
  • Acolyte - You have dedicated yourself to the service of a specific Divine, helping their goals into the world and focusing on the division between the holy and mortal world. Ask your GM about the available options then choose the Divine of your choice. Your tenets and goals are related to what you choose, the rites of that Deity and their offerings or sacrifices are dependent on your choice. In addition this doesn’t mean you can channel Divine Power, you’ve only taken up their teachings. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Intelligence

    2. Skills Gained - Insight and Religion

    3. Tools Gained - None

    4. Languages Gained - 2 Languages of your Choice 

    5. Feature - Shelter of the Faithful: As you command a kinship with other members of your faith you can easily perform the sacred rites/ceremonies of your religion. You and your companions can expect to receive help at the temples or churches of your faith though some priests may have you confirm your attachment to receive as much without payment. You might also have extra bonuses to a specific temple/priesthood at your GM’s discretion whose bonuses could change depending on your chosen Divine. 

    6. Equipment - A holy symbol (Divine dependent), a prayer book, incense and matches, vestments and common clothes, and a pouch containing 5GP and 50SP

  • Agent - Though the circumstances may be haphazard, confused, or dangerous you have ended up in the employ of a specific noble house or organization. This group has all kinds of people like yourself and whether through service or wealth you’re trying your utmost to rise through the group’s ranks. The specific goals of your faction is up to your GM and yourself, as well as their moral nature. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 to Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom (your Choice)

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 3 Skills of your Choice, 1 INT based, 1 WIS based, and 1 CHA based 

    3. Tools Gained - None

    4. Languages Gained - Choose 1 Language of your Choice 

    5. Feature - Favors Abound: Whether by your own merit or the merit of your faction you have access to a secret network of supporters and operatives who can provide you assistance. Talk to your GM about the specifics but you will gain basic gear and free room & board at the very least with them, even if you have to take up an extra mission or file paperwork for a day in exchange.

    6. Equipment - A badge of your faction, a codebook for secret faction communication or a copy of their hierarchy and ways to contact them, a set of common clothes with a hood, and a pouch with 15GP and 50SP

  • Athlete - By muscle and sinew you have taken yourself to the utmost extremes of training, you have gained power and tenacity and a well organized training regime. You’ve trained either by yourself or with the best trainers and have competed in your area’s premier leagues of sports, whether combative or competitive. Ask your GM about potential places of your fame and expertise.

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Constitution or Strength

    2. Skills Gained - Athletics, Acrobatics

    3. Tools Gained - Land Vehicles

    4. Languages Gained - 1 of your Choice

    5. Feature - Victorious Sportsman - You have attracted more than a couple admirers of your craft, whether peers, trainers, or fans in the stadiums. When visiting any nearby settlement (about 100miles, but ask your GM how far your fame has reached) to your main stadium or your hometown there is a 50% chance that you can find at least one person there that admires you and could be willing to help based on their own circumstances. During downtime you can practice your sport at tournaments well enough to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. 

    6. Equipment - A bronze item or a leather ball for your sport, a lucky charm or an old 1st-place trophy, a set of traveler’s clothes, a word of introduction from your sponsor or family member, and a pouch with 50SP in it

  • Bounty Hunter - When people are in need of finding you do it yourself, having taken on a life of intrigue and combat even before becoming an Adventurer. In whatever city or urban area you reside in you dedicated your time to combating the lawless (and sometimes allegedly lawful) members of your community who needed to be stopped. You might have been a thief-catcher, a high-society enforcer of their rules and regulations, or a private hunter out for your own designs. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 to Wisdom

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 between Deception, Insight, Perception, and Stealth

    3. Tools Gained - Choose 1 between a type of gaming set, a musical instrument, or thieves’ tools

    4. Languages Gained - 1 of your Choice 

    5. Feature - Ear to the Ground: You have been and can get into contact with any segment of society that you’ve been working for/with. These people might be part of the criminal underworld, the downtrodden people of the streets, or members of the merchant’s guild. This connection comes with the ability to quickly find an informant from any city that you visit, though the price of their info will be at the GMs discretion. 

    6. Equipment - A set of dark clothes appropriate to your lifestyle, the Tool you have proficiency with, a candle lantern, a map of a city’s underworld, and a pouch with 10GP and 100SP

  • Charlatan - When you are with another person you can almost always get them to think like yourself, or to do what you want, or to think what you want. You can quickly bring out their desires in just a few minutes of conversation and you have learned to expose those desires in the best possible moment to bring yourself an advantage. Even those who profess their independence can be brought to heel with a couple deceptions on your part, selling a useless liquid to an arrogant noble is just one option in front of you. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Charisma

    2. Skills Gained - Deception, Sleight of Hand

    3. Tools Gained - Disguise Kit, Forgery Kit

    4. Languages Gained - None

    5. Feature - False Identity: Pick a “new” name for your character as well as occupation and origin. You already have all the documents and signatures required to pass yourself off as this false identity. You have paid off a few acquaintances that “know” this fake person and even have a few personal letters written discussing past exploits with your friends. In addition if you know a person's name and have something they’ve written you have Advantage on forging a similar piece under the guise of this person’s moniker. 

    6. Equipment - A set of fine clothes, a set of common clothes, tools that you chose to gain Proficiency with, plus a pouch with 10GP and 100SP

  • Courtier - With great persuasion comes great access, and you have learned from your many years at the court of a noble, king, or merchants the machinations of how a politically powerful group operates. You may even find this knowledge advantageous for you and your companions as there is great wealth to be gained from serving under or fighting for the upper crust of society. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Charisma or Wisdom

    2. Skills Gained - Insight, Persuasion

    3. Tools Gained - None

    4. Languages Gained - 2 of your Choice

    5. Feature - Courtly Insight: You easily can identify how a court operates in just a couple days of watching it go around the games of politics. You know who the movers and shakers are as well as whom has access to the potential favors you need, and after a week you know who would be the best point of interest for a goal of your group

    6. Equipment - A set of fine clothes and a pouch containing 20GP

  • Criminal/Spy - You are an experienced criminal (though how well that went is up to you and your GM) and in doing so have gained distinct skills that are useful to some and awful to others. Though some are forced into the underbelly of civilization you choose to join in, whether for currency, prestige, or your own weird satisfaction. The rules of society are quietly ignored by you and your peers, so who knows what you’re capable of.

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Charisma or Dexterity (your Choice)

    2. Skills Gained - Deception, Stealth

    3. Tools Gained - One type of Gaming Set, Thieves’ Tools

    4. Languages Gained - Thieves’ Cant

    5. Feature - Criminal Connection: You gain 1 contact within your city or specific group (your GM choice) that can help you do a specific task. These include finding you goals, fencing your stolen items, hiding you from the law, or any number of specific abilities. 

    6. Equipment - A Crowbar, A set of Thieves' Tools, The Gaming Set you selected, A set of Dark Common Clothes with a hood, and a belt pouch containing 20GP

  • Entertainer - You quickly learned that to make a show of yourself is not only fun, but gains you money and notoriety. From there you practiced your craft (juggling, card tricks, special fire dances) to the point that even people not interested would take notice of your skill. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Charisma

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 1 between Acrobatics, Performance, or Sleight of Hand, you have expertise in this Skill in regards to your type of entertainer

    3. Tools Gained - Disguise Kit, 1 Type of Musical Instrument

    4. Languages Gained - None

    5. Feature - By Popular Demand: Your persona makes it easy to find work at an inn, tavern, circus, theater, or even in a court. You can receive free lodging and an appropriate lifestyle (noble courts more than taverns of course) as long as you perform 6 nights of the week. In addition with each passing day your performance increases your presence in the public eye, though that will depend on your rolls and the GM’s discretion. However most places you’ve performed before will have at least a couple people with a positive opinion of you. 

    6. Equipment - A musical instrument (one of your choice), the favor of an admirer (love letter, lock of hair, or trinket), a Disguise Kit, a costume, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp

  • Everyman (Farmer/Trader/Fisherman) - What even caused you to become an adventurer? Assuming it’s suitably tragic (or maybe just wanderlust) you started your life living somewhat quietly as just an everyman. After becoming an adult you were thrust into the world of combat and adventures and your past of hard work is the only thing that is keeping you going to 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 to any Ability Score

    2. Skills Gained - Athletics and 1 other Skill related to your past occupation

    3. Tools Gained - Choose a Tool that is appropriate to your past occupation, you have Expertise with this Tool

    4. Languages Gained - None

    5. Feature - All for One & One for All: When you need help from a fellow laborer you only need to nod your head to get it, you can easily relate to them however those that see your group in a low light are quick to cast judgment on you. Your GM may have a village or a few people from your childhood that will be able to come to your aid, though their help may not be as powerful as other connections. 

    6. Equipment - Traveler’s Clothes, the Tool you’re Proficient with, and a pouch with 50SP

  • Explorer - In a time before there were Adventurers the groups to pursue into the wilderness for monsters and loot were Explorers. This is the most classic of the backgrounds and grants a special kind of prestige to the one with it, they’ve interacted with many different Adventurers before and so have found plenty of allies within that space even if many never found their way back to him. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Dexterity or Wisdom

    2. Skills Gained - Perception, Survival 

    3. Tools Gained - Navigator’s Tools, Cartographer’s Tools

    4. Languages Gained - None

    5. Feature - Eagle Eyes: Your training in moving your way through the wilds allows you to easily process your path ahead. When you are setting out a path to take between two points you know (or if you have a high-quality map of the area) you can invision what that path would look like and can lead a group of up to 10 people through the area, avoiding hostile encampments, dangerous geography, hostile wildlife, or other problems while also making sure you can stay fed if there is natural sustenance around.   

    6. Equipment - Traveler’s Clothes, A map of the area around your home base, a small candle, writing set, navigator’s tools, cartographer’s tools, and a pouch containing 10GP and 50SP

  • Folk Hero - In the small place you grew up in you started out small but through circumstance or through a single moment of chosen glory you stepped up in a stressful moment and made the difference. And from that moment onward you took up the position you were always meant to hold, fighting off those that would trouble your little community and earning the reputation as a burgeoning hero. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Dexterity or Strength

    2. Skills Gained - Animal Handling, Survival

    3. Tools Gained - Land Vehicles, One type of Artisan Tool

    4. Languages Gained - None

    5. Feature - Rustic Hospitality: Since you come from the ranks of the common folk, you fit in among them with ease. You can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate among other commoners, unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them. They will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their lives for you unless you’re proved yourself to them already.

    6. Equipment - The Artisan's tools you’re Proficient with, a shovel, a hammer and set of nails, an iron pot, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 100SP

  • Guild Artisan - After coming through an apprenticeship as a young adult you’ve moved through the ranks and passed the tests and found yourself officially licensed by the guild of your type of Artisan. From there you began to influence the world around you, creating superior techniques and gaining notoriety. Speak to your GM about the Guild options you’ll have to narrow down your place in the world.  Acid’s note - please discuss with your GM which Artisan you’d like to be, they may rule certain tools have certain Skills associated with their use, and having Proficiency with this skill could be important

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Dexterity or Charisma

    2. Skills Gained - Pick 2 Between Insight, Persuasion, Perception, and Sleight of Hand

    3. Tools Gained - Pick 1 Tool, you have Expertise with its use in the ways you were trained

    4. Languages Gained - None 

    5. Feature - Guild’s Backing: When you have a letter of introduction from your Guild you can gain work, room, and board with your peers at the official Guild houses. You can also spend downtime with your Guild making a Comfortable Lifestyle for yourself. Depending on your level this Lifestyle can increase as well. 

    6. Equipment - The Set of Artisan’s Tools you’re Proficient with, a letter of introduction from your guild leader, a set of traveler's clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 GP

  • Haunted One - Once you were calm, a normal person, or as much as you could be. However, after an event that you hesitate to speak of you were cursed, a magical mark having been placed on your skin designates you as one who can’t escape their fate. Your nights are plagued with nightmares and your days are spent making yourself ready for the nights. However some curses may yet be broken

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 to Intelligence or Wisdom

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 Between Arcana, Deception, Intimidation, Religion, and Survival 

    3. Tools Gained -  None

    4. Languages Gained - Choose 1 Common Language and 1 Exotic Language

    5. Feature - Heart of Darkness: People who look can tell you’ve been cursed by something and are more easily compelled to help you or your companions out. However this can also go the other way, bringing a fear into those unacquainted with foul magics that may or may not help you in a moment of panic. 

    6. Equipment - a crowbar, a hammer, 3 wooden stakes, a holy symbol, a flask of holy water, a set of manacles, a steel mirror, a flask of oil, a tinderbox, 3 torches, a trinket from the Trinket Table, and 40SP

  • Hermit - For a long time you’ve eschewed the company of people to align yourself with nature or the presence of your own company/work. There could have been a true moment of fear or sorrow that has triggered this part of your life or your anti-social desires simply outweighed your desire for the convenience of other sapient creatures. You can have gained knowledge or wisdom in this time but it’s just as likely you’ve been deep in paranoid hiding from a real or imagined existential threat. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Wisdom

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 between Medicine, Nature, or Religion

    3. Tools Gained - Alchemist Kit or Herbalism Kit

    4. Languages Gained - 1 of your Choice

    5. Feature - Hermitage - The quiet seclusion of your extended hermitage gave you access to a unique and powerful discovery. The exact nature of this revelation depends on the nature of your seclusion. It might be a great truth about the cosmos, the deities, the powerful beings of the outer planes, or the forces of nature. It could be a site that no one else has ever seen. You might have uncovered a fact that has long been forgotten, or unearthed some relic of the past that could rewrite history. It might be information that would be damaging to the people who or consigned you to exile, and hence the reason for your return to society.

      1. Work with your GM to determine the details of your discovery and its impact on the campaign.

    6. Equipment - 2 scroll cases with your favorite documents, a set of common clothes, a tent and camping blanket, the Tool you chose, and 30SP

  • Initiate - Many people of the world have gathered together in close-knit communities and some of those seek to pursue a specific goal. They have gathered to form a tight hierarchy to search for a specific goal, with many turning into monastic orders over time. The people who go into these places likely search for a specific goal, some seek to destroy a type of monster, others seek knowledge, while others hope to be the ones who watch the watchers of the land. Ask your GM about specific orders that could be helpful in their world. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Dexterity or Wisdom

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 between Acrobatics, History, Insight, Perception, or Survival

    3. Tools Gained - None

    4. Languages Gained - 2 of your Choice 

    5. Feature - An Order to Follow - You are a part of a specific Order (organized with your GM) and as such you gain the benefits of following a type of hierarchy. Decide what your role would be in this kind of group and how you enact their tenets in your missions and in the greater world, or if you are instead a cloistered scholar who has little experience with it. You can utilize the emblem from this background to gain access to the support of your Order if you ever are able to enter one of its temples or an area controlled by them. In doing so you can ask for assistance with a specific task or gain an amount of gold depending on your Order, your level in the hierarchy, or maybe a task to perform. 

    6. Equipment - The book with rules of the Order you’re a part of, a quarterstaff, a set of monastic clothes, an emblem of your Order, and 80SP

  • Inquisitor - Those that have joined a group with a goal of defending their allies or defeating their enemies and as such have trained in any amount of combat to do so. There are those who feel that enemies are always hiding in the shadows and so seek out these shadows and banish them. It is common to join a specific group of knights (whether religious or agnostic) and follow the path of your fellows to assist. However there are those solitary people who have picked up a goal themselves and will continue towards that goal whether for good or for ill. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Constitution or Charisma

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 between Athletics, History, Insight, Religion, or Persuasion

    3. Tools Gained - None

    4. Languages Gained - 2 of your Choice 

    5. Feature - Recognized Courage - You receive shelter and sustenance from members of your knightly order and those who are sympathetic to its aims. If your group is a religious one, you can gain aid from temples and other religious communities of your deity. Knights of civic groups can get help from the community – whether a lone settlement or a great nation that they serve, and knights of philosophical orders can find help from those they have aided in pursuit of their ideals, and those who share those ideals. This help comes in the form of shelter and meals, and healing when appropriate, as well as occasionally risky assistance, such as a band of local citizens rallying to aid a sorely pressed knight in a fight, or those who support the order helping to smuggle a knight out of town when he or she is being hunted unjustly.

    6. Equipment - A dagger, a necklace with your knightley group’s symbol, a writ of recommendation from your superior, a book of prayers or tenets of your group, a set of silvered manacles, and 10GP plus 100SP

  • Investigator - When a mystery had made itself known you were the first on the scene whether that was a good idea or not. You learned via experience, training with a type of criminal guild or city guard or anything in between. Some investigators take up some martial skills but unlike Bounty Hunters they’re in it for something other than the money on people’s heads. In the end it was likely a case you’ve just taken or the fallout from one that has sent you into the life of an adventurer 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Intelligence or Wisdom

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 between Deception, Insight, Persuasion, or Survival 

    3. Tools Gained - Thieves’ Tools

    4. Languages Gained - 1 of your Choice

    5. Feature - Mindful Focus - You're experienced at gaining access to people and places to get the information you need. Through a combination of fast-talking, determination, and official-looking documentation, you can gain access to a place or an individual related to a crime you're investigating. Civilians who aren't involved in your investigation avoid impeding you or will gladly pass along your requests. Additionally, local law enforcement has firm opinions about you, viewing you as either a nuisance or one of their own. However, local crime elements are likely to make things difficult for you as your reputation is likely to proceed you. Discuss your city of operation with your GM to determine your reputation. 

    6. Equipment - A journal, a set of dark clothes with a hood, a trinket (from the trinket table) from your last case, a magnifying glass, and 5GP and 50SP. 

  • Knight - You have gained access to the inner circles of the professional military aristocracy. Whether by birthright or by talent you've been taken on by a knighted and trained person. You served for years in assisting your patron but now that you've reached maturity you have been officially knighted and started your climb through the ranks. What you may have done depends on the culture but you've made some friends and enemies along the way. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Constitution or Strength 

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 between Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Intimidation, or Persuasion

    3. Tools Gained - Land Vehicles

    4. Languages Gained - 1 of your choice

    5. Feature - Herald of the Order - You represent the military might of your order as a representative of their interests. If you ever find yourself in a place ruled by your order you can take a few nights of free room and board at their holdings. In addition when you are riding a horse or cart (part of the Land Vehicle Proficiency) and must make a Save to avoid falling from the saddle you do so with Advantage. 

    6. Equipment - A set of traveler's clothes, a signet, banner, or seal representing your place or rank in the order, and a pouch containing 15gp and 50SP

  • Mercenary - While some of the militarily trained members of the society could function in an official military, or could be the vassal of a powerful lord, some still prefer to function as paid by the job and with excessive independence. There are many that join mercenary companies or bands but still many prefer the solitary or small-group style many associate with the adventuring type. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Constitution or Strength 

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 3 between Athletics, Acrobatics, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival

    3. Tools Gained - You can choose any kind of Vehicle Proficiency in exchange for one of the Skills above, and 1 type of Gaming Set

    4. Languages Gained - None

    5. Feature - Mercenary Life - You know the mercenary life as only someone who has experienced it can. You are able to identify mercenary companies by their emblems, and you know a little about any such company, including the names and reputations of its commanders and leaders, and who has hired them recently. You can find the taverns where mercenaries abide in any area, as long as you speak the language. You can find mercenary work between adventures sufficient to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.

    6. Equipment - A uniform of your company or traveler's clothes , an insignia of your rank or a trinket from your past, the Gaming Set you’re Proficient with, and a pouch containing the remainder of your last wages 5GP and 100SP

  • Merchant - When there are items that are desired in one place and found in another someone will spend time, effort, and risk to move them there. In exchange they are promised with resources, whether that be the enamor of a small town without bread, the gold from a rich man with a penchant for rare items, or just a normal smith waiting for a load of ore. You have garnered a method of transporting your goods in an efficient and safe manner, and so begin with a small cart and pony. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Charisma or Intelligence

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 between Deception, History, Investigation, Insight, Perception, and Persuasion

    3. Tools Gained - Land Vehicles

    4. Languages Gained - 1 of your Choice 

    5. Feature - Path of Mercantilism - You have years of experience with the trade and resources of your localized area. Discuss with your GM to determine this area before you begin, though you may also choose ports if it is a maritime campaign if your GM allows. Whenever it is prescient you can decide to understand the trade of this area (or a new area after a week of study) and you know what resource would be the most profitable to transport and if any foul play is likely to be involved with it. If you decide to pursue this then you gain Advantage on your next Persuasion Check to do so. 

    6. Equipment - A small cart and a pony to pull it, 2 containers with items of your choice (and discussed with your GM) worth at least 20GP each plus 2 more empty ones that fill up the cart, a set of nice clothes, and a writ of approval from the nearest city for your merchant company’s local operations

  • Noble - In a world of a feudal system (and even some places without it) there are those families recognized by the government from past deeds of their ancestors which bring them fame, fortune, land, and opportunities. Discuss with your GM how powerful your family is (or was) and where you stand among them. Some are newly appointed and without many resources while others are the youngest and so must work extra hard to make themselves known to the family. However good this reputation is will greatly determine what you’ll have available.

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Charisma or Intelligence

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 Skills between Arcana, History, Insight, Religion, or Persuasion

    3. Tools Gained - None

    4. Languages Gained - 2 of your Choice 

    5. Feature - Noble Retainers - You gain 3 commoners that follow your orders and do as asked. Commonly they are a paige/squire, a kind of messenger, and a maid/butler to take care of your daily needs but discuss with your GM before you decide. In addition they will not fight for you (whether because they’re incapable or because they don’t want to) and have commoner stats, though that may be slightly modified at the GM’s discretion (such as making the messenger more dexterous or the paige more charismatic). 

    6. Equipment - A signet ring with your family emblem, a scroll of your pedigree, a pair of books on your favorite topics, a pack horse that you know well, a set of nice clothes, jewelry worth 10GP,  and a purse with 25GP in it

  • Outlander - You’ve long since given up your home in civilization and settled to be the one on the outskirts, however unlike your average hermit you haven’t given up your connections. Instead you’ve spent time as a guide, a naturalist, and herb gatherer. And though most city-folk could never handle the dense quiet that you’ve lived in every day you’ve learned to love it, enjoying communicating with the natural world as it moves around you. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Intelligence or Wisdom

    2. Skills Gained - Nature, Survival

    3. Tools Gained - 1 Musical Instrument of your choice

    4. Languages Gained - 1 Language of your Choice

    5. Feature - Well Traveled: You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth without issue.

    6. Equipment - A staff, a hunting trap, a trophy from an animal you killed, the musical instrument you’re Proficient with, a set of traveler's clothes, and a pouch containing 80 SP

  • Pirate/Sailor - Your time on the Seas and Ships have granted you great skills on those places, even people with experience on their own ships look to you for advice. You have traveled on at least a few voyages of varying danger and have gained the experience to easily handle whichever job you did as well as a few other ones you’ve picked up on through experience. However whether your life has been lawful or unlawful is up to you and your GMs advice based on the world. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Strength or Dexterity

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 Between Athletics, Deception, Perception or Sleight of Hand

    3. Tools Gained - Choose 1 Between Navigator’s Tools, Water Vehicles, or a Skill above

    4. Languages Gained - Choose 1 Language of your Choice

    5. Feature - Easy Travel: When you need to move over water you can quickly acquire free passage on a ship for you and your crew if you have good relations with the crew or if you offer your professional services without compensation. However you have less say in the schedule or route that will be taken than you’d like, however in exchange for some influence your companions will also be required to help the crew without pay. 

    6. Equipment - A makeshift club, 50ft of Hempen Rope, a lucky charm (of your choice such as a rabbit’s foot), the Tool you chose, a set of common clothes, and a pouch with 120SP

  • Plane Traveler - There have been few people who have traveled between the different planes of existence and whether for good or ill you are one of them. Either through some foolish magic or a cruel twist of fate you were propelled to somewhere or somewhen far away from your place of birth. Instead you were forced to survive in this new land, and whether you currently reside in that new place or if you’ve already found your way back home the marks of your journey cover you. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Wisdom

    2. Skills Gained - Insight, Perception

    3. Tools Gained - Any 1 Musical Instrument or Gaming Set

    4. Languages Gained - Any 1 of your Choice

    5. Feature - A Thing to Remember You By: In your travels or as you were transported from one place to another you gained a small token such as a piece of a shield, a small gem, or a seemingly mundane necklace. You’re not sure the importance of this item but you know that what it’s connected to will help lead you to your next step on your journey. 

    6. Equipment - One set of traveler’s clothes, the tool you’re proficient with, a poorly kept map from your homeland

  • Researcher - You’ve studied a specific field for an extended period, and while you’re no longer a student or held up at your alma mater you do continue your pursuit of knowledge. Your specialization is up to you but refer to your GM for potential schools and topics that could interest you. In addition you could have yourself be tangentially related with a school that sponsors you while you’re independent if you prefer to operate in a solitary fashion. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Intelligence

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 Skills between Animal Handling, Arcana, History, Medicine, Nature, or Religion; you gain Expertise with these 2 Skills

      1. However - You can give up 1 of these to instead gain Expertise with a Tool of your Choice or 2 Languages

    3. Tools Gained - See above

    4. Languages Gained - See above

    5. Feature - Lifeline: You have an official school that you are aligned with (discuss with your GM your options), and in a time of need you can call upon your school for a Grant, discussing options to grant you an amount of Gold equal to 25*your Level. This requires a Persuasion Roll set by your GM of a DC based on your contributions of your character to their school and can be used a limited number of times at your GM’s discretion. 

    6. Equipment - A Leather Diary and Writing Set, a Set of traveler’s clothes, the Tool you’re Proficient with, 1 Trinket that is significant to your Research, and a pouch of 15GP

  • Sage - While some people focused on worldly studies you turned to magic, you have learned all kinds of things about the world’s magics and with some effort and lots of time you have gained a Mastery of your area of study. Unlike a normal researcher you instead have spent many years doing a singular task to gain great Mastery over it. In doing so you are likely at least middle aged (based on your race) and have gained suitable connections in your field. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Intelligence

    2. Skill/Tool Gained - You gain Mastery with 1 Intelligence based Skill or Tool (such as an Alchemy Kit) that you have based your life on

    3. Languages Gained - 1 Language of your Choice 

    4. Feature - Exemplary Knowledge: If you do not know a piece of information regarding your area of study you almost always know who or where to go to. However in some circumstances your GM may suggest the knowledge is lost or secreted to a place few travel to. Unearthing this special knowledge may require more time than expected but you always know a place to start. 

    5. Equipment - A Leather Diary and Writing Set, a Set of Scholer’s Clothes, 1 Book that is the focus of your current study or the Tool you chose for your study, and a pouch of 5GP and 50SP

  • Soldier - However it happened you became a member of the military, growing in experience and surviving scraps or long times of boredom with only your own skills or your comrades. Ask your GM what situations you may have gotten in and though not at the height of society your service to the country will not go unnoticed by certain people. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 to Constitution or Strength

    2. Skills Gained - Athletics, Intimidation

    3. Tools Gained - A type of Gaming Set (Cards, Dice, etc.) and Vehicles (Land)

    4. Languages Gained - None

    5. Feature - Ranked: When you show your amulet of Rank you gain Advantage on CHA checks with people who adhere to your military. In addition if they’re of a lower rank as well they’ll likely do what you ask without question.  You may invoke this rank to gain supplies for personal use but however you push this may affect your future relations with this faction. 

    6. Equipment - An amulet of Rank (ask your GM), a trophy taken from a fallen enemy, the Gaming Set you’re Proficient with, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 120SP

  • Student - While some people focus on a specific point of study, you are just getting started with your path into the world of study and so you have a general knowledge of many points of study. You have spent your lives learning whatever they can, either through a government school or a specialized institution that has helped them advance through society. Discuss with your GM on schools you can attend and your place within them. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Intelligence or Wisdom

    2. Skills Gained - Arcana, History, Nature, and Religion

    3. Tools Gained - None

    4. Languages Gained - None

    5. Feature - Desire for Discovery - When you take at least 10 minutes to thoroughly search for something specific and are required to make an Investigation Check to do so you can choose to gain an additional +5 to the Roll. You can use this once per Short Rest. 

    6. Equipment - A Leather Diary and Writing Set, matches and candles, a Set of Scholar's Clothes, 3 Books of a Set that are significant to you, and a pouch of 10GP

  • Town Guard/City Watch - With some baggage in your mind you join the guards, pursuing criminals of all shapes and sizes and fighting for the common folk if you can, and the rich folk if you must. It’s only with experience that you can quickly identify who may be a suspect and who is innocent. How you dealt with the troubles of your area is up to you and your GM. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Dexterity or Strength 

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 between Athletics, Insight, Perception, and Persuasion

    3. Tools Gained - None

    4. Languages Gained -  2 Languages of your Choice 

    5. Feature - Forever Vigilant: When you are dealing with people (lawbreakers and citizens) you can easily pick out the areas of any city that house one or the other. In addition you are easily welcomed into places that recognize your pin as a lawful order (ask your GM about this). 

    6. Equipment - A set of common clothes, a uniform in the style of your Watch and a pin that indicates your rank, a horn to summon your allies, a set of manacles, and a pouch containing 5GP and 50SP

  • Urchin - Whether by choice or by fate you have lived in the poor squalor of an urban environment for years and years, you’ve strayed close to the underworld by accident closer than the rich do on purpose. Even the violence that precedes it didn’t dissuade you as the theft and underbelly eliminations went on around you, allowing you to gain knowledge as you survived past many of your peers. 

    1. Attribute Bonus - +1 Dexterity

    2. Skills Gained - Choose 2 Between Deception, Investigation, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth

    3. Tools Gained - Choose 1 Between Disguise Kit and Thieves’ Tools

    4. Languages Gained - Thieves’ Cant

      1. Acid’s Note - If a player chooses this Background and then chooses to pick the Rogue Class (and thus gaining Thieves’ Cant) let them gain Proficiency with the other Tool from this background instead so they don’t feel like they’re wasting their background

    5. Feature - Underbelly Secrets: you know secrets of your city or can easily spot the secret passages and underground pathways of any urban sprawl that you investigate. When not in combat you can lead you and a small number of companions from one point in the city and the other (if you’ve been to both) at twice the rate of others.  

    6. Equipment - A small knie, a map of your city, a pet mouse, a crowbar and lockpick, a token to remember your parents or your guardian by, the Tool you’re Proficient with, a set of dirty common clothes, and a pouch containing 50SP


The Druid Class

