Arcane 3rd Level Spells

Spell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeDurationComponentsClass
Animate DeadNecromancy1 Minute3 m1 DayV, S, MWizard
Ashen LeapTransmutation1 Bonus ActionSelfConcentration, for up to 1 MinuteV, SWarlock,Wizard
Bestow CurseNecromancy1 ActionTouch1 HourV, S, MBard, Warlock,Wizard
BlinkTransmutation1 ActionSelf1 minuteV, SSorcerer,Wizard
BlizzardEvocation1 Action30mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MSorcerer, Wizard
CatnapEnchantment1 ActionSelf1 minuteS, MBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
ClairvoyanceDivination10 Minutes1 mileConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, S, MBard, Wizard
CounterspellAbjuration1 Reaction20 mInstantaneousSBard, Sorcerer,Warlock,Wizard
Dispel MagicAbjuration1 Action40 mInstantaneousV, SBard, Sorcerer, WarlockWizard
Elemental ArrowsTransmutation1 ActionTouch10 MinutesV, SWizard
Erupting EarthTransmutation1 Action40 mInstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer,Wizard
FearEnchantment1 Action30 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MBard, Sorcerer,Wizard
Feign DeathNecromancy1 ActionTouch1 hourV, S, MBard, Wizard
FireballEvocation1 Action50 mInstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer,Wizard
Flame StrideTransmutation1 Bonus ActionSelfConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, SSorcerer,Wizard
FlyTransmutation1 ActionTouchConcentration, up to 10 minuteV, S, MSorcerer,Wizard
Galder's TowerConjuration10 Minutes10 m24 hoursV, S, MWizard
Gaseous FormTransmutation1 ActionTouchConcentration, up to 1 hourV, S, MSorcerer,Warlock,Wizard
Glyph of WardingAbjuration1 HourTouchUntil dispelled or triggeredV, S, MBard, Wizard
HasteTransmutation1 Action10 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MSorcerer,Wizard
Hypnotic PatternIllusion1 Action40 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteS, MBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Incite GreedEnchantment1 action10 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Warlock,Wizard
Intellect FortressAbjuration1 Action10 mConcentration, up to 1 hourVBard, Sorcerer,Warlock,Wizard
Leomund's Tiny HutEvocation1 MinuteSelf8 hoursV, S, MBard, Wizard
Life TransferenceEvocation1 Action10 mInstantaneousV, SWizard
Lightning BoltEvocation1 ActionSelf (40m line)InstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer,Wizard
Magic CircleAbjuration1 Minute3 m1 hourV, S, MWarlock,Wizard
Major ImageIllusion1 Action40 mConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Warlock,Wizard
Melf's Minute MeteorsEvocationSelf40 mConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, S, MSorcerer,Wizard
NondetectionAbjuration1 ActionTouch8 hoursV, S, MWizard
Phantom SteedConjuration1 Action R10 m1 hourV, SWizard
Protection from EnergyAbjuration1 ActionTouch1 hourV, SSorcerer,Wizard
Psionic BlastEvocation1 ActionSelf (10 m cone)InstantaneousVSorcerer,Warlock,Wizard
Pulse WaveEvocation1 ActionSelf (10 m cone)InstantaneousV, SSorcerer,Wizard
Quincy’s Acidic CubesEvocation1 Action25mInstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Remove CurseAbjuration1 ActionTouchInstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer,Warlock,Wizard
SendingEvocation1 ActionUnlimited1 roundV, S, MBard, Wizard
SlowTransmutation1 Action40 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Speak with DeadNecromancy1 Action3 m10 minutesV, S, MBard, Sorcerer,Warlock,Wizard
Spirit ShroudNecromancy1 Bonus ActionSelfConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, SWarlock,Wizard
Stinking CloudConjuration1 Action30 mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MBard, Sorcerer, Warlock,Wizard
Summon CreatureConjuration1 Action30 mConcentration, up to 1 hourV, S, MSorcerer,Warlock,Wizard
Thunder StepConjuration1 Action30 mInstantaneousVSorcerer,Warlock,Wizard
Tidal WaveConjuration1 Action40 mInstantaneousV, S, MSorcerer,Wizard
TonguesDivination1 ActionTouch1 hourV, MBard, Sorcerer, Warlock,Wizard
Vampiric TouchNecromancy1 ActionSelfConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, SSorcerer,Warlock,Wizard
Wall of ProtectionEvocation1 Action30 mConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, S, MSorcerer,Wizard
Water BreathingTransmutation1 Action10 m24 hoursV, S, MSorcerer,Wizard
Wind of DragonsTransmutation1 Bonus ActionSelfConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, SSorcerer, Wizard
  • Animate Dead - Select the deceased body of a humanoid that you can see in range, summoning it back with a foul mimicry of life to produce a servant. If stats are required bone bodies use the Skeleton Stat Sheet and if a corpse was used then use Zombie Stat Sheet (ask your GM about this when needed). You can use a Bonus Action to mentally command this Servant, if there is no command it doesn’t move and only will defend itself, if the command is infinite (such as guard a doorway) then it lasts until the Spell ends unless you suggest a new course of action. If the 24 Hours ends before you recast this spell the Creature becomes independent and acts as a Zombie/Skeleton would normally. When you recast this Spell to reassert dominance over an Undead you’ve Animated you can effect a number of Undead equal to your Spellcasting Modifier. You can spend a higher Level Spell SLot to increase the number of Undead affected by the recast by 2. 

  • Ashen Leap - You gather fire and ash around yourself as a Bonus Action, causing all Creatures within 5m of you to make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a Failure they take 1d6 Fire and 1d6 Force Damage as you teleport to a point within 20m that you can see. When you arrive at your selected point the explosion of fire and ash occurs again, and any Creatures in that area must also make a Saving Throw for the same amount of Damage.

  • Bestow Curse (M* - 100GP Gemstone) - You touch a creature, and that creature must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw or become cursed for the duration of the spell. When you cast this Spell, choose the nature of the curse from the following options:

    • Choose one Attribute - While cursed, the target has Disadvantage on Ability Checks made with that Attribute.

    • While cursed, the target has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls.

    • While cursed, the target has their maximum HP reduced by 10. This increases by 10 for each Level above 3rd that you use. 

    • While cursed, the target suffers 3d6 Necrotic Damage every time they complete a long rest.

    • While cursed, the target has Disadvantage on a Saving Throw of your Choice

    • While cursed, the targets takes an additional 1d4 Necrotic Damage whenever they take Damage of any kind

      • A Remove Curse spell ends this effect but requires a higher Level Spell Slot if this Spell is cast at a higher Level. At the DM’s option, you may choose an alternative curse effect, but it should be no more powerful than those described above. The DM has final say on such a curse’s effect. 

  • Blink - You Warp into the Ethereal Realm as your Action, a Realm where you can still see into the Mortal Realm though it appears as though looking through an aquarium. On your next turn you reappear within 5m of your previous position (your choice) and at the end of that turn (and every turn while the Spell is active) you Roll a d20 on a 10 or higher you Warp again. You can spend extra mana to reduce the roll required by 1. 

  • Blizzard - A cold light flashes from your hand and brings down small blue shards of ice at a point you choose within range, slashing through flesh with a biting cold. Each creature in a 10m radius and 20m high cylinder centered on a point within range must make a Reflex Save. A target takes 3d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. As an action on each of your turns before the spell ends, you can call down another blizzard in the same location. You can use a higher level Spell Slot to increase this Damage by an additional 2d6. 

  • Catnap - Focus on yourself, you fall asleep for 1 Minute and when you wake up you have functionally finished a Short Rest and can roll Hit Dice and update abilities.

  • Clairvoyance (M* - A 100GP looking glass or monocle) - You look through the seeing glass to a point you can imagine, either a place you’ve been before (back at your home, a bar you’ve been to, etc.) or a place easy for you to imagine (a room around the corner, the other side of a doorway you can see, etc.). A small 25cm radius opaque colored sphere appears and through it you can either hear or see through it (your choice) if you use your Action to focus on it. This sphere cannot move but does last until the Spell Ends or until you stop Concentrating. The orb is visible but cannot be interacted with physically, only stopped by covering the sound/sights around it or Dispelling it.  

  • Counterspell - When someone that you can see tries to Cast a Spell within Range you can attempt to destroy the magic. You can spend this Spell Slot on this Spell and if it is a 3rd Level Spell or lower then their Spell is destroyed. However if the Spell Slot is higher then you must make an Ability Check using your Spellcasting Modifier, the DC is 10 + the Spell Slot Level used. Using a higher Level Spell Slot automatically destroys higher level Spells of equal Level. 

  • Dispel Magic - When you see a Magical effect on a Creature or Object you can attempt to destroy the magic. You can spend this Spell Slot on this Spell and if it is a 3rd Level Spell or lower then their Spell is destroyed. However if the Spell Slot is higher then you must make an Ability Check using your Spellcasting Modifier, the DC is 10 + the Spell Slot Level used. Using a higher Level Spell Slot automatically destroys higher level Spells of equal Level. 

  • Elemental Arrows - Touch a Quiver containing ammunition and decide between the Cold, Fire, or Lightning elements. For the Duration any Arrows that were in that quiver deal additional 1d6 Damage of that type when used. 

  • Erupting Earth - Place your focus on the ground and pick a point on the same ground that you can see. From there a 5m cube of earth erupts, the center being at the point you selected, and all creatures in the area must make Dexterity Saving Throw. On a Failure they take 4d10 Bludgeoning Damage, half as much on a Successful save. From that point the ground in a 10m radius all the ground becomes Difficult Terrain. You can spend extra mana to increase the Damage by 1d10. 

  • Fear - Point to a Creature within range that you can see and you enchant them, reviving their memories of their worst fears and accentuating it. They must make a Wisdom Saving Throw, becoming Frightened for the duration and being required to take the Dash Action until they are out of sight of you. After doing so they can then use their subsequent Actions to make another Saving Throw, ending the effect on a Success.

  • Feign Death - You touch a willing creature and put it into a state that is indistinguishable from death. For the spell’s duration, or until you use an action to touch the target and dismiss the spell, the target appears dead to all outward inspection and to spells used to determine the target’s status. The target is blinded and incapacitated, and its speed drops to 0. The target has resistance to all damage except psychic damage. If the target is diseased or poisoned when you cast the spell, or becomes diseased or poisoned while under the spell’s effect, the disease and poison have no effect until the spell ends.

  • Fireball - Select a point within range that you can see, a small bead flies from your focus and stops at the point before exploding into a 8m radius Sphere of fire. Any Creatures within the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw, taking 4d6 Fire and 4d6 Thunder Damage on a Failure or half as much on a Success. You can spend extra mana to deal additional 1d6 Damage of each type. 

  • Flame Stride - As part of this spell you point in a direction and move 10m in that direction, doing so does not provoke opportunity attacks and leaves behind a trail of flame. Any Creature in that line must make a Dexterity Saving Throw, taking 2d8 Fire Damage and being knocked prone on a Failure, while only suffering half Damage on a Success. You can spend additional mana to extend the range by 5m and increase the Damage by 1d8.

  • Fly - Select one Creature in range you can see, for the Duration (and while maintaining Concentration) the Creature has a Flying Speed of 20m. You can spend additional Mana to increase the number of selected Creatures by 1. 

  • Galder’s Tower - You conjure a two-story tower made of stone, wood, or similar suitably sturdy materials. The tower can be round or square in shape. Each level of the tower is 3m tall and has an area of up to 10 square meters. Access between levels consists of a simple ladder and hatch. The interior of the tower is warm and dry, regardless of conditions outside. Any equipment or furnishings conjured with the tower dissipate into smoke if removed from it. At the end of the spell’s duration, all creatures and objects within the tower that were not created by the spell appear safely outside on the ground, and all traces of the tower and its furnishings disappear. You can cast this spell again while it is active to maintain the tower’s existence for another 24 hours. You can create a permanent tower by casting this spell in the same location and with the same configuration every day for one year. Each level in this tower can take one of the following forms, chosen by you when you cast the spell: 

    • A bedroom with a bed, chairs, chest, and magical fireplace

    • A study with desks, books, bookshelves, parchments, ink, and ink pens

    • A dining space with a table, chairs, magical fireplace, containers, and cooking utensils

    • A lounge with couches, armchairs, side tables and footstools

    • A washroom with toilets, wash tubs, a magical brazier, and sauna benches

    • An observatory with a telescope and maps of the night sky

    • An unfurnished, empty room

  • Gaseous Form - For the Duration you or a willing Creature you touch (along with everything it’s wearing and carrying) transforms into a willing creature you touch, , into a misty cloud for the duration. The spell ends if the creature drops to 0 hit points. An incorporeal creature isn’t affected. While in this form, the target’s only method of movement is a flying speed of 10 feet. The target can enter and occupy the space of another creature. The target has resistance to non magical damage, and it has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws. The target can pass through small holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks, though it treats liquids as though they were solid surfaces. The target can’t fall and remains hovering in the air even when stunned or otherwise incapacitated. While in the form of a misty cloud, the target can’t talk or manipulate objects, and any objects it was carrying or holding can’t be dropped, used, or otherwise interacted with. The target can’t attack or cast spells.

  • Glyph of Warding (M* - A 150GP small diamond) - Pick a Surface that you can manipulate for 1 Hour, such as a table. You can also specify that you can try to position it in a way that keeps it hidden, such as behind a curtain or on a page within the book. Normally these Glyphs are triggered by touch but you can change that to sight or another way instead if specifically set up beforehand. You also can set up another Trigger to disable it for 1 Hour instead. The triggered effect can be an Explosion (6d8 Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder; Your Choice) or any other 3rd Level Spell that targets a single Creature or an area (with the center at the object). Decide on this before casting the Spell. You can increase the Spell Slot Level for this Spell to increase the Damage of the Explosion by an additional 1d8.

  • Haste - Select a Creature you can see within Range, you grant them extreme alacrity. For the duration they gain the Hasted condition. Those affected in this way also gain +2 to their AC and when this Spell ends any Creatures affected by it are Stunned on their next turn. 

  • Hypnotic Pattern - Select a point within range that you can see, a 10m cube of fanciful patterns of your making flashes for a moment. Any Creature within this area must make a Wisdom Saving Throw, becoming Incapacitated for the duration. Another Creature can use an Action to wake them up or they can be woken up by taking Damage.

  • Incite Greed (M* - A gem worth 50GP, not consumed) - Pull out the gem used as a material component and present it to any number of Creatures that can see it within range that also would find it valuable. They must all make a Wisdom Saving Throw, becoming charmed by the object until the Spell ends. The affected creatures must use all their focus on getting the gem, doing whatever it takes like an obsession to do so. If they possess the gem for 2 rounds in a row the Spell is broken and they realize what has happened. This also occurs if it suffers Damage during the Spell’s duration. 

  • Intellect Fortress - Select yourself or one Creature within range, a small purple helmet sits over them and while the Spell is Active they have Advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Saving Throws as well as gaining Resistance to Psychic Damage. 

  • Leomund's Tiny Hut - Spend a minute summoning a 5m radius hemisphere at a point on flat ground that you are touching, creating an area that you can select the look of (such as a rocky mountain or a grassy hill) but that you can still see through from the inside like it’s a window. It can fit up to 10 people inside and you must mentally allow someone through before they can enter, otherwise the hut is as strong as metal. The climate inside the hut is mild and not humid.

  • Life Transference - Target a Creature within Range and Roll 4d8, you take the amount rolled as Necrotic Damage, the total of which cannot be reduced. In exchange the Creature you target (which cannot be yourself) regains an amount of HP equal to twice the amount you lost. You can reduce the amount healed by 20 to instead cure a Poison or Disease afflicting the Creature.  

  • Lightning Bolt - From your focus send out a violent bolt of lightning in a straight line, which dissipates at the end of the Spell’s Range. All creatures within the Spell’s Line must make a Reflex Save, taking 8d6 Lightning Damage on a Failure or half as much on a Success. Creatures wearing or wielding metal items (such as most weapons and armor) take an additional 2d6 Damage. You can spend additional mana to increase this Damage by 1d6. 

  • Magic Circle (M* - 100GP of Blessed Water, consumed) - Pour the water in a 3m circle around you and select a type of Creature as you do so (Fiends, Celestial, Demons, etc.), these Creatures cannot enter the circle’s area (including anything above up to 20m) except by magical means and if they attempt to do that they must succeed a Charisma Saving Throw. Any attacks made against Creatures inside the Circle is done with Disadvantage and these protected Creatures are immune to any status affected caused by the blocked Creatures (but not by items they throw in). This effect is only present on the “walls” of this cylinder, so technically this can also be used to keep a Creature within if desired. 

  • Major Image - You create the image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 20-foot cube. The image appears at a spot that you can see within range and lasts for the duration. It seems completely real, including sounds, smells, and temperature appropriate to the thing depicted. You can’t create sufficient heat or cold to cause damage, a sound loud enough to deal thunder damage or deafen a creature, or a smell that might sicken a creature (like a dead body’s smell). As long as you are within range of the illusion, you can use your action to cause the image to move to any other spot within range. As the image changes location, you can alter its appearance so that its movements appear natural for the image. For example, if you create an image of a creature and move it, you can alter the image so that it appears to be walking. Similarly, you can cause the illusion to make different sounds at different times, even making it carry on a conversation, for example. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. A creature that uses its action to examine the image can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the creature can see through the image, and its other sensory qualities become faint to the creature. You can spend 6 Mana instead of 3 on this Spell to make it permanent for the duration, you can still change it but it doesn’t require you to concentrate on it. 

  • Melf's Minute Meteors - Bring forth 6 small spheres of earth and fire that float around your head for the duration. As part of this Spell (and on any subsequent turn after as a Bonus Action) you can unleash 2 meteors to a spot (or 2 different ones) within 40m of you that you can see. When they strike the targeted ground the pair of meteors explode, causing all Creatures within 2m to make a Dexterity Saving Throw. On a Failure they take 1d6 Fire and 1d6 Bludgeoning Damage per meteor. You can spend additional Mana to increase the number of summoned meteors by 2 and if you launch the meteors as a Bonus Action later you can spend an additional Mana to launch another meteor. 

  • Nondetection - Touch a Creature, for the next 8 Hours they cannot be targeted by any kind of Divination magic. For instance if a Wizard tried to scry on a target they’d see darkness instead, making the caster assume that their target resisted the spell as normal.

  • Phantom Steed - Pull smoke from the area to summon a horse (of your own design) that you can mount as an Action. This horse has 1HP and +0 to all Rolls made with it, and it also follows your mental instructions exactly as requested. You do not need to make Checks to ride this horse normally; which when in your control has 35m of Movement (or when sprinting, 20kph) but disappears when it suffers any ill effect. When the spell is about to fade (only due to the time duration reaching its end) you can spend any amount of Mana to increase the remaining time by 1 Hour per Mana spent. 

  • Protection from Energy - Touch a Creature and select Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Psychic, or Thunder. The Creature becomes Resistant to this kind of Damage for the duration. You can spend extra mana to increase the duration by 1 Hour.

  • Psionic Blast - Send out a blast of psychic energy from your focus, causing all Creatures in the area to make an Intelligence Saving Throw. On a Failure they take 4d8 Psychic Damage and are knocked prone while on a Success they only take half Damage. You can spend additional mana to increase this Damage by 1d8. 

  • Pulse Wave - Send out a blast of psychic energy from your focus, causing all Creatures in the area to make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a Failure they take 6d6 Force Damage and are pushed 5m back, if they fail the save by 5 or more they are also knocked prone while on a Success they only take half Damage. You can spend additional mana to increase this Damage by 1d6. 

  • Quincy’s Acidic Spheres - Target 2 Creatures within range, they must each make Reflex Saves against your Spell Save DC as a cube barely holding powerful acid appears above their heads and falls onto them. On a Failure they take 4d6 Acid Damage and are Incapacitated on their next turns, however on a success they only take ½ this damage. If there is only 1 Creature within Range you can target them but the singular cube only does 6d6 Acid Damage. 

  • Remove Curse (M* - 50GP Sapphire) - Touch a Creature and Remove a Basic Curse afflicting it. A 4th Level Curse requires a 100GP Sapphire and a 5th Level Curse requires a 200GP Sapphire if you choose to increase the Spell Slot level used. 

  • Sending - Focus on a Creature you’re very familiar with that shares a language with you, you speak up to 25 words as a message as if they were 2m away from you and in their minds they receive this message. They can respond mentally with up to 25 words of their own and the spell ends after that. If they don’t respond within 1 minute of receiving your message the ability to respond fades. 

  • Slow - At a point within range that you can see a 15m cube of swirling syrupy orange wind, all Creatures being caught in this area must make a Will Save. On a Failure they are Slowed. Any enemy slowed in this way also suffers a -2 penalty to their AC. 

  • Speak with Dead - Select a body within range and bring forth an echo of the creature’s soul. You may ask five questions at your leisure during the duration. It only knows what it did up to its death and so if it was hostile to you before its death it will likely be hostile to you upon its reawakening, providing that it even speaks your language. Spending additional mana lets you ask an additional question. 

  • Spirit Shroud - You bring forth the latent wandering souls from the ground to surround you in a billowing shroud. During this duration any Attacks you make deal an extra 1d8 Necrotic Damage and any time you are hit by an Attack you can use your Reaction to deal 3d8 Necrotic Damage in response. When a Creature enters within 5m of you the spirits strike out and deal 1d8 Necrotic Damage to them as well. You can increase the Damage deal by an additional 1d8 (to all sources of Damage) for every Spell Slot Level above 3rd used. 

  • Stinking Cloud - Summon a 5m radius sphere of dark yellow gas at a point within range, any time that a Creature enters the area or begins its turn in the area it must make a Constitution Saving Throw. On a Failure it is Dazed while dry heaving and it takes 6d4 Poison Damage, on a Success it only takes half this Damage. Spending extra mana increases the Damage of this spell by 2d4. This cloud can be dispersed by any kind of strong wind. 

  • Summon Creature (M* - a Large 300GP Diamond) - Quickly create an intricate circle of magic that targets a specific magical power you wish to call upon, selecting Abyssal, Demonic, Fae or Undead to summon forth. This creature is on the same initiative as you and goes immediately after you during combat. If the spell ends or the Creature drops to 0HP it disappears. 

    • Abyssal - Summon a creature of utter darkness called “Shadowspawn”, this misshapen bipedal humanoid walks stutteringly across the ground and strikes out with its single extremely long hand. You can spend additional mana to increase its AC by 1 and HP by 10, as well as its Damage Roll Bonus by 1 and gaining another Attack. 

      • AC: 15, HP: 35, Speed 40ft 

      • Str 13, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 16

      • Immune to Frightened, Resistance to Necrotic, knows your Language

      • 40m Darkvision, Passive Perception 10, Can move through objects at will

      • Multi Attack (available at 4 mana or more) - Use your Spell Attack Modifier to Hit, deals 1d12+3 Cold Damage. Any creature that begins their turn within 5m of the Shadowspawn has their Movement Speed reduced by half for that turn.  

    • Demonic - Summon 3 Quasits, creatures of chaos that are hostile to all creatures within range. You Roll Initiative for the group and they all go at once, part of this summoning is the circle you used to summon them that also functions as a bastion against them and the creatures can’t enter. You can spend an additional 2 Mana to summon another Quasit.

      • AC: 13, HP: 10, Speed 40ft 

      • Str 5, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 10

      • Immune to Poison Damage and being Poisoned, Resistance to non magical Weapon Attacks, Cold, Fire, Lightning, and Magic (Advantage on Saving Throws against Magic). Knows Abyssal and Common.

      • 40m Darkvision, Passive Perception 10, Can shapechange to a beast form that resembles a small beast. 

      • Claw Attack - +5 to Hit, deals 1d4+3 Piercing. Any creature hit must make a Constitution Saving Throw or take 2d4 Poison Damage, half as much on a Failed Save.

      • Scare - Once per day can produce a fearsome Image, all Creatures within 5m that can see it must make a Wisdom Saving Throw or be Frightened for 1 minute, repeating the Save at the end of each of their turns. 

    • Fae - Summon a creature of wood and magic, covered in vines and flowers with a humanoid shape. It wields a magical shortsword made of sharpened wood and can defend itself with large pieces of wood on its back. You can spend additional mana to increase its AC by 1 and HP by 10, as well as its Damage Roll Bonus by 1 and gaining another Attack. 

      • AC: 15, HP: 25, Speed 40ft 

      • Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16

      • Immune to Charmed, knows Sylvan and your Language

      • 20m Darkvision, Passive Perception 10, Can move through objects at will

      • Multi Attack (available at 4 mana or more) - Use your Spell Attack Modifier to Hit, deals 1d6+3 Piercing Damage and 1d6 Force Damage. Once per turn you can grant yourself Advantage on an Attack as Bonus Action if that target is standing on the earth below

    • Undead - A ghostly cloaked figure of smoke appears, no face able to be seen. Its extremely long and thin fingers almost seem like blades, it floats just above the ground and a foul stench follows it. You can spend additional mana to increase its AC by 1 and HP by 10, as well as its Damage Roll Bonus by 1 and gaining another Attack. 

      • AC: 14, HP: 30, Speed 40ft (Floating 2m above the ground)

      • Str 12, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 9

      • Immune to Necrotic and Poison Damage, to Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, and Poisoned. Knows your language but doesn’t speak. 

      • 20m Darkvision, Passive Perception 10, Can move through objects at will

      • Multi Attack (available at 4 mana or more) - Use your Spell Attack Modifier to Hit, deals 1d8+3 Necrotic Damage, and the target must make a Wisdom Saving Throw (your Spell DC), taking another 1d8 on a Failure.  

  • Thunder Step - Teleport to a point you can see within range, leaving behind a 3m sphere of explosive energy. All creatures in this area must make a Constitution Saving Throw, taking 4d12 Thunder Damage on a Failure or half as much on a Success. If you touch a Medium Sized Creature (who is willing) as you cast this spell they can come along with you. You can spend additional Mana to increase the Damage by 1d12. 

  • Tidal Wave - Summon a huge body of water to crash down at a point within range, the affected area is 10m long, 3m wide, and 3m tall. Any Creature in this area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw, taking 4d8 Bludgeoning Damage and being knocked prone on a failure or only taking half Damage on a Success. Fire within 10m of the zone is extinguished and all Creatures within the area have Resistance to Fire Damage for 1 Round. 

  • Tongues - For the duration the target you touch can understand any spoken language and any Creature that can speak a language can understand their response in return.

  • Vampiric Touch - Make a Melee Spell Attack against a living Creature, the target takes 3d12 Necrotic Damage and you heal for an equivalent amount. 

  • Wall of Protection - Conjure up a swirling wall of magic at a point you can see within range (that type of Wall depends on the present material, wood, dirt, sand, or water). You can make the wall up to 10m long, 3m high, and 3m thick, and it vanishes when the spell ends. It blocks line of sight but not movement. A creature is blinded while in the wall’s space and must spend 3m of movement for every 1m it moves there.

  • Water Breathing - Select up to 10 Creatures within Range that you can see, if they are willing then all these Creatures for the duration can also breathe water for the Duration. 

  • Wind of Dragons - For a short time you gain the wind magic of a dragon’s wing, increasing your Movement Speed by 10m and whenever you move while this Spell is active you don’t provoke Opportunity Attacks as if you’re constantly using the Disengage


Arcane 4th Level Spells


Arcane 2nd Level Spells