Natural 4th Level Spells

Spell NameSchoolCasting TimeRangeDurationComponentsClass
BlightNecromancy1 Action10mInstantaneousV, SDruid
Charm MonsterEnchantment1 Action10m1 hourV, SBard, Druid
ConfusionEnchantment1 Action30mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MDruid
Conjure ElementalsConjuration1 Minute30mConcentration, up to 1 hourV, SDruid
Conjure Woodland BeingsConjuration1 Action20mConcentration, up to 1 hourV, S, MDruid
Control WaterTransmutation1 Action100mConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, S, MDruid
DivinationDivination1 Action RSelfInstantaneousV, S, MDruid
Dominate BeastEnchantment1 Action20mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, SDruid
Elemental BaneTransmutation1 Action30mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, SDruid
Fire ShieldEvocation1 ActionSelf10 minutesV, S, MDruid
Freedom of MovementAbjuration1 ActionTouch1 hourV, S, MBard, Druid
Giant InsectTransmutation1 Action10mConcentration, up to 10 minutesV, SDruid
Grasping VineConjuration1 Bonus Action10mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, SDruid
Guardian of NatureTransmutation1 Bonus ActionSelfConcentration, up to 1 minuteVDruid
Hallucinatory Natural TerrainIllusion10 Minutes100m24 hoursV, S, MBard, Druid
Ice StormEvocation1 Action100mInstantaneousV, S, MDruid
Locate CreatureDivination1 ActionSelfConcentration, up to 1 hourV, S, MBard, Druid
PolymorphTransmutation1 Action20mConcentration, up to 1 hourV, S, MDruid
Stone ShapeTransmutation1 ActionTouchInstantaneousV, S, MDruid
StoneskinAbjuration1 ActionTouchConcentration, up to 1 hourV, S, MDruid
Summon ElementalConjuration1 Action30mConcentration, up to 1 hourV, S, MDruid
Wall of FireEvocation1 Action40mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MDruid
Watery SphereConjuration1 Action30mConcentration, up to 1 minuteV, S, MDruid
  • Blight - Select a Creature that you can see within Range, it must make a Fortitude Save. It takes 8d8 Necrotic Damage on a Failure or half as much on a Success. Plants or natural Creatures make the Save at Disadvantage. You deal an additional 4d8 Damage when casting this with a 5th Level Slot

  • Charm Monster - You attempt to charm a creature within range that you can see. It must make a Will Save, and it does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the Save, it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature is friendly to you. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you.

  • Confusion - Select a point within Range that you can see, a flash of multi-colored light appears in a 3m sphere around that point. All Creatures within Range must make a Will Save or be affected by the Confused Condition. They can repeat this Save at the end of each of their subsequent turns to see if they can act normally on their next turn

  • Conjure Gargoyle - Summon a minor Earth Elemental (Gargoyle) at a point within range that you can see, for the duration (or until it reaches 0HP). It is friendly to you and your allies and you can use a Bonus Action to give it a task, if the task is completed  it will attempt to defend itself only

    • Gargoyle: 

      • AC: 15, HP: 52, Speed 20m (Flying) 

      • Str 16, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 7

      • Immune to Poison & being Poisoned, Resistance to Fire and Non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing

      • 20m Darkvision, Passive Perception 10, +5 Con Save

      • Multi Attack (Bite - +5 to Hit, 1d6+3 Piercing; Fist - +5 to Hit, 1d6+3 Slashing)

      • Perfect Disguise - When not moving this Creature is impossible to discern from a normal statue, except by attacking it

      • Stone Armor - Once per day when this Creature is hit by a Weapon Attack it can Reduce the Damage taken by 8 (1d12+2)

  • Conjure Woodland Beings - You summon fey creatures that appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see within range. Choose one of the following options for what appears:

    • One fey creature of challenge rating 2 or lower

    • Two fey creatures of challenge rating 1 or lower

    • Four fey creatures of challenge rating 1/2 or lower

    • Eight fey creatures of challenge rating 1/4 or lower

    • A summoned creature disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. The summoned creatures are friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the summoned creatures as a group, which have their own turns. They obey any verbal commands that you issue to them (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions. The DM has the creatures’ statistics.

  • Control Water - Select a point within Range that you can see within water, for the duration you can control that water within a 30m cube around that point. You can choose 1 of the following effects to trigger below and on subsequent turns you can change the point to a different spot as a Bonus Action and change the effect as an Action.

    • Flood - The water cube rises by up to 5m, flooding the water onto dry land if it goes over the edge of a shore. Huge or smaller vehicles in the path are carried with it to the other side, because as the water moves over the shore it leaves your cube of control and more water (if available) is pulled up via pressure into your cube of control. If any vehicle is hit full force Roll a d20, on a 5 or lower it capsizes and begins to be destroyed (the time it takes for this depends on its size). The water level remains elevated until the spell ends or until the water runs out. Any Creatures in this constant Flood must make a Fortitude Save (doing so with Advantage if they have a Swimming Speed) or be taken along with the Flood.

    • Part Water - You create a trench as the water moves apart in the spell’s area, and the separated water forms walls around the area, the water falling back in slowly over the course of 1 Round when the Spell ends

    • Redirect Flow - You cause flowing water in the area to move in a direction you choose, even if the water has to flow over obstacles, up walls, or in other unlikely directions. The water in the area moves as you direct it, but once it moves beyond the spell’s area, it resumes its flow based on the terrain conditions. The water continues to move in the direction you chose until the spell ends or you choose a different effect.

    • Whirlpool - This effect requires a body of sufficient size, at least 10 times the cube’s area. You cause a whirlpool to form in the center of the area. The whirlpool forms a vortex that is a person wide at the base, up to 20m across at the surface. Any creature or object in the water and within 5m of the vortex is pulled 5m towards it. A creature can swim away from the vortex by making an Athletics check against your spell save DC.

  • Divination (M* - 50GP worth of items valuable to the question taker) - Your magic and an offering put you in contact with a being of higher power or one of their servants. You ask a single question concerning a specific goal, event, or activity to occur within 7 days. The DM offers a truthful reply. The reply might be a short phrase, a cryptic rhyme, or an omen. The spell doesn’t take into account any possible circumstances that might change the outcome, such as the casting of powerful  spells or the loss or gain of a companion, only what is available when the question is asked. Every time you cast this spell again before taking a Long Rest the GM rolls a d20 in secret, on a 5 or lower they give you a random reading disguised as a correct one. Each time you do so again the number needed to make this happen increases by 5.

  • Dominate Beast - You attempt to beguile a beast that you can see within range. It must succeed on a Will Save or be Charmed by you for the duration. If you or creatures that are friendly to you are fighting it, it has Advantage on the Save. While the beast is Charmed, you have a telepathic link with it as long as the two of you are on the same plane of existence. You can use this telepathic link to issue commands to the creature while you are conscious (no action required), which it does its best to obey. You can specify a simple and general course of action, such as “Attack that creature,” “Run over there,” or “Fetch that object.” If the creature completes the order and doesn’t receive further direction from you, it defends and preserves itself to the best of its ability. You can use your Action to take total and precise control of the target. Until the end of your next turn, the creature takes only the actions you choose, and doesn’t do anything that you don’t allow it to do. During this time, you can also cause the creature to use a reaction, but this requires you to use your own reaction as well. Each time the target takes damage, it makes a new Will Save against the spell. If the Save succeeds, the spell ends.

  • Elemental Bane - Target a Creature within Range and choose Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder. It must make a Fortitude Save, on a Failure for the duration when it takes Damage it also takes 2d8 additional Damage of the type selected. On a Success it takes 2d8 Damage of the type selected when the Spell is cast but not after. You can spend extra mana to increase this Damage by 1d8. 

  • Fire Shield - Thin and wispy flames wreathe your body for the duration, shedding bright light out for 3m and dim light 3m past that. You can end the spell early by using an action to dismiss it. The flames provide you with a powerful shield that grants you resistance to Cold and Fire Damage. In addition, whenever a creature hits you with a Melee Weapon Attack, the shield erupts with flame and the attacker takes 2d8 fire damage. You can spend extra mana to increase this Damage by 1d8. 

  • Freedom of Movement - You touch a willing creature. For the duration, the target’s movement is unaffected by difficult terrain, and spells and other magical effects can neither reduce the target’s speed nor cause the target to be paralyzed or restrained. The target can also spend 5m of movement to automatically escape from non-magical restraints, such as manacles or a creature that has it grappled. Finally, being underwater imposes no penalties on the target’s movement or attacks.

  • Giant Insect - You transform up to ten centipedes, three spiders, five wasps, or one scorpion within range into giant versions of their natural forms for the duration. A centipede becomes a giant centipede, a spider becomes a giant spider, etc. Each creature obeys your verbal commands, and in combat, they act on your turn each round. The DM has the statistics for these creatures and resolves their actions and movement. A creature remains in its giant size for the duration, until it drops to 0 HP, or until you use an action to dismiss the effect on it. The DM might allow you to choose different targets. For example, if you transform a bee, its giant version might have the same statistics as a giant wasp.

  • Grasping Vine - You conjure a vine that sprouts from the ground in an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see within range. When you cast this spell, you can direct the vine to lash out at a creature within 10m of it that you can see. That creature must succeed on a Reflex Save or be pulled 10m directly toward the vine. Until the spell ends, you can direct the vine to lash out at the same creature or another one as a Bonus Action on each of your turns.

  • Guardian of Nature - A nature spirit answers your call and transforms you into a powerful guardian. The transformation lasts until the spell ends. You choose one of the following forms to assume: Primal Beast or Great Tree.

    • Primal Beast. Bestial fur covers your body, your facial features become feral, and you gain the following benefits:

      • Your Movement Speed increases by 5m

      • You gain Darkvision with a range of 40m

      • You make Strength-based Attack Rolls with Advantage.

      • Your Melee Weapon Attacks deal an extra 1d6 Force Damage on a hit.

    • Great Tree. Your skin appears barky, leaves sprout from your hair, and you gain the following benefits:

      • You gain 10 Shielding

      • You make Fortitude Saves with advantage.

      • You make Dexterity and Wisdom based Attack Rolls with Advantage.

      • While you are on the ground, the ground within 5m of you is difficult terrain for your enemies.

  • Hallucinatory Natural Terrain  - A 30m cube of illusion appears at a spot within Range, it must appear like a completely natural terrain and includes sight, smell, and sounds within the cube. Of course this includes changing these sensations of something like a small pond to a cliff face. However it does not affect man made structures such as houses or temples, and not Creatures either. It does not replace tactical sensation however and so it is quite effective until it is entered. If it is discerned by a mage they must succeed on a Perception check of your Spell Save DC, and on a success of doing so the illusion appears as a kind of vague mirage, the general shape being identifiable but it does not stop the seer from understanding the true form. 

  • Ice Storm - At a point within range a cylinder 7m wide and 20m tall a hail storm forms that pelts anyone caught in its storm. Creatures inside this volume must make a Fortitude Save, taking 3d8 Bludgeoning and 3d6 Cold Damage on a Failure or half as much on a success. This area at the cylinder’s base becomes Difficult Terrain until the start of your next turn. Spending more mana on this Spell increases the Damage by 1d8 and 1d6. 

  • Locate Creature - You pick a Creature that you are familiar with and for the Duration of this Spell you know if it comes within 1km of you, appearing like a dot in your mind as you move. If it leaves the area you know instead detect the last point they were at until the Spell ends or you come within 1km of the Creature. If the creature you described or named is in a different form, such as being under the effects of a polymorph spell, this spell doesn’t locate the creature. Increasing the mana spent on this Spell increases its range by 1km each. 

  • Polymorph - Choose a Creature within Range that you can see, it must make a Fortitude Save to avoid the effect if it is unwilling. This spell transforms that creature into a new form. A shapechanger automatically succeeds on this Save. The transformation lasts for the duration, or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. The new form can be any beast whose challenge rating is equal to or less than your level. The target’s game statistics, including mental ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast. It retains its alignment and personality. The target assumes the hit points of its new form. When it reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to the number of hit points it had before it transformed. If it reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to its normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn’t reduce the creature’s normal form to 0 hit points, it isn’t knocked unconscious. The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the nature of its new form, and it can’t speak, cast spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech. The target’s gear melds into the new form. The creature can’t activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its equipment. This spell can’t affect a target that has 0 hit points.

  • Stone Shape - You touch a stone object of Medium size or smaller or a section of stone no more than 3m in any dimension and form it into any shape that suits your purpose. For example you could shape a stone door or its frame to seal the door shut. The object you create can have up to two hinges and a latch, but finer mechanical detail isn’t possible.

  • Stoneskin (M* - 100GP worth of diamond dust, consumed) - Touch a Creature, for the duration they have Resistance to non-magical Weapon Attacks. 

  • Summon Elemental (M* - gold vial with pure water worth 400GP) - Call forth an Elemental Spirit at an unoccupied space within Range, choosing between the elements of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. The Summon takes on the essence of the chosen element and appears about your size with a generally wisp-like appearance. It is an ally to you and in combat it shares your initiative but goes directly after you, it obeys your verbal command and if you have given it no instruction it takes the Dodge Action and stands still. This Creature disappears when the spell ends or when it drops to 0HP.

    • AC: 15; HP: 50, Speed 15m (movement depends on element)

    • STR 18, DEX 15, CON 17, INT 4, WIS 10, CHA 16

      • Makes 2 Melee Attacks (To Hit is the same as your Spellcasting Modifier), Dealing 1d10+4 Bludgeoning Damage on a hit

      • Immune to exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, petrified, petrified, poisoned, unconscious; Resistance to Poison

      • Darkvision 60ft, Passive Perception 10ft, Primordial, Common

        • Fire - Resistance to Fire Damage and Multiattack deals Fire Damage

        • Water - Can move through a gap only 1cm wide, can swim at normal Movement Speed, Resistant to Acid

        • Earth - Can move underground at normal Movement Speed, is resistant to non-magical Weapon Damage

        • Wind - Can move through a gap only 1cm wide, Movement is flying Speed, Resistance to Lightning and Thunder Damage

  • Wall of Fire - Create a line on a solid surface starting at a point within Range, immediately after doing this a wall of fire erupts from the line and reaches 10m in the air, can be up to 20m long, and is 2m wide. This wall is opaque and red-orange in appearance. Any Creature in the area where the Wall appears must make a Reflex Save, taking 5d8 Fire Damage or half as much on a Success. Any Creature that enters within 1m of the wall or starts within the affected area on its turn takes an additional Fire Damage, without a Save. You can also select 1 side of the wall when casting this spell to not deal damage in this way if desired.

  • Watery Sphere - You conjure up a 2m sphere of water at a point you can see within range. The sphere can hover in the air, but no more than a couple meters off the ground. For the duration any creature in the sphere’s space must make a Fortitude Save. On a successful save, a creature is ejected from that space to the nearest unoccupied space outside it (huge or larger creatures succeed automatically) while on a failed save, a creature is restrained by the sphere and is engulfed by the water. At the end of each of its turns, a restrained target can repeat the Save. The sphere can restrain a maximum of four Medium or smaller creatures or one Large creature. If the sphere restrains a creature in excess of these numbers, a random creature that was already restrained by the sphere falls out of it and lands prone outside it. As an action, you can move the sphere up to 10m in a straight line. If it moves over a pit, cliff, or other drop, it safely descends until it is hovering a couple meters off the ground. Any creature restrained by the sphere moves with it. You can ram the sphere into creatures, forcing them to make the Save, but no more than once per turn. When the spell ends, the sphere falls to the ground and extinguishes all normal flames within 10m of it. Any creature restrained by the sphere is knocked prone in the space where it falls


Natural 5th Level Spells


Natural 3rd Level Spells