Arms and Armor
Note: All explanations for the different properties and additional options will be listed at the end. You can find the special abilities for Martial Weapons known as “Weapon Arts” here
Simple Weapons
Club - 1d4 Bludgeoning
Heavy Club - 1d6 Bludgeoning, Versatile
Seax - 1d6 Slashing; Light
Light Spear - 1d4 Piercing; Thrown 10m/40m, Balanced, Versatile
Hammer - 1d8 Bludgeoning; Light, Thrown 4m/16m
Handaxe - 1d8 Slashing; Light, Thrown 8m/24m
Sickle - 1d4 Slashing, Balanced, Light
Quarterstaff - 1d8 Bludgeoning, Large, Balanced
Dart - 1d4 Piercing, Thrown 20m/60m, Small
Lightbow - 1d6 Piercing; Ranged 20m/100m, Reload 1
Light Crossbow - 1d8 Piercing; Ranged 20m/100m, Reload 1
Crossbow - 1d10 Piercing; Ranged 40m/80m, Reload 2
Sling - 1d4 Bludgeoning, Light, Small, Ranged 20m/100m
Martial Weapons
Melee Weapons
Flail - 1d6 Bludgeoning, Balanced
Weapon Art - Graze
Warhammer - 1d10 Bludgeoning; Penetration 1
Weapon Art - Push
Mace - 1d12; Versatile, Heavy, Penetration 2
Weapon Art - Opportune
Greathammer - 2d8 Bludgeoning; Heavy, Large, Penetration 1
Weapon Art - Rancor
War Pick - 1d10 Piercing, Versatile, Penetration 1
Weapon Art - Trip
Battle Ax - 1d12; Heavy, Versatile, Thrown 4m/12m
Weapon Art - Sap
Great Ax - 2d8; Heavy, Large
Weapon Art - Graze
Executioner's Ax, 2d8 Slashing, Heavy, Large
Weapon Art - Cleave
Dagger - 1d4 Piercing; Thrown (10m/40m), Light, Small, Deadly, Finesse
Weapon Art - Nick
Shortsword - 1d6 Piercing; Deadly, Finesse, Light
Weapon Art - Rapid
War Sickle - 1d8 Slashing, Light, Balanced
Weapon Art - Dart
Arming Sword - 1d10 Slashing/Piercing; Balanced
Weapon Art - Vex
Scimitar - 1d6 Slashing; Light, Finesse
Weapon Art - Cutter
Estoc - 1d8 Piercing; Finesse
Weapon Art - Counter
Saber - 1d10 Slashing; Balanced
Weapon Art - Defend
Bastard Sword - 1d12 Slashing/Piercing; Versatile, Large
Weapon Art - Rancor
Longsword - 2d8 Slashing/Piercing; Heavy, Large
Weapon Art - Graze
Greatsword - 2d12 Slashing/Piercing; Heavy, Large
Weapon Art - Cleave
Javelin - 1d6 Piercing; Balanced, Light, Thrown 20m/40m
Weapon Art - Launch
Spear - 1d8 Piercing; Balanced, Thrown 4m/12m, Large, Reach
Weapon Art - Distract
Halberd - d10 Slashing/Bludgeoning; Balanced, Large, Heavy, Reach
Weapon Art -
Glaive - d10 Slashing; Finesse, Large, Reach
Weapon Art - Cleave
Lance - 1d12 Piercing; Large, Heavy, Reach, Deadly, Penetration 2, Charge
Pollax - 2d6 Slashing/Piercing; Heavy, Large, Loud, Penetration 1
Weapon Art - Defend
Ranged Weapons
Hand Crossbow - 1d8 Piercing, Ranged 20m/60m, Reload 1, Small, Deadly
Weapon Art - Rush
Recurve Bow - 1d8 Piercing; Ranged 40m/150m, Reload 1
Weapon Art - Slow
Heavy Crossbow - 2d8 Piercing; Ranged 40m/150m, Reload 3, Large, Penetration 2
Weapon Art - Kick
Warbow - 1d10 Piercing; Ranged 50m/200m, Reload 1, Large, Penetration 2
Weapon Art - Slow
Siege Crossbow - 4d8 Piercing; Ranged 50m/200m, Reload 6, Large, Heavy, Penetration 3
Weapon Art - Kick
Sniper’s Bow - 1d12 Piercing; Ranged 100m/400m, Reload 2, Large, Penetration 2
Weapon Art - Slow
Dragon Powder Weapons
Dragon Cricket - 2d4; Dangerous (5/20), Ranged 10m/20m, Reload 5, Light, Small
Powder Pistol - 3d6; Dangerous (4/20), Penetration 1, Ranged 40m/80m, Reload 6, Light
Powder Rifle - 3d12; Dangerous (4/20), Penetration 2, Ranged 50m/100m, Reload 8, Large, Heavy
Breath Cannon - 3d4; Dangerous (5/20), 10m Cone, Dexterity Save DC12, Reload 6, Large, Heavy
Improvised Weapons
These items are not meant to be Weapons but things like a wooden chair can of course be utilized as such. In some cases an improvised weapon can be quite similar to a listed weapon, such as a wooden chair leg mimicking a club and should utilize the same statistics. However, some things such as a pot or broken bottle do not fit in a reasonable way, garnering a basic statistic of using only the Creature’s Strength for its Attack Rolls and doing damage equivalent to that value for the Damage.
Weapons such as a carving knife or a camping ax, common items that are similar to weapons utilize a 1d4 as well but a GM could decide that weapon is less deadly and so give it 1d2 damage instead. These weapons if they are thrown have a range of 5m.
Requirements - While most Improvised Weapons wouldn’t have any a GM can denote a larger one (such as a complete door) have a Strength Requirement around 14
Armor: Requires the following to equip or unequip (Light - 1 Minute, Medium - 10 Minutes, Heavy - 30 Minutes [with help]; or half this time to unequip). Shields require an Action for either while Bucklers require a Bonus Action or an Action for either. All of these items below represent the base level of quality, with higher quality items incurring costs of appropriate levels which can be found in cities or towns with prolific smithies. In general. Enhanced Armors increase the AC by +1, while Expertly Made Armors provide +2 and Masterwork Armors provide a +3 bonus
Light Armor - This basic armor provides just enough protection to assist in combat, normally taking the form of thickened clothing and sturdy helmet. Its AC can be enhanced by a user’s Dexterity Modifier with a maximum of +5.
Simple Light Armor - Base AC 11
Outlander Light Armor - Base AC 11 (Natural)
Thief’s Armor - Base AC 11 (Subtle)
Medium Armor - This enhanced armor normally adds metallic components to Light Armor, providing additional defenses but requires a Strength Score of 12 to Equip. Its AC can be enhanced by a user’s Dexterity Modifier with a maximum of +2.
Simple Medium Armor - Base AC 13
Outlander Medium Armor - Base AC 13 (Natural)
Strengthened Medium Armor - Base AC 14 (Resistant - Slashing) (Loud)
Great Helm - This strengthened help covers the whole head and provides great protection from brutal strike
Grants Immunity to 3 Critical Hits but garners Disadvantage on all Perception Rolls while equipped
Heavy Armor - This advanced armor is mainly made of metallic components and provides even greater defenses and resistances but requires a Strength Score of 14 to Equip. Its AC cannot be enhanced by a user’s Dexterity Modifier.
Simple Heavy Armor - Base AC 17 (Resistant - Piercing/Slashing) (Loud)
Strengthened Heavy Armor - Base AC 17 (Resistant - Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing) (Loud)
Carried Armor - This gear is carried in one hand and provides additional bonuses to Defense on top of any Armor you’re already Wearing. Attacks can be made with these weapons and utilize your Strength Modifier, which count as Improvised Weapons
Buckler - These small items are normally made of metal or an extremely thick wood, held outwards to intercept opponent’s strikes while maintaining a light weight
+1 AC, +1 Dexterity Saving Throws, Requires Strength 8, Bonus Action to Equip
Reaction: Hunker - While you're equipped with a Buckler you can use your Reaction to activate this Ability. You can do so when an Attack Roll is made against you with a Ranged or Thrown weapon. This grants you a bonus +1AC against that Attack and any others like it until the start of your next turn
Can be held in the off-hand easily, allowing you to hold Weapons with the Small Property in the same hand
Shield - These large thin objects are made of multiple materials but have the ultimate goal of reducing multiple objects from potentially striking the user, utilized by most soldiers
+2 AC, +2 Dexterity Saving Throws, Requires Strength 11, Action to Equip
Reaction: Hunker - While you're equipped with a Shield you can use your Reaction to activate this Ability. You can do so when an Attack Roll is made against you with a Ranged or Thrown weapon. This grants you a bonus +2AC against that Attack and any others like it until the start of your next turn.
Great Shield - These large objects are extremely heavy and are unlikely to be utilized in situation where mobility is key, instead they can be placed into the ground with the large spike at their base to provide cover
+3 AC, Requires Strength 14, Action to Equip
Action: Placement - Utilize your Action to slam the base of the Great Shield into the ground, providing permanent ¾ Cover (+5 AC) while it stays between the user and the Attacker
Reduces the user’s current Movement Speed by 4m
Untrained - The Damage Die for the Weapon is reduced by 1 (d4 Weapons deal 1 Damage
Proficiency - You can add your Proficiency Modifier to your Attack Rolls and can utilize additional Properties (such as Cleave or Push) of that Weapon
Expertise - You can add your 2x Proficiency Modifier to your Attack Rolls
Mastery - You can add your 3x Proficiency Modifier to your Attack Rolls
Basic Weapon Properties:
Weapons with this property can utilize the wielder’s choice of Strength or Dexterity
Charge - Weapons with this Property are difficult to use while moving on foot. They have Disadvantage on Attack and Damage Rolls and gain no benefits from other Properties
When a Weapon with this Property it is utilized by a Creature riding a Mount that has moved 10m on that turn the user rolls an additional Damage Die and has Advantage on the first Attack Roll you make on this turn
Dangerous - Dragonpowder weapons have yet to gain complete control of this volatile substance and are prone to dangerous combustion
Whenever you make an Attack Roll using a Weapon with this property and the result on the d20 is equal to or lower than the Dangerous Property value the weapon Misfires. If the roll’s total would still hit you deal the Damage appropriately before processing the Misfire
Weapons with this Property are vicious in moments of surprise and as so they Critically Strike on a 19 or 20 and Critical Strikes deal 1 additional Damage Die. Additionally, when being used while Grappling an enemy all Attacks with these Weapons are done at Advantage
Melee Weapons with this Property use Dexterity instead of Strength as it is only generally useful when used in a precise faction
Weapons with this Property require a Strength of 15 to wield, creatures without this requirement have Disadvantage on Attacks Rolls and Damage Rolls with this Weapon.
Weapons of a size Larger (such as those carried by Giants) than Medium have an “Extra Heavy” Property that functions in the same way but with a Strength of Requirement of 18 and with Giant Weapon having another increase to 21
Weapons with this Property are quite unwieldy for untrained people and in addition cause large problems to wield while within enclosed spaces such as caves, buildings, or thick forests due to their two-handed nature
Light - Weapons with this Property don’t cause difficulty in use while being used in certain situations
If you take the Attack Action using a Weapon with this Property and have another Weapon with this Property in your off-hand you can make an Attack Roll using that Weapon as a Bonus Action. You cannot add your Ability Modifier to the Damage Roll on a hit with this Weapon
You can add your Ability Modifier by gaining the Two-Weapon Fighting Style
You can utilize this extra Attack with all Weapon by taking the Dual Wielder Feats
You can utilize this extra Attack as part of the original Action instead of your Bonus Action by acquiring a Weapon with the Nick Weapon Art
Items with this Property give a -10 to all Stealth Rolls when equipped by a character
Armor with this Property provides Advantage on Stealth Rolls in Natural Environments
Penetration (X) - This Property allows weapons to bypass armor due to their precise nature
The value of this Property grants a Bonus to any Attack Rolls using this Weapon against a Creature wearing Heavy Armor, Medium Armor, or strong Natural Armor. Weapons with the Ranged Property don't benefit from this if outside their Standard Range
Ranged/Thrown - The Thrown property represents the ability for a Melee Weapon to be used outside of Melee while the Ranged Property represents a missile which cannot be used in Melee
This is represented by (X/Y), with X being your Range and Y being Long Range. Attacks can be made against Creatures up to the Long Range value, but Attacks against a Creature between the Range and Long Range grant Disadvantage on the Attack Roll
Weapons with Ranged Property used in Melee Range are treated as Improvised Weapons (such as swinging a bow at an enemy’s head)
Weapons with the Thrown Property can be Thrown in Melee Range but have Disadvantage on the Throw, but are treated as normale Melee Weapons if swung as normal
If a Weapon with the Thrown Property also has the Light or Small Properties you can draw and Throw this Weapon as a part of your Attack Roll once per turn
Reach - This property allows someone to strike from a distance, the Range of this Weapon is 4m
When a Creature enters this range you can utilize this Property to make an Opportunity Attack against that creature. Additionally, if there is a Creature between you and your target (such as an ally defending you) you can still make your Attack as normal, but cannot gain Advantage from other means as you try to precisely not hit the central Creature. Finally a Creature adjacent to you gives you Disadvantage on Attack Rolls with Weapons that have this Property
Long Reach - This variant of Reach is an extension, normally only allotted for Weapons of a substantial length such as the Pike. This grants the Opportunity Attack Advantage if it’s triggered by the Reach Property
However, now if a Creature is adjacent to you it causes even greater issues, they gain Advantage on all Attacks against you in addition to your Disadvantage against them as long as they have a Weapon without the Reach or Long Reach Properties
Armor with this Property removes Disadvantage on Charisma Checks against Noble Characters
Reload (X) - Weapons with this property must have time taken for them to be made ready again, with the Weapon only allowed to Attack when the Reload Property equals 0.
Weapons with more complicated mechanisms or require a larger projectile will in most cases have a larger Reload Property. In addition, there are other features from either Feats or Classes that may reduce this Property as well
The Reload Property is reduced by 1 for Characters Proficient with the Weapon
The Reload Property can be reduced by 1 by using an Attack Action, and Characters with the Extra Attack Feature can utilize each Attack in that Action to reduce this Property by 1
If a Character reduces this Property to 0 either by Proficiency or Feature then this Property can be ignored by that Character, such as Rangers having Proficiency with the Warbow which has a Reload Property of 1
Resistant (Type)
Armor with this Property provides Resistance to the Damage Type (Listed)
Weapons with this Property are easily concealed and are normally Light, granting the user +5 to Sleight of Hand Checks to Conceal this Weapon. If a Target isn’t aware of you having this Weapon and you roll for Initiative that creature is treated as Surprised. This can only be applied if all hostile Creatures that Roll initiative are unaware if fighting multiple opponents
Armor with this Property grants the ability make Attacks with this Armor that is treated like a Martial Weapon instead of an Improvised Weapon
Armor with this Property provides the ability to sneak it through checkpoints and provides an additional +5 bonus to Sleight of Hand checks to keep Weapons with the Small Property
Type - Strike/Pierce/Slash
Shows if a weapon has multiple types of Damage available to the user
Weapons with this Property have an extended handle or a large staff with a light head that allows for the use of it in either one hand or two. Switching to two increases the Damage Die for Attacks with the Weapon by 1 but appropriately disallows use of other items in your off hand
Weapons with this Property have been honed to a fine edge but have reduced endurance. They gain +2 Damage to all Attacks and Critically Strike regardless of the Die Roll if the total for the Attack Roll would meet the target’s AC + 10. However, a Vicious Weapon also immediately becomes Damaged upon rolling a Critical Failure on an Attack Roll.
Weapon Quality
Damaged Weapon - You have Disadvantage on Damage Rolls with this Weapon (Dragonpowder Weapons with this Property cannot Fire)
Reinforced Weapon - You have Advantage on Damage Rolls with this Weapon (Dragonpowder Weapons with this Property reduce their Dangerous Property instead)
Enhanced Weapon - Gain +1 to all Attack and Damage Rolls with this Weapon
Expertly Crafted Weapon - Gain +2 to all Attack and Damage Rolls with this Weapon [This Weapon allows you to prepare 1 additional Weapon Art]
Masterwork Weapon - Gain +3 to Attack and Damage Rolls with this Weapon [This Weapon allows you to prepare 2 additional Weapon Arts]
Weapon Upgrades
Brutal Weapon - Weapons with this Property have been modified to exemplify Damage with certain design, providing a +3 Bonus to Damage when utilized against unarmored Creatures (Armor includes Natural Armor such as the hardened scales of a Dragon)
Silvered - Weapons that have been coated in an Alchemist’s Quicksilver, granting the ability to ignore some creature Resistance
Vicious Weapon - Gain +2 Damage and can critically strike if an Attack Roll is 10 or greater than the target’s AC, but becomes Damaged on Critical Misses
Dragonpowder Quality - Modified via Tinker’s Tools but only can apply 2 of the options below per Weapon. However increases in a bonus, such as a Refined Pistol gaining the Advanced Property, instead replaces the Refined Pistol with the Advanced Pistol
Refined - Decrease Dangerous Property by 1
Advanced - Decrease Dangerous Property by 2
Precise - Double the Ranges of the Weapon
Expert Crafted - Increase Attack Rolls by 1
Masterwork - Increase Attack Rolls by 2
Overpowdered - Increase Damage Die by 1, Increase Dangerous Property by 1
Superpowdered - Increase Damage Die by 2, Increase Dangerous Property by 3
Extrapacked - Increase DC of Dexterity Saves by 2
Large Pellets - Increase DC of Dexterity Saves by 4
Spreader - Increase the Cone of Effect of a Weapon by Double
Powder Packs - Decrease Reload Property by 1
Quicklocks - Decrease Reload Property 2
Speedloaded - Decrease Reload Property 3
Damaged - It cannot Fire and requires a DC10 Repair Check to fix
Broken - It is worse than Damaged, requires DC20 Repair Check, 1 Hour at a Workbench, and 25GP of materials to fix
Weapon Arts
Cleave - When you deal Damage with this Weapon you can target an additional Creature adjacent to you with a Weapon Attack as a part of that Attack Action
Counter - When a Creature misses you to make an Attack Roll you can use your Reaction to deal Damage equal to your current Weapon’s Ability Modifier
Cutter - When you deal Damage to a Creature with the Bloodied Condition you deal additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus
Dart - When you are targeted by an Opportunity Attack you can use your Reaction to make a Weapon Attack against that Creature
Defend - When a Creature targets you with an Attack Roll you can use your Reaction to increase your AC by 2 against just that Attack
Distract - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you reduce their ability to fight, causing their next Attack Roll to be at Disadvantage. This lasts for up to 1 minute
Endure - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you increase your ability to survive, granting yourself Advantage on your next Physical [Constitution/Dexterity/Strength] Saving Throw. This lasts for up to 1 minute
Graze - You deal Damage equal to the Ability Modifier you utilize for your Weapon after missing a Weapon Attack
Kick - When an enemy enters an adjacent square you can use your Reaction to kick them, dealing [1d4+your Strength Modifier] Bludgeoning Damage and knocking them back 2m
Launch - When you make an Attack Roll you deal additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus
Nick - When you are wielding a Weapon with this Property in your Off-Hand you can use the Off-Hand Attack Bonus Action as a part of your Attack Action instead
Opportune - When you take an Opportunity Attack with this Weapon you have Advantage on the Roll
Push - After dealing Damage with this Weapon to a Creature of a Large size or smaller you can push them back 4m
Rancor - If you have Disadvantage on an Attack Roll you can use this ability before rolling to grant yourself Advantage instead. In exchange your target has Advantage on their next Attack Roll against you
Rapid - When you take the Attack Action with this Weapon you can make an additional Rapid Attack as a part of that Action. The Damage from this Attack does not use your Ability Modifier
Rush - After making an Attack Roll you can move 4m as a part of this Attack Action
Sap - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you reduce their ability to survive, granting them Disadvantage on their next Physical [Constitution/Dexterity/Strength] Saving Throw. This lasts for up to 1 minute
Slow - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you reduce their Movement Speed on their next turn by 2m
Trip - After hitting with this Weapon to a Creature of a Large size or smaller you can knock them prone, in exchange for only dealing Minimum Damage
Vex - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you grant yourself Advantage on your next Attack Roll against them with a Weapon of this Type. This lasts until the end of your next turn