Basic Invocations
Agonizing Blast
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You can add your Spellcasting Modifier to any Damage Rolls with your Eldritch Blast
Armor of Shadows
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You can cast Mage Armor without expending a Spell Slot
Beast Speech
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You can cast Speak with Animals without expending a Spell Slot
Beguiling Influence
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You gain Proficiency with Deception and Persuasion
Devil's Sight
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You gain 40m of Darkvision, which can be used to see through magical darkness as well
Eldritch Mind
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You have Advantage on Fortitude Saves to maintain Concentration on your Warlock Spells
Eldritch Sight
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You can cast Detect Magic at will without expending a Spell Slot
Eldritch Spear
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: Your Eldritch Blast Feature has its Range tripled, to 120m instead of 40m
Eyes of the Rune Keeper
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You can understand all written languages that you don’t know as long as you take a minute to thoroughly read it
Fiendish Vigor
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You can cast False Life on yourself at will without expending a Spell Slot
Gaze of Two Minds
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You can use your Action to touch a willing humanoid and perceive through its senses until the end of your next turn. As long as the creature is on the same plane of existence as you, you can use your Action on subsequent turns to maintain this connection, extending the duration until the end of your next turn. While perceiving through the other creature's senses, you benefit from any special senses possessed by that creature, and you are blinded and deafened to your own surroundings.
Grasp of Hadar
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: When you hit a Creature with your Eldritch Blast you can choose to move the Creature 2m towards yourself
Lance of Lethargy
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: When you hit a Creature with your Eldritch Blast they have their Movement Speed reduced by 5m
Mask of Many Faces
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You can cast Disguise Self at will without expending a Spell Slot
Misty Visions
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You can cast Silent Image at will without expending a Spell Slot
Thief of Five Fates
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: You can cast Bane once per day without expending a Spell Slot
Repelling Blast
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: If you hit a Creature with an Eldritch Blast you can choose to push that creature 2m away from you
Witch Sight
Prerequisites: None
Benefits: Any Creatures that have their shape changed via illusions, natural magic (such as Changelings), or via the Polymorph Spell gives off a faint blue aura that allows you to recognize their true form. This version of Truesight has a range of 10m
3rd Level Invocations
Dance of the Feathers
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Feather Fall at will without expending a Spell Slot
Gift of the Ever-Living Ones
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock
Benefits: Whenever you regain HP you can utilize your Reaction to activate this ability, gaining the maximum amount instead of rolling
Mire the Mind
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Slow once per day without expending a Spell Slot
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Color Spray once per day without expending a Spell Slot
3rd Level Patron Invocations
Blend Like Water
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock; Fathomless Patron
Benefits: Once per day you can cast Invisibility without using a Spell Slot or requiring material components. If you are within water you cast this Spell without requiring verbal or somatic components, it has its duration increased to 4 hours, and you do not need to make Concentration Saves to keep Concentration on it for the duration
Boon of Healing
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock; Celestial Patro
Benefits: Whenever you Heal a Creature or are Healed by a Creature using Magic you treat any dice rolled as their maximum value
Elemental Charm
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock; Genie Patron
Benefits: You gain Expertise with Persuasion (or Mastery if you’re already an Expert) and are Immune to the Charmed or Possessed Conditions
Kiss of Flame
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock; Fiend Patron
Benefits: When you deal Damage to a Creature with an Eldritch Blast you can use your Bonus Action to explode that blast’s magic. They must make a Reflex Save vs your Spell Save DC, taking 6d6 Fire Damage on a Failure or ½ as much on a Success. You must finish a Short or Long Rest before using this ability again
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock; Archfae Patron
Benefits: You can gain Proficiency with Bows and can use your Pact Magic (via the Eldritch Knight Feature) with them. You also can summon a bow made of white wood gifted by your Patron as an Action using this ability, choosing the type of form it takes based on what Attribute Requirements you meet. When you draw back its string and loose, it creates an arrow of white wood, which vanishes after 1 minute. You have Advantage on Attack Rolls against Aberrations, Fae, Monstrosities, and Undead with this magical bow. This deals Magical Piercing Damage equivalent to the type of Bow you chose and when you hit a Creature with it, you can expend a Spell Slot to deal an additional 2d8 Radiant Damage to the target per spell level used. This Bow lasts for up to 1 minute or if you are rendered unconscious.
Otherworldly Infiltration
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock; Great Old One Patron
Benefits: You gain Proficiency with the Deception and Stealth Skills and have Advantage on any Attack or Damage Rolls against Creatures that are Charmed by you
Pursuit of Knowledge
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock; Watcher Patron
Benefits: You gain boons from your patron to avoid impediments, you have Advantage on all Checks or Saves that would cause the Dazed, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, or Restrained Conditions on you. You also ignore Difficult Terrain as long as you’re utilizing Movement for which you have a Movement Speed
Repulsing Death
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock; Undying Patron
Benefits: If a Creature is dying you can target them with your Eldritch Blasts, making Attack Rolls as normal (ignoring Disadvantage from them being prone) and on a Hit they come back at 1 HP. You can only use your Eldritch Blast in this way once per day per Creature. Every time you do so and you are below your Maximum HP you gain Shielding equal to your Warlock Level
True Magic
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock; Masters of Fate Patron
Benefits: You gain +1 to all Attack Rolls and Savings Throws with your Eldritch Blast Feature or any Warlock Spells that you cast. In addition, if there is any antimagic around your Cantrips are completely unaffected as long as you use your Bonus Action to focus on them every turn. In addition, if a Spell of yours would end via Counterspell or Detect Magic, you can see the Creature casting that Spell, and you have a Spell Slot of a Level equal to the one they’re casting this Spell then you can use your Reaction to block it. You can only utilize this feature’s ability to counter those Spells once per day.
Vile Hex
Prerequisites: 3rd Level Warlock; Hexblade Patron
Benefits: As a Bonus Action on your turn you can deal Necrotic Damage equal to double your Spellcasting Modifier to any target of your Hexblade’s Curse
5th Level Invocations
Cloak of Flies
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock
Benefits: As a Bonus Action, you can surround yourself with a magical aura that looks like buzzing flies. The aura extends 2m from you in every direction, but not through total cover. It lasts until you're incapacitated or you dismiss it as a Bonus Action.
The aura grants you advantage on Intimidation Checks but Disadvantage on all other Charisma Checks. Any other creature that starts its turn in the aura takes Poison Damage equal to your Spellcasting Modifier (minimum of 0 damage). Once you use this invocation, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Gift of the Depths
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Waterbreathing once per day without expending a Spell Slot. In addition, you can breathe water naturally and have a Swimming Speed equal to your Movement Speed
One with Shadows
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock
Benefits: While in dim light or darkness you can use your Action to stand perfectly still, gaining benefits as if you were invisible after 1 minute of performing this Action repeatedly. This lasts until you move or take a different Action on your turn.
Sign of Ill Omen
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Bestow Curse once per day without expending a Spell Slot
Tomb of Protection
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock
Benefits: Once per Short Rest as a Reaction when you take damage, you can entomb yourself in ice. This grants you 10 Shielding per Warlock Level and lasts until it runs out of Shielding or at the end of your next turn. Immediately after you take the damage, you gain Vulnerability to Fire Damage, your Movement Speed is reduced to 0, and you are Incapacitated. These effects, including any remaining Shielding, all end when the ice melts.
Undying Servitude
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Animate Dead once per day without expending a Spell Slot
5th Level Pact Invocations
Bonded Ally
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock; Pact of the Talisman
Benefits: After completing a Long Rest you can select an ally to be your Bonded Ally. They gain +1 to all Saves while within 10m of you. You gain the ability to teleport to them as long as they are within 100m of you, this can be used a number of times per day equal to your Proficiency Bonus\
Chains of the Demon
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock; Pact of the Chain
Benefits: You can cast Hold Person once per day without expending a Spell Slot, and you can utilize it additional on Beasts, Monstrosities,
Eldritch Smite
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock; Pact of the Blade
Benefits: Once per turn when you hit with your Pact Weapon you can deal an additional 1d8 Force Damage. You can do so a number of times per day equal to your Proficiency Bonus
Far Scribe
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock, Pact of the Tome
Benefits: You gain additional pages at the end of your tome, with a lined sheet for people to sign their names. Any sentient creature can do so willingly, permanently granting you access to them. Once per day you can cast the Sending Spell with them as the target, without expending a Spell Slot or using material components. You do so by writing on the subsequent page and if they reply their response appears underneath that. Once utilized in this way you cannot cast Sending in this way towards that Creature until you finish a Long Rest, upon which this page returns to being blank. You can have up to five names in this Tome and can use an Action to erase a name from it. However you cannot write the same name into the Tome until 24 hours have passed after erasing it.
Improved Pact Weapon
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock; Pact of the Blade
Benefits: Your Pact Weapon(s) gain +1 to Attack and Damage Rolls (unless it is a Magic Weapon that already gains that benefit). In addition, if you take the Attack Action on your turn you can make 2 Attacks instead, as if you had the Extra Attack Feature
Knowledge from Beyond
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock; Pact of the Amulet
Benefits: Every time you finish a Long Rest you can select a Language, Save, Skill, Tool, and Weapon to gain Proficiency with. This lasts until you complete a Long Rest and upon waking up you can select any others, as you cannot select the same Proficiency twice in a row.
Mote of Defense
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock; Pact of the Amulet
Benefits: Your motes grant you additional survivability, granting an additional +1 to all Saves and +1 Maximum HP per Warlock Level. You also can gain Advantage on a Save twice per Rest instead of once.
Protect and Rebuke
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock; Pact of the Talisman
Benefits: Your talisman gains additional benefits. When you make an Attack Roll or Save you can utilize this ability to add 1d4 to the roll, and if you still Fail then you don’t spend a use of this ability. You can use this ability a number of per day equal to your Proficiency Bonus
Tome of Ancient Secrets
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock; Pact of the Tome
Benefits: You can add certain Spells to your Tome that your patron bestows upon you. Choose a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Level Spell from any Class’ Spell List, with the ability for you to cast them appearing in the book. Once per day you can cast each of these Spells once without expending a Spell Slot. You can use your regular Spell Slots to cast these Spells again if you need to.
Vestments of the Chain
Prerequisites: 5th Level Warlock; Pact of the Chain
Benefits: When you cast find familiar, you infuse the summoned familiar with a measure of your eldritch power, granting the creature the following benefits:
It gains either a Flying or Swimming Speed (your choice) of 15m.
As a Bonus Action, you can command the familiar to take the Attack action. These Attacks are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming Immunity and Resistance to non-magical attacks
If the familiar forces a creature to make a Save, it uses your Spell Save DC
When the familiar takes damage, you can use your Reaction to grant it resistance against that damage
7th Level Invocations
Ascendant Step
Prerequisites: 7th Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Levitate on yourself without expending a Spell Slot
Bewitching Whispers
Prerequisites: 7th Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Compulsion once per day without expending a Spell Slot
Dreadful Word
Prerequisites: 7th Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Confusion once per day without expending a Spell Slot
Ghostly Gaze
Prerequisites: 7th Level Warlock
Benefits: You gain 10m of Low Light Vision and as an Action, you can see through solid objects within that distance that you select. This lasts for 1 minute or until your Concentration ends (as if you were concentrating on a spell). During that time, you perceive these selected objects as ghostly, transparent images.
Gift of the Protectors
Prerequisites: 7th Level Warlock
Benefits: Once per day you can select any Creature. Until you finish a Long Rest the first time that Creature would Die they instead return to 1HP. You can select another Creature (or the same one) again after finishing your next Long Rest
Otherworldly Leap
Prerequisites: 7th Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Jump at will without expending a Spell Slot
Relentless Hex
Prerequisites: 7th Level
Benefits: When you target a Creature with the Hex or Bestow Curse Spells you can link the space around you both. While this Spell is in effect you can use a Bonus Action to teleport to an unoccupied space within 3m of them if you can see them.
Sculptor of Flesh
Prerequisites: 7th Level Warlock
Benefits: Once per day you can cast Polymorph on yourself without material components or expending a Spell Slot
Trickster’s Diversion
Prerequisites: 7th Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Banishment once per day without expending a Spell Slot
9th Level Invocations
Prerequisites: 9th Level Warlock
Benefits: When you hit a Creature with a Weapon you’re Proficient with you deal an additional 1d4 Necrotic Damage and regain that same amount of HP
Minions of the Elements
Prerequisites: 9th Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Summon Elemental once per day without material components or expending a Spell Slot
Shroud of Shadow
Prerequisites: 9th Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast Invisibility at will without expending a Spell Slot
Visions of Distant Realms
Prerequisites: 9th Level Warlock
Benefits: You can cast the Scrying Spell once per day without expending a Spell Slot and without the need for material components
Whispers of the Grave
Prerequisites: 9th Level Warlock
Benefits: Once per day you can cast Speak with Dead without expending a Spell Slot