The Cursed Warrior Class


Cursed Warrior LevelProficiency ModifierHemocraft DieBlood Curses KnownFeatures
1+2d40Fighting Style, Dark Fortitude
2+2d41Blood Maledict, Crimson Rite
3+2d41Subclass Feature
4+2d61Ability Score Improvement
5+3d61Extra Attack
6+3d62Cursed Brand
7+3d82Subclass Improvement
8+3d82Ability Score Improvement
9+4d82Umbral Form
10+4d103Subclass Advancement

Basic Stats:

Level 1 HP = 10 + your Constitution Modifier; Gaining an additional [1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution Modifier] HP with every additional Cursed Warrior Level


  • Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, and Shields

  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

  • Tools: Alchemist’s Supplies

  • Saving Throws: Proficiency with Fortitude, Training with Will 

    • or Proficiency with Constitution and Strength Saving Throws

  • Skills: Choose 3 from Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, History, Insight, Investigation, Religion, or Survival


  • a Gambeson or Light Chain Shirt, and a Shield

  • 1 Martial Melee Weapon or 2 Simple Weapons

  • a Heavy Crossbow or a Hand Crossbow (w/ 20 suitable ammunition) or a Shield

  • Alchemist’s Supplies

  • a Backpack w/ A Bedroll, a Saex, a Mess Kit, a Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Day of Rations, a Waterskin, and a 15m bundle of Hempen Rope


  • Features:

    • Fighting Style - Fighting Style: Choose one of the Styles Below to focus your combat on 

      • Archer - Gain +2 to Attack Rolls made with Bows or Crossbows

      • Defense - Gain +1 AC when wearing Armor

      • Duelist - When only wielding a single one-handed Weapon in combat you gain +3 to that Weapon’s Damage Roll

      • Great Weapon Fighter - When using a Weapon in two hands that only uses 1 Damage Die and you Roll Damage, treat a result less of less than 3 as a 3. If it uses 2 Damage Die then treat any result on the Dice less than a 2 as a 2.   

      • Thrown Weapon Fighter - When you use your Action to Throw a Weapon you can immediately draw another Weapon of that Type as a Free Action from your belt and your current Attack will deal +1 Damage. You also have +1 to hit when Throwing a Weapon with the Thrown Property. 

      • Two Weapon Fighting - When you make an Attack with your off-hand Weapon you can add your Ability Modifier to the Damage Roll

    • Dark Fortitude - After completing the Cursing (however you and your GM determine it to have occurred) you have gained a body that is far more Resistant than most, as many others were not lucky enough to have survived this far with the Curse. Your blood itself has been altered, allowing you to gain the powers of Hemocraft; utilizing your blood to produce and enhance magic that courses through you. You gain the following benefits - 

      • You gain Training with Reflex Saves

      • You can add +1 to all Saves while you’re Conscious

      • You gain +1 Maximum HP per Cursed Warrior Level

      • You gain 20m of Low Light Vision

      • You gain Resistance to Psychic Damage while you’re Conscious

      • For any future abilities that utilize your Hemocraft you can choose to utilize your Intelligence or Wisdom to alter these effects, this chosen ability score’s modifier will be henceforth utilized as your “Hemocraft Modifier” along with any additional bonuses you pick up in this class. If any of your ability calls for a Save it has a DC of 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + Hemocraft Modifier 

    • Crimson Rite

      • At 2nd Level, you learn to invoke a rite of Hemocraft that infuses your weapon strikes with elemental energy. As a Bonus Action, you can activate any Rite you know on one weapon you’re holding. The effect of the rite lasts until you finish a Short or Long Rest. When you activate a rite, you take Necrotic Damage equal to one roll of your Hemocraft die, which can be found in the table above based on your Cursed Warrior Level. This damage can’t be reduced in any way. In addition, you learn another Rite at Level 7 and every time you take another Level in this Class you can change any of your known Rites.

        • While the rite is in effect, Melee Weapon Attacks you make with this weapon are Magical, and deal extra damage equal to your Hemocraft die of the type determined by the chosen rite. A weapon can hold only one active rite at a time. Other creatures can’t gain the benefit of your rite.

        • Rite of Flames - Fire Damage

        • Rite of Freezing - Cold Damage

        • Rite of Storms - Lightning Damage

          • The Rites below can be chosen starting at 7th Level

        • Rite of Death - Necrotic Damage

        • Rite of Mind - Psychic Damage

        • Rite of Roars - Thunder Damage

    • Blood Maladict - You now have the ability to channel—or sometimes sacrifice—a part of your vital essence to curse and manipulate creatures through Hemocraft magic. You know one Blood Curse of your choice. You learn an additional one at 6th and 10th Levels as seen in the table above. Each time you gain a Level in this Class you can choose one of the blood curses you know and replace it with a different one. Each time you use your Blood Maledict feature, you choose which Curse to invoke from the curses you know. While invoking a Curse, but before it affects the target, you can choose to Amplify the curse by taking necrotic damage equal to one roll of your Hemocraft die. This damage can’t be reduced in any way. An amplified Curse gains an additional effect, noted in the Curse’s description. Creatures that do not have blood are immune to blood curses unless you have amplified the curse. You can use Blood Maledict twice, regaining both uses upon completion of a Short or Long Rest, gaining an additional use per Rest at 6th and 10th Levels. 

      • Curse of Anxiety - As a Bonus Action you harass the mind of a Creature within 10m, making them more susceptible. Until the end of your next turn and Intimidation Checks made against this Creature is done with Advantage

        • Amped - The Creature’s next Will Save is done at Disadvantage

      • Curse of Binding - As a Bonus Action you bind a Creature (if it is of the Large size or smaller) within 10m of you that you can see. If it fails a Fortitude Save its speed is reduced to 0 and loses the use of its Reaction until the end of your next turn

        • Amped - This curse can last up to 1 minute and can affect any sized creature. The target makes a Save at the end of each of its turns, ending the curse on a Success

      • Curse of Bloated Agony - As a Bonus Action you curse a Creature you can see within 10m of you, causing its body to bloat until the end of your next turn. This causes it Disadvantage on all Strength and Dexterity checks and takes 1d10 Necrotic Damage if it makes more than 1 Attack during its turn

        • Amped - This curse can last up to 1 minute. The target makes a Save at the end of each of its turns, ending the curse on a Success

      • Curse of Corrosion (Requires; Mutant Subclass) - As a Bonus Action you can pick a Creature you can see within 10m and cause it to become Poisoned. It makes a Fortitude Save at the end of each of its turn to end the effect

        • Amped - The effect lasts for up to 1 minute, the target takes 2d6 Necrotic Damage when the curse is inflicted, and finally it takes this Damage again each time it fails a Fortitude Save during the duration

      • Curses of Exorcism (Requires; Ghostslayer Subclass) - As a Bonus Action you target 1 Creature you can see within 10m that is Charmed, Frightened, or Possessed. That targeted effect ends by using this.

        • Amped - The Creature that Charmed, Frightened, or Possessed the target must make a Will Save. On a Failure it takes 4d6 Psychic Damage and is Stunned for its next turn, on a Success it only takes ½ the Damage and isn’t Stunned

      • Curse of Exposure - When a Creature within 10m that you can see takes Damage you can use your Reaction to weaken it temporarily. Until the end of the target’s next turn it loses all Resistance to the trigger’s Damage Type; this includes the triggering effect. 

        • Amped - The target instead loses invulnerability to the damage types of the trigger

      • Curse of the Eyes - When a Creature within 10m makes an Attack you can use your Reaction to roll your Hemocraft Die and subtract that from the Attack Roll. You can do so after the creature rolls but before you know that the Attack Hits or Misses. Creatures that are Immune to the “Blinded” Condition are immune to this Curse

        • Amped - You apply the penalty to all the Creature’s Attack Rolls until the end of its next turn, rolling for each Attack Separately. In addition you add your Hemocraft Modifier to these Rolls now. 

      • Curse of the Puppet - When a Creature within 10m of you drops to 0HP (and dies) you can use your Reaction to send some facsimile of life into that corpse, causing the target to immediately make an Attack against a Creature of your choice within the target’s range

        • Amped - The target can move up to half its Movement Speed as a part of this Attack and you grant a bonus to its Attack and Damage Rolls equal to your Hemocraft Modifier

      • Curse of Howling (Requires; Lycan Subclass) - As an Action you can howl in a ferocious way, causing each creature within 10m to make a Will Save or become frightened until the end of your next turn

        • Amped - The Range increases to 20m and any Creature that Fails is Stunned for its next turn

          • All the effects of this Curse can only be applied to a Creature once per 24 hour period

      • Curse of the Marked - As a Bonus Action you mark a Creature you can see within 10m. Until the end of your turn whenever you hit this Creature with a Weapon that has your Crimson Rite you roll twice as many dice when determining the extra Damage from the Rite. 

        • Amped - You can add your Hemocraft Die to your Attack Rolls against this Creature as well 

      • Curse of the Mindless - As a Bonus Action you can curse a Creature you can see within 10m that in Concentrating on a Spell or a Feature that requires Concentration. That Creature has Disadvantage on their next Concentration Save if one is triggered before the end of your next turn

        • Amped - The target has Disadvantage on all Concentration Saves until the end of your next turn

      • Curse of the Soul Eater (Requires; Profane Soul Subclass) - When a Creature (that isn’t a Construct or Undead) is reduced to 0HP within 10m of you, you can use your Reaction to offer their Soul Energy to your Patron, granting you Advantage on all Attacks and Resistance to all Damage until the end of your next turn

        • Amped - You also regain an expended Warlock Spell Slot. 

          • You can only use this Blood Curse once per Long Rest

    • Ability Score Improvement

      • When you reach a Level with this Feature you can increase any Ability Score by +2 or two separate Ability Scores by +1 each

    • Extra Attack

      • This ability allows you to Attack faster than before. When you make the Attack Action you can now make two Attacks instead of just one. 

    • Cursed Brand

      • Whenever a Creature is under the effect of one of your Blood Maledicts you can trigger this ability as a Free Action, causing a bright red brand of your magic to appear on their skin. This brand lasts until you use this Feature again, until you fall unconscious, or until it reaches the time limit of 8 hours. You can utilize this Feature once per Short or Long Rest. It has the following effects…

        • You always know where the Branded Creature is in relation to you as long as you are both on the same plane

        • Every time this Creature deals Damage to you or a Creature within 5m of you it takes Psychic Damage equal to a roll of your Hemocraft Die

        • You deal +1 Damage with your Crimson Rite to this Creature any time you deal Damage to it

        • You have +1 to Attack Rolls against this Creature

    • Umbral Form

      • Your body has managed to fully incorporate the cursed blood within you, your muscles, bones, and organs having fully absorbed the Cursed power

        • You can add your Hemocraft Modifier to all Saves (Replacing the +1 Bonus granted at Level 1 from Dark Fortitude)

        • You are now Proficient with Will Saves

        • You gain 5m of Movement Speed

        • You have a Climbing and Swimming Speed of 5m

        • You can hold your breath for twice the amount of time 

        • You gain 10m of Darkvision

        • While you are in Dim Light or Darkness you have Advantage on all Saves

        • Once per day you can use your Bonus Action to cast the Spell “Invisibility” without any Components. This version of the Spell only lasts for 1 minute and is immune use of the “See Invisibility” Spell or True Sight, but still requires Concentration and ends upon making an Attack Roll, Casting a Spell, or using a Hemocraft ability

Cursed Order Subclass - This selection represents the way your Order enhances their powers, whether before or after the Rite has been taken is up to you but there are always some repercussions for the powers that a Cursed Warrior has taken into themselves. This normally is chosen based on the group or school that a Cursed Warrior has learned their art but some are forced upon themselves.

  • Order of the Blood - Those that have found their magic via Hemocraft sometimes fully commit to these powers, allowing their own magic blood to run out and strike others. Warriors that do so rarely are a part of another group of Hunters, rather, they are normally outliers, zealots, and those who demand even greater power from the sacrifices they have made. 

    • Order Feature: Expanded Hemocraft

      • You can add 1 additional Cursed Rite and Blood Curse to the ones you know, these do not count against the normal maximum amount for each

    • Order Feature: Blood Draw

      • At 3rd Level you learn how to physically manifest the magic in your blood to form physical objects, using your Action to form a Weapon or Shield in an empty Hand. You take Damage equal to a Roll of your Hemocraft Die as a part of this Action. This summoned weapon deals an 1d8 + your Hemocraft Modifier Magical Physical Damage (type depends on what Weapon you summon) as the blood strikes out in vile spikes from this Weapon. If a Shield is Chosen it is treated as Magical and any Creature that Attacks you with a Melee Weapon takes 1d4 Magical Piercing Damage. This magical item summoned with this Feature lasts for up to 1 minute or until it leaves your hand. 

    • Order Improvement: Blood Mark

      • Whenever you utilize the Curse of the Marked or your Blood Curse on a Creature and you deal Damage with a Melee Attack you regain 1d4 HP. You can regain HP in this way only up to half your Maximum HP

    • Order Advancement: Hardened Weaponry  

      • Your Blood Drawn magic gains additional benefits and abilities as you gain greater control over its outer forms

        • Melee Weapons deal 1d10 Damage

        • You can form Ranged Weapons (Ranged 20/50m) in the form of a Crossbow with a Reload Property of 2. You deal 1d6 + your Hemocraft Modifier Magical Piercing Damage with this Weapon. 

        • Your Shield provides +1 AC and deals 1d6 Damage

        • You can release your Weapon as a Bonus Action in a burst, dealing 1d12 Acid Damage to all Creatures within 5m of you

  • Order of the Ghostslayer - The Ghostslayers are the oldest of the blood hunter orders, its members having originally rediscovered the secrets of Hemocraft and refined them for combat against the scourge of undeath. They seek out and study the moment of death, obsessing over the mystery of the transition from life, and the unholy power that can cause the dead to rise once more. These zealous blood hunters make it their life’s work to destroy the scourge of undeath wherever it is found, tuning their abilities to engage undead creatures and those who manipulate the necromancy that creates them.

    • Order Feature: Rite of Dawn

      • You add the Rite of Dawn to your list of Crimson Rites, which gains the following effects

        • It deals Radiant Damage

        • You are Resistant to Necrotic Damage

        • Your Weapon sheds light in 10m radius and dim light another 10m past that

        • This deals 2 Hemocraft Die of Damage instead of 1 against Undead Creatures

    • Order Feature: Specialized Curses

      • You can add an additional Blood Maledict to your list of ones you know. In addition, when you roll to deal Damage to yourself and roll a 4 or higher on the die you treat it as a 3 instead

      • All your Blood Curses can now target Creatures regardless of if they have blood

    • Order Improvement: Veil Walking

      • You can magically step into the veil between the planes as long as you aren’t incapacitated. At the start of your turns you can activate this ability to move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, as well as see and affect creatures and objects on the Ethereal Plane. However, you take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside an object.

        • This feature can last for up to a number of rounds equal to your Hemocraft modifier. If you are inside an object when it ends, you are immediately shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and you take 1d10 Force Damage for every meter you were moved.

    • Order Advancement: Sundering Blade

      • When you strike a Creature with your Cursed Brand applied to it you can roll the Damage for your Crimson Rite twice and take the total. In addition if a Creature can teleport or move through objects normally or via a magical Spell or Ability it cannot use that Movement until the end of its next turn.

  • Order of the Lycan - This is a proud group of blood hunters who undergo “the Taming” — the ceremonial infliction of lycanthropy by a senior member of the order, for those who do not already carry the curse before seeking this path. These hunters then use the magic of their blood to harness the power of the monster they harbor, without losing themselves to it. Using intense will and secret blood magic rituals, members of the Order of the Lycan learn to control and unleash their hybrid forms for short periods of time. Enhanced physical prowess, unnatural resilience, and razor-sharp claws make these warriors a terrible foe to any evil that crosses their path. Yet no training is perfect, and without care and complete focus, even the greatest of blood hunters can temporarily lose themselves to their own hunger.

    • Order Feature: Enhanced Senses

      • You have Advantage on all Perception Checks that rely on Hearing or Smell

    • Order Feature: You have learned to control the lycanthropic curse that courses through your veins

      • As a Bonus Action, you transform into a special hybrid form for up to 1 hour. You can speak, use equipment, and wear armor while in this form, and can revert to your normal form as a bonus action. You automatically revert to your normal form if you fall unconscious or die. In addition, this Feature replaces the normal rules for lycanthropy. Once you use this feature, you must finish a Short or Long rest before you can use it again. While you are transformed, you gain the following features:

      • Feral Might - You have advantage on Strength checks and Fortitude Saves. You also gain a +1 bonus to Melee Damage Rolls, which increases to +2 at 10th Level

      • Resilient Hide - You have Resistance to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage from non-magical attacks not made with silvered weapons. Additionally, while you are not wearing heavy armor, you have a +1 bonus to AC.

      • Predatory Strikes - You can apply your Crimson Rite feature to your unarmed strikes, which you treat as one weapon. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d6 bludgeoning or slashing damage (your choice). This damage increases to 1d8 at 10th level. Additionally, when you use the Attack Action to make an unarmed strike, you can make one additional unarmed strike as a Bonus Action.

      • Bloodlust - If you start your turn with less HP than half your HP Maximum, you must succeed on a DC 8 Will Save or move directly toward the nearest creature and use the Attack Action against that creature. If you’re concentrating on a spell or are under an effect that prevents you from concentrating (such as the barbarian’s Rage feature), you automatically fail this Saving Throw. If you have your Extra Attack feature, you can choose whether to use it for this frenzied attack. If more than one creature is equally near to you, roll randomly to determine your target. Once your attack is resolved, you regain control of yourself.

        • In addition you cannot add any bonus to this Will Save that is related to your Hemocraft

    • Order Improvement: Stalker’s Prowess

      • Your Movement Speed increases by 3m, and you add 3m to your long jump distance and 1m to your high jump distance. Your hybrid form also gains an additional +1 to Melee Damage Rolls

    • Order Advancement: Evolved Transformation

      • You have learned to unleash and control more of the beast within, granting you two uses of your Hybrid Transformation per Short or Long Rest. In addition while in your hybrid form and while you have less than ½ your maximum HP you regain 1 + your Constitution Modifier HP at the start of your turn. This HP is regained before making a Bloodlust Roll

  • Order of the Mutant: Some of the most ancient orders have learned from the old alchemical texts of the elves, providing insight to the ways in which they transcended mortal form for brief periods, modifying their inherent abilities in exchange for more weaknesses. This allows a great ability to succeed but only if you’re properly prepared for it.

    • Order Feature: Mutagenesis

      • You learn to master forbidden alchemical formulas—known as Mutagens—that can temporarily alter your mental and physical abilities. Mutagens are designed for the specific biology of the character who concocted them, and your mutagens have no effect on other creatures. They are also unstable by nature, losing their potency over time and becoming inert if not used before you finish your next Long Rest. You know how to create 4 different formulas at this Level, and gain the knowledge of another one at 6th and 10th Levels, which also represents your ability to actively collect the necessary materials to prepare them. These are not only the knowledge on how to craft them but putting in the preparation to have the materials ready to craft them, which you can do so by spending 1 hour on the process after completing a Long Rest. At this Level you can craft 2 different Mutagens (each requiring an hour to craft) with your current supplies. At 5th Level you can craft 3 per Long Rest, 4 at 7th Level, and 5 at 9th Level.

        • As a Bonus Action, you consume a Mutagen you are in the possession of, whose effects and side effects last until you finish a Short or Long Rest unless otherwise specified. While one or more mutagens are affecting you, you can use an Action to focus and flush all mutagens from your system, ending their effects and side effects.

          • Mutagen Formulas - Upsides and Downsides are listed separately under each Formula and some are Level Restricted 

            • Aetherial (Requires 10th Level)

              • You gain a Flying Speed equal to your Movement Speed for the next Hour

              • You have Disadvantage on all Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength Checks

            • Alluring 

              • Your Charisma Score increases by 3 to a Maximum of 20

              • You have Disadvantage on all Fortitude Saves

            • Celerity

              • Your Dexterity Score increases by 3 to a Maximum of 20

              • You have Disadvantage on all Will Saves

            • Conversant

              • You have Advantage on Charisma Checks

              • You have Disadvantage on Intelligence Checks

            • Cruel (Requires 8th Level)

              • If you use your Action to make an Attack you can utilize your Bonus Action to make another Attack

              • You have Disadvantage on Will Saves

            • Deftness

              • You have Advantage on Dexterity Checks

              • You have Disadvantage on Wisdom Checks

            • Embers

              • You have Resistance to Fire Damage

              • You have Vulnerability to Cold Damage

            • Enhanced (Instant Use) (Requires 8th Level)

              • You utilize this Mutagen whenever you next activate your Crimson Rite or Blood Maledict as a part of the same Action. You do not have to roll your Hemocraft die for the sake of dealing Damage to yourself for this use

            • Gelid

              • You have Resistance to Cold Damage

              • You have Vulnerability to Fire Damage

            • Impermeable

              • You have Resistance to non-magical Piercing Damage

              • You have Vulnerability to non-magical Slashing Damage

            • Mobile (Requires 5th Level)

              • You have Advantage against any Rolls that would leave you Confused, Dazed, Flat-Footed, Grappled, or Restrained

              • You have Disadvantage on all Rolls that requires Strength 

            • Nighteye

              • You gain 20m (or an additional 20m) of Darkvision

              • You have Disadvantage on all Attack Rolls against Creatures in direct sunlight or if you’re in direct sunlight 

            • Perceptive

              • You have Advantage on all Wisdom Checks

              • You have Disadvantage on all Charisma Checks

            • Precise (Requires 7th Level)

              • You Critically Strike on a 19 or 20 with Weapons you’re Proficient with

              • You have Disadvantage on Will Saves

            • Rapidity (Requires 4th Level)

              • Your Movement Speed is increased by 3m

              • You have Disadvantage on Fortitude Saves

            • Reconstruction (Requires 7th Level)

              • You regain a number of HP at the start of each of your turns equal to your Proficiency Bonus up to ½ your Maximum HP

              • Your Movement Speed is reduced by 3m  

            • Sage

              • Your Intelligence Score increases by 3 to a Maximum of 20

              • You have Disadvantage on all Will Saves

            • Shielded

              • You have Resistance to non-magical Slashing Damage

              • You have Vulnerability to non-magical Bludgeoning Damage

            • Unbreakable

              • You have Resistance to non-magical Bludgeoning Damage

              • You have Vulnerability to non-magical Piercing Damage

            • Vermillion

              • You regain a use of your Blood Maladict Feature

              • You have Disadvantage on Death Saves

            • Warrior

              • Your Strength Score increases by 3 to a Maximum of 20

              • You have Disadvantage on all Reflex Saves

    • Order Feature: Mutant’s Body

      • You gain a Resistance to Poison Damage and an immunity to an extra effects caused by non-magical poisons (such as causing the Paralyzed or Unconscious Condition)

    • Order Improvement: Magical Blood

      • Your Mutant’s Body ability is improved. You now have Immunity to Poison Damage and to the effects from Magical Poisons

      • You also can briefly increase this effect with your focus. Once per Short Rest you can pause the negative effects of any Mutagen you made that is affecting you for up to 1 minute

    • Order Advancement: Axiomatic Sight

      • Your mutagenic hemocraft lets your Brand reveal a foe’s true nature. Any illusion or invisibility in effect on a creature when you brand it ends, and the creature can’t benefit from invisibility or illusion effects while branded by you. If a creature branded by you is in an alternative form (such as by way of the Polymorph spell, the Change Shape action, the Shapechanger trait, or the Wild Shape feature), it must succeed on a Will Save vs your Hemocraft DC or revert to its true form and be Stunned until the end of your next turn. Whenever a branded creature attempts to alter its form, it must succeed on another Will Save vs your Hemocraft DC or have the attempt fail, and it is Stunned until the end of your next turn.

  • Order of the Profane Soul - Blood hunters belonging to the Order of the Profane Soul have pushed the limits of hemocraft for use against some of the most terrifying creatures corrupting the world. Ancient fiends and cruel magic-users have long counted on their ability to meld into the background and escape those who hunt them, vanishing into noble courts without a trace, or bending the minds of the most stalwart warriors with but a glance. So the blood hunters who founded this order trusted their resilience as they delved into the same well of corrupting arcane knowledge, grabbing onto the old magics and the powerful well of outer realm magic that leaks into the mortal realm. 

    • Order Feature: Profane Magic

      • When you reach this Level, you can augment your combat techniques with the ability to cast spells. The spells you can learn can be found in the Arcane Spell List marked as the ones Warlocks can learn. The rules for your Spellcasting is as follows

      • Cantrips

        • You learn two Cantrips of your choice from the list, selecting an additional Cantrip of your choice at 8th Level 

      • Spell Slots

        • You start with a single Spell Slot and gain more according the the table below. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your Profane spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a Spell Slot.

          • For example, when you are 8th level, you have two 2nd-level spell slots. To cast the 1st-level spell Witch Bolt, you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 2nd-level spell.

      • Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

        • At 3rd level, you know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the List. You gain another Spell from this List at 5th, 7th, and 9th Levels. The Level of your Spell Slots increase to 2nd Level when you reach 6th Level in the Cursed Warrior Class. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the Profane Spells you know and replace it with another spell from the List, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

      • Spellcasting Ability

        • Your chosen Hemocraft ability (Intelligence or Wisdom) is your spellcasting ability for your warlock spells, so you use your Hemocraft ability whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Hemocraft modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a warlock spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

          • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Hemocraft modifier.

          • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Hemocraft modifier

    • Order Feature: Rite Focus

      • When you have your Crimson Rite on a Weapon you can utilize that as your Material Components for any Spell that requires it

    • Order Improvement: Mystic Warrior

      • When you use your Action to cast a Cantrip you can make a Melee Weapon Attack as a part of the same Action

    • Order Improvement: Mystic Boon

      • You gain access to the list of Spells below via your continual connection to the outer planes. The spell you select counts as Profane Spells for you and does not count against your number of Spells Known. You can cast this Spell at the highest Spell Slot Level you have once per day without expending a Spell Slot. In addition, every time you complete a Long Rest you can replace your chosen spell with a different one. 

        • Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Branding Smite, Detect Thoughts, Gust of Wind, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Phantasmal Force, Scorching Spears, or Silence

    • Order Advancement: Sapping Brand

      • Whenever you have put your Brand on an enemy you can slowly weaken their resolve against your Magics. If you target this Creature with a Spell that requires a Saving Throw it has Disadvantage on the Save.

Cursed Warrior LevelCantrips KnownSpells KnownSpell SlotsSpell Slots Level

Disciplines of the Four Elements


The Wild Magic Table