The Barbarian Class


Barbarian LevelProficiency BonusRage UsesRage Bonus DamageFeatures
1+22+2Rage, Unarmored Defense, Violent Brutality
2+22+2Reckless Attack, Danger SEnse
3+23+2Subclass Feature
4+23+2Ability Score Improvement
5+33+2Extra Attack, Fast Movement
6+34+3Subclass Improvement
7+34+3Feral Instinct, Brutal Critical
8+34+3Ability Score Improvement
9+44+3Subclass Advancement
10+45+4Relentless Rage

Basic Stats:

Level 1 HP = 12 + your Constitution Modifier; Gaining an additional [1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution Modifier] HP with every additional Barbarian Level


  • Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields

  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

  • Tools: None

  • Saves: Training with Reflex, Proficiency with Fortitude

    • Proficiency with Strength and Constitution Saving Throws

  • Skills: Choose 3 from Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, and Survival to become Proficient with


  • a Two-Handed Martial Weapon or 2 Simple Weapons

  • Two Hand Axes

  • a Shield or Buckler

  • a Backpack w/ a Bedroll, a Saex, a Mess Kit, a Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Day of Rations, a Waterskin, and a 15m bundle of Hempen Rope


  • Rage - If you are conscious and not wearing heavy armor you can use a Bonus Action you can go into a Rage, letting bloodlust overcome you.

    • This Rage lasts for up to a minute and ends if you drop to 0 HP or do not deal or take Damage before your next turn. You gain Resistance to all non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing Damage, deal bonus Damage with Melee Attacks according to the Table above, and you have Advantage on Strength Checks and Fortitude Saves. The number of times this Feature can be used depends on your Barbarian Level, shown in the table above, regaining all uses upon finishing a Long Rest, or a single use after finishing a Short Rest. In addition, after reaching Level 6 when you activate your Rage as a Bonus Action you can move up to half your Movement Speed as a part of this Ability. And at Level 9 you can move up to your total Movement Speed. Finally, you can’t cast Spells or Concentrate on them while raging if you have gained that ability.

  • Unarmored Defense

    • When you are not wearing any kind of Armor (not including Shields) your Base AC = 10 + Dexterity Modifier + Constitution Modifier

  • Violent Brutality

    • When you use a Weapon with the Heavy Property you treat its Damage Die as 1 higher (d10 to d12 and 2d6 to 2d8 etc)

    • Characters can utilize Weapons two sizes larger than them without penalties. For instance, characters with a Small Size can utilize Weapons with the Large Property without a penalty

    • When you would utilize your Intimidation Skill you add your Constitution Modifier to the Roll instead of Charisma

  • Reckless Attack

    • When you take the Attack Action on your turn you can choose to make it a Reckless Attack, granting yourself Advantage on your Attacks this turn but until the start of your next turn all Attacks made against you are also made with Advantage

  • Danger Sense

    • You have an uncanny sense for your surroundings, so if you see something coming and it forces you to make a Reflex Save, you have Advantage on the roll

  • Ability Score Improvement

    • When you reach a Level with this Feature you can increase any Ability Score by +2 or two separate Ability Scores by +1 each

  • Extra Attack

    • When you make an Attack Action you can Attack twice

  • Feral Instinct

    • You have Advantage on Initiative, in addition if your group is Surprised when you Roll Initiative, you can act on the Surprise Round as well

  • Brutal Critical

    • When you score a Critical Hit you Roll an additional Die

  • Relentless Rage

    • While Raging you gain resistance to Death. If you are Raging when you are reduced to 0HP you can make a DC10 Fortitude Save. On a Success you instead return to 1HP. If this happens again you can make this Save again, but the DC is increased by 5. This continues to increase until you either fail or you take a Long Rest, resetting the DC back to 10. In addition, if you are required to make a Will Save while raging you have a bonus to the Roll equal to your Constitution Modifier.

Subclass - As a Barbarian gains more and more power they can hone a specific type of power, some connecting to the natural forces of the world while others lose themselves completely in their fury. Each of these methods gaining additional abilities at 6th and 9th Levels.

  • Ancestral Guardian: Some barbarians hail from cultures that revere their ancestors as beings that can still actively affect the world around them, guiding the living. When a barbarian who follows this path rages, the barbarian contacts these spirits and calls on them for aid. Some even display this commitment, covering themselves in elaborate tattoos that celebrate their ancestors’ deeds. These tattoos tell sagas of victories against terrible monsters and other fearsome rivals.

    • Feature: Ancestral Warriors

      • While you're raging you summon echoes of your ancestors to assist you. Every turn the first creature you hit with an Attack becomes the target of your ancestors which hinder its attacks. Until the start of your next turn that target has Disadvantage on any Attack Roll that isn't against you and when the target hits a creature other than you with an Attack that creature has Resistance to the damage dealt. The effect on the target ends early if your rage ends.

    • Feature: Ancestral Defender

      • When you activate your Rage you gain Shielding equal to twice your Proficiency Bonus

    • Improvement: Healing Spirit

      • Once per Short Rest you can entreat your ancestors to close the wounds of an ally. You spend 10 minutes connecting to your Ancestor by marking off a basic 5m radius circle on the ground around you. When this time is up all Creatures within the circle regain 1d8 + your Constitution Modifier HP.

    • Improvement: Guardian Spirit

      • When you are Raging and an ally within 10m of you is hit by an Attack you can use your Reaction to send out your ancestors. In doing so you can reduce the Damage taken by an amount equal to 2d6 + your Proficiency Bonus. This range increases to 30m as 9th Level.

    • Advancement: Ancestral Guidance

      • Once per Short Rest you can cast either of the Augury or Clairvoyance Spells without using a Spell Slot or needing any components. In doing so one of your ancestors comes to give you their best guidance. In addition, when you utilize the Guardian Spirit Reaction to protect an ally you deal Force Damage back to the Attacker of an amount twice what you rolled.  

  • Beastial: Barbarians who walk the Path of the Beast draw their rage from a bestial spark burning within their souls. That beast bursts forth in the throes of rage, physically transforming the barbarian. Such a barbarian might be inhabited by a primal spirit or be descended from shape-shifters. There are many strange magical ways that this could cause this but a few options are listed below, roll a d4 to pick one randomly, if desired.

    • Feature: Beastial Origin

      • 1 - One of your parents is a lycanthrope, and you've inherited some of their curse

      • 2 - You are descended from an archdruid and inherited the ability to partially change shape

      • 3 - A fae spirit gifted you with the ability to adopt different bestial aspects

      • 4 - An ancient animal spirit dwells within you, allowing you to walk this path

    • Feature: Beastial Form - Starting when you choose this Subclass when you enter your rage, you can transform, revealing the bestial power within you. Until the rage ends, you manifest a natural weapon. It counts as a simple melee weapon for you, and you add your Strength modifier to the Attack and Damage rolls when you attack with it, as normal. You choose the weapon’s form each time you rage:

      • Claws -  Your hands transform into a claws, which can be used as a Weapon if they’re empty. They deal 1d6 slashing damage on a hit and once on each of your turns when you Attack with a claw using the Attack Action, you can make one additional claw attack as part of the same Action.

      • Fangs - Your mouth transforms into a bestial muzzle or great mandibles (your choice). It deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. Once on each of your turns when you damage a creature with this bite, you regain an amount of HP equal to your Proficiency Bonus, provided you have less than half your maximum HP when you hit.

      • Tail - You grow a lashing, spiny tail, which deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit and has the reach property. If a creature you can see within 3m of you hits you with an Attack Roll, you can use your Reaction to swipe your tail and roll a d8, applying a bonus to your AC equal to the number rolled, potentially causing the attack to miss you instead.

    • Improvement: Beastial Soul

      • Your natural Weapons now function as Magical for the sake of overcoming Resistance

      • You can alter your form to help you adapt to your surroundings. When you finish a Short or Long Rest, choose one of the following benefits, which lasts until you choose a different benefit:

        • You gain a swimming speed equal to your movement speed, and you can breathe underwater.

        • You gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed, and you can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

        • When you jump, you can make an Athletics check and extend your jump by a number of meters by an amount = [the total / 5]. You can make this special check only once per turn.

        • You gain a bonus to AC equal to your Proficiency Bonus while not wearing armor or using a shield. This lasts until you take Damage and regrows after completing a Short or Long Rest

    • Advancement: Infectious Fury

      • When you hit a creature with your natural weapons while you are raging, the beast within you can curse your target with rabid fury. The target must succeed on a Will Save (DC equal to 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus) or suffer one of the following effects (your choice), lasting until the start of their next turn if the effect isn’t instantaneous. And finally, you can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus + your Constitution Modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.

      • The Target must use its Reaction to make a melee attack against another creature of your choice that you can see within 5m, they can move as part of this Reaction if required but will not provoke Opportunity Attack from any allies in doing so

      • The Target takes 2d12 psychic damage

      • The Target has Disadvantage on its next Ability Check, Attack Roll, or Saving Throw (your Choice)

      • The Target must make a Fortitude Save or take 1d12 Poison Damage and have the Poisoned Condition until the end of their next turn

      • The Target’s AC is reduced by 3

      • The Target must make a Reflex Save or be knocked prone, taking 1d12 Bludgeoning Damage on a Failure as well

  • Berserker: For some barbarians, rage is a means to an end – that end being violence. The Path of the Berserker is a path of untrammeled fury, slick with blood. As you enter the berserker's rage, you thrill in the chaos of battle, heedless of your own health or well-being.

    • Feature: Frenzy

      • When you use a Bonus Action to Rage you can choose to Frenzy instead, costing 2 uses of your Rage. When doing so you have the same effects as Rage but you can use your Bonus Action while Frenzied to make another Weapon Attack. In addition, when you use the Reckless Attack Feature while Frenzied these become Frenzied Attacks (instead of Reckless Attacks). These Frenzied Attacks deal twice your standard Rage Bonus Damage on a hit.

    • Improvement: Mindless Rage

      • While Frenzied you cannot be Charmed, Frightened, Possessed, or Stunned and if you were under the effect of any of these Conditions when entering Rage you end that effect. In addition, you also have Advantage on Will Saves while Raging. 

    • Advancement: Bloody Rage

      • When you are Raging and deal Damage you gain 1d4 Shielding. When you kill a Creature that has blood you regain 1d8 Shielding instead. These values are halved for Creatures without Blood. In addition, if you are struck by a Melee Weapon Attack you can utilize your Reaction to make a Melee Weapon Attack of your own against the Attacker, this Attack deals bonus Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus. 

  • Frost Fire: Your relation to the far corners of the world have heightened you to the way of entropy. You can harness these powers in the form of magical powers that surround you and inflict harm or status effects upon your enemies, lashing out as flames in the shape of ice or ice in the shape of flames.

    • Feature: Frosted Enhancement

      • You gain the Cantrip “Ray of Frost”, this Cantrip functions as a Feature for you and as such you only need Somatic Components and a Free Hand to produce the Spell’s effect. When you use your Action to cast this, you make a Spell Attack using your Proficiency Bonus + your Constitution Modifier. You gain access to Ice Knife at 4th Level, Icy Blast at 6th Level, and Blizzard at 8th Level. You can utilize each of these Spells once per day, with the DC for your Saves = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Constitution Modifier. Finally, when you  gain access to the Frozen Tomb Improvement you can treat the use of Ray of Frost as an application of Frost Fire Fists if you desire.

    • Feature: Frost Fire Fists

      • You emanate cold magic along your body, and can harness that as a part of your attacks. Once per turn if you hit with a Melee Weapon Attack, you can extend your cold to the Creature, dealing an additional 1d4 Cold Damage to it. This Increases to 1d6 at 6th Level and to 1d8 at 10th Level.

      • You also gain Resistance to Cold Damage

    • Improvement: Frozen Tomb

      • When you would apply your Frost Fire Fists Feature you can instead forgo the additional Damage to instead apply 1 Stack of Frozen Tomb onto that Creature. When you apply 4 of these to a Creature they must make a Fortitude Save (8 + your Constitution Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus), becoming Stunned on a Failure and losing half their Movement Speed on their next turn on a Success. The Creature loses these Stacks after rolling a Failure but not after rolling a Success on their Save. Finally, the Creature targeted by Frozen Tomb can use their Reaction to gain Advantage on this Save.

    • Improvement: Frozen Brutality

      • You can transfer your wild energy into your frost magic now. When you choose to utilize the Reckless Attack Feature you can instead choose to forgo Advantage on your Attacks this turn (but not removing enemy Advantage against you) to instead allow your Frost Fire Fists (and if desired, Frozen Tomb) Feature to activate on any Attacks you make until the start of your next turn.

    • Advancement: Frost Dash

      • You can utilize your Bonus Action to maneuver within combat. Using this ability you can move up to half your Movement Speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks. In addition, if you were not in Melee Range of an enemy at the start of this Movement but are at the end of this Movement you can make an Attack as a part of this ability. If you do so and hit you can apply 2 stacks of Frozen Tomb instantaneously.  If this would cause them to make a Fortitude Save vs your Frozen Tomb they have Disadvantage on the Save, and the target cannot use their Reaction to gain Advantage on the Save

  • Giant: Barbarians who walk the Path of the Giant draw strength from the primal forces that are the Giants and their elemental ilk. Their rages surge with elemental power and cause these barbarians to grow in size, transforming them into avatars of primordial might. During their rage, a barbarian may adopt the monstrous features of apocalyptic titans, rending the world around them so that it may be made anew.

    • Feature: Giant’s Ancestry

      • You gain 50 cm of height, learn the Language Giant, and learn the Druidcraft and Thaumaturgy Cantrips though these do not activate like normal Cantrips. Instead they only have Verbal Components in which you speak in Giant and can only produce effects within your Reach.

    • Feature: Rage of Havoc

      • During your rage you gain the following benefits…

        • You gain 2m of Height and become a Large Creature, the rest of your body increasing in size to retain your proportions. Your gear does so as well.

        • Thrown Weapon now benefit from your Rage Bonus Damage

        • You do not suffer Disadvantage for making an Attack with a Thrown Weapon if you use its Long Range

        • When you hit with an Attack you can choose to deal minimum Damage to also perform the Shove Action

    • Improvement: Giant’s Cleaver

      • When you enter your Rage, you can infuse one weapon of your choice that you are holding with one of the following damage types: Acid, Cold, Fire, Thunder, or Lightning. While you wield the infused weapon during your Rage, the weapon’s damage type changes to the chosen type, it deals an extra 1d6 damage of the chosen type when it hits, and it gains the Thrown Property, with a Range of 20m. If you Throw the weapon, it reappears in your hand the instant after it hits or misses a target. You can pick a new Damage Type by using your Bonus Action on a subsequent turn

    • Advancement: Giantskin

      • Every time your finish a Long Rest you can choose between Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Poison, or Thunder. You have Resistance to this Damage Type until you select a different Damage Type with this Feature

    • Advancement: Strength Above

      • Any Creature of your size or Smaller must make a Fortitude Save every time you hit it with a Melee Attack, with a DC of 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength Modifier. On a Failure they are knocked Prone or you can choose to move them to an unoccupied space within 5m of you. 

  • Juggernaut: Juggernaut barbarians are siege engines in their own right, able to stand their ground and move their foes into positions of weakness. While raging, they make any battlefield their domain, shoving your enemies over mountainsides and destroying even the strongest structures with their attacks.

    • Feature: Thundering Blows

      • When raging you gain even more powerful strikes. Once per turn while raging, when you damage a creature with a Melee Attack, you can force the target to make a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier). On a Failure, you push the target 2m away from you, and you can choose to immediately move that same distance, entering the target’s previous position.

    • Feature: Mountain Stance

      • While Raging you have an additional +2 to Fortitude Saves and you cannot be knocked prone or have your Movement Speed Reduced

    • Feature: Structurally Superior

      • When you would calculate your Carry Weight, Jump Distance, etc. you increase it by 50%. Then again by another 50% if you’re Raging. In addition, your Unarmed Attacks and Improvised Weapons deal 1d4 + your Strength Modifier Damage

    • Improvement: Demolishing Might

      • Beginning at this level, you can create even greater destructive force with your assault. All of your Melee Attacks gain the siege property (your attacks deal double damage to objects and structures) and deal an additional 1d4 Damage in general. Constructs take 1d8 Damage instead of 1d4.

    • Improvement: Heightened Endurance

      • If you have no more uses of Rage left you can utilize this ability to Rage against as if you do. Whenever this Rage ends you immediately gain 2 Levels of Exhaustion, however, these effects do not apply while Raging.

    • Advancement: Boosted Might

      • Your Demolishing Might increases to a 2d4 bonus, and with it a 2d8 bonus against constructs.

    • Advancement: Juggernaut Sweep

      • Whenever you make a Weapon Attack you can use your Bonus Action to make another Attack. This Attack can utilize Thundering Blows even if you’ve already used it this turn and deals bonus Damage equal to twice your Rage Bonus Damage. 

  • Shadowkeeper: When a Barbarian embraces the Shadowfell they may come across a special piece of the in-between that has granted them power over death's passing, whether that be a small sickle, a strange key, or even a foul green lantern of ages long past. Whichever item is found, you find that after grabbing it a spectral chain connects to your soul and you can’t separate this new part of yourself.

    • Feature: Death Walk - When you choose this Subclass you give up the Rage ability and replace it with this one, and so it will be referred to as Death Walking instead of Raging in this description from here on. It has the same duration and recharge time, only differing in its effects and in how instead of seething with power instead your mental state reduces to an unnatural calm as a dark smoke emanates from you. The effects this ability provides includes the following - 

      • You gain Resistance to Necrotic, Poison, and Radiant Damage

      • At the start of every turn you gain Shielding equal to your Proficiency Bonus. This Shielding stacks on top of other types of Shielding unlike in most other scenarios

      • You can pass through solid objects as if they were difficult terrain but only if you would not end your movement within it. Trying to do so and not reaching the end shunts you back out to the point of entry without expending your Movement but instead dealing 1d6 Force Damage

      • If you were to drop to 0 HP or die in this state you instead end this ability and remain at 1HP instead. You can also use your Reaction if this were to occur out of this state to expend a use of this ability to apply to the same effect.

    • Feature: Chain of the Damned - You can summon a spectral chain made of ghastly shadow that comes to an end with a massive vicious hook. This chain forms in your off-hand up to 3 times per day, lasting for up to 1 minute or if you grab anything else with your off-hand or fall unconscious. It has a Range of 10m, which increases by an additional 10m at 6th and 9th Levels. You are Proficient with it and you utilize Strength as the associated ability score, it requires one hand to use and has no other Properties unless specified by your GM. Finally, the Weapon can be a Magical one (for the sake of ignoring Resistance and preventing Damage to the Weapon). After Reaching the 5th Level of this Subclass you can spend 100 GP to upgrade the Chain to a +1 Magical Weapon, at Level 7 you can spend 200 GP to upgrade it to +2, and 300GP to +3 at Level 10. Each of these rituals takes 1 Hour to perform. However, the Chain only functions as magical (including the Upgrades) when you are Death Walking.  The abilities of this Chain are listed below…

      • You can make a Ranged Attack at a Creature or an Object as an Action, which on a hit you can choose to deal [1 + your Strength Modifier] Slashing Damage. At the end of this Action you can choose to leave the Chain spectrally attached to your target, however if you do so you cannot make another Attack with this Chain until the start of your next turn

      • As an Action you can make a contested Grapple Check against a Creature that has your Chain attached to apply the Restrained Condition to any Creature within Range. Whenever a Creature is Restrained in this way you can use a Bonus Action to deal 1d4 + your Strength Modifier Bludgeoning Damage to it as you crush it with your Chain

        • If the target is larger than you (such as a Giant or the roof of a building) the chain is still attached but you cannot not apply the Restrained Condition to it

      • If a Creature or Object has the chain attached to it you can utilize your Bonus Action or Reaction (your choice) to retract the chain (without injuring yourself) and moving yourself along towards the end of the chain. This does not cost you any of your Movement. If the target is a small object (like a vase or weapon) or a hostile Creature of size Small or smaller (such as a halfling) then you can instead retract that thing to you. A Creature makes a contested Grapple Check to resist the effect. Moving a Creature in this way does not provoke Opportunity Attacks against them.

      • You can use your Action or Bonus Action to toss your chain to an ally within range (using the side without the hook), granting you both Shielding equal to your Proficiency Bonus. Then you can use your Reaction to use the ability above to retract the Chain to you, if your target is willing they can use their Reaction to grab the chain, bringing themselves next to you.

    • Improvement: Fling

      • While your Chain is summoned (and not attached to anything) you can use your Bonus Action to wrap it into a big bundle and launch it in a 3m cone in front of you. All Creatures within this Range must make a Reflex Save to avoid the chain, with a DC of 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength Modifier. On a Failure they take 2d10 Bludgeoning Damage, are pushed out of the Cone, and have the Dazed Condition for 1 Round. On a Success they are only moved 2m and are Flat-Footed for 1 Round.

    • Improvement: Guardian

      • When an Ally within the range of your Chain would take Damage caused by something that you can see you can use your Reaction to send shadow energy their way. You can grant them some temporary Shielding equal to your Constitution Modifier. In addition you can expend any Shielding that you already have and grant it to them in the same manner.  

    • Advancement: Undead Walking

      • While Death Walking you have Resistance to Acid, Cold, and Fire Damage and an Immunity to Necrotic and Radiant Damage.

    • Advancement: Chain Strike

      • When you strike an enemy with your Chain or pull an Ally to you with your Chain you gain a Shadow Die, this is a d8 for you. You can only gain one of these per turn and whenever you Deal Damage with a Weapon or Chain you can roll this Die to deal additional Necrotic Damage equal to the roll + your Constitution Modifier. You can only have 2 of these dice stored at any time and they fade after your chain does.

  • Storm Herald: You pull parts of the most hostile bits of Nature to be your guide, your rage granting them superior strength, durability, and speed. Barbarians who follow the Path of the Storm Herald learn to transform their rage into a mantle of primal magic that swirls around them. When in a fury, a barbarian of this path taps into nature to create powerful, magical effects. Storm heralds are typically elite champions who train alongside druids, rangers, and others sworn to protect the natural realm. Other storm heralds hone their craft in elite lodges founded in regions wracked by storms, in the frozen reaches at the world’s end, or deep in the hottest deserts.

    • Feature: Herald of Storms

      • Choose between the Desert, Sea, or Tundra climates to channel, changing the effects listed below. These are triggered automatically when you begin a Rage and you can utilize your Bonus Action to retrigger these effects again on your future turns. These effects utilize a Save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Constitution Modifier when requested. You can change which of these climates you channel whenever you finish a Long Rest by completing a 1 Hour Ritual of meditation in a rural area.

      • Desert 

        • Clouds of hot sand gather around you while raging, all Creatures and Objects within 3m of you take Fire Damage equal to your Barbarian Level. In addition, any Objects that are reduced to 0HP via this effects (that are flammable and not being held or worn) have a chance to ignite. Your GM decides how likely this is based on the object but in general roll a d6, with it igniting on a 1.

      • Sea

        • Lightning erupts from you while raging, you can send out a bolt of lightning at an enemy up to 3m away that you can see. They must make a Reflex Save, on a Failure they take 1d12 Lightning Damage or half as much on a Success. This increases to 2d12 Damage at 5th Level and 3d12 Damage at 9th Level. 

      • Tundra

        • An aura of ice shields you as you Rage, you gain 5 Shielding when using this ability, increasing to 9 Shielding at 5th Level and 13 Shielding at 9th Level. 

    • Improvement: Enhanced Storm - 

      • Desert

        • You gain Resistance to Fire Damage and do not gain Exhaustion from being in places that are too hot. In addition you can touch flammable objects to light them on fire. 

      • Sea

        • You gain Resistance to Lightning Damage and can breathe underwater as if it’s air. You also gain a Swimming Speed equal to twice your Movement Speed. 

      • Tundra

        • You gain Resistance to Cold Damage and do not gain Exhaustion from being in places that are too cold. You can also easily cool objects that you hold at will and can douse fires that are a size Small or smaller. 

    • Advancement:

      • Desert

        • You gain Immunity to Fire Damage

        • While Raging if you are hit by a Weapon Attack you can use your Reaction to force the Attacker to take your Herald of Storms Fire Damage. In addition, allies within 5m gain Resistance to Fire Damage as well. 

      • Sea

        • You gain Immunity to Lightning Damage

        • When you hit a Creature with a Weapon Attack they have Disadvantage on the Reflex Save against your Storm Herald Lightning. In addition, your Lightning Attack also pushes them back 5m and knocks them prone if they fail the Saving Throw. 

      • Tundra

        • You gain Immunity to Cold Damage

        • Once per Rage select a Creature you can see within 3m, they must make a Strength Saving Throw, and on a Failure they are Restrained as their lower body turns to Ice. This lasts for up to 1 minute or if they use their Action to make a Strength Check equal to your Herald DC to escape. Allies within 5m gain Resistance to Cold Damage as well. 

  • Totem Warrior: The Path of the Totem Warrior is a spiritual journey, as the barbarian accepts a spirit animal as guide, protector, and inspiration. In battle, your totem spirit fills you with supernatural might, adding magical fuel to your barbarian rage. Most barbarian tribes consider a totem animal to be kin to a particular clan. In such cases, it is unusual for an individual to have more than one totem animal spirit, though exceptions exist.

    • Feature: Spirit Seeker

      • You can cast Beast Sense and Speak with Animals Spells as Rituals using your natural connection with Nature each once per Short Rest

    • Feature: Totem Spirit - When you take this Path you pick an Animal to have as your lower totem, choosing 1 of the 5 below. 

      • Bear - While Raging you have Resistance against all Damage Types except for Psychic

      • Elk - While not wearing armor you have an additional 5m of Movement Speed and can count your Dexterity and Strength Modifiers for calculating jump distance. If this would increase your Jump Distance to more than your normal Movement Speed you can make the full Jump as if that is your Movement Speed

      • Hawk - You can see up to 1 mile away without difficulty and can make out very fine details on things up to 30m away, if you make a Perception Checks that relies on Sight within 30m and roll a 9 or less, treat it as if you rolled a 10. You also gain +2 to all Attack Rolls with Ranged or Thrown Weapons

      • Tiger - You can Dash as a Bonus action and enemies have Disadvantage on Opportunity Attacks against you

      • Wolf - When an Ally is within 3m of an Enemy and you are both Attack them you both gain Advantage on the Attack Rolls that turn. If either of you hit you can each deal Bonus Damage equal to your Rage Bonus Damage that turn. If you are already Raging, apply this bonus again. 

    • Improvement: Totem Stacking - Choose 1 of the 5 below for your higher totem 

      • Armadillo - When not wearing armor or using a shield you gain natural armor while Raging that gives you +1 AC and also gain +2HP per Barbarian Level

      • Cougar - Gain Proficiency with 2 of the following Skills; Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, or Survival.

      • Horse - You can carry up to twice your normal amount without being encumbered. In addition, Melee Weapon Attacks against you now provoke a type of Opportunity Attack, done so by kicking your Attacker, called “Horse Kick”. The Attack Roll for this Reaction uses your Strength Modifier and your Proficiency Bonus, while the Damage Roll is 1d6 + your Strength Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus + your Rage Bonus Damage regardless if you’re Raging or not. If you are Raging you can apply your Rage Bonus Damage again to the Roll.

      • Shark - You can breathe water like air and have a Swimming Speed equal to your Movement Speed, you have Advantage on Athletics Checks in the water and always make Attacks at Advantage while swimming, in addition if you draw blood from a Creature with Blood while in water you can result track them if they are also in water for up to 10km away for the next Hour and deal double your Rage Bonus Damage while they continue to bleed 

      • Owl - You gain Proficiency with Stealth and 20m of Low Light Vision. In addition if you Attack an unaware enemy and hit you treat the Attack as a Critical Hit regardless of the number rolled. 

    • Advancement: Totem Capstone - Choose 1 of the 5 Below for your top Totem

      • Badger - When you strike an enemy with a Melee Weapon Attack while Raging you can force them to make a Fortitude Save = [8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength Modifier] and on a Failure they fall Prone. You can utilize this ability once per turn. 

      • Cobra - If you’re Raging and enter into Melee Range with an enemy they have Disadvantage on all Attacks against Creatures other than you. This effect doesn’t work if the target is immune to the Frightened Condition. 

      • Hawk - While Raging you gain a Flying Speed equal to your Movement Speed but will fall at the end of your turn regardless of the height 

      • Ox - While you're raging, if you move at least 5m in a straight line toward a Large or smaller target right before making a melee weapon attack against it, you can use a bonus action to make an additional melee weapon attack against it. This Bonus Action Attack forces them to make a Reflex Save, being knocked back 2m and gaining the Flat-Footed Condition on a Failure

      • Panther - When you Surprise an enemy and make a Melee Weapon Attack on your first turn after Raging you make all Attacks on that first turn with Advantage. Any that hit you can add your Proficiency Bonus to the Damage Roll

  • Zealot: Some deities inspire their followers to pitch themselves into a ferocious battle fury. These barbarians are zealots – warriors who channel their rage into powerful displays of divine power. A variety of gods across Til inspire their followers to embrace this path. The greatest of which is the Tempest, inspiring powerful people to explore the places others haven’t. In general, the gods who inspire zealots are deities of combat, destruction, and violence. Not all are evil, but few are good.

    • Feature: Divine Warrior

      • When Raging you can Activate this ability once per turn, allowing you to deal (1d6 + your Proficiency Bonus) Necrotic or Radiant Damage (your Choice) on a Weapon Attack, increasing to 2d6 Radiant Damage at 7th Level. You can change which of these Damage Types you want every time you finish a Long Rest. In addition, if a Spell such as “Revivify” or “Raise Dead” is cast to bring you back to life it doesn’t require material components

    • Feature: Divine Favor

      • You gain Resistance to Necrotic or Radiant Damage (your choice). You can change this selection after completing a Long Rest

    • Improvement: Fanatical Survivability

      • When you are Unconscious and making Death Saves any healing that is given to you heals for twice the normal amount. In addition, if you Roll a 1 on a Death Saving Throw you only take 1 Failure instead of 2 and you succeed on a Death Save on a 7-10 as well. Finally, if you are Raging and Fail any Save you can use this ability to reroll that Save, which you can do so once per Rage. If you still Fail then you do not expend a use of this ability.

    • Improvement: Self-Inflicted Fury

      • Once per Short Rest you can focus your fury and unleash a horrendous scream that can be heard up to 1km away as an Action. Any Creatures (you can choose to not affect allies) within 30m must make a Will Save DC = [8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Strength Modifier], becoming enraged by you for the next minute. Creatures affected by this ability cannot be more than 30m from you at any time (if you leave this Range while they stand still they must try to use their Movement Action to re-enter this Range) and have Disadvantage on all Attacks against Creatures other than you while they have Advantage on Attacks against you. In addition, if they target a Creature other than you with an effect that requires a Save then that Creature has Advantage on the Save. This effect lasts for up to 1 minute and a Creature can remake this Save at the end of its turn. Finally, if you desire you can expend a use of your Rage on this ability upon activating this ability to give all Creatures affected Disadvantage on all their Will Saves against this effect.

    • Advancement: Rage Unstopping

      • While you're raging, having 0 HP doesn’t knock you unconscious. You still must make Death Saves, and you suffer the normal effects of taking damage while at 0 hit points. However, if you would die due to failing death saving throws, you don’t die until your rage ends, and you die then only if you still have 0 hit points.


The Fighter Class


Battle Maneuvers