Cultures of the Delta and surrounding areas are available to place a character more specifically into the world, as some are insular places that hold a solitary nation state while others are nomads or even wide reaching imperial remnants. Each one provides a small amount of insight to a character along with a pair of Proficiencies that can be utilized to exhibit your Character’s personality and origin
The Standard Map of the Region with Cultures separated by Colors, specific colors do not have any direct relation to the properties of the Culture
Cultural Traits
Origin - The people who established this culture and represent the Majority
Migration - The peoples from far to the South who have slowly encroached northward, the most Prominent of which is Quinnan (the remnants of the old Dwarven Empire)
Goblinoid - The indigenous peoples from the lands to the North who have slowly been fighting off the Migratory peoples
Draconic - The oldest group, represented in the wider world by their Draconic Heritage, including the Green Drake Arizzian and the Void Drake of Unlife
Oceanic - This extremely sparse group makes up the largest part of the North and regularly emerge from their underwater homes to enjoy life on land
Alignment - Represents how strong a centralized Administration and Laws dictate the daily life of their People
Chaotic - These forces have small effects on daily life, tradition is stronger a motivator
Lawful - These forces are ever present and are encouraged by tradition
Religion - What the Majority Group believes in, organized by the peoples whom originally preached it
Migration Religions
Old Gods - The migration races held many Divines (16) in their realm of worship when they first arrived, and only some still properly preach their practices
Golden Worship - The first evolution of the migration worship occurred in the first great Migration State as it transformed into the Golden Empire, reducing the legal worship of Divines to 8
Platinum Worship - The most recent evolution has occurred within Sembasa, a type of Henotheism which preaches the supremacy of the platinum goddess Arantil above the 8. They do not restrict the worship of the other 7 but all churches must have the main shrine dedicated to Arantil
Goblinoid Religions
Ancestor - The belief that spirits linger after death until they reincarnate is a common belief for some cultures, with their practitioners’ focus on venerating old grounds and histories
Primordial - Within the Delta some very old cultures have kept the practices of Natural Magics alive, their belief system directly related to the worship of the land
Star-Worship - Hailing from the sea peoples which populate the lush seas north of the continent this worship focuses on the power the stars and constellations have on the
Sun Worship - This monotheistic version of Star-Worship is the evolution that some goblinoid cultures along the east coast had taken into account, with their belief being that all Stars are just the children of the great star in the sky which warms the planet, worthy of respect but absolutely not of worship
Draconic Religions
Drakoram - This alternate religion is brought on by the powerful control of the 5 Great Drakes who speak of an elder time only they know of about a great Dragon named Drake (the title of which being where their titles come from) who stopped the onset of the Giants many centuries pas
Type - The Cultures of the Delta are broken down into 7 Types, each representing the strongest habit within the Culture
Bureaucratic - Efficient, Lawful, but obtuse and slow to change - +1 Intelligence
Ceremonious - Form over Function, Lawful, honor and prestige - +1 Dexterity
Communal - Form tightly knit groups based on preconceived notions - +1 to any Attribute Score
Egalitarian - Places emphasis on integration and common duty - +1 Constitution
Spiritual - Puts more value in faith than politics and power - +1 Wisdom
Stoic - Resistant to change externally and internally, timeless, live in the present - +1 Constitution
War Society - Society demands action and mastery of personal arms - +1 Strength
Tradition - This separates out the Different Cultures into their own version of the Type above, with some preferring Martial Traditions while others are Socially motivated even in a War Society
Social Traditions
Artisan Class - Proficiency with: Commerce and any Artisan Tool (your choice)
Bureaucratic Organization - Proficiency with: Investigation and Society (Advantage on Society Rolls of your own Culture)
Charitable - Proficiency with: Insight and Persuasion
Enlightened Philosophers - Proficiency with: History and Society (Advantage on Society Rolls of your own Culture)
Far-Reaching Politics - Proficiency with: Persuasion and any 2 other Common Languages (your choice)
Mercantile - Expertise with: Commerce (You can utilize your choice of your Charisma or Intelligence Modifiers with this Skill)\
Martial Administration - Proficiency with: A Martial Weapon Type (Axes/Hammers/Swords/Polearms/Ranged) of your choice and Warfare
Ocean Supremacy - Proficiency with: Sailing and Navigator’s Tools
Religious - Expertise with: Religion
Storytellers - Proficiency with: History, Religion, or Society (2 of your choice)
Torturers - Expertise with: Intimidation
Vengeful - Proficiency with: Simple Weapons and Intimidation
Welcoming - Proficiency with: Persuasion and Society
Slavers - Proficiency with: Athletics and Improvised Weapons (You have Advantage on Grappling when utilizing Athletics and wielding a Trap Item (such as a net, rope, or manacles)
Warfare Traditions
Desert Fighter - Proficiency with: Survival and Stealth (ADV on both when in Desert Terrain)
Forest Hunters - Proficiency with: Simple and Martial Bows and Survival (ADV in Forested Terrain)
Formation Fighters - Proficiency with: Simple and Martial Polearms, and Light Armor (You have Advantage on all Weapon Attacks with Polearms when fighting in a Formation)
Guardian Shieldmen - Proficiency with: Bucklers, Shields, Light Armor, and Medium Armor
Saddleborn - Proficiency with: Animal Handling and Riding
Sea Raiders - Proficiency with: A Martial Weapon Type (Axes/Hammers/Swords/Polearms/Ranged) of your choice and Warfare
Skirmishing Experts - Proficiency with: Darts, Javelin, Sling (All are Finesse Weapons for you and you increase their Ranges by 10m)
Mercenary Travelers - Proficiency with: A Martial Weapon Type (Axes/Hammers/Swords/Polearms/Ranged) of your choice and Commerce
Mountain Infantry - Proficiency with: Constitution Saving Throws
War Priests - Proficiency with: Martial Hammers, Shields, and Religion or Society
Warrior Landholders - Proficiency with: Choose 2 between (Shields, Martial Swords, Light Armor, and Medium Armor) and Warfare
Niche Traditions
Bird Riders - Gain Proficiency with Animal Handling and Riding when Mounted on Windalian Greatbirds
Desert Caravanners - Proficiency with Commerce and Expertise with Survival (when in Desert Conditions)
Mystic Smiths - Expertise with Jotun Tools
Cultures by Region
Central Deltian Cultures - Making up the main populations these cultures are almost completely agriculturalist, with the strong exception of the Taijik
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Ancestor
Type: Stoic
Tradition: Formation Fighters
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Bureaucratic
Tradition: Saddleborn
Quinnan - This culture is the dominant one in Demovia, with its practitioners having lived in the areas controlled by the now defunct Dwarven Empire
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Bureaucratic
Tradition: Far-Reaching Politics
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Ancestral
Type: Stoic
Tradition: Skirmishing Experts
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Star Worship + Ancestral
Type: Communal
Tradition: Martial Administration
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Ancestor
Type: War Society
Tradition: Saddleborn
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Egalitarian
Tradition: Warrior Landholders
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Ancestor
Type: War Society
Tradition: Martial Administration
Northern Deltian Cultures - This group of cultures is extremely varied and inhabits the widest areas but with low population density
Origin: Draconic
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Drakoram
Type: Ceremonious
Tradition: Warrior Landholders
Origin: Oceanic
Alignment: Lawful Good
Religion: Star-Worship
Type: Spiritual
Tradition: Charitable
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Sun Worship
Type: Communal
Tradition: Great Waste Caraveneers
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Sun Worship
Type: Communal
Tradition: Mercantile
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Primordial
Type: Communal
Tradition: Religious
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Ancestor
Type: Egalitarian
Tradition: Storytellers
Origin: Oceanic
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Star-Worship
Type: Egalitarian
Tradition: Far-Reaching Politics
Origin: Goblinoid - Bugbears
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Religion: Sun Worship
Type: War Society
Tradition: Desert Fighters
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Ancestral
Type: Communal
Tradition: Saddleborn
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: True Neutral
Religion: Star Worship
Type: Stoic
Tradition: Storytellers
Origin: Draconic
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Religion: Drakoram
Type: Ceremonious
Tradition: Slavers
Southern Deltian Cultures - This group belonging to the largest and most southern part of the Delta are all influenced by the fog-ridden dunes of the Hromarsh and its windswept mountains the mark its center
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Egalitarian
Tradition: Mercenary Travelers
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Egalitarian
Tradition: Welcoming
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Primordial
Type: Communal
Tradition: Hromarsh Caraveneers
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Stoic
Tradition: Far-Reaching Politics
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Ceremonious
Tradition: Storytellers
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Bureaucratic
Tradition: Saddleborn
Island Cultures - Those to the East and of the central sea which is influenced mainly by the Commonwealth and its colonialist attitudes
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Religion: Old Gods
Type: War Society
Tradition: Mountain Infantry
Origin: Draconic
Alignment: Neutral Good
Religion: Star Worship + Drakoram
Type: Bureaucratic
Tradition: Ocean Supremacy
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Ancestor
Type: Communal
Tradition: Skirmishing Experts
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Neutral Good
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Stoic
Tradition: War Priests
Alko Cultures - The west is primarily occupied by the Aklopeluko Confederation but has other influential groups on this prominent island
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Egalitarian
Tradition: Enlightened Philosophers
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Communal
Tradition: Religious
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Primordial
Type: Egalitarian
Tradition: Mercantile
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Primordial
Type: Stoic
Tradition: Majestic Smiths
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Neutral
Religion: Ancestor
Type: Spiritualist
Tradition: Welcoming
North-Eastern Demovian Cultures - This region just past the northern edge of Demovia is known primarily for the current which carries water northward and which allows for many ships to flourish travelling towards the Delta
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Ancestor
Type: War Society
Tradition: Sea Raiders
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Ancestor
Type: War Society
Tradition: Torturers
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Ceremonious
Tradition: Mercantile
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Ancestors
Type: Egalitarian
Tradition: Artisan Class
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Golden (8 Divines)
Type: Bureaucratic
Tradition: Ocean Supremacy
Northern Demovian Cultures - This area is actually the northernmost region of the great continent Demovia and is encompassed by the great sea and deserts to the South, its true beginnings lieing within the greatest forest in the world which stretches along the Equator
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Star Worship
Type: Ceremonious
Tradition: Religious
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Ancestor
Type: War Society
Tradition: Skirmishing Experts
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Neutral Good
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Egalitarian
Tradition: Ocean Supremacy
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Ceremonious
Tradition: Coastal Agriculturists
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Ancestor
Type: Egalitarian
Tradition: Far-Reaching Politics
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Stoic
Tradition: Artisan Class
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Neutral Good
Religion: Ancestor
Type: Egalitarian
Tradition: Welcoming
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Old Gods
Type: Communal
Tradition: Vengeful
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Ancestor
Type: Communal
Tradition: Forest Hunters
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Type: Spiritual
Tradition: Sea Raider
Far Reaching Cultures - The most powerful cultures of the areas outside the map’s range and which great numbers of people are found, allowing the occassional traveler to have made it across the world to here
Goldenian - The culture of the Golden Empire far to the South with large influence but not extending up to the Delta, with only the adjacent group known as Rochellians making it
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: Old Gods (Golden)
Type: Spiritual
Tradition: Religious
Great Sea Cultures - These cultures are North of the the Golden Empire but south of the lower area of the map, they have special sailing knowledge
Origin: Goblinoid
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Religion: Star Worship
Type: Egalitarian
Tradition: Mercantile
Windalians - Those from across the wide ocean to the east this group normally must pass through the long southern continent before reaching here. They are a federalist society with a special ability for riding their giant birds which roam free on the wind ranging plains of that land
Origin: Migration
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Religion: The Old Gods
Type: War Society
Tradition: Bird Riders