Natural 3rd Level Spells

Spell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeDurationComponentsClass
Aura of VitalityEvocation1 ActionSelf (10m radius)Concentration, up to 1 minuteVDruid
BlizzardEvocation1 Action30mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MDruid
Blade of GalesConjuration1 Action15mInstantaneousV, SRanger
Call LightningConjuration1 Action40mConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, SDruid
Conjure AnimalsConjuration1 Action20mConcentration, up to 1 hourV, SDruid, Ranger
Conjure BarrageConjuration1 ActionSelf (20m cone)InstantaneousV, S, MRanger
DaylightEvocation1 Action20m1 hourV, SBard, Druid, Ranger
Dispel MagicAbjuration1 Action40mInstantaneousV, SDruid
Elemental WeaponTransmutation1 ActionTouchConcentration, up to 1 hourV, SDruid, Ranger
Erupting EarthTransmutation1 Action40mInstantaneousV, S, MDruid
Feign DeathNecromancy1 Action RTouch1 hourV, S, MDruid
Flame LanceConjuration1 ActionTouchInstantaneousV, SDruid, Ranger
Flame StrideTransmutation1 Bonus ActionSelfConcentration, up to 1 minuteV,SRanger
Freedom of the WavesConjuration HB1 action40mInstantaneousV, S, MDruid, Ranger
Lightning ArrowTransmutation1 Bonus ActionSelfConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, SRanger
Meld into StoneTransmutation1 Action RTouch8 hoursV, SDruid, Ranger
NondetectionAbjuration1 ActionTouch8 hoursV, S, MBard, Ranger
Plant GrowthTransmutation1 Action or 8 Hours50mInstantaneousV, SBard, Druid, Ranger
Protection from EnergyAbjuration1 ActionTouchConcentration, up to 1 hourV, SBard, Druid, Ranger
RevivifyNecromancy1 ActionTouchInstantaneousV, S, MBard, Druid, Ranger
Sleet StormConjuration1 Action40mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MDruid
Speak with PlantsTransmutation1 ActionSelf (10m radius)10 minutesV, SDruid, Ranger
Summon FeyConjuration1 Action30mConcentration, up to 1 hourV, S, MDruid
Tidal WaveConjuration1 Action40mInstantaneousV, S, MBard, Druid
Wall of WaterEvocation1 Action20mConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, S, MBard, Druid
Water BreathingTransmutation1 Action R10m24 hoursV, S, MDruid, Ranger
Water WalkTransmutation1 Action R10m1 hourV, S, MDruid, Ranger
Wind of DragonsEvocation1 Action40mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MDruid, Ranger
  • Aura of Vitality - Healing energy radiates from you in an aura with a 10m radius. Until the spell ends, the aura moves with you, centered on you. You can use a Bonus Action to cause 1 creature in the aura (you can choose yourself) to regain 2d6 HP. For each Level above 3rd you can increase this healing by 1d6. 

  • Blade of Gales - You flourish a weapon you have in your hand as you cast the spell, immediately vanishing from view. Choose up to 3 Creatures you can see within range to send wind sharpened into blades at them. You make an individual Spell Attack against each of them individually (this Attack is treated as a Melee Spell Attack with a range of 15m to avoid Disadvantage in Melee) and on a hit each target takes 4d10 Slashing Damage. You can then teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 3m of the point you started.

  • Blizzard - A cold light flashes from your hand and brings down small blue shards of ice at a point you choose within range, slashing through flesh with a biting cold. Each creature in a 10m radius and 20m high cylinder centered on a point within range must make a Reflex Save. A target takes 3d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. As an action on each of your turns before the spell ends, you can call down another blizzard in the same location. You can use a higher level Spell Slot to increase this Damage by an additional 2d6. 

  • Call Lightning - A storm cloud appears in the shape of a cylinder that is 5m tall with a 20m radius, centered on a point you can see within range directly above you. The spell fails if you can’t see a point in the air where the storm cloud could appear (for example, if you are in a room that can’t accommodate the cloud). When you cast the spell, choose a point you can see under the cloud. A bolt of lightning flashes down from the cloud to that point. Each creature within 3m of that point must make a Reflex Save. A creature takes 3d10 Lightning Damage on a failed save, or ½ as much damage on a successful one. On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use your action to call down lightning in this way again, targeting the same point or a different one. If you are outdoors in stormy conditions when you cast this spell, the spell gives you control over the existing storm instead of creating a new one. Under such conditions, the spell’s damage increases by 1d10. The damage also increases by 1d10 for each Spell Level above 3rd.

  • Conjure Animals - You summon fey spirits that take the form of beasts and appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range. Choose one of the following options below for what appears:

    • One beast of challenge rating 2 or lower

    • Two beasts of challenge rating 1 or lower

    • Four beasts of challenge rating 1/2 or lower

    • Eight beasts of challenge rating 1/4 or lower

    • Each beast is also considered fae, and it disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the summoned creatures as a group, which has its own turns. They obey any verbal commands that you issue to them (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions. The DM has the creatures’ statistics.

  • Conjure Barrage - You throw a non-magical weapon or fire a piece of non-magical ammunition into the air to create a cone of identical weapons that shoot forward and then disappear. Each creature in a 20m cone must succeed on a Reflex Save. A creature takes 3d8 damage on a failed save, or ½ as much damage on a successful one. The damage type is the same as that of the weapon or ammunition used as a component.

  • Daylight - A 20m radius sphere of light spreads out from a point you choose within range. The sphere is bright light and sheds dim light for an additional 20m. If you choose a point on an object you are holding or one that isn’t being worn or carried, the light shines from the object with and moves with it. Completely covering the affected object with an opaque object, such as a bowl or a helm, blocks the light. If any of this spell’s area overlaps with an area of darkness created by a spell of 3rd level or lower, the spell that created the darkness is dispelled.

  • Dispel Magic - When you see a Magical effect on a Creature or Object you can attempt to destroy the magic. You can spend this Spell Slot on this Spell and if it is a 3rd Level Spell or lower then their Spell is destroyed. However if the Spell Slot is higher then you must make an Ability Check using your Spellcasting Modifier, the DC is 10 + the Spell Slot Level used. Using a higher Level Spell Slot automatically destroys higher level Spells of equal Level. 

  • Elemental Weapon - A non-magical weapon (or a quiver of 10 arrows/bolts) you touch becomes a magic weapon. Choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. For the duration, the weapon has a +1 bonus to attack rolls and deals an extra 1d4 damage of the chosen type when it hits. When you cast this spell using a 5th Level spell slot the bonus to attack rolls increases to +2 and the extra damage increases to 2d4.

  • Erupting Earth - Place your focus on the ground and pick a point on the same ground that you can see. From there a 5m cube of earth erupts, the center being at the point you selected, and all creatures in the area must make Reflex Save. On a Failure they take 4d10 Bludgeoning Damage, half as much on a Successful save. From that point the ground in a 10m radius all the ground becomes Difficult Terrain. You can spend extra mana to increase the Damage by 1d10. 

  • Feign Death - You touch a willing creature and put it into a state that is indistinguishable from death. For the spell’s duration, or until you use an action to touch the target and dismiss the spell, the target appears dead to all outward inspection and to spells used to determine the target’s status. The target is blinded and incapacitated, and its speed drops to 0. The target has resistance to all damage except psychic damage. If the target is diseased or poisoned when you cast the spell, or becomes diseased or poisoned while under the spell’s effect, the disease and poison have no effect until the spell ends.

  • Flame Lance - From the earth below you send out a scorching piece of wood in a straight line, which dissipates at the end of the Spell’s Range. All creatures within the Spell’s Line must make a Reflex Save, taking 4d10 Fire Damage and being ignited on a Failure, on a Success they take ½ as much Damage and are not ignited. This Damage  increases by 1d10 for each higher level Spell Slot used. 

  • Flame Stride - As part of this spell you point in a direction and move 10m in that direction, doing so does not provoke opportunity attacks and leaves behind a trail of flame. Any Creature in that line must make a Reflex Save, taking 2d8 Fire Damage and being knocked prone on a Failure, while only suffering half Damage on a Success. You can spend additional mana to extend the range by 5m and increase the Damage by 1d8.

  • Freedom of the Waves - You conjure a deluge of seawater in a 5m radius, 3m tall cylinder centered on a point within range. This water takes the form of a tidal wave, a whirlpool, a waterspout, or another form of your choice. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Fortitude Save against your spell save DC or take 2d8 bludgeoning damage, gain the Dazed Condition, and fall prone. On a Success they take ½ as much and do not fall prone. In addition if you are within the spell’s area, as part of the Action you use to cast the spell, you can vanish into the deluge and teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see within the spell’s area.

  • Lightning Arrow - The next time you make a ranged weapon attack during the spell’s duration, the weapon’s ammunition, or the weapon itself (if it’s a thrown weapon) transforms into a bolt of lightning. Make the attack roll as normal. The target takes 4d8 Lightning Damage on a hit, or half as much damage on a miss, in addition to the weapon’s normal damage. The piece of ammunition or weapon then returns to its normal form for the sake of tracking ammunition if that rule is being employed. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 2d8 for each slot level above 3rd.

  • Meld into Stone - You step into a stone object or surface large enough to fully contain your body, melding yourself and all the equipment you carry with the stone for the duration. Using your movement, you step into the stone at a point you can touch. Nothing of your presence remains visible or otherwise detectable by non-magical senses. While merged with the stone, you can’t see what occurs outside it, and any Perception checks you make to hear sounds outside it are made with Disadvantage. You remain aware of the passage of time and can cast spells on yourself while merged in the stone. You can use your movement to leave the stone where you entered it, which ends the spell. You otherwise can’t move. Minor physical damage to the stone doesn’t harm you, but its partial destruction or a change in its shape (to the extent that you no longer fit within it) expels you and deals 3d6 bludgeoning damage to you. The stone’s complete destruction (or transmutation into a different substance) expels you and deals 18d6 bludgeoning damage to you. If expelled, you fall prone in an unoccupied space closest to where you first entered.

  • Nondetection - Touch a Creature, for the next 8 Hours they cannot be targeted by any kind of Divination magic. For instance if a Wizard tried to scry on a target they’d see darkness instead, making the caster assume that their target resisted the spell as normal.

  • Plant Growth - This spell channels vitality into plants within a specific area. There are two possible uses for the spell, granting either immediate or long-term benefits. If you cast this spell using 1 action, choose a point within range. All normal plants in a 20m radius centered on that point become thick and overgrown. A creature moving through the area must spend 4m of movement for every 1m it moves. You can exclude one or more areas of any size within the spell’s area from being affected.

    • If you cast this spell over 8 hours, you enrich the land. All plants in a 1km radius centered on a point within range become enriched for 1 year. The plants yield twice the normal amount of food (on average) when harvested.

  • Protection from Energy - Touch a Creature and select Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Psychic, or Thunder. The Creature becomes Resistant to this kind of Damage for the duration. You can spend extra mana to increase the duration by 1 Hour.

  • Revivify (M* - a 500GP Cut Diamond, consumed) - Touch a Creature that has been dead for less than a minute and has its body mostly intact. It immediately returns to life at 1 HP but not if it has died of old age or if it has any missing body parts larger than a hand. 

  • Speak with Plants - You imbue plants within 10m with limited sentience and animation, giving them the ability to communicate with you and follow your simple commands. You can question plants about events in the spell’s area within the past day, gaining information about creatures that have passed, weather, and other circumstances. You can also turn difficult terrain caused by plant growth (such as thickets and undergrowth) into ordinary terrain that lasts for the duration. Or you can turn ordinary terrain where plants are present into difficult terrain that lasts for the duration, causing vines and branches to hinder pursuers, for example. Plants might be able to perform other tasks on your behalf, at the DM’s discretion. The spell doesn’t enable plants to uproot themselves and move about, but they can freely move branches, tendrils, and stalks. If a plant creature is in the area, you can communicate with it as if you share a common language, but you gain no magical ability to influence it. This spell can cause the plants created by the entangle spell to release a restrained creature.

  • Summon Fey (M* - a Large 300GP Diamond) - Quickly create an intricate circle of magic that targets a specific piece of the Fae realm to summon forth. This creature is on the same initiative as you and goes immediately after you during combat. If the spell ends or the Creature drops to 0HP it disappears. 

    • Abyssal - Summon a creature of utter darkness called “Shadowspawn”, this misshapen bipedal humanoid walks stutteringly across the ground and strikes out with its single extremely long hand

      • AC: 15, HP: 35, Speed 40ft 

      • Str 13, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 16

      • Immune to being Frightened, Resistance to Necrotic, knows your Language

      • 40m Darkvision, Passive Perception 10, Can move through objects at will

      • Multi Attack - Use your Spell Attack Modifier to Hit, deals 1d12+3 Cold Damage. Any creature that begins their turn within 5m of the Shadowspawn has their Movement Speed reduced by half for that turn.  

  • Tidal Wave - Summon a huge body of water to crash down at a point within range, the affected area is 10m long, 3m wide, and 3m tall. Any Creature in this area must make a Reflex Save, taking 4d8 Bludgeoning Damage and being knocked prone on a failure or only taking half Damage on a Success. Fire within 10m of the zone is extinguished and all Creatures within the area have Resistance to Fire Damage for 1 Round. 

  • Wall of Water - You conjure up a wall of water on the ground at a point you can see within range. You can make the wall up to 15m long, 5m high, and .5m thick, or you can make a ringed wall up to 10m in diameter, 5m high, and .5m thick. The wall vanishes when the spell ends. The wall’s space is difficult terrain and any creature that ends its turn there takes 1d6 Bludgeoning Damage, this also occurs if they start their turn in it. Increasing the Spell Level used increases any dimension you choose by 5m. 

    • Any weapon attack that enters the wall’s space has Disadvantage on the Attack Roll, and Fire Damage is halved if the fire effect passes through the wall to reach its target. Spells that deal cold damage that pass through the wall cause the area of the wall they pass through to freeze solid (about a 2m cube of water). Each 2m square frozen section has AC 5 and 15 hit points. Reducing a frozen section to 0 hit points destroys it. When a section is destroyed, the wall’s water doesn’t fill it and the wall of water shrinks. 

  • Water Breathing - Select up to 10 Creatures within Range that you can see, if they are willing then all these Creatures for the duration can also breathe water for the Duration. 

  • Water Walk - This spell grants the ability to move across any liquid surface – such as water, acid, mud, snow, quicksand, or lava – as if it were harmless solid ground (creatures crossing molten lava can still take damage from the heat). Up to ten willing creatures you can see within range gain this ability for the duration. If you target a creature submerged in a liquid, the spell carries the target to the surface of the liquid at a rate of 20m per round.

  • Wind of Dragons - For a short time you gain the wind magic of a dragon’s wing, increasing your Movement Speed by 10m and whenever you move while this Spell is active you don’t provoke Opportunity Attacks as if you’re constantly using the Disengage Action. For each Spell Level higher than 2nd used you gain another 5m of Movement Speed


Natural 4th Level Spells


Natural 2nd Level Spells