Trick Shots



Trick Shots - For the Arquebusier Class, with effects based around the user’s Proficiency Bonus and Dexterity Modifier

  • Dazing Shot - Strike someone across their head or helmet, dealing additional Damage and forcing them to make a Constitution Saving Throne and on a Failure they are Dazed on their next turn

  • Deadeye Shot - You gain Advantage on an Attack Roll

  • Disarming Shot - If the Creature struck is holding a weapon it must make a Strength Saving Throw, their weapon flying 4m away from them on a Failure

  • Forceful Shot - The target must make a Strength Saving Throw or be pushed back 4m from the shot

  • Hyperload - Use one of your Trick Shots to quickly Reduce the Reload Property of your current Weapon by 2 after making the Attack Roll

  • Piercing Shot - Shoot a powerful bullet in a line straight from you, ignoring cover, up to the Short Range of the Firearm. All creatures in that line must make a Dexterity Saving Throw. They take Damage equal to 2 of your Trick Shot Die + your Dexterity Modifier on a Failed Save, or ½ as much on a successful one

  • Retreating Shot - You can use your Reaction to make an Attack Roll against a Creature that moves to a space adjacent to you. You deal additional Damage and move back 2m without provoking Opportunity Attacks

  • Return Fire - If you are targeted by a Ranged Attack and it misses you can utilize your Reaction to use this Trick Shot, doing so allows you to make an Attack as normal as long as the target is within your normal Range

  • Sprinting Shot - You use this opportunity to make a rapid dash up to 6m, you fire this Shot at Disadvantage at the start of this Dash and do not trigger any kind of misfire on a low roll as well as not provoking Attacks of Opportunity

  • Violent Shot - Gain an additional 2 to the Dangerous Property for the Weapon for this shot, if the Attack still hits you deal an additional Damage equal to twice your Trick Shot Die

  • Winging Shot - The target must make a Strength Saving Throw, on a Failure they take an additional Damage and are knocked prone


Weapon Arts

