Disciplines of the Four Elements

3rd Level Disciplines

  • Lifedrinker

    • Prerequisites: 9th Level Warlock

    • Benefits: When you hit a Creature with a Weapon you’re Proficient with you deal an additional 1d4 Necrotic Damage and regain that same amount of HP

  • Minions of the Elements

    • Prerequisites: 9th Level Warlock

    • Benefits: You can cast Summon Elemental once per day without material components or expending a Spell Slot

  • Shroud of Shadow

    • Prerequisites: 9th Level Warlock

    • Benefits: You can cast Invisibility at will without expending a Spell Slot

  • Visions of Distant Realms

    • Prerequisites: 9th Level Warlock

    • Benefits: You can cast the Scrying Spell once per day without expending a Spell Slot and without the need for material components

  • Whispers of the Grave

    • Prerequisites: 9th Level Warlock

    • Benefits: Once per day you can cast Speak with Dead without expending a Spell Slot

6th Level Disciplines

  • Anger of the Ice Rabbit (3)

    • You send out a 10m cone of powerful icy spheres. Each Creature within range must make a Reflex Save, taking 4d8 Cold Damage on a Failure and half as much on a Success. Until the start of your next turn this area is difficult terrain. You can Enhance this Discipline to increase this amount by 2d8.  

  • Arms of the Octopus (2)

    • You summon a thin sheet of water around you, increasing your Deflect Missiles range to 10m around you for the next minute. Whenever you would roll to reduce Damage as a part of that Feature you add an additional 1d6, and if you would throw the projectile back you can add 1d6 to both the associated Attack and Damage Rolls.

  • Badger’s Pathway (2)

    • For the next minute you can easily move the earth out of your way, granting yourself 20m of tremorsense for the duration and as you move through the earth it creates a tunnel along your path. This tunnel collapses whenever this Discipline ends.

  • Balance of the Sea (2)

    • For the next 8 Hours you have a Swimming Speed equal to your Movement Speed, Can breathe water as if it’s air, and have Blindsight up to 30m while underwater.

  • Burning Breath (2)

    • Suck in a huge breath and release a torrent of flame as an Action. All Creatures in a 15m line in front of you must make a Reflex Save vs your Monk Save DC. They take 6d6 Fire Damage on a Failure and are Flat-Footed on their next turn, if they succeed they only take half Damage

  • Cloak of the Salamander (1)

    • While you have this Discipline selected you gain Resistance to Fire Damage. You can spend 1 Ki Point and a Reaction when an ally takes Fire Damage and grant them this Resistance as well.

  • Fist of the Elements (3)

    • Use your Bonus Action to slam your fists together and select between Cold, Fire, or Thunder Damage Types. For the next minute your Unarmed Strikes deal an additional 1d4 Damage of this Type and you gain a +1 Bonus to Attack Roll with them. You can Enhance this Discipline to deal an additional 1d4 Damage and gain an additional +1 to Attack Rolls

  • Giant’s Roar (2)

    • Select a point within Range, all Creatures within 5m of that point must make Fortitude Save against your Monk DC. They take 3d8 Thunder Damage on a Failure or half as much on as Success. You can Enhance this Discipline to deal an additional 1d8 Damage. 

  • Hand of the Mountain (2)

    • You select a Creature within 20m that is touching the ground, it must make a Fortitude Save as a pile of earth moves around it and tries to bind it. On a Failure it takes 2d6 Bludgeoning Damage and is Restrained for up to a minute. You can use a Bonus Action on your subsequent turns (while you’re concentrating on it) to inflict another 2d6 Damage on this Creature. Finally, this Creature can make a Strength Check using its Action on its turn against your Monk DC to try and escape. 

  • Leaf on the Wind 

    • While you have this Discipline selected your Slow Fall Feature is replaced with this Discipline. You ignore all Damage caused by falling and you do not need to roll, and for every meter you fall you can move a meter horizontally as a powerful wind guides you along the sky.

  • Mote of the Red Dragon 

    • Create a 2m radius sphere of red flame that forms at a point within 15m that you can see. Any Creature that moves within 2m of the Sphere must make a Reflex Save. A creature takes 2d6 Fire Damage on a Failed Save and half as much as a Successful one. On subsequent turns you can move the Sphere up to 15m as a Bonus Action and if you collide it with a Creature the Sphere stops as the Creature automatically fails the Saving Throw. Moving the Sphere within the 2m Range of another Creature also triggers a Saving Throw.

  • Red Claw Strike (2)

    • You summon three arcs of fire and send them at enemies you can see up to 25m away. Each one must make a Reflex Save against your Monk DC, taking 2d6 Fire Damage on a Failure or half as much on a Success. You can distribute these arcs in whatever manner you deem best. 

  • Searing Tail Strike (2)

    • Send out a wave of fire, with a 5m width, 5m height, and a 30m length. Any creatures caught in this volume must make a Reflex Save against your monk DC or take 2d10 Fire Damage. They take half as much on a Success. You can Enhance this Discipline to deal an additional 1d10 Damage. 

  • Wings of the Hawk (2)

    • You summon a pair of wings made out of wind in a 3m radius around you, which remain centered on you for up to 10 minutes or until you stop the effect. These wings have the following effects:

      • It deafens you and other creatures in its area.

      • It extinguishes unprotected flames in its area that are torch-sized or smaller.

      • The area is difficult terrain for creatures other than you.

      • The attack rolls of ranged weapon attacks have disadvantage if they pass in or out of the wind.

      • It hedges out vapor, gas, and fog that can be dispersed by strong wind.

  • Water Jet (3)

    • You use your Action to unleash a jet of water in a line that is 30m long and 1m wide. Each creature in the line must make a Fortitude Save, taking Bludgeoning Damage equal to your Martial Arts die + your Wisdom Modifier on a Failure or ½ as much on a Success one. In addition, you can move each target that fails its Save to any unoccupied space touching the line

10th Level Disciplines

  • Break the Sword (1)

    • You summon the earthen impurities within most metals and bring them out. You strike an object made out of impure metal and can manipulate its shape, affecting up to a 2m cube of metal in this manner, such as ripping out iron bars of a jail cell or moving an iron door out of your way

  • Call of the Sky (4)

    • You bring all your rushing energy into your fingers and release it in a 30m line in a direction of your choice. Any Creatures within this line must make a Reflex Save vs your Monk DC, with any Creatures that are wearing Metal Armor making this Save with Disadvantage. Any that Fail take 10d6 Lightning Damage, with those that Succeed taking half as much Damage. 

  • Dance of Three Kings (3)

    • Using your Action you slam the ground and bring forth 3 spheres of stone above your head, hold them aloft with spinning wind, and light them with flames. You can then use your Bonus Action to send between 1 and 3 of these spheres at a point you can see within 100m. Any Creatures within 2m of this point must make a Reflex Save vs your Monk DC, taking 3d4 Fire Damage on a Failure and becoming Flat Footed. On a Success they only take half the Damage. You can hold these spheres over your head (using Concentration) and can send them out as a Bonus Action at a later turn within the next minute

  • Earth Touching Sky (2).

    • You strike the ground and at any other point on the ground within 40m erupts towards the sky. Any Creatures within 5m of this point must make a Reflex Save as the ground strikes up at them, taking 2d12 on a Failure and being knocked prone. On a Success they take half as much Damage and are only Flat-Footed. You can Enhance this to increase the Damage by 1d12. 

  • Hungry Flames (1)

    • Whenever you deal Fire Damage to a creature, you can use this Discipline to inflict the Ignited Condition to that creature. A creature that has caught fire by this effect will continue to take Fire Damage equal to your Martial Arts die at the end of each of its turns for up to 1 minute. The fire can be extinguished through mundane means, such as water or a strong wind. A creature or an adjacent ally can also use an Action to extinguish the flames affecting it.

  • Mending River (3)

    • As an Action, you can target a Creature that you can see within 10m and restore a number of its HP equal to 4d6 + your Wisdom modifier.

  • Mist Form (2)

    • When you are struck by an Attack you can use your Reaction to turn part of your form into mist, halving the Damage. This form lasts until the start of your next turn. 

  • Phoenix Seed (3)

    • You use your Action to summon a small marble of pulsing flame and send it to a point within 30m of you that you can see. It explodes immediately upon reaching that point and any Creatures within 5m of that point must make a Reflex Save vs your Monk DC. They take 8d6 Fire Damage on a Failure or half that on a Success. 

  • Raise the Elements (3)

    • You use your Reaction to pull an element up (normally from a larger body of it) and manipulate it to your will. You can select any point within 30m, and bring up a wall of water. This wall reaches up to 5m in the air, can be up to 20m long, and is 2m thick. The extra effects depend on the type of element used but none of them do damage, they all block line of sight, provide full cover, and restrict Ranged Attacks by slowing the projectile to a standstill. Each stops certain Spells but only up to a 4th Level. You can use your Subsequent Bonus Actions to manipulate this wall, able to move the total volume up to 10m in any direction. 

      • Air - Any Spell or Effect that deals Fire Damage is negated by hitting this Wall

      • Earth - Any Spell or Effect that deals Acid Damage is negated by hitting this Wall

      • Fire - Any Spell or Effect that deals Cold Damage is negated by hitting this Wall

      • Water - Any Spell or Effect that deals Thunder Damage is negated by hitting this Wall

  • Ride the Wind (3)

    • As a Bonus Action, you can gain a Flying Speed equal to your Movement Speed for 1 minute while Concentrating.

  • Sea’s Fury (3)

    • Use your Action to summon a huge body of water to crash down at a point within range, the affected area is 10m long, 3m wide, and 3m tall. Any Creature in this area must make a Reflex Save, taking 4d8 Bludgeoning Damage and being knocked prone on a failure or only taking half Damage on a Success. Fires within 10m of the zone are extinguished and all Creatures within the area have Resistance to Fire Damage for 1 Round.

  • Stone of the Iron Tortoise (3)

    • You can use your Bonus Action to gain Resistance to non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage for the next minute. You can Enhance this to last for 1 Hour instead but it will then require Concentration

  • Unrelenting Assault (2)

    • Whenever you use your Action to use a Discipline you can use your Flurry of Blows Feature

  • Water Prison (3)

    • You conjure up a 2m sphere of water at a point you can see within 40m that can hover slightly above the ground. For the next minute any creature in the sphere’s space must make a Fortitude Save. On a successful save, a creature (that is Medium or Smaller) is ejected from that space to the nearest unoccupied space outside it while on a failed save, a creature is restrained by the sphere and is engulfed by the water. At the end of each of its turns, a restrained target can repeat the saving throw. The sphere can restrain a maximum of four Medium or smaller Creatures. If the sphere restrains a Creature in excess of these numbers, a random creature that was already restrained by the sphere falls out of it and lands prone outside it. As an Action, you can move the sphere up to 10m in a straight line. If it moves over a pit, cliff, or other drop, it safely descends until it is hovering a couple meters off the ground. Any creature restrained by the sphere moves with it. You can ram the sphere into creatures, forcing them to make the saving throw, but no more than once per turn. When the spell ends, the sphere falls to the ground and extinguishes all normal flames within 10m of it. Any creature restrained by the sphere is knocked prone in the space where it falls.

  • Wings of the Eagle (3)

    • Using an Action you grant a Flying Speed equal to your Movement Speed for up to 1 Hour or until you drop Concentration


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The Cursed Warrior Class