Find all Selectable Feats Below: Note that any time a Feat states that it depends on Level, it is Character Level not Class Level. Ancestral Feats require the Ancestry (or Sub-Ancestry) listed in its name
Migration Ancestries
Adaptability - You gain +1 to any Ability Score, up to a Maximum of 20
Critical Dodge - Once per Short Rest when you are struck by a Critical Hit you can use your Reaction to ignore the Damage instead
Deep Magic - Your ancestry once had a member of the long lost underground in it, granting you their magic. At Level 1 you learn the Detect Magic Spell, you learn Levitate at 3rd Level and Dispel Magic at 5th Level. Charisma or Intelligence (your choice) is your spellcasting ability for all three spells and every Long Rest you can cast each of these at will, without expending a spell slot
Enhanced Sight - You gain +1 to Attack and Damage Rolls with Ranged Weapons and if you have Advantage from two separate sources you can utilize both
Long Step - When you take the Quick Step Bonus Action you can move 4m instead of 2m
Inspiring Ancestry - Every time you finish a Short or Long Rest you gain 1 Point of Inspiration
Subterranean Vision - Your Low Light Vision turns into Darkvision and increases its Range by 10m
Stout Nimbleness - You gain 2m of Movement Speed and have Advantage with any Acrobatics or Athletics Rolls for Grappling
Stout Nimbleness (Forest) - You gain 2m of Movement Speed and have Advantage with any Acrobatics or Athletics Rolls for Grappling
Bountiful Luck (Plains) - Once per turn you can utilize your Natural Luck ability on allies within 10m of you
Orcish Anger - Once per Short Rest you can use a Bonus Action to gain Orcish Anger, granting you +3 to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls for 1 minute
Orcish Endurance - When you drop to 0HP you can instead stay at 1HP. This ability can be used once per Short Rest
Western Ancestries
Goblinoid Determination - Twice per Short Rest you can grant yourself Advantage on any Roll
Swift Escape - You have Advantage on Hide Checks and when you use the Disengage Action you can ignores effects (such as Sentinel) would still apply an Opportunity Attack
Goblinoid Fortitude - Every time you take the Dodge Action in combat you revitalize yourself briefly, regaining HP equal to 1d4 + your Constitution Modifier
Hobgoblin Constitution - Every time you finish a Long Rest you gain Shielding equal to 1d8 + your Constitution Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus
Efficient Movement - Your Walking and Swimming Speed increases by 2m
Slipper Skin - When you are targeted by a Melee Attack Roll (and before they Roll) you can use your Reaction to grant Disadvantage on the Roll
Lizardfolk Ancestries
Enhanced Armor (Armored) - Your Dragon Armor has a Base AC of 15
Furious Breath (Chromatic) - Your Breath Weapon deals additional Damage equal to your Constitution Modifier and the DC for the Save increases by 2
Kobold Step (Kobold) - When you take the Dash Action you move an additional 2m and do not Provoke Opportunity Attacks
Demi-Dragon Wings (Wyvernite) - Your small wings grow in size, granting you a Flying Speed of 6m whenever you do not have Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, or a Weapon with the Heavy Property equipped
Grudgeful Strike - Whenever a Creature hits you with an Attack you gain Advantage on all Attacks against them on your next turn. In addition, you can make an Opportunity Attack against that Creature even if they use the Disengage Action
Reptile Mind - You have advantage on all Mental (Charisma/Intelligence/Wisdom) Saving Throws against being Charmed, Frightened, Paralyzed, Stunned, or put to Sleep
Changed Ancestries
Divine Inspiration - Gain Training with one Weapon, one Skill, one Tool, and gain knowledge of 1 Language
Transcendent Magic - Select any 1st Level Spell from the Cleric Spell List, you can cast it once per Short Rest without expending a Spell Slot
Bull Rush - You gain the ability to Dash as a Bonus Action if it is towards an enemy
Fading Form - Whenever you take Damage you can use your Reaction to reduce the Damage by half and become Invisible until the start of your next turn
Fae Teleportation - You gain an Immunity to Charm effects and once per Short Rest you can utilize the Spell Misty Step
Magical Essence - You can cast the Druidcraft and Minor Illusion Cantrips at will, and once per Long Rest (each) you can cast Levitate and Pass without Trace without components and without expending a Spell Slot
Elemental Armor - Whenever you take this feat you gain Resistances to Damage based on your Genasi subtype
Air - You gain a Resistance to Cold Damage
Earth - You gain a Resistance to Lightning Damage
Fire - You gain a Resistance to Fire Damage
Water - You gain an Immunity to either Acid or Poison Damage
Full Bodied - You can add your Constitution Modifier twice when calculating Constitution Saving Throws and your carrying capacity is increased by 50%
Rush Down - Once per Short Rest can use your Bonus Action to activate a burst of energy, lasting up to 1 minute or until you are rendered unconscious. During this burst Melee Attacks deal additional damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus, you gain 4m of Movement Speed, and you can Dash as a Bonus Action
Instantaneous Insight (Voidling) - Once per Short Rest when you make an Ability Check that utilizes your Intelligence or Wisdom Modifier you can grant yourself Advantage on that Roll. If you fail anyway you do not count this ability as having been used
Mental Bonding (Sleeper) - While within range of your Companion you both gain an additional +1 Bonus to all Saving Throws, either of you can make Opportunity Attacks against an enemy if they strike the other, and
Infernal Regeneration - Whenever you recover HP during a Short Rest you regain additional HP equal to your Character Level. In addition, every time a combat ends and you are below half your Maximum HP you regain 1d8 HP
Vicious Hide - You gain Proficiency with the Intimidation Skill and your cutting skin allows you to deal 1d8 Slashing Damage to any creature which attempts to Grapple you or hits you with a Melee Attack
Magical Ancestries
Natural Fortitude - Once per Long Rest whenever you are forced to make a Physical (Constitution/Dexterity/Strength) Saving Throw by a Creature and Fail you can instead choose to Succeed instead
Wild Ally - You gain Proficiency with Animal Handling and can communicate complicated feelings, ideas, and plans easily with natural Plants and Beasts
Tier I Feats (Basic Feats)
Basic Feats - Requires Character Level 1
You gain a +5 Bonus to Initiative
You cannot be Surprised by enemies when entering combat and join in on the Surprise Round instead
Enemies you cannot see do not gain Advantage on Attack Rolls against you
You gain Expertise with Chef’s Tools
As part of taking a Short Rest, you can cook special food (if you have ingredients and your Tools) for a number of creatures equal to 4 + your Proficiency Bonus. This grants each creature additional Healing equal to 1d8 + your Proficiency Bonus.
You can spend 1 Hour and 1GP of ingredients to create a number of Cook’s Treats equal to your Proficiency Bonus. Each Treat lasts for up to 8 Hours and a Creature who consumes it within this time gains Shielding equal to 1d8 + your Proficiency Bonus. This treat can also act as a Ration for up to 3 months
Gain Expertise with any Artisan’s Tools of your choosing
You gain a 20% discount on non-magical items that you purchase which are related to your chosen tools
Whenever you are required to Craft an item the time component required is reduced by 20%
Dungeon Delver - You gain Advantage on detecting, avoiding, and resisting traps
You are Resistant to all Damage from physical trap effects (spikes, darts, etc.), Poisons, and Elemental Damage (Fire Breath Traps, Acid Traps, etc.)
While inside a dungeon or investigating a dungeon (via books, spells, etc.) you have Advantage on all Intelligence Skill Checks and Perception Checks
Elemental Adept
Choose 1 type of element between Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, or Thunder. You become Resistant to this type of Damage and ignore Resistance of this Damage Type from enemies whenever you deal that Damage Type
Once per turn when you deal Damage of this type you can Reroll a number of Damage Dice equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you must take these 2nd rolls regardless of result
Healer (Requires Proficiency with Medicine)
You gain Expertise with Medicine
Healer's Kits have 6 uses instead of 3 for you and they heal for 1d6 + your Medicine Skill
Once per turn when you heal a Creature they gain an additional 1d4HP, if you heal multiple at once choose which Creature this applies to
You gain a +3 Bonus to Constitution Saving Throws
You have Advantage on Constitution Saving Throws against Poisons and treat every Roll of 8 or lower as an 8 when the Poison is Alcohol
You Learn any Common Language and gain Proficiency with a Skill and Tool
During combat you have +5 to Perception Checks and can make Perception Checks as a Bonus Action
Your Flanking Bonus is now +4 to Attack and Damage Rolls instead of the normal +2 and you can gain this Bonus if an ally is Adjacent to you or has targeted your target with an Attack Roll this turn
Tavern Brawler
When you make Unarmed Strikes you deal 1d4 Damage instead of 1 as the base Damage, adding your Strength Modifier to the total as normal. In addition if you roll a 1 you can reroll that die. This can be done no more than once per turn
Your Improvised Weapons deal 1d6 Damage now and all the other bonuses from this Feat also apply to these Weapons
When you hit a Creature in this way you can also push the creature 2m away from you. This can done no more than once per turn
Gain +2 Maximum HP per Character Level
Vicious Attacker
Once per turn you can deal an additional +1d4 Damage with a Melee Attack, this additional Damage Die increases by 1 at Character Levels 5, 9, and 12
Advanced Feats - Requires Character Level 4
General Non-Combat Feats
Acrobat (Requires 13 Dexterity)
You gain Proficiency with Acrobatics, or Expertise if you were already Proficient
It only costs 2m of Movement to get up from being Prone
You take reduced damage from falling, equal to 3* your Proficiency Bonus
Actor (Requires 13 Charisma)
You have an advantage on Deception and Performance checks when trying to pass yourself off as a different person.
You can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. You must have heard the person speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1 minute. A successful Insight Check contested by your Deception Check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.
Athlete (Requires 13 Strength)
You gain Proficiency with Athletics, or Expertise if you were already Proficient
Your Climbing and Swimming Speed is equivalent to your Movement Speed
It only costs 2m of Movement to get up from being Prone
You have Advantage on Athletics Checks in regards to the Jump Action
Death Resistance
You have Advantage on Death Saves and when you stabilize you regain 1HP and Shielding equal to your Character Level
You need 5 Failed Saves to Die and only need 2 to Stabilize
If you Roll 2 Natural 1’s on a Death Save you treat it as if you Rolled a Natural 20
You gain 3 Luck Points to utilize as you see fit, you regain the uses of all 3 on the completion of a Long Rest
You can spend a luck point whenever you roll a d20 to roll again
Obfuscating Mind
Select either Intelligence or Charisma, your Ability Score increases by +1 up to a maximum of 20
You can add the Modifier of the ability above to your Wisdom Saving Throws
Wordsmith (Requires 13 Intelligence)
You gain Proficiency with Persuasion and this Skill becomes an Intelligence Skill for you
You gain Advantage on all Charisma Checks that utilize the written word, such as Contract Negotiations or using a Letter to interact with a Noble
General Combat Feats
Once per turn when you Deal Bludgeoning Damage you can reroll your Damage but must take the second result
Once per turn when you strike with this Damage type you can move the target up to 2m away if it’s size large or smaller
If you critically strike with the Damage Type, you grant all allies Advantage with their melee attacks against that target
Fighter Initiate
Choose 1 Fighting Style from the Fighter’s List (see Fighter Class Sheet) that you don’t already have
Martial Initiate
Choose 2 Maneuvers from the Maneuvers List and gain 2 Superiority Dice (d6s), which you regain on a Short Rest
Once per turn when you Roll Damage that is Piercing you can reroll any Damage Die, but you must take the 2nd roll
When you Critically Strike with this Damage type you add your Strength or Dexterity Modifier again to the Damage Roll and the target’s Movement Speed is halved on its next turn
When you make a Damage Roll for Poison Damage, you ignore Resistance to this type of Damage
You can coat a weapon in hand with poison as a Bonus Action, instead of an action.
Whenever you use the Alchemy Kit to make a Poison you can add your Proficiency Bonus twice (like having Expertise) to the roll if it’s required
If you have to spend gold to make a Poison you can spend ½ the amount to produce the same amount
Once per turn when you Roll Damage that is Slashing against a Creature that has blood (or other similar internal fluid) you can apply the Gashed Condition to them until the end of their next turn
When you Critically Strike with this Damage type you can add your Strength or Dexterity Modifier again to the Damage Roll and the target’s Gashed Condition doesn’t end for an additional turn
Armor Feats
Armored Up
You gain Proficiency with Light Armor, Medium Armor, and Bucklers
Buckler Expert (Requires 13 Dexterity)
When you use your Buckler’s “Hunker” Reaction its AC Bonus increases by an additional 1
You can utilize the “Hunker” Reaction against Melee Attacks
You can take the Dodge Action as a Bonus Action while wielding a Shield
Light Armor Expert - When Wearing Light Armor you gain the following benefits
You have Advantage on Initiative
You have Advantage with Dexterity Saving Throws
You gain a 6m Climbing and Swimming Speed
Medium Armor Expert - When Wearing Medium Armor you gain the following benefits
Your Maximum Dexterity Bonus increases to +3 with Medium Armor
Your Medium Armor ignores the Loud Property while you’re wearing it
You have Advantage with Strength Saving Throws
Heavy Armor Expert - When Wearing Heavy Armor you gain the following benefits
Every time you take non-magical Bludgeoning/Piercing/Slashing Damage you reduce the total Damage by 3
You have Advantage with Constitution Saving Throws
Shield Expert (Requires 13 Strength)
You can utilize your Shield’s Hunker Reaction on Dexterity Saving Throws, and when you do so you only take half Damage on a Failure and no Damage on a Success
You can take the Dodge Action as a Bonus Action while wielding a Shield
While you have a Shield equipped but not being held in your hand it still provides a +1 AC bonus
Weapon Feats
Bow Expert
You can gain Proficiency with any type of Crossbow of your choice that you’re not Proficient with
Your Ranged Attacks with Bows do not have Disadvantage when an enemy is Adjacent to you
You ignore ½ and ¾ Cover with your Ranged Attacks
Crossbow Expert
You can gain Proficiency with any type of Crossbow of your choice that you’re not Proficient with
The Damage Die for Crossbows you’re Proficient with increases by 1
When wielding a Crossbow with the Large Property you gain +1 AC
Great Weapon Expert
If you Critically Hit using a Weapon with the Large or Heavy Properties you can immediately make an additional Attack as a Part of that Attack Action
Once per turn you can deal additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus to an Attack made with a Weapon that has the Large of Heavy Properties
Hidden Weapon Expert
When wielding a Weapon with the Small Property you gain an additional +1 Bonus to your Attack and Damage Rolls
When you use your Bonus Action for Two Weapon Fighting (and both Weapons have the Small Property) you can make 2 Attacks instead of 1. If one of these Weapons has the Thrown Property you can draw and Throw it as a part of that Bonus Action to make the second Attack
Knife Juggler
Attacks with Thrown Weapons do not have Disadvantage against an Adjacent Enemy
You ignore ½ and ¾ Cover with Thrown Weapons
The Long Range of your Thrown Weapons do not cause Disadvantage for your Attack Rolls
Polearm Expert
When you make an Attack with a Weapon that has the Reach Property you can use your Bonus Action to make an additional Attack with the shaft. The Attack and Damage Rolls use the same bonuses as your Attack Action while the shaft deals 1d4 Bludgeoning Damage
You no longer have Disadvantage on Attacks made with Polearms while the target is within Close Melee Range with you
Quality Swordsman
When wielding a Sword (either Martial or Simple) that you’re Proficient with you can utilize your Dexterity and Strength Modifiers
Two Weapons Expert
When wielding a Weapon in each hand that you’re Proficient with your Base AC increases by +1
You can utilize Weapons that do not have the Light Property to utilize Two Weapon Fighting but not Weapons with the Heavy Property
Weapon Training
You gain Proficiency with any 5 Weapons of your choice
Magical Feats
Arcane Initiate
Select any 2 Cantrips and 1 Spell from the Arcane Spell List, you utilize Intelligence for these and have 1 Spell Slot to utilize the Spell, which you regain after Completing a Long Rest
Divine Initiate
Select any 2 Cantrips and 1 Spell from the Divine Spell List, you utilize Wisdom for these and have 1 Spell Slot to utilize the Spell, which you regain after Completing a Long Rest
Eldritch Initiate
You gain any Eldritch Invocation of your choice that you meet the requirements for
Metamagic Adept
You learn 2 Metamagic options of your choice from the Sorcerer Class. You gain a number of Sorcery Points equal to your Proficiency Bonus to spend on Metamagic which can only be used on the Metamagic. You regain all Sorcery Points when you finish a Long Rest
Nature Initiate
Select any 2 Cantrips and 1 Spell from the Natural Spell List, you utilize Wisdom for these and have 1 Spell Slot to utilize the Spell, which you regain after Completing a Long Rest
When you utilize a Healing Spell and the total would bring a target above their Maximum HP they convert this additional Healing into Shielding, which stacks on every other type of Shielding
Whenever you cast a Healing Spell that doesn’t target you it still provides you some healing, an amount equal to your Proficiency Bonus + the Spell’s Level
Infernal Touched
You learn the Agonizing Scorcher spell and any 1st Level spell of your choice from the Conjuration or Transmutation school of magic. You can cast each of these spells without expending a spell slot. Once you cast either of these spells in this way, you can’t cast that spell in this way again until you finish a Long Rest. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level. The spells' spellcasting ability is your choice between Charisma and Intelligence
Fae Touched
You learn the Misty Step spell and any 1st-level spell of your choice from the Divination or Enchantment school of magic. You can cast each of these spells without expending a spell slot. Once you cast either of these spells in this way, you can't cast that spell in this way again until you finish a Long Rest. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level. The spells' spellcasting ability is your choice between Charisma and Intelligence
Shadow Touched
You learn the Invisibility spell and any 1st-level spell of your choice from the Illusion or Necromancy school of magic. You can cast each of these spells without expending a spell slot. Once you cast either of these spells in this way, you can't cast that spell in this way again until you finish a Long Rest. You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of the appropriate level. The spells' spellcasting ability is your choice between Charisma and Intelligence
Expert Feats - Requires Character Level 8
General Non-Combat Feats
Grappler (Requires Strength 14)
Your Strength increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
When you have a Creature Grappled you and your allies have Advantage on Attack Rolls against it
When you move a Grappled Creature you do not have the normal reduced Movement Speed
Whenever you hit with an Unarmed Strike using the Attack Action on your turn you can attempt to Grapple in addition to dealing Damage
Horseman (Requires Proficiency with Land Vehicles or Animal Handling)
Your Dexterity or Wisdom increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
You have Advantage on Animal Handling Checks to control your Mount and if they are panicked you can calm them with a Bonus Action instead of an Action
Your mounts gain 4m of Movement Speed while you’re controlling them
If your mount is hit by an Attack you can utilize your Reaction to take the Damage yourself. If you do so you reduce the Damage you take by an amount equal to your Animal Handling Skill
Inspiring Leader (Requires Charisma 14)
Your Charisma Increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
You can make a 10-minute Speech once per Long Rest, either through Speech, Song, or Performance. In doing so you can pick up to 10 Creatures that heard the whole thing, granting them Shielding equal to 2d10 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma Modifier
Investigator (Requires Intelligence 14)
Your Intelligence Increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
You gain Expertise with Investigation Checks, if you already have Expertise you gain Mastery Instead
You gain +5 to your Passive Investigation
You gain Proficiency with 1 of the following (Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion) Intelligence Checks. If you're already proficient with the chosen one you gain Expertise instead
Keen Mind (Requires Intelligence 14)
Your Intelligence Increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
You always know what time it is and which way is North
Choose 2 of the following Skills (Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion), you gain Proficiency with it and if you are already Proficient you gain Expertise instead
Mobile (Requires Constitution or Dexterity 14)
Your Dexterity or increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
Gain an additional 4m of Movement Speed
You can take the Dash Action as a Bonus Action. When you use that Action in this way you do not Provoke Opportunity Attacks from enemies you pass during that movement even if they would normally ignore the Disengage Action with their Opportunity Attacks
You also don’t provoke Opportunity Attacks when entering the space of an enemy if that enemy has a Weapon with the Reach Property
Observant (Requires Proficiency with Perception)
Your Wisdom Increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
You gain Expertise with Perception if you didn’t have it already, and if you did you can instead grant yourself Proficiency or Expertise with Insight
You gain +5 to your Passive Perception
You can easily read the lips of anyone you can see speaking a language you know
Choose any Attribute, you gain +1 to that Ability Score and gain Proficiency with that Saving Throw
General Combat Feats
Deadly Precision (Requires 14 Dexterity and Strength) (Requires 5 Levels in Fighter, Paladin, Ranger, or Rogue)
Your Dexterity or Strength increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
A number of times per Short Rest (equal to your Proficiency Bonus) when you make an Weapon Attack Roll you can use this Feat to gain Advantage on the Roll, on a Hit this Attack deals additional damage in the form of a number of d8s equal to your Proficiency Bonus. If this Attack doesn’t hit you don’t expend a use of this Feat
Fearful Fighter (Requires 14 Charisma and 14 Constitution)
Your Constitution increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
When you strike a Creature with a Melee Attack you can force it to make a Will Save against your Fear DC (8 + your Intimidation Skill) and on a Failure they become Frightened of you for up to 1 Minute, with the chance to make the Save again at the end of each of their turns. If they have Succeed then they instead have Disadvantage on any Attack Rolls they make before the end of their next turn
Great Weapon Master (Requires Great Weapon Expert)
Whenever you make an Attack with a Weapon that has the Large or Heavy Property you can take an additional -5 Penalty to the Attack Roll to gain a +10 bonus to the Damage Roll
Inspiring Commander (Requires the Extra Attack Feature)
Your Charisma or Strength increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
When you make a Weapon Attack you can give up your Extra Attack to instead use this Feat to select a number of allied Creatures that you can see and that can hear you (up to your Charisma Modifier) and they can each use their Reaction to make a Weapon Attack. If they hit they deal an additional 1d8 Damage
Mage Slayer (Requires Dexterity or Strength 14)
Your Dexterity or Strength increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
If a Creature adjacent to you that you can see begins to cast a Spell you can use your Reaction to make a Melee Attack against that Creature. When you do so and hit this Attack is treated as a Critical Hit regardless of the number rolled, that Creature must make a Concentration Save to maintain the casting of that Spell or it is lost
You have Advantage on all Saving Throws against Spells that are cast at you by a Creature you can see
When you hit a Creature that is Concentrating on a Spell with a Melee Attack they have Disadvantage on the subsequent Concentration Save as you target specific points to disrupt them
Sentinel (Requires 14 Strength)
Creatures trigger Opportunity Attacks from you even if they use the Disengage Action
Creatures can trigger Opportunity Attacks form you if they make an Attack against an ally
When a Creature triggers an Opportunity Attack from you and you hit, the Creature's Movement Speed is reduced to 0 until the start of their next turn
If you reduce a Creature's Speed to 0 utilizing this Feat you regain your Reaction but can only use it for further Opportunity Attacks until the start of your next turn where you would regain your Reaction as normal
Sharpshooter (Requires 16 Dexterity)
When you make an Attack with a Ranged Weapon you can Attack at the Long Range of the Weapon without Disadvantage
Whenever you make an Attack with a Ranged Weapon you can take an additional -5 Penalty to the Attack Roll to gain a +10 bonus to the Damage Roll
Armor Feats
Buckler Master (Requires the Buckler Expert Feat)
Your Bucklers have a Base AC of +2 instead of +1 for you
If you utilize the Hunker Reaction against a Melee Attack and it misses you can make a Melee Attack against that Creature as a part of that Reaction. On a hit you deal additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus
If the target made a Ranged Attack against you instead and you have a Weapon with the Thrown Property in your hand you can make a Weapon Attack using that Throwing Range
Shield Master (Requires the Shield Expert Feat)
Your Shields provide an additional +1 Bonus to your AC and Dexterity Saves
The Shield’s +3 Bonus applies to your Strength and Constitution Saves now
When you use the Shove Bonus Action you can add your Shield’s Bonus AC to the Roll, when doing so you push the target an additional 2m on a Success, can push a Creature of a size larger than you, and can follow this target as a part of this Bonus Action
Weapon Feats
Bow Master (Requires Bow Expert)
Your Dexterity or Strength increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
You reduce the Reload Property of Bows you’re Proficient with by 1
While wielding a Bow if a Creature makes a Ranged Attack against you there is a chance you can strike back. Utilizing your Reaction you can make a Ranged Weapon Attack against them using your Bow. This deals additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus on a Hit
When you use the Attack Action to make a Ranged Weapon Attack with a Bow you can make an additional Attack using your Bonus Action. This Bonus Action Attack cannot be made if you would gain Disadvantage due to the Range of the weapon, such as shooting from long range
Crossbow Master (Requires Crossbow Expert)
Your Dexterity or Strength increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
You reduce the Reload Property of Crossbows you’re Proficient with by 1
When you take the Attack Action and have a loaded Hand Crossbow you can use your Bonus Action to Draw and make an Attack Roll with it
When wielding a Crossbow and an enemy enters a space adjacent to you your crossbow allows you a quick response. You can use your Reaction to make an Attack with your Crossbow, and on a hit the target is pushed back 2m
Polearm Master (Requires Polearm Expert)
Your Dexterity or Strength increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
You make Opportunity Attacks with Advantage using Polearms and on a hit you make the Damage Roll with Advantage as well
Your Bonus Action Attack from Polearm Expert increases to 2d4
Two Weapon Master (Requires Two Weapon Expert)
Your AC bonus from wielding 2 Weapons increases to +2
If you have the Extra Attack Feature and use your Two-Weapon Fighting Bonus Action you can make an additional Attack as a part of that Action
Magical Feats
Divinely Inspired Mage (Requires ability to cast at least a single 2nd Level Spell
Your Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
You gain the Spell Augury and can cast it once per day without expending a Spell Slot. In addition you can pick any 1st Level Arcane Spell, Divine Spell, and Natural Spell and learn them permanently as a part of this Feat. You can cast each of them as 1st Level Spells once per Short Rest without expending a Spell Slot. The Arcane Spell uses your Intelligence, the Divine Spell uses your Charisma, and the Natural Spell uses your Wisdom if the Spells you’ve chosen require a roll.
Elemental Master (Requires Elemental Adept)
You now are Immune to your Chosen Element and targets that are Immune to that Damage Type are now only treated as Resistant when you deal them Damage of that type
You can choose a different element between Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, or Thunder, becoming Resistant to this type of Damage and ignore Resistance of this Damage Type from enemies
Once per Short Rest, when you utilize your Elemental Adept ability to Reroll Damage you can instead treat that number of dice as having rolled maximum damage instead
Ritual Caster (Requires Intelligence or Charisma 14)
Your Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom Increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
You can select any two 1st-Level Spells with the Ritual Tag from any Spell List, you always have these Prepared/Known and can cast them as Ritual Spells only. You utilize the same Attribute for these Spells that you increased with this Feat if you need a roll
Spell Marksman (Requires Intelligence or Charisma 14)
Your Charisma or Intelligence Increases by +1, up to a Maximum of 20
Pick a Cantrip from any Spell List that requires an Attack Roll, your Spellcasting Modifier uses the one you increased with this Feat
When you cast a Spell or Cantrip that requires a Spell Attack Roll you ignore ½ and ¾ Cover from your target. In addition these Spells no longer have Disadvantage against targets within Melee Range
All Spells that require a Spell Attack Roll that have a Range of at least 4m gain an additional 30m of Range when you cast them
War Caster (Requires the ability to cast at least 1 Spell)
You can perform the Somatic Components of a Spell even if you have a Weapon or a piece of gear (such as a Shield) in both of your hands
You have Advantage on Concentration Checks to maintain Concentration of your Spells from taking Damage
When an enemy provokes an Opportunity Attack from you, you can Cast a Cantrip or Spell instead of a Weapon Attack. However it must have a 1 Action casting time and must target only 1 Creature