The Swashbuckler Class


undefinedProficiency Modifier1st Level Spells Slots2nd Level Spell Slots3rd Level Spell SlotsSpells KnownBanter DieFeatures
1+20000d4Banter, Blade Flourish
2+22002d4Fighting Style, Spellcasting
3+22003d4Subclass I
4+23004d6Ability Score Improvement
5+33204d6Extra Attack
6+34205d6Subclass II
7+34305d8Enhanced Flourish, Swashbuckler's Ballad
8+34306d8Ability Score Improvement
9+44326d8Subclass III
10+44327d10Quick Rebuttal
11+45327d10Call of the Bard
12+45428d12Ability Score Improvement

Basic Stats:

Level 1 HP = 10 + your Constitution Modifier; Gaining an additional [1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution Modifier] HP with every additional Swashbuckler Level


  • Armor: Light Armor, Bucklers

  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Swords

  • Tools: Any 2 Instruments of your choice

  • Saves: Proficiency with Dexterity and Charisma Saving Throws 

  • Skills: Choose 2 between Acrobatics, Deception, History, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, or Society

  • Languages: Any 1 of your Choice


  • Simple Light Armor and a Buckler

  • a Martial Sword and any Simple Weapon

  • the 2 Instruments you have Proficiency with

  • a Backpack w/ A Bedroll, a Saex, a Mess Kit, a Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Day of Rations, a Waterskin, and a 15m bundle of Hempen Rope


  • Banter - You utilize your inherent charisma to manipulate your foes

    • You gain a number of Banter Dice based on your Swashbuckler Level, starting with 3 and gaining an additional at Levels 4, 7, 10, and 12. The type of dice is based on your Swashbuckler Level as per the table above, which you regain all of after completing a Short or Long Rest. You can utilize your Bonus Action to expend one of these Dice on yourself, gaining +1d4 for the next minute to utilize on any one Ability Check or Saving Throw of your choice. This utilizes your ability to influence the people around you, saying the perfect line to change the strands of fate

  • Blade Flourish

    • You’ve learned to conduct impressive displays of martial skill by mocking your enemies and expending a Banter Die. You Prepare 3 different Flourishes from all the options below which you can change every time you finish a Long Rest. In addition, you will gain the ability to Prepare additional Flourishes when you reach Swashbuckler Levels 6 and 11

    • Whenever you take the Attack Action you can utilize one Flourish, which must be declared before you roll. If a Flourish calls for a Saving Throw you utilize your Flourish Save, which equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma or Dexterity Modifier (your choice) 

      • Blasting Flourish - The target takes additional damage equal to a roll of your Banter Die

      • Burst Flourish - You give up your Attack Roll to instead deal Damage to all Creatures adjacent to you equal to a roll of your Banter Die

      • Defensive Flourish - You roll your Banter Die and increase your AC by that amount until the start of your next turn

      • Goading Flourish - Your target must make a Charisma Saving Throw vs your Flourish DC or become focused on you for 1 minute. They can remake this Save at the end of each of their turns

      • Mobile Flourish - You can immediately move up to your Movement Speed as a part of this Attack Action without provoking Opportunity Attacks from your target

      • Shielded Flourish - When you are hit by an Attack you can use your Reaction to reduce the Damage taken by a roll of your Banter Die and + double your Charisma Modifier

      • Slashing Flourish - All creatures adjacent to your target take Damage equal to a roll of your Banter Die

      • Tripping Flourish - Your target must make a Dexterity Save, being knocked Prone on a Failure and taking additional Damage equal to a roll of your Banter Die

  • Fighting Style

    • Affluent - Gain Proficiency with Persuasion and Society Checks

    • Defensive - +1 to AC when wearing Armor you’re Proficient with

    • Dueling - When only holding a single-handed weapon you deal +3 Damage with that weapon

    • Offensive - +1 to Attack and Damage Rolls

    • Quiet Warrior - Gain Proficiency with Stealth Checks

    • Songwriter - Gain 2 Bard Cantrips and 1 1st Level Bard Spell that you can utilize once per Long Rest

    • Two Weapon Fighting - When you make an Attack with your off-hand Weapon you can add your Ability Modifier to the Damage Roll

  • Spellcasting

    • Spellcasting

      • You are able to channel the latent magical potential of your own internal music in the form of some magic

    • Spells Known

      • You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the Swashbuckler Spell List. The Spells Known column of the Swashbuckler table shows when you learn more spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 5th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.

      • Every time you finish a Long Rest you can change out 1 Spell you know with one from the Swashbuckler Spell List

    • Spell Slots

      • The Swashbuckler table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your Swashbuckler spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a Long Rest. For example, if you know the 1st-level spell Cure Wounds and have a 1st and 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast it using either slot

    • Spellcasting Ability

      • Charisma is your Spellcasting Ability for your Swashbuckler spells. The power of your spells increases as you grow in ability to channel your musical talents. You use your Charisma whenever a Swashbuckler spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma Modifier when setting the Save DC for a Swashbuckler spell you cast and when making an Attack Roll with one.

        • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

        • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

  • Ability Score Improvement - Increase any 2 Ability Scores by 1 or any 1 Ability Score by 2

  • Extra Attack - When you take the Attack Action you can make 2 Attacks instead of 1

  • Enhanced Flourish - You gain additional Flourish options

    • Casting Flourish - You can cast a Cantrip or a 1st Level Musical Spell that you know as a part of this Action, ignoring all components that aren’t a Material Component with a Cost

    • Feinting Flourish - You can use a Quick Step Bonus Action as a part of this Attack without provoking Opportunity Attacks and you deal additional damage equal to a roll of your Banter Die if this Attack hits

    • Foolish Flourish - Your target must make an Intelligence Saving Throw as they are hit, on a Failure they are Dazed on their next turn and have their Movement Speed reduced to 0m

    • Pushing Flourish - Your target must make a Strength Saving Throw vs your Spell Save DC, being pushed back 2m on a Success or 4m on a Failure. If they hit a wall or large object during this movement you deal additional Bludgeoning Damage equal to a Roll of your Banter Die

    • Sweeping Flourish - Your target must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or be knocked Prone, taking additional damage equal to a roll of your Banter Die regardless of their roll

  • Swashbuckler’s Ballad

    • Once per Long Rest you can tell a grand story or sing a warming ballad to a group of allies who can hear you. This performance lasts for 10 minutes and all creatures must remain within 10m for the duration to gain the benefit. At the end of this ballad you and all the affected Creatures gain HP and Shielding equal to 3 rolls of your Banter Die and have ADV on all Wisdom and Charisma Saving Throws for up to the next Hour

  • Quick Rebuttal

    • You are able to keep yourself away from hostile magics that would affect your mind. If a creature you can see forces you to make a Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma Saving Throw you can quickly throw some words back that disrupt this effect. They must make a Charisma Save vs your Flourish DC and on a Failure whatever caused this Save fails to appear as you disrupt their ability. On a Success nothing happens and you regain the use of this ability. You can utilize this once per Long Rest

  • Call of the Bard

    • Every time you complete a Long Rest you can select a 4th Level Bard Spell that you can cast once. You regain the use of this ability

Subclass - Pick a type of style for you to specialize in as you increase in experience, with some Rangers becoming extremely adept at striking down foes one at a time while others seeks Beastial companions or becoming a vicious ambush predator

  • Braggart

    • I

      • Disruptor 

        • You can use Bonus Action to Disrupt a creature you can see within 20m, spending a Banter Die to do so. For the next minute any time before that Creature makes a Roll you can call out your disparaging remark and roll your Banter Die + your Charisma Modifier, subtracting the total from their roll. In addition, if the enemy still succeeds on this roll you don’t count the Banter Die as having been used

          • When you use your Action to target an enemy you’ve Disrupted with a Swashbuckler Spell you can use your Bonus Action to immediately make a Melee Attack against that Creature this turn

      • Foul Mind

        • You gain Proficiency with Intelligence Saving Throws

    • II

      • Braggart’s Flourish - This Flourish is always Prepared for you and does not count towards your maximum number of Flourishes

        • When you hit with this Flourish you brag to your opponent about your superior skill, marking them as your Target for 1 minute. Any time you make an Attack or Damage Roll against this Creature during this duration you can add a roll of your Banter Die to the total

          • If you target a Creature affected by this Flourish with a Swashbuckler Spell that requires a Save they have Disadvantage on the Roll 

      • Disruptor II

        • You are an expert at fighting those who would alter your thoughts. When a Creature forces you to make a Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom Saving Throw you can use your Reaction to make a Melee Attack or Cast a Spell against them. If you deal Damage and the target is Concentrating on a Spell they have Disadvantage on the Save

    • III

      • Indignance

        • Any time you are hit with an Attack Roll you can use your Reaction to roll your Banter Die and subtract it from the total as you mock your Attacker to try impeding their attack. If they still hit you do not count this Banter Die as having been used 

      • Unreasonable Spellcasting

        • You learn the Spells Counterspell and Dispel Magic at the 4th Level, always have them Prepared without them counting against your  total Spells Prepared, and gain a 4th Level Spell Slot which you can only use for these Spells

  • Duelist

    • I

      • Duelist Proficiency 

        • You gain Proficiency with Martial Weapons, Medium Armor, and Shields

        • You gain Proficiency with Strength Saving Throws 

        • Your Maximum HP increases by +1 per Swashbuckler Level

      • Maneuvers

        • You can pick 3 Maneuvers from the Maneuvers List. You gain 3 d8s which are your Superiority Dice, you can expend one to perform a selected Maneuver. You regain these Dice on a Long Rest. The DC for Saves on these abilities equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Dexterity or Strength Modifier (your choice). You can change which of the Maneuvers from the List that you'd like to prepare at the end of every Long Rest.

    • II

      • Duelist’s Flourish - This Flourish is always Prepared for you and does not count towards your maximum number of Flourishes

        • This flourish critically strikes on a natural 18 - 20, it deals bonus damage equal to a roll of your Banter Die + your Charisma Modifier, and you do not provoke Opportunity Attacks from this Creature again until the start of your next turn

      • Duelist’s Physical Guard

        • You gain Proficiency with Constitution Saving Throws

    • III

      • Stylized Strikes

        • You can add your Charisma Modifier to Attack and Damage Rolls you make when using Melee Weapons

      • Duelist’s Mental Guard

        • You gain Proficiency with Intelligence and Wisdom Saving Throws

  • Fencer

    • I

      • Banter Blade

        • You can apply Banter Dice to your Attack Rolls and when you do so you can apply the same bonus rolled to all subsequent Attack Rolls you make until the end of your turn

      • Master Combatant

        • You gain the Duelist Fighting Style and can use it while holding a Buckler or Dagger in your Off-Hand. If you have already selected this Fighting Style you can choose another Style from the Swashbuckler’s Fighting Style list to gain

    • II

      • Fencer’s Flourish - This Flourish is always Prepared for you and does not count towards your maximum number of Flourishes

        • This flourish strikes in a way to offset the opponent’s guard and you make an additional Attack after the first completes. However you can’t utilize Flourishes with this follow-up attack 

      • Opportune Strike

        • If an enemy makes an Melee Attack Roll against you and misses you can immediately make a Melee Attack against them as a Reaction. If this Attack hits you can roll your Banter Die and add it to the Damage Roll

    • III

      • Opportune Strike II

        • You can utilize this Feature if an enemy hits now too, and you can add your Charisma Modifier to the Attack and Damage Rolls of this ability

      • Weapon Savant

        • Select any weapon that you’re Proficient with, you gain Expertise with this Weapon. Every time you finish a Long Rest you can change this selection

  • Troubadour

    • I

      • Music Expert I

        • You gain a resource called Troubadour Points, which you have 1 of. You can expend this point at any point to cast a Swashbuckler Spell you have Prepared without expending a Spell Slot or needing any Somatic or Material (without a GP value) Components of a Level equal to the number of Troubadour Points you have. You regain all your Troubadour Points after completing a Long Rest. Your Troubadour Points increases by 1 when you reach Swashbuckler Levels 5, 7, 9, and 11

      • Bardic Training

        • Your Spells Prepared total increases by 1

        • You gain Proficiency with an additional 2 Instruments

        • You can utilize a Banter Die once per Short Rest to enhance a performance with an Instrument you’re Proficient without expending the die

    • II

      • Troubadour Flourish - This Flourish is always Prepared for you and does not count towards your maximum number of Flourishes

        • This Flourish allows you to channel your singing magic to your Attack Action. You exchange the 2nd Attack of this Action with a Swashbuckler Cantrip you have Prepared. You add a roll of your Banter Die to the Attack Roll of both the Attack and Cantrip, or if the Cantrip requires a Save you can subtract the amount from the target’s roll

      • Music Expert II

        • Your Spells Prepared total increases by an additional 1

        • You gain Proficiency with another 2 Instruments

    • III

      • Songmaster

        • You gain a 5th Level Spell Slot and can select any 5th Level Bard Spell from the Bard Spell List. You regain this Spell Slot after a Long Rest and can change this Spell Selection at the same time 

      • Music Expert III

        • Your Spells Prepared total increases by an additional 1

        • You can select any 2 Instruments you have Proficiency with and gain Expertise with them

  • Valorous

    • I

      • Valorous Proficiencies

        • You gain Proficiency with Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, and Shields

        • You gain Proficiency with Acrobatics or Athletics (your choice) 

        • You gain Proficiency with Constitution Saving Throws

      • Leader I

        • When you use a Banter Die on yourself you can select any ally within 20m that you can see and they gain the same benefit

    • II

      • Valorous Flourish - This Flourish is always Prepared for you and does not count towards your maximum number of Flourishes

        • This flourish resounds around and inspires your allies. You and any allies within 20m gain Shielding equal to your Swashbuckler Level + a roll of your Banter Die + your Charisma Modifier 

      • Leader II

        • When you apply the Leader Feature you can select 2 allies at once, and your range increases to 40m

    • III

      • Leader III

        • When you apply the Leader Feature you can select 3 allies at once, and your range increases to 60m

      • Valorant Shield

        • You gain the Absorb Elements and Shield Spells as special Valorous Spells as a part of this Subclass. You always have them Prepared and they don’t count against your total Spells Prepared. However you can utilize each one only once per Long Rest as a part of this Feature, though neither require any Somatic, Verbal, or Material Components when you cast them




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