The Sorcerer Class


Sorcerer LevelProficiency BonusCantrips KnownSpells KnownMax Spell LevelSorcery PointsFeatures
1+2421st5Spellcasting, Flexible Casting
3+2442nd16Sorcerous Discovery
4+2552nd18Ability Score Improvement
6+3573rd34Sorcerous Improvement
8+3694th45Ability Score Improvement
9+46105th58Sorcerous Advancement
10+46115th65Metamagic Recovery

Basic Stats:

Level 1 HP = 6 + your Constitution Modifier; Gaining an additional [1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution Modifier] HP with every additional Sorcerer Level


  • Armor: None

  • Weapons: Saex, Quarterstaff, Light Spear, Light Crossbow

  • Tools: None

  • Saves: Proficiency with Fortitude, Training with Will

    • or Proficiency with Charisma and Constitution Saving Throws

  • Skills: Choose 3 Between Arcana, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion


  • a Magical Focus (Orb, Rod, Staff, or Wand)

  • a Light Crossbow w/ 20 Bolts

  • a Saex or Light Spear

  • a Backpack w/ A Bedroll, a Saex, a Mess Kit, a Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Day of Rations, a Waterskin, and a 15m bundle of Hempen Rope


  • Spellcasting - From within there was a power always dwelling within yourself that has been waiting to come out. How it found its way attached to your soul is dependent on every Sorcerer but it was likely that they had an ancestor make some bargain with or was bound romantically with a powerful entity that garnered them some boon. Occasionally siring a child has resulted in this effect but that is never common enough to have impacted the world regularly like a long lineage can. However, it’s when you take your 3rd Level in this Class you allow it to come forth in its entirety.

    • Cantrips

      • At 1st level, you know 4 cantrips of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. You learn additional sorcerer cantrips of your choice at 4th and 8th Levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Sorcerer table.

    • Spells

      • You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the Sorcerer Spell List when you take this Class, gaining an additional Spell every time you take another Level in this Class. Each of these spells must be of a level equal to or lesser than your Maximum Level known from the table above, starting at 1st and increasing by 1 every odd level of Sorcerer that you’ve taken. For instance, when you reach 3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can replace any number of the Spells you know and replace them with other spells from the sorcerer spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

    • Spellcasting Ability

      • Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your sorcerer spells, since the power of your magic relies on your ability to pull the energy from within yourself and convince it to do as you wish. You utilize your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the Save DC for a sorcerer spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

        • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

        • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

    • Spellcasting Focus

      • You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your sorcerer spells, normally taking the form of Wands, Staves, or Orbs

    • Sorcery Points

      • The table above shows how many Sorcery Points you have as well as what Level of Spell you’re able to cast, which is dependent on your Sorcerer Level as explained above. You spend Sorcery Points to cast your Spells, allowing you to modify how you utilize your magic with greater versatility, the amount to which can be seen below. When you do so subtract the cost (dependent on the Spell Level) listed below from your current Sorcery Points. For example, if a 1st Level Sorcerer wants to cast the 1st-level spell Chaos Bolt and has their maximum 5 Sorcery points you can utilize Chaos Bolt at higher Level, but you must decide on the number of sorcery points you’ll use before anything takes effect. You regain all your Sorcery Points whenever you finish a Long Rest. However, that if a Character is to multiclass into or out of the Sorcerer Class they cannot utilize their sorcery points to cast Spells gained as a part of these abilities gained from another class

        • Spell Cost

          • 1st Level Spell - 2 sorcery points

          • 2nd Level Spell - 3 sorcery points

          • 3rd Spell Level - 5 sorcery points

          • 4th Spell Level - 6 sorcery points

          • 5th Spell Level - 8 sorcery points

    • Flexible Casting

      • At 1st Level, you can further manipulate the magic within yourself, using this wellspring to produce additional effects with your Spells. You can spend a Bonus Action to convert a number of Hit Dice into an equal number of Sorcery Points.

    • Metamagic - At 2nd Level you can twist your Spells’ capabilities and bend them to your sense of personality utilizing your Flexible Casting. Pick 3 of the options below at this Level, and another one at 4th, 7th, and 10th Levels to gain access to. When you gain a Level in this Class you can exchange one of these choices for another from the list below. However, you cannot utilize multiple Metamagic options that you know on a single casting of a Spell unless that Metamagic option specifically says so 

      • Careful Spell - When you cast a spell that forces a Save, you can protect some of those creatures from the spell's full force. To do so, you spend a sorcery point and choose a number of those creatures up to your Charisma modifier. Those chosen automatically succeed on its Save against the spell.

      • Distant Spell - When you cast a spell that has a Range of 5m or greater, you can spend a sorcery point to triple the range of the spell.

        • When you cast a spell that has a range of Touch, you can spend 1 sorcery point to make the range of the spell 10m.

      • Empowered Spell - When you roll damage for a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll a number of the damage dice (up to your Charisma modifier) but you must use the new rolls.

        • You can use this Metamagic even if you have already used a different one during the casting of the spell.

      • Extended Spell - When you cast a Spell that has a duration of 1 minute or longer, you can spend a sorcery point to triple its duration, to a maximum duration of 24 hours.

      • Heightened Spell - When you cast a spell that forces a creature to make a Save to resist its effects, you can spend 3 Sorcery Points to give one target of the spell Disadvantage on its first Save made against the spell. You can Spend an additional 3 as a part of this Ability to target a 2nd Creature if the Spell is targeting exactly 2 Creatures and doesn’t affect an area. If the Spell requires additional Saves you can use your Reaction when that Creature must remake that save to spend another 3 Points to give them Disadvantage again. 

      • Quickened Spell - When you cast a Spell that has a casting time of 1 Action, you can spend 2 Sorcery Points to change the casting time to 1 Bonus Action for this casting.

      • Seeking Spell - If you make an Attack Roll for a spell and miss, you can spend 2 Sorcery Points to reroll the d20, but you must use the new roll.

        • You can use Seeking Spell even if you have already used a different Metamagic during the casting of the spell.

      • Sniper Spell - When you cast a Spell that requires you to make a Spell Attack Roll or that forces a target to make a Reflex Save, you can spend a sorcery point to ignore the effects of half- and three-quarters cover against targets of the spell.

      • Subtle Spell - When you cast a Spell, you can spend a sorcery point to cast it without any somatic or verbal components if it had them.

      • Transmuted Spell - When you cast a Spell that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder damage, you can spend a sorcery pointto change that damage type to one of the others listed.

      • Twinned Spell - When you cast a Spell that targets only one creature and doesn't have a range of self, you can spend a number of Sorcery Points equal to the Spell's Level (1 for Cantrips) to target a second creature in range with the same spell. To be eligible, a Spell must be incapable of targeting more than one creature at the Level with which it is cast. 

    • Ability Score Improvement: When you reach a Level with this Feature you can increase any Ability Score by +2 or two separate Ability Scores by +1 each

    • Metamagic Recovery - When you Roll Initiative and do not have any sorcery points you immediately regain 4 + your Charisma Modifier sorcery points.

Subclass - Your Sorcerous Discovery occurs at 3rd Level, your powers coming into their true form, picked from the choices below. This represents the actual source of your power, whatever kind of creature or power that has granted you the internal source of magic which fuels you suddenly becomes apparent to you, though for some this is less of a direct knowable ancestor and more a general origin which would need to be explored at an individual level

  • Aberrant Sorcerer - In a moment of strangeness a powerful force interrupted your mind and infiltrated it. Now a strange power has awoken inside you and you have begun to create opportunities where there weren’t before. However what has given you these powers may turn out to be more of a curse than a blessing. In addition it’s common for your eyes to turn a shade of purple or your hair to develop a habit for moving ever so slightly by itself. 

    • Aberrant Spells: Gain additional Spells based depending on your Sorcerer Level. This doesn’t count against your total number of Spells Known. 

      • 3rd - Detect Thoughts

      • 5th - Psionic Blast

      • 7th - Tentacles of the Deep

      • 9th - Telekinesis 

    • Sorcerous Feature - Psionic - You unlock hidden psychic potential within you that allow you to enhance your abilities.

      • You have 4 Psionic Dice in the form of d8s, regaining them all after completing a Long Rest or half on a Short Rest. You number of Psionic Dice increases by 1 at 5th, 7th, and 9th Levels. To utilize them, anytime you Roll an Ability Check or Save you can expend one of these to add the result to that Roll, summoning some psychic energy to assist you.

      • You gain Proficiency with Will Saves

    • Feature: Psionic Mind - As a Sorcerer you gain additional uses to spend your Psionic Dice

      • Telekinesis - Target an object within 10m you can see, expend a Psionic Die and an Action to shoot it at a point up to 40m from that object that you can see. You make a Spell Attack Roll using your Charisma Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus, dealing 3d8 Damage on a hit

      • Telepathic - Choose a Creature you can see within 10m that shares a language with you. Expend a Psionic Die and Roll it, the result is how many hours you can communicate telepathically with this creature while they're within 1 mile of you. They can resist with a Will Save if they are hostile to you, the DC for this is 8 + your Charisma Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus

      • Psionic Blaster - You can expend a Psionic Die as your Action to make a Spell Attack Roll using your Charisma Modifier against a target you can see within 30m. On a hit you deal 1d8 + your Charisma Modifier in Force Damage as a bolt of psionic energy strikes your target 

      • Conservation of Mind - You can use a Bonus Action to convert 2 Sorcery Point to a Psionic Die

    • Sorcerous Improvement - Mental Armor

      • You gain Resistance to Psychic Damage and gain Advantage on Saves to resist Charm or Fear effects 

    • Sorcerous Improvement - Psionic Sorcery

      • If you want to cast one of your Aberrant Spells you can choose to expend a Psionic Die as a part of the Casting, allowing you to cast the Spell without needing Verbal or Somatic Components, or even Material Components if it isn’t specified that they are consumed by the Spell

    • Sorcerous Advancement - Magical Link

      • You tap into the minds of others around you, granting you the ability to learn any Spell of 4th Level or lower regardless of its Spell List if you have spent the last week seeing a person every day who knows that Spell. You gain access to this Spell after completing your next Long Rest and can cast it once without expending a Spell Slot. Afterwards you can continue to cast it if you spend a number of Psionic Die equal to its Spell Level.

  • Burned Sorcerer - Whenever you dream you incur the thoughts of hell, its powerful magic having entered into your bloodline at some point and erupting from you at this Level. Most of these Sorcerers are Tieflings but there are still some of a different ancestry that have the magic within their blood, gaining traits similar to those of hellish ancestry that makes some misconstrue these sorcerers as of that ancestry.

    • Burned Spells: Gain additional Spells based on your Dragon Type depending on your Sorcerer Level. This doesn’t count against your total number of Spells Known. 

      • 3rd - Scorching Spears

      • 5th - Flame Stride

      • 7th - Conjure Demon

      • 9th - Infernal Calling

    • Burned Feature: Ignition - Your heat flows naturally through you, giving you certain abilities…

      • You cannot gain points of Exhaustion from being exposed to Warm environments

      • You can use an Action to hold an object - such as a torch, piece of tinder, or carpet - and Ignite it

      • You learn the Cantrip Firebolt, and it doesn’t count against the number of Cantrips Known. When you cast it you ignore its inability to Ignite objects, as long as they’re not being carried or worn and it has another 30m of Range for you

    • Burned Feature: Flame Leap

      • When you deal Fire Damage using a Cantrip or Spell you can select any Creature within 5m of the target you hit (including the creature you hit) and deal additional Fire Damage equal to your Charisma Modifier to this Creature.

    • Burned Improvement: Burned Veins

      • You gain Resistance to Fire Damage

    • Burned Improvement: Flame Strike

      • You gain +1 to all Attack Rolls that you make with Cantrips or Spells, or +2 if they deal Fire Damage

    • Burned Advancement: Cloak of Flames

      • Once per Long Rest you can summon your fire to surround your body, lasting for 1 minute or until you are rendered unconscious. While in this form you gain the following benefits…

        • You shed 10m of bright light around you and 10m of dim light beyond that

        • You gain a flying speed of 5m

        • You have Immunity to Fire Damage

        • You have Resistance to Cold Damage

        • If you take Damage from a Melee Attack you can use your Reaction to cast the Hellish Rebuke Spell at 5th Level. You can do so once every time you utilize this ability

        • If you roll Fire Damage for any reason you add your Charisma Modifier to the total

        • If you deal Fire Damage you regain HP equal to 1d10 + your Sorcerer Level

  • Clockwork Sorcerer - Unlike a wild sorcerer those of the Clockwork have garnered their powers from the inherent movements within the universe that represent the ability for sapient creatures to understand magic, logic, and law. This is represented by some of these types being very obtuse, overly logical, or with a tight focus on a particular subject. In addition, it’s common for a tattoo or birthmark of a gear or clock appearing upon them, some even have it within their irises as they bind to the forces or order.

    • Clockwork Spells: Gain additional Spells based on your Sorcerer Level. These don’t count against your total number of Spells Known. 

      • 3rd - Lesser Restoration

      • 5th - Dispel Magic

      • 7th - Obfuscating Sphere of Jailing

      • 9th - Geas

    • Sorcerous Feature - Balancing Act

      • When a Creature that you can see would make any Roll with either Advantage or Disadvantage you can use your Reaction to make it just a normal Roll. You can use this Feature a number of times per Long Rest equal to your Proficiency Bonus. 

    • Sorcerous Feature - Prevent Harm

      • Whenever you finish a Short or Long Rest you gain an amount of Shielding equal to 1d6 + your Sorcerer Level + your Charisma Modifier. You can distribute this Shielding in any manner you which to Creatures that you can see. These reset after completing another Short or Long Rest.

    • Sorcerous Improvement - Shield of Order

      • Target a Creature you can see within 30m and bring down magical gears to shield them as a Bonus Action, the target gaining 1d10 Shielding. You can expend any number of Sorcery Points as a part of using this ability and the target gains an additional 1d10 Shielding for every 2 Sorcery Point used 

    • Sorcerous Advancement - Sphere of Order

      • Once per Long Rest you can focus on creating a sphere of order around yourself for up to a minute as an Action, requiring Concentration as if it were a Spell. While in this state whenever you roll a d20 you treat any value on the dice lower than 7 as a 7. However, if an ally you can see were to roll a d20 and you do not like the Roll you can instead end this effect early to change the number on the die to a 10 instead. Upon activating this ability you gain 30 Shielding, reduce your Movement Speed to 1m (with the Sphere moving as you do), gain +5 to all Saves, and double the Range of all your Spells. These effects end immediately if this feature ends, either by your choice or if you lose Concentration

  • Draconic Sorcerer - In your lineage there was once a person so bold that they committed to be an honorary consort of a powerful dragon and since then its blood has traveled through your family's veins. That or someone managed to make a deal with one. Regardless, there are many things that come with the discovery of these powers, horns or scales may begin to grow out of you while some others have eyes shaped like a dragon’s. 

    • Sorcerous Feature - Scaled Defenses - Choose a type of Dragon from which your power comes from. You can spend a Sorcery Point to gain Resistance to the associated Damage Type for 8 Hours. Once you’ve become 5th Level in this class you can choose to spend 5 Sorcery Points instead to grant Immunity to this damage type for 4 hours. 

      • Black - Acid; White - Cold; Red - Fire; Blue - Lightning; Green - Poison

    • Draconic Spells: Gain additional Spells based on your your Sorcerer Level. These don’t count against your total number of Spells Known. 

      • 3rd - Dragon’s Breath

      • 5th - Fireball

      • 7th - Compulsion

      • 9th - Summon Draconic Spirit

    • Sorcerous Feature - Draconic Resilience

      • You gain +1 Maximum HP per Sorcerer Level (gaining 3HP upon taking this Subclass) and when not wearing Armor your Base AC is equal to 13

    • Sorcerous Improvement - Elemental Affinity

      • Whenever you deal Damage with your associated Element you deal additional Damage equal to your Charisma Modifier and any Damage Dice you’ve rolled that are a 1 or 2 you can treat as a 3 

    • Sorcerous Advancement - Draconic Breath

      • You can utilize your Action to trigger your Breath Weapon. It can either be a 20m Line or a 10m Cone (your choice upon casting) and deals 8d6 Damage of the type related to your Scaled Defense type. You can Spend 3 Sorcery Points when Casting this to reroll all the dice, but you must take the new total. You can utilize this Breath Weapon once per Short Rest

  • Divine Sorcerer - Somehow or someway you’ve gained a boon from one of the Divines, though which in particular can be discussed with your GM. You have the powers within to draw the magical blessings of those normally limited to the magical clergy of the realms. You can increase these powers within yourself as you grow closer to your Divine in knowledge and power. This power commonly manifests with strangely colored eyes or a head of golden hair like a halo above the person. 

    • Divine Spells - You gain access to the Spells from the Cleric’s Spell List and so when you could gain a Spell upon Level up you can select any Spell from the Cleric Spell List (up to the maximum Spell Level possible for a normal Sorcerer Spell). In addition, you can select any 1 of the list below upon selecting this Subclass without it counting towards your Spells Known, you can change which of these you select upon finishing a Long Rest.

      • Cure Wounds, Inflict Wounds, or Protection from Good and evil

    • Sorcerous Feature - Divine Guide

      • You have a number of d4 equal to 2* your Proficiency Bonus. Whenever you Roll a Spell Attack or Save (but before you know if you succeeded) you can expend any number of these to roll and add to the total. You regain all these dice on the completion of a Long Rest

    • Sorcerous Improvement - Divine Fortitude

      • When you are healed by a Creature or healing a Creature using a Spell you treat any roll of less than 3 on any die as a 3, and can add your Charisma Modifier to the total Rolled. If you already can do so (via a different Feature) you can add it again with this one.

    • Sorcerous Improvement - Extended Guidance

      • If you were to make a Save and utilize the Divine Guide Feature you can extend the bonus gained to an ally who also had to make the Save. If only an ally has to make this Save you can expend a Sorcery Point to give them this bonus, if you do so they can roll 2d4 instead of 1d4 

    • Sorcerous Advancement - Divine Second Wind

      • When you have less than half your Maximum HP and your Maximum HP hasn’t been reduced you can use an Action to regain an amount of HP equal to half your Maximum HP. You regain the use of this ability at the end of a Long Rest

  • Giantblood Sorcerer - The giants once dwelled in a fabled realm long lost to time, a paradise for their folk that reflected their mastery of the mortal realm. In time, this realm was consumed, and the giants were scattered and broken and a few of them managed to escape to this world. In this new realm, the giants granted a few chosen individuals among the small folk a shard of their great power to extend their influence into society, while their species garnered the time to repopulate. Now and again, one of their descendants manifests the gifts imparted by the giants, granting them sorcerous magic that allows them to command the elements and gain the might of a giant

    • Giant Spells: Gain additional Spells based on your Sorcerer Level. These don’t count against your total number of Spells Known. 

      • 3rd - Enlarge/Reduce

      • 5th - Wall of Protection

      • 7th - Polymorph

      • 9th - Unleashed Vibration

    • Sorcerous Feature: Giant's Tenacity 

      •  Gain +3 Maximum HP at this Level, and another +3 which you reach 5th, 7th, and 9th Levels in this Class

    • Sorcerous Feature: Mountainous Fortitude

      • You gain Expertise in Fortitude Saves 

    • Sorcerous Improvement: Armor of the Lords

      • You can utilize your Action to summon magical stone armor around you, garnering Shielding equal to your Sorcerer Level, with the armor eroding as you lose this Shielding. While the Armor from this Shielding is active and you are hit with a Melee Attack the Attacker takes Damage equal to your Sorcerer Level. If you gain Shielding in another way while the Armor is still active then you still gain this new Shielding. However the Shielding gained from this Feature will always take the Damage first to apply the effect

    • Sorcerous Advancement: Reinforce

      • You can utilize your Action to summon the energy of your blood and take another form, your skin becoming a hardened dark grey with white magical tattoos covering large swathes of it. Your head is covered with stone in a similar shape to a helmet and you begin to grow. You can utilize this ability once per Short Rest or Long Rest. This effect lasts for up to a minute and you gain the following benefits…

        • Your size increases to Large and your carrying capacity increases appropriately

        • Your Melee Attacks have a Range of 5m and you can add your Constitution Modifier to any Damage Rolls you make with them

        • Any Spells you cast that require a Fortitude Save has their DC increased by +2

        • You have Advantage on Strength Checks and Fortitude Saves

        • You gain 5m of Movement Speed

        • You gain Shielding equal to your Sorcerer Level

  • Shadow Sorcerer - Somehow a part of your soul has been connected to the Shadowfell, a realm of evil creatures and the inherent solitude of a never-ending nothingness that exists between realms. It is up to you to harness these powers without falling into a loop of your banality. The sorcerers in possession of these powers commonly smell of smoke, black gas leaves their eyes when they cast Spells, or their skin has blackened into the night-like void at certain points. 

    • Shadow Spells: Gain additional Spells based on your Sorcerer Level. These don’t count against your total number of Spells Known. 

      • 3rd - Invisibility

      • 5th - Bestow Curse

      • 7th - Greater Invisibility

      • 9th - Enervation

    • Sorcerous Feature - Shadow Eye

      • You gain 10m of Darkvision

    • Sorcerous Feature - Domain over Shadow

      • While within dim light or darkness you can harness the shadows there to do your bidding. Using your Bonus Action you can make an Attack against a Creature within 5m of a shadow you can see, a tendril reaching out and attempting to strike them. You make a Spell Attack as if this was a Sorcerer Spell for you and on a hit the Creature is grappled by the tendril. You can utilize subsequent Bonus Actions to deal 1d4 Magical Bludgeoning Damage to a Creature Grappled in this way or to pull them 3m towards the tendril’s central location. In addition, you utilize your Spell Attack Bonus when the Creature attempts to escape the grapple. You can summon a number of tendrils equal to your Proficiency Bonus, with all uses recharging on a Short Rest. Finally, the Damage dealt increases by 1d4 when you reach 6th and 9th Levels in this Class. 

    • Sorcerous Improvement - Hound of Shadowfell

      • You gain the ability to call forth a howling creature of darkness to harass your foes. As a Bonus Action, you can spend 3 Sorcery Points to summon your Hound and target a Creature you can see within 40m of you and it appears in an unoccupied space within 10m of the target. Roll initiative for the Hound. On its turn, it can move only toward its target by the most direct route, and it can use its Action only to attack its target. The hound can make Opportunity Attacks, but only against its target. Additionally, while the hound is within 3m of the target, the target has Disadvantage on Saves against any spell you cast. The hound disappears if it is reduced to 0HP, if its target is reduced to 0 hit points, or after 5 minutes. At the start of its turn, the hound automatically knows its target’s location. If the target was hidden, it is no longer hidden from the hound.

      • The hound uses the dire wolf’s statistics, with the following changes:

        • The hound’s size is Medium, not Large, and it counts as a monstrosity, not a beast

        • Its Maximum HP increases by an amount equal to your sorcerer level

        • It can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. The hound takes 5 Force Damage if it ends its turn inside an object.

    • Sorcerous Advancement - Shadow Walk

      • When you move through an area within dim light or darkness you can teleport to an unoccupied space also within dim light or darkness within 30m of you as a Bonus Action. You can extend the range of this ability to 300m by spending 2 Sorcery Points.  When you use this ability and then cast a Spell as your Action on the same turn you can roll additional Damage Die, the number of which is equal to the Level of the Spell being Cast

  • Storm Sorcerer - These Sorcerers have garnered power from the elements. Some have a Genie or Sky Giant in their past lineage while others had an ancestor blessed by the Divine of Storms and so have a long line of magically in-tune family members albeit rare. Regardless, this power normally strikes forth in the sharpest heat of lightning strikes and the holloring of wind that whips around such a powerful sorcerer.

    • Storm Spells: Gain additional Spells based on your Sorcerer Level. This doesn’t count against your total number of Spells Known. 

      • 3rd - Shatter

      • 5th - Lightning Bolt

      • 7th - Air Blast

      • 9th - Lightning Field

    • Sorcerous Feature - Windtalker

      • You can speak, read, and write Primordial

    • Sorcerous Feature - Wind Sprint

      • When you cast a Cantrip or Spell that deals Lightning or Thunder Damage using your Action, electrical energy surrounds you. You can expend your Bonus Action on this turn to dash 5m instantly, in any direction. This movement doesn’t provoke Opportunity Attacks. The distance for this dash increases by 5m at 6th and 9th Levels. If a Creature moves to be within 5m of you then you can spend 1 Sorcery Point and your Reaction to use this ability.

    • Sorcerous Improvement: Heart of the Storm

      • You gain the ability to subtly limit the effects of the weather within 20m of you. You utilize your Action to begin this ability, Concentrating on it as if it were a Spell. Within this Sphere you can stop rain and slow a gale to a light breeze, though large hail or lightning cannot be stopped by this effect as they’re too strong. This effect lasts until you dismiss it or go unconscious. In addition, you can change the direction of the weather, instead of slowing it you direct these strong winds in a direction of your choice.

    • Sorcerous Improvement: Storm Strike

      • You gain Resistance to Lightning and Thunder Damage.

      • When you cast a Cantrip or Spell that deals Lightning or Thunder Damage you cause Lightning to burst out from you and as part of the Casting you can target a Creature you can see within 10m (whether they were the target of the Spell or not). They take Lighting or Thunder Damage (the same type as the Cantrip/Spell) equal to your Sorcerer Level

    • Sorcerous Advancement - Storm Soul

      • You gain immunity to Lighting and Thunder Damage. In addition if you are hit by a Melee Attack you can use your Reaction to blast the Attacker back with Lightning, dealing Damage equal to twice your Sorcerer Level. You can use this Ability once per Short Rest

  • Wild Magic Sorcerer - For those who have never thought about magic but still have gained it, they have done so via the true chaotic magic within the universe’s weaves. So without a source to process this power it extends beyond the Sorcerer and causes the magical energy to explode out without control, though sometimes this is exactly what they want.

    • Wild Spells: Gain additional Spells based on your Sorcerer Level. This doesn’t count against your total number of Spells Known. 

      • 3rd - Fortune’s Favor

      • 5th - Tidal Wave

      • 7th - Confusion

      • 9th - Disintegrate

    • Sorcerous Feature: Wild Magic Surge

      • Starting when you make this discovery, your spellcasting can unleash surges of untamed magic. Once per turn, the DM can have you roll a d20 immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher. If you roll a 1, roll on the Wild Magic Surge table to create a magical effect. If that effect is a spell, it is too wild to be affected by your Metamagic, and if it normally requires concentration, it doesn't require concentration in this case; the spell lasts for its full duration.

    • Sorcerous Feature: Tides of Chaos

      • With the discovery of Chaos you can sometimes manipulate the forces of chance to gain Advantage on one Attack Roll, Ability Check, or Save. Once you do so, you must finish a Long Rest before you can use this feature again. 

        • Once per day before you regain the use of this feature, you can choose to roll on the Wild Magic Surge table immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher. You then regain the use of this feature.

    • Sorcerous Improvement: Bending Luck

      • You can now twist fate using your wild magic. When another Creature you can see makes an Attack Roll, an Ability Check, or a Save, you can use your Reaction and spend a sorcery point to roll 1d4 and apply the number rolled as a bonus or penalty (your choice) to the Creature's roll. You can do so after the creature rolls but before any effects of the roll occur.

    • Sorcerous Advancement: Controlled Luck

      • Whenever you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table, you can roll twice and use either number

  • Voidwalker Sorcerer - Some people are naturally inclined to look at the stars above, at the wild cosmic universe that stands around their small world. Those people when they are attuned to magic can sometimes pull enough energy from this great cosmic entropy to acquire some of its magic. However unlike the magic that comes from some powerful being into that void this Sorcerer enjoys the entropy and enthalpy themselves as the energy transfers throughout the universe.

    • Void Spells: Gain additional Spells based on your Sorcerer Level. This doesn’t count against your total number of Spells Known. 

      • 3rd - Misty Step

      • 5th - Hypnotic Pattern

      • 7th - Dimension Door

      • 9th - Far Step

    • Sorcerous Feature: Void Sight

      • You gain Low Light Vision of 30m

    • Sorcerous Feature: Void Essence

      • You gain 2 Void Dice and increasing by 1 at 5th, 7th, 9th, and 10th Levels. You can spend a Bonus Action and any number of Sorcery Points to regain an equal amount of Void Dice, up to the maximum you can have. These Void Dice come back upon the completion of a Long Rest. 

      • There are a few uses of these Dice, listed below. 

        • Void Armor - You can spend a Void Die to cast the Mage Armor Spell without expending a Spell Slot or requiring components

        • Void Jump - You can move between open space as though it’s a much shorter distance, you can spend a Void Die and a Bonus Action to teleport up to 30m away, to an unoccupied space you can see. However to do so there must be no objects of Small size or larger between you and your target.

        • Void Mind - Target a Creature within 20m that you can see, you can expend two Void Dice and a Bonus Action to strike at its mind with your energy. The target has Disadvantage on its next Save against a Spell you cast on this turn

        • Void Strike - When you deal Damage with a Weapon Attack or a Melee Spell Attack you can deal additional Necrotic Damage, the amount equal to 1d6 * the number of Void Dice used

        • Void Vision - Your Void Sight feature becomes Darkvision instead of Low Light Vision for the next 4 hours

    • Sorcerous Improvement: Void Burst

      • Whenever you utilize your Void Leap feature and then utilize your Void Strike Feature in the same turn the dice for Void Strike is a d12 instead of a d6. 

    • Sorcerous Improvement: Void Absorption

      • You can absorb more void essence via rest or in critical moments. If you finish a Short Rest and don’t have any Void Dice you gain 2. In addition, if you roll a Critical Hit on an Attack Roll you gain a Void Die, however if you already are at your maximum it is instead converted to a Sorcery Point 

    • Sorcerous Advancement: Void Boost - The methods of void essence that you can utilize can be enhanced now. You can utilize one of these upgraded powers per day, any additional uses per Long Rest cost 2 Void Dice to utilize.

      • Void Shield - Your Void Armor also grants you Resistance against one Damage Type of your choice, chosen when you utilize that ability

      • Void Leap - Your Void Jump has a range of 50m and doesn’t require line of sight, however normal teleport rules apply if you end up inside a solid surface

      • Void Mind Break - When you use the Void Mind ability you can target 2 creatures instead of 1

      • Void Slam - The target of your Void Strike must make Strength Save equal to your Spell Save DC. On a Failure they fall prone. 

      • Void Eyeglass - You have 60m of Darkvision for the duration instead




The Druid Class