than 2nd that this Spell is cast at you can target an additional creature with this spell. 

  • Vortex Warp - Target a Creature you can see within range that is size medium or smaller and send out a magic that bends space to affect them. The target must make a Will Save or be displaced from their position, on a Fail the target is teleported to an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within range taking 1d6 Force Damage. The chosen space must be on a surface or in a liquid that can support the target without the target having to squeeze, so not into a bucket of water or into a crack in the wall. At higher levels this Spell grants an additional 30m of range to the drop off point of the creature and increases the Damage by 1d6. 

  • Warding Wind - For the duration an intense wind encircles within 5m you, this produces the following effects. The area becomes difficult terrain, anyone within this area cannot hear, anyone (besides you) who begins their turn in this area must make a Fortitude Save and take 1d12 Force Damage on a Failure or half as much on a success, and any attacks made against you from outside are done at disadvantage. Increasing the Spell Level used on this Spell increases the Damage by an additional 1d12.    

  • Web - Conjure a 6m cube of web at any point within range, this area becomes difficult terrain. When a creature initially enters this area they must make a Fortitude Save, becoming Restrained on a Failure and until they succeed on an Athletics Check to break free with a DC of your Spell Save DC. These webs fall to the ground if not connected to a structure at both ends and the webs are also very flammable.

  • Withering Bloom - You bring the decaying plant matter below the earth out at a point within range, sending this necrotic energy around this matter to any creatures within 3m of that point. Each creature must make a Fortitude Save or take 2d8 Necrotic Damage, or ½ as much on a Successful save. In addition non-magical vegetation withers and dies in this area. In addition when you cast this spell you absorb some of this energy, regaining HP equal to ½ the total Damage you rolled for this Spell. This Damage increases by 2d8 for each Spell Level higher than this used.

  • Wrist Pocket (M* - An ornate glass mirror worth 50GP that is consumed) - After spending time creating magic rings around your dominant hand you can create a small subdimensional portal there and link it to a single object that you have at the time of casting. This object disappears into the portal and can be summoned at will using a keyword that you set upon casting the spell, this is done as an Action. If you cast this spell again the older version fades and the item falls to the ground


Arcane 3rd Level Spells


Arcane 1st Level Spells