Conditions are specific effects that can alter how a creature plays the game, with some causing absolutely detrimental conditions while others may only limit a few specific abilities:
A creature cannot see and fails any roll that requires sight or any abilities that state “A target you can see”
Their attack rolls are have Disadvantage while Attack Rolls against them are done with Advantage
A Creature gains this Condition when they are below half of their maximum HP
Objects or Creatures without blood (such as constructs) gain the same Condition but are labeled as “Degraded” instead
A Charmed Creature can not target the Charmer with any Action, Ability, or Effect (such as an Area of Effect Spell) that would deal Damage or cause a Condition
The Charmer has Advantage on any Charisma Ability Check to interact with the Charmed Creature and cannot be targeted by an Insight Check by that Creature
Those affected must Roll a d6 at the start of their turns to determine what they can do
1-3 - The Creature loses its turn being confused
4 - The Creature must use their Movement and Dash Actions at once in a random direction but can act normally after that. This movement can Provoke Opportunity Attacks
5 -The Creature must use its turn to Attack the closest Creature as if it is an enemy. If there are multiple Creatures equidistant, it must be determined randomly. If there are no Creatures targetable then they can act normally with their full turn
6 - The Creature is not affected this turn
Creatures affected by this Condition cannot make Reactions
A Dazed Creature has its Movement Speed reduced by Half
A Dazed Creature has Disadvantage on all Attack Rolls and cannot take Bonus Actions
A Deafened Creature can’t hear and automatically fails any Ability Check that requires hearing
Attack Rolls made against them from a creature they can't see are done with Advantage
Drunk Creatures have Disadvantage on Dexterity, Wisdom, and Intelligence Checks; as well as Attack Rolls
Drunk Creatures have Advantage on Persuasion Checks
They gain Shielding equal to 5 + their Constitution Modifier for up to 1 hour or until they sober up
If this Condition lasts up to 1 hour the Creature must Roll a DC11 Fortitude Save. Every hour this DC increases by 1. On a failure at any point the Creature gains 1 level of Exhaustion
These levels of Exhaustion are reduced by 2 after finishing a Long Rest. Any additional Levels decrease by 2 for every additional Long Rest
The inebriated condition can also end when the creature finishes a Long Rest.
This condition stacks as the creature’s condition worsens, increasing up to Lv.10 Exhaustion. A stack of Exhaustion can be removed with a Long Rest and can be caused by hunger, extreme heat, extreme cold, or by being severely injured
For each Level of Exhaustion that a Creature has it has their Movement Speed reduced by 1m and the same penalty is applied to any Ability Checks, Attack Rolls, or Saving Throws that the creature makes. Finally, any Spells cast have their Spell Save DC reduced by the same amount
At Lv.10 Exhaustion the affected creature becomes unconscious and if they stay at this point for an Hour they die
A Flat-Footed Creature’s movements become clumsy and inexact, it loses any bonuses to Ability Checks, Attack Rolls, Saving Throws or AC from the Creature’s Dexterity Modifier
A Frightened Creature has Disadvantage on Ability Checks and Attack Rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight.
The creature can’t willingly move closer to the source of its Fear
A frozen creature is transformed, along with any non-magical object it is wearing or carrying, into solid ice. Its weight decreases by ½, more if their armor and weapon turn to ice as well.
The creature is incapacitated, can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings.
Attack Rolls against the creature have Advantage.
The creature automatically fails Saves
The creature has Resistance to all damage besides Bludgeoning and Fire
The creature is immune to poison and disease, although a poison or disease already in its system is suspended, not neutralized.
This condition only affects creatures that have blood (or a similarly important internal fluid) and loses 1d6 HP per turn while this effect is active
A Gashed Creature has its Movement Speed reduced by 4m
This Condition can be ended by spending a use of a Healer’s Kit or by any method of healing HP of at least 3 at once
A Grappled Creature’s Movement Speed is reduced to 0
The Creature has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls and Attack Rolls against it have Advantage if they are within melee except if the Grappled Creature’s Weapon has the Small Property
The Grappled Creature and the Grappler cannot cast spells that require somatic components as their hands are being used
Hasted Creatures gain preternatural movement, their Movement Speed increases by 8m, they gain Advantage on Dexterity Ability Checks, Dexterity Saves, and gain an extra Action on each of their turns
Ignited - Anything with Resistance to Fire Damage cannot gain this Condition
At the end of each of its turns, an ignited creature takes 1d6 fire damage but stronger fires (this represents a very small fire on a piece of a pant cuff or cloak collar) increases this Damage by a number of d6 up to your GM’s discretion
This condition ends if the ignited creature uses an Action to end it, if an adjacent creature uses such an action, if the target becomes soaked, or if the target takes cold damage. The DM may judge the fire can be extinguished by other means.
If the fire isn’t put out roll a d20, on a 5 or lower it increases in power (with the associated 1d6 damage increase and -2 additional penalties)
An ignited Creature has a -2 to Attack Rolls and Ability Checks due to the distraction of being on fire. This increases by additional -2 penalties as the fire gets larger
An incapacitated creature can only take Movement Actions and its Movement Speed is reduced by 4m
An invisible creature is impossible to see without the aid of magic or a Special sense. For the purpose of Hiding, the creature is heavily obscured. The creature’s Location can be detected by any noise it makes or any tracks it leaves.
Attack Rolls against the creature have Disadvantage, and the creature’s Attack Rolls have Advantage.
A Muddled Creature has had their mind messed with, causing great difficulty. They cannot cast take any Action that would utilize a Spell Slot
If they attempt to Cast a Cantrip or a Spell from an Item they must roll a d20. On a 1-10 they cannot do so and lose the Action, but not any kind of resource that would be lost upon a successful use of the item
A Muddled Creatures has Disadvantage on all Ability Checks and Saves that utilize Intelligence or Wisdom
A paralyzed creature is incapacitated and can’t move or speak.
The creature automatically fails Physical [Constitution/Dexterity/Strength] Saves
Attack rolls against the creature have Advantage and every Melee Attack that hits is treated as a Critical Hit
A petrified creature is transformed, along with any non-magical object it is wearing or carrying, into a solid inanimate substance (usually stone). Its weight increases by a factor of ten, and it ceases aging.
The Creature can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings.
Attack Rolls against the creature have Advantage
The creature automatically fails Physical [Constitution/Dexterity/Strength] Saves
The creature has Resistance to all damage besides Magical Bludgeoning
The creature is immune to poison and disease, although a poison or disease already in its system is suspended, not neutralized.
A poisoned creature has disadvantage on Attack Rolls
This Condition normally comes with additional effects, if it does then those effects end when this Condition ends
A prone creature’s only Movement option is to crawl, unless it stands up using 4m of Movement Speed
The Creature has Disadvantage on Attack Rolls
Any adjacent Creature’s Attack Rolls have Advantage while Creatures any further have Disadvantage
A Restrained Creature’s Movement Speed becomes 0
Attack Rolls against the creature have Advantage, and the creature’s Attack Rolls have Disadvantage.
The creature has Disadvantage on Dexterity Saves
Slowed creatures have Disadvantage on Dexterity Saves and cannot take Reactions
Slowed Creatures can only take an Action or a Bonus Action, not both
If a Slowed Creature tries to cast a Spell it must Roll a d20, on a 11 or higher the Creature doesn’t finish casting the Spell until the start of their next turn. This Casting doesn’t cost their next turn’s chosen Action
A Stunned Creature is incapacitated, can’t move, and can speak only falteringly
The creature automatically fails Physical [Constitution/Dexterity/Strength] Saves
Attack Rolls against the Stunned Creature have Advantage
A Stupefied Creature has their mental faculties reduced for performing magical tasks
There is a maximum Stupefied value of (3) for a single creature, and for each point a Creature has their maximum Spell Slot Level they have access to is reduced by 1. In addition, Stronger effects which would cause this Condition can also reduce the effectiveness of the target’s Spellcasting, such as granting an equivalent bonus to creatures who are targeted by the Stupified Creature’s Spells which would require a Saving Throw
E.X. A 5th Level Wizard has access to Cantrips/1st/2nd/3rd Level Spells - Stupefied (1) would reduce their access to Spell to 2nd Level or lower, up to (3) where the Wizard would only have access to their Cantrips. Stupified cannot reduce a Creature to a level where they can’t cast Cantrips as these magics are memorized to the point of being immune to this effect
A Turned Creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from the source of this effect and it can't willingly move to a space within 10m of the source
A Turned Creature cannot take Bonus Actions or Reactions
For a turned Creature’s Action, it can use only the Dash action to try and escape from an effect that prevents it from moving as long as it is possible to see the source of this effect. If there's nowhere to move, the creature uses the Dodge action instead
An unconscious creature is incapacitated (see the condition), can’t move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings
The creature drops whatever it’s holding and falls prone.
The creature automatically fails Physical [Constitution/Dexterity/Strength] Saves
Attack rolls against the creature have Advantage
Any Attack that hits the creature is a critical hit if the attacker is within 5 feet of the creature