Battle Maneuvers

  • Ambush - If you are trying to be Stealthy you can focus on keeping your footsteps as silent as possible, you can add a Superiority Die to your next Stealth Roll and if you Roll Initiative within the next minute you can add that Die’s Roll to your Initiative as well.

  • Burst Strike - When an ally you can see moves on their turn you can use your Reaction to move up to ½ your Movement Speed towards them. If you end this Movement in Melee Range of an enemy and are wielding a Melee Weapon you can make a single Attack with your Weapon as part of this Maneuver.  

  • Commanding Strike - Expend a Superiority Die and your Reaction to allow an ally that can see and hear you within 20m to make a Weapon Attack using their Reaction if there is an enemy within Range. If they must change weapons (such as drawing a Dagger to do so) then they can do so as part of this Attack if that Weapon doesn’t have the “Ranged” Property. They also deal additional Damage equal to 1 Superiority Die.

  • Deflect - When you are hit by a Weapon Attack you can expend your Reaction to reduce the Damage against you by an amount equal to 1 Superiority Die + your Dexterity Modifier

  • Disarming Strike - When you Hit with a Weapon Attack you can instead choose to deal no Damage and force the target to make a Fortitude Save against your Combat Superiority DC. On a Failure they drop their weapon (if they are holding 2, you choose) and then Roll a Superiority Die, you knock the Weapon away in a direction of your choosing a number of Meters equal to the amount Rolled*2. 

  • Encouragement - You can spend a Bonus Action to Roll a Superiority Die and add your Charisma Modifier to the total. Select up to 3 Creatures of your choice that can hear and see you within 10m (including yourself) gain the total amount in Shielding for up to 1 minute

  • Evasive Stance - Add a Superiority Die to your AC until the end of your next turn

  • Feinting Attack - Spend a Bonus Action and a Superiority Die to make your next Weapon Attack at Advantage if your target is within 5m of you. On a hit you deal Bonus Damage equal to the amount Rolled on your Superiority Die

  • Goading Attack - Spend a Superiority Die to target a Person within 10m of you, they make a Will Save vs your Combat Superiority DC and on a Fail any Attacks made not against you during the next minute are done at Disadvantage. This effect occurs whether you hit or not but if you do then you deal bonus Damage equal to the amount Rolled on your Superiority Die. 

  • Initial Strike - If you take the Attack Action on the first round of Combat after Rolling Initiative you can use this Feature to Roll a Superiority Die and add the result to your Attack and Damage Rolls for that Round

  • Lunging Attack - You increase the range of your Melee Weapon by an additional 3m, if you hit on the subsequent Attack you deal additional Damage equal to your Superiority Die

  • Maneuvering Attack - Spend a Superiority Die to have an ally within 20m that can hear you use their Reaction to Move up to ½ their Movement Speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks.

  • Opportune Defense - When you are the target of an Opportunity Attack you can expend your Reaction to block this Attack with your Weapon. You gain Shielding equal to a Superiority Die.

  • Precise Attack - If you are about to make an Attack Roll you can spend a Superiority Die to add the amount Rolled to your subsequent Attack Roll 

  • Pushing Attack - When you hit with a Weapon Attack expend a Superiority Die to deal extra Damage equal to the amount rolled and cause the target to make a Fortitude Save, being pushed back 3m on a Failure

  • Quick Toss - Spend a Superiority Die to quickly Draw and Throw a Weapon on your person with the “Thrown” property, this Attack deals bonus Damage equal to the amount rolled and if it's at Long Range you don't have Disadvantage on the Attack

  • Rattle - When you hit with a Melee Weapon Attack you can deal no Damage to instead instill Fear into your enemy. They must make a Will Save against your Combat Superiority DC, on a Failure they have Disadvantage on all Attack Rolls and Saves until the end of their next turn. You reduce their Save by an amount equal to a Superiority Die. 

  • Riposte - When an enemy misses with a Melee Weapon Attack against you while within Range of your Melee Weapon, you can spend a Superiority Die and your Reaction to make a Melee Weapon Attack against them. On a hit you deal Bonus Damage equal to a Superiority Die

  • Saving Moment - When you are forced to make a Save you can use your Reaction to expend a Superiority Die and increase the Roll by that amount. You must call this ability before Rolling.

  • Sweeping Attack - When you make a Weapon Attack you can spend a Superiority Die to make an Attack against all Creatures within 3m of you. They must make a Reflex Save against your Combat Superiority DC or take Damage equal to the amount Rolled on your initial Attack. You can choose any target during this Maneuver, they take additional Damage equal to your Superiority Die. 

  • Trip Attack - When you Hit with a Weapon Attack you can instead choose to deal no Damage and force the target to make a Reflex Save against your Combat Superiority DC. On a Failure they drop prone and take Damage equal to your Superiority Die instead of normal. This can only be used on Large or smaller Creatures, and Large Creatures have Advantage on the Roll while Small Creatures have Disadvantage


The Barbarian Class


The Paladin Class