The Ranger Class


Ranger LevelProficiency Modifier1st Level Spells Slots2nd Level Spell Slots3rd Level Spell SlotsSpells KnownFeatures
1+20000Foe Strike, Natural Explorer
2+22002Fighting Style, Spellcasting
3+22003Subclass Feature, Primal Awareness
4+23004Ability Score Improvement, Martial Prowess
5+33204Subclass Improvement
6+34205Enhanced Movement, Martial Prowess
7+34306Font of Shadows
8+34307Ability Score Improvement
9+44328Subclass Advancement

Basic Stats:

Level 1 HP = 10 + your Constitution Modifier; Gaining an additional [1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution Modifier] HP with every additional Ranger Level


  • Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Shields

  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

  • Tools: Navigator’s Tools or Herbalism Kit; Optionally you can give up on this choice to select another Skill from the list below

  • Saves: Proficiency with Reflex, Training with Will

    • or Proficiency with Strength and Dexterity Saving Throws

  • Skills: Choose 2 between Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival

  • Languages: Druidic


  • a Gambeson or a Light Chain Shirt

  • a Recurve Bow (w/ 20 arrows) or a Heavy Crossbow (w/ 20 Bolts)

  • a Shortsword or 2 Simple Melee Weapons

  • a Shield or Navigator’s Tools

  • a Backpack w/ A Bedroll, a Saex, a Mess Kit, a Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Day of Rations, a Waterskin, and a 15m bundle of Hempen Rope


  • Natural Explorer:

    • Choose 1 of the Skills or Tools you have Proficiency with from the ones you gained from the Ranger Class, you now have Expertise with it. In addition you gain 3m of Movement Speed and learn 2 Languages of your Choice. At 6th Level you gain a Swimming and Climbing Speed equal to your Movement Speed. And at 9th Level after finishing a Short Rest you gain 1d4 + your Wisdom Modifier Shielding, regain a 1st and 2nd Level Spell Slot, and can remove a point of Exhaustion. Finally, if you are alone or are leading people through the wilderness between two locations that you are familiar with you have Advantage on all Survival Checks to forage or navigate these paths

  • Foe Strike:

    • When you strike a Creature with a Weapon you’re Proficient with you can choose to mark them as your Foe. For the next minute you deal an additional 1d6 Damage to this enemy when you hit them with a Weapon Attack, increasing to 2d6 at 6th Level and to 3d6 at 10th Levels. If your Foe reaches 0HP during this time you gain Shielding equal to your Wisdom Modifier (increasing by 1d4 at 6th and 10th Levels) and can immediately mark another Creature as your Foe without having to hit them with a Weapon Attack, though they must be within 30m and within your sight to do so. You can utilize this ability a number of times per day equal to your Proficiency Bonus

  • Fighting Style: Choose one of the Styles Below to Focus on, this can be replaced with a different Style from this list (if desired) when you reach the 4th and 8th Level of Ranger.

    • Archer - Gain +2 to Attack Rolls made with Bows or Crossbows

    • Close Quarters Shooter - When wielding a Bow and within Melee Range of an enemy you no longer have Disadvantage on Attacks with a Ranged Weapon

    • Defense - Gain +1 AC when wearing Armor

    • Druidic Warrior - Select 2 Cantrips from the Nature Spell List that Druids can Learn, these count as ranger spells for you, and Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for them. Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of these cantrips with another cantrip from the Druid spell list

    • Thrown Weapon Fighter - When you use your Action to Throw a Weapon you can immediately draw another Weapon of that Type as a Free Action from your belt and your current Attack will deal +1 Damage. You also have +1 to hit when Throwing a Weapon with the Thrown Property. 

    • Two Weapon Fighting - When you make an Attack with your off-hand Weapon you can add your Ability Modifier to the Damage Roll

  • Ranger Spellcasting

    • You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the ranger spell list. The Spells Known column of the Ranger table shows when you learn more ranger spells of your choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 5th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the ranger spells you know and replace it with another spell from the ranger spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots. To cast a spell with the Material Component a Ranger can utilize a small twig or piece of mistletoe instead of the standard arcane focii

  • Spellcasting Ability

    • Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your ranger spells, since your magic draws on your attunement to nature. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a ranger spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one

      • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

      • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

  • Monster Hunter - (OPTIONAL) - At 3rd Level you may change out your Fighting Style with the Fighting Style “Monster Hunter” if you want - You gain Proficiency with Herbalism or Alchemy Kits (your choice), as well as dealing additional Damage (with crafted Poisons) and additional Healing (with crafted Potions) by an amount equal to your Intelligence or Wisdom Modifier (your choice)

    • Acid’s Note - Discuss with your GM the presence of Monster Hunter factions in their world and their crafting system, this Style only succeeds in situations with lots of crafting options

  • Primal Awareness

    • You can spend a 1st Level Ranger Spell Slot and meditate for 10 minutes to focus on the powerful Creatures in a 10km radius around you. You can sense any one (your choice) of the following Creature Types: aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead, in the area, learning the amount and where they’re located. This effect lasts for 10 minutes and you are considered Concentrating as far as Spellcasting is confirmed for that Duration. You can expend a 2nd Level Spell Slot when using this Ability to cast it in 1 minute and it increases the duration for 1 hour

  • Martial Prowess

    • You gain access to 2 Maneuvers from the Maneuvers list. You can exchange 1 of these choices every time you level up. Any Save required has a DC of [8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Dexterity or Strength Modifier] (your choice). You have 2 Superiority dice, which are d8s for you and can utilize them to perform these maneuvers, which you regain after completing a Short or Long Rest.

  • Enhanced Movement:

    • You can Dash, Hide, or Dodge as a Bonus Action and you have Advantage on any Saves that would restrict Movement, such as via the Entangle Spell

  • Font of Shadows:

    • You gain Expertise with Reflex Saves and once per Long Rest you can turn yourself Invisible (as if using the Spell Invisibility) without expending a Spell Slot for up to 1 minute

  • Slayer:

    • Your heightened senses grant you the ability to sense Invisible Creatures within 10m of you at all times (as if you could see them) and when you hit a Creature with a Weapon Attack (using a Weapon you’re Proficient with) you deal additional Damage equal to your 1d4 + your Wisdom Modifier

Subclass - Pick a type of style for you to specialize in as you increase in experience, with some Rangers becoming extremely adept at striking down foes one at a time while others seeks Beastial companions or becoming a vicious ambush predator

  • Battle Savant: A singular focus of this Ranger is to improve their martial prowess, taking up combat with fighters and paladins as they improve striking directly, compared to other types which rather utilize their magic. This also means it is rare for one of this type to use any magic in combat, preferring to utilize a few spells to prepare for combat instead.

    • Battle Savant Feature: Combatant’s Eyes

      • You can add your Proficiency Bonus to your Initiative Rolls

      • You gain Proficiency with Athletics (or Expertise if you’re already Proficient)

      • When you Roll Initiative you gain 1d8 + your Ranger Level Shielding that lasts for that Combat. This increases to 1d10 at 6th Level and to 1d12 at 9th Level. 

    • Battle Savant Feature: Perfect Spacing

      • When you make an Attack against a Creature you do not provoke Opportunity Attacks from that Creature until the start of your next turn 

    • Battle Savant Feature: Battle Savant Spellcasting - You can add the following Spells to your Spell List whenever you reach the assigned Ranger Level. These do not count towards your number of Spells Known column 

      • 3rd - Shield 

      • 5th - Absorb Elements

      • 7th - Blur

      • 9th - Flame Stride

    • Battle Savant Improvement: Extra Attack

      • When you take the Attack Action you can make 2 Attacks as part of the same Action

    • Battle Savant Advancement: Hyperfocus

      • You can utilize your Bonus Action to go into a state of pure focus for 1 Round. In this State you gain an additional +5 to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls with Weapon Attacks, all Saves, can make an additional Attack if you make the Attack Action, doubled Movement Speed, and you do not provoke Opportunity Attacks. In addition, if you take the Attack Action this turn you take the Dodge Action as a part of this Action. You can utilize this ability once per Short Rest

  • Beast Master: When wandering the wilds there are many ways a person could stumble across a magical beast which has such a strong connection there is really no other thing to do but to pair up, becoming a true machine of magical quality as they progress in power together

    • Beast Master Feature: Primal Companion - Gain a Beast that follows you with unyielding loyalty by expending 1 week to find a Creature of your Choice, making sure that the GM agrees with your choice of companion. 

      • They gain additional AC (13 + PB) equal to your Proficiency Bonus, additional HP equal to 5 * your Ranger Level (5 + 5*RL), 10m of Climbing and Walking Speed or just Flying Speed (if a bird). Land animals have 14 Str, 14Dex, 15 Con, 8 Int, 14 Wis, and 11 Cha with a Darkvision fo 20m while Air animals have 4 + 4*RL HP and 6 Str, 16 Dex, 13 Con, 8 Int, 14 Wis, 11 Cha, and don’t provoke opportunity attacks by flying past. They make Attacks with bonuses equal to your Proficiency Bonus and their Strength or Dexterity Modifier with 1d6 Damage + your Proficiency Bonus + their Strength or Dexterity Modifier. In addition, if your companion strikes a Creature that you've marked as your Foe they also gain the bonus damage on a hit from Foe Strike. 

      • If the beast has died within the last hour, you can use your action to touch it and expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher. The beast returns to life after 1 minute with all its hit points restored. Optionally, when you finish a long rest, you can summon a different primal beast. The new beast appears in an unoccupied space next to you, and you choose its stat block and appearance. If you already have a beast from this feature, it vanishes when the new beast appears. The beast also vanishes if you die.

    • Beast Master Feature: Primal Ally

      • Your Primal Companion gains a Bonus to Saving Throws equal to your Proficiency Bonus and can make Attacks at your Command as a Bonus Action. They make their moves during their turn (which always occurs just after yours) and follow your commands unerringly. If you gain the Extra Attack Feature (from another Class) you can forgo one of your Attacks to grant your Companion an additional Attack. 

    • Beast Master Improvement: Beast Command

      • When your Companion makes an Attack using their Action they can Attack twice as part of this Action. If you do so then you can utilize your Bonus Action to make another Attack using whatever Weapon you have equipped 

    • Beast Master Improvement: Beastial Constitution

      • You become Proficient with Fortitude Saves and gain +1 Max HP per Ranger Level along with your Beastial Companion

    • Beast Master Advancement: True Ally

      • Your Companion can be commanded using your Bonus Action to use its Bonus Action to Dash, Disengage, or Help and both their Attacks and yours count as Magical for the point of overcoming Resistance

  • Fae Wanderer

    • Wanderer Feature: Smile of Charming

      • You gain Proficiency with Deception, Performance, or Persuasion (your choice) or Expertise if you’re already Proficient and can use your Wisdom Modifier for this Roll instead of your Charisma Modifier

    • Wanderer Feature: Fae Needles

      • You gain the ability to enhance your weapon strikes with mind-scarring magic, drawn from the mind-bending hollows of the Fae. When you hit a creature with a weapon, you can deal an extra 1d4 psychic damage to the target, which can take this extra damage only once per turn. The extra damage increases to 1d6 when you reach 10th level in this class.

      • In addition you gain a small feature of the Fae that is always present, such as an almost unnoticeable amount of magical glitter around your hair or your shadow likes to dance when no one is looking at it

    • Wanderer Feature: Wanderer Spellcasting - You can add the following Spells to your Spell List whenever you reach the assigned Ranger Level. These do not count towards your number of Spells Known column 

      • 3rd - Charm Person

      • 5th - Misty Step

      • 7th - Gift of Gab

      • 9th - Dispel Magic

    • Improvement: Extra Attack

      • When you take the Attack Action you can make 2 Attacks as part of the same Action

    • Wanderer Advancement: Charming Inoculation

      • Now the magic of the Fae guards your mind

      • You have Advantage on Saves against being Charmed, Confused, Dazed, or Frightened 

    • Wanderer Advancement: Beguiling Twist

      • In addition, whenever you or a creature you can see within 50m of you succeeds on a Save against being Charmed, Confused, Dazed, or Frightened, you can use your Reaction to force a different creature you can see within 50m of you to make a Will Save against your Spell Save DC. If the save fails, the target is Charmed or Frightened by you or Confused or Dazed (your choice) for 1 minute. The target can repeat the Save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a successful save. The first turn it would make this Save it has Disadvantage on the Roll

  • Hunter:

    • Hunter Feature: Enhanced Hunter - Choose 2 of the 3 ways to improve your fighting. You may swap 1 of these choices every time you take another Level in the Ranger Class. 

      • Colossus Slayer - When a Creature is below its Maximum HP you deal an additional 1d8 Damage to it when you hit with a Weapon you’re Proficient with

      • Reactionary Combat - When a Creature misses you with a weapon Attack you can make a Melee Weapon Attack against them as a Reaction

      • Horde Breaker - When you make a Ranged Attack Roll against a Creature you can use the same Action to make another Attack Roll against a different Creature if it’s within 5m of the first Creature you Attacked. This ability does not trigger twice with Extra Attack however. 

    • Feature: Martial Hunter

      • Select 3 of the Maneuvers from the Maneuvers List to gain access to from this Feature, you can change these out at the end of every Long Rest. You gain 2 Superiority Dice (these are d8s for you) to utilize for them and any Save required has a DC of 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Dexterity or Strength Modifier (your choice). You regain the use of these Dice after completing a Short or Long Rest.

    • Improvement: Extra Attack

      • When you take the Attack Action you can make 2 Attacks as part of the same Action

    • Advancement: Defensive Hunter - Choose 2 of the options below

      • Ghost Escape - All Opportunity Attacks against you are made with Disadvantage and on a Miss you can make a Melee Attack against them without expending your Reaction

      • Innate Reflexes - You gain Expertise with Reflex Save, this causes Font of Shadows to give you Mastery instead

      • Steel Will - You gain Proficiency with Will Save

  • Horizon Walker

    • Horizon Walker Feature: Planar Compass

      • As part of aligning yourself with the planes, you can immediately sense the presence of any kind of portal or other method to connect this plane with another within a 10km radius at any time. 

    • Horizon Walker Feature: Planar Warrior

      • You can utilize your Bonus Action to target a Creature within 10m that you can see with your magics, and if you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach this level of Ranger, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

    • Horizon Walker Feature: Traveler Spellcasting - You can add the following Spells to your Spell List whenever you reach the assigned Ranger Level. These do not count towards your number of Spells Known column 

      • 3rd - Healing Word

      • 5th - Misty Step

      • 7th - Darkvision

      • 9th - Haste

    • Horizon Walker Improvement: Extra Attack

      • When you take the Attack Action you can make 2 Attacks as part of the same Action

    • Horizon Walker Advancement: Ethereal Step

      • You learn to step through the Ethereal Plane. As a bonus action on your turn, you can cast the Etherealness spell with this feature, without expending a spell slot, but the spell ends at the end of the current turn. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

        • Etherealness - You step into the border regions of the Ethereal Plane, in the area where it overlaps with your current plane. You remain in the Border Ethereal for the duration or until you use your action to dismiss the spell. During this time, you can move in any direction. If you move up or down, every meter of movement costs double. You can see and hear the plane you originated from, but everything there looks gray, and you can’t see anything more than 20m away. While on the Ethereal Plane, you can only affect and be affected by other creatures on that plane. Creatures that aren’t on the Ethereal Plane can’t perceive you and can’t interact with you, unless a special ability or magic has given them the ability to do so. You ignore all objects and effects that aren’t on the Ethereal Plane, allowing you to move through objects you perceive on the plane you originated from. When the spell ends, you immediately return to the plane you originated from in the spot you currently occupy. If you occupy the same spot as a solid object or creature when this happens, you are immediately shunted to the nearest unoccupied space that you can occupy and take force damage equal to twice the number of feet you are moved. This spell has no effect if you cast it while you are on the Ethereal Plane or a plane that doesn’t border it, such as one of the Outer Planes.

    • Horizon Walker Advancement: Fast Step

      • Once per turn when you make a Weapon Attack using your Action you can use your Bonus Action to teleport up to 5m as you do so, not provoking Opportunity Attacks. If you utilize this Ability you can make one additional Attack as a part of this Bonus Action but it must be to a Creature different from the one you’ve been attacking

  • Monster Slayer: 

    • Monster Slayer Feature: Slayer’s Knowledge

      • When you select this Subclass select one of the following Creature types, Humanoids, Aberrations, Beasts, or Monsters. You have Advantage on Arcana, History, Nature, Medicine, Perception, and Survival Checks against this enemy type.

    • Monster Slayer Feature: Slayer’s Prey

      • When you utilize your Foe Strike Feature from this Class it gains additional benefits. Firstly, you immediately learn any Resistances, Immunities, or Weaknesses that they have. In addition, you gain a bonus to all Saves caused by them equal to your Wisdom Modifier. Finally, once per turn you can add an extra 1d4 Acid, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Psychic, or Thunder Damage when you Hit with a Weapon Attack. At 6th Level this Increases to 1d6 and at 9th Level this increases again to 1d8.

    • Monster Slayer Feature: Slayer Spellcasting - You can add the following Spells to your Spell List whenever you reach the assigned Ranger Level. These do not count towards your number of Spells Known column 

      • 3rd - Protection from Good and Evil 

      • 5th - Shield of Faith

      • 7th - Hold Person

      • 9th - Dispel Magic

    • Monster Slayer Improvement: Extra Attack

      • When you take the Attack Action you can make 2 Attacks as part of the same Action

    • Monster Slayer Advancement: Hunter’s Eyes

      • You gain 3 uses of this ability per Long Rest. When you have selected a Foe with the Foe Strike Feature and cause that target to make a Saving Throw you can expend a use of this ability to give them Disadvantage on the roll or you can use this ability to grant yourself Advantage on Saves if your Foe caused it. Finally, you can also utilize this ability to grant yourself +3 AC in response to an incoming Attack from your Foe. 

    • Monster Slayer Advancement: Magical Repulsion

      • When a Creature utilizes a Spell or Magical ability (such as a Basilisk’s Paralyzing Vision) you can utilize your knowledge of magic to block them. If you are within 30m and can see it happening you can use your Reaction to activate this ability. The target must make a Will Save vs your Spell Save DC to continue the use of this ability. In addition, when you Cast the spell “Dispel Magic” gained from this Subclass and must make a Roll you can add your Wisdom Modifier to the Roll

  • Stalker: 

    • Stalker Feature: Dreadful Ambusher - You gain Low Light Vision up to 30m and can add your Wisdom Modifier to your Initiative Rolls

      • On your first turn after Rolling Initiative you gain 5m of Movement Speed, can make an extra Attack as part of your Attack Action, and deal an extra 1d8 Damage with every Weapon Attack you hit with this turn

    • Stalker Feature: Night Creature

      • You gain Proficiency with Stealth if you weren’t already Proficient, and Expertise if you are

      • Any creatures who must rely on Darkvision to see you treat you as mechanically invisible, shadows covering you from Darkvision's sight

    • Stalker Feature: Shadow Spellcasting - You can add the following Spells to your Spell List whenever you reach the assigned Ranger Level. These do not count towards your number of Spells Known column 

      • 3rd - Disguise Self

      • 5th - Darkvision

      • 7th - Invisibility 

      • 9th - Fear

    • Stalker Improvement: Extra Attack

      • When you take the Attack Action you can make 2 Attacks as part of the same Action

    • Stalker Advancement: Dreaded Tenacity

      • You gain Proficiency with Will Saves and once per turn when you miss with an Attack you can make another Attack (as part of the same Attack Action) against the same Creature you missed against. 

    • Stalker Advancement: Hollow Form

      • You can transform yourself into almost a ghost, you can cast a modified form of the Spell “Pass without Trace” a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom Modifier. This modified Spell can only affect you but in addition when you make an Attack you end this spell automatically, however this first Attack you deal after ending this effect deals an additional 3d6 Necrotic Damage

  • Swarmkeeper

    • Swarmkeeper Feature: Gathered Swarm

      • At 3rd level, a swarm of intangible nature spirits has bonded itself to you and can assist you in battle. Until you die, the swarm remains in your space, crawling on you or flying and skittering around you within your space. You can determine the appearance but it commonly shows up as insects or spores that float around and through you. This swarm can be activated once on each of your turns, causing the swarm to assist you in one of the following ways, immediately after you hit a creature with any Attack:

        • The attack's target takes 1d6 piercing damage from the swarm.

        • The attack's target must succeed on a Fortitude Save against your spell save DC or be moved by the swarm up to 5m horizontally in a direction of your choice.

        • You are moved by the swarm 2m in a direction of your choosing

    • Swarmkeeper Feature: Swarmkeeper Spellcasting - You can add the following Spells to your Spell List whenever you reach the assigned Ranger Level. These do not count towards your number of Spells Known column 

      • 3rd - Mage Hand - This cantrip doesn’t require Verbal or Somatic components and takes the form of your swarm

      • 3rd - Faerie Fire

      • 5th - Web

      • 7th - Hold Person

      • 9th - Gaseous Form

    • Swarmkeeper Improvement: Extra Attack

      • When you take the Attack Action you can make 2 Attacks as part of the same Action

    • Swarmkeeper Advancement: Writhing Tide

      • Beginning at this level, you can condense part of your swarm into a focused mass that lifts you up. As a Bonus Action, you gain a flying speed of 5m and can hover. This effect lasts for 1 minute or until you are incapacitated. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

    • Swarmkeeper Advancement: Tunneling Swarm - When you utilize your Gathered Swarm Ability you can choose from the following options

      • The target must make a Reflex Save against your Spell Save DC or be knocked Prone

      • The target takes 1d10 Poison Damage

      • The target must make a Will Save against your Spell Save DC or become Frightened of you until the end of their next turn

      • Your Swarm causes all the target’s Attacks to be made at Disadvantage until the end of their next turn

  • Torrential Ranger

    • Torrential Feature: Foe Hunter - Replaces Foe Strike Feature

      • When you see a Creature within 30m you can magically target them to make them as your Foe as a Bonus Action. All your Attacks and Damage Rolls against this Creature (if you’re using a Weapon) have an additional +2 Bonus. In addition for this Minute you have Advantage on all History, Nature, Survival, and Religion checks you make against this Creature. 

    • Torrential Feature: Foe Mark

      • Every time you hit you mark them, granting them a single Foe Mark. Any Creature can have up to 3 Foe Marks on them at any time. Then, at any point within the next minute (or if you hit a Creature with 3 Marks) the Mark explodes, dealing 1d4 Force Damage and forcing that Creature to make a Fortitude Save equal to your Spell Save DC. On a Failure they become Dazed until the end of their next Round.

        • With 2 Marks, deal 1d8 Force Damage and increase the Save DC by +2. It also causes the Confused Condition upon a Failure

        • With 3 Marks, deal 1d12 Force Damage and increase the Save DC by +4. If the target fails the Fortitude Save by 5 they also become Flat Footed, and if they fail by 10 they are Stunned instead.

    • Torrential Feature: Flowing Jump

      • Any time you move you can reduce your Movement to a number of Meters equal to your Proficiency Bonus and gather the magic of wind and water around you to propel you forward. You gain a Flying Speed or Swimming Speed (your choice) and in doing so can move in any direction without a physical object blocking your way, you do not provoke Opportunity Attacks, ignores sight requirements against enemy held actions , ignores Difficult Terrain, and allows you to automatically succeed on any circumstances that would try to Restrain or Grapple you if not by magical means (such as the Spell, Entangle). If a Magical effect would attempt to do so then you have Advantage on the Rolls or Saves to Dodge or Escape these effects

    • Torrential Improvement: Extra Attack

      • When you take the Attack Action you can make 2 Attacks as part of the same Action

    • Torrential Advancement: Whirlwind Strikes

      • Once per turn, if you hit with a Melee Attack using your Off-Hand Weapon you can immediately strike with another Off-Hand Strike

    • Torrential Advancement: Water Strut

      • You gain 5 beads of water that float around you, all of which regenerate while you take a Long Rest. You can utilize these beads in the following ways…

        • Gain +3 to an Attack Roll, declared before Rolling

        • Gain +3 to a Damage Roll, declared before Rolling

        • Gain +3 to any Save, declared before Rolling

        • Move 5m using the rules from your Flowing Jump Feature

  • Wildlands Ranger

    • Wildlands Feature: Elite Explorer

      • You select one of the following Skills that you have Proficiency with between, Animal Handling, Investigation, Nature, Perception, or Survival. You now have Expertise with this Skill. You can select another one of these at 6th and 9th Levels to gain Expertise with

    • Wildlands Feature: Light Combatant - As a part of being a Wildling you have become adept at the weapons utilized by bands of Rangers that patrol outside of civilizations. When you employ the use of certain Weapons and Armors you gain additional benefits

      • Light Armor Training - When you’re utilizing Light Armor (and no Shield) you can take the Dash Action as a Bonus Action. When you utilize this Action in this way you can only move up to 5m. If you have the Enhanced Movement Feature these 5m are added at the end of that Dash. 

      • Light Archer Training - When you are using a Bow or Hand Crossbow and make an Attack Roll with it against a Creature that is as close or closer than a Distance equal to your Movement Speed you Critically Hit with a 19 or 20 and deal 2 extra dice of Damage instead of 1

      • Light Sword Training - When you are using a single Sword (without the Heavy Property) you can treat them as a Finesse Weapon and you can treat their Damage as one Damage Die higher. You also cannot be Disarmed when wielding this Weapon. 

    • Wildlands Feature: Wild Linguist

      • Pick a two Languages from this list to learn - Dwarvish, Giant, Goblinoid, Orcish, or Primordial

    • Swarmkeeper Improvement: Extra Attack

      • When you take the Attack Action you can make 2 Attacks as part of the same Action

    • Wildlands Advancement: Reliable Explorer

      • Your wild skills have been honed to the point where you almost never miss. Any time you make an Ability Check with a Skill from your Elite Explorer Feature, if you Roll a 9 or lower you treat it as if you Rolled a 10. 

    • Wildlands Advancement: Expert Scout

      • Light Armor Expert - When you’re utilizing Light Armor (and no Shield) you halve any Falling Damage that you take, you gain 5m of Movement Speed, and you have a Swimming and Climbing Speed equal to your Movement Speed

      • Light Archer Expert - When you are using a Bow or Hand Crossbow and make an Attack Roll with it against a Creature that is as close or closer than a Distance equal to twice your Movement Speed you Critically Hit with an 18, 19, or 20. In addition, whenever you make an Attack Roll with one of these Weapons you can move up to 2m as a part of that Attack. 

      • Light Sword Expert - When you are using a single Sword (without the Heavy Property) and you have made the Attack Action on your turn you can use your Reaction at the end of your turn to enter your Defensive Stance and place your sword between the enemies and you. This Stance grants you the following benefits…

        • Your AC increases by +2

        • Your Fortitude and Reflex Saves increase by +2

        • Your Movement Speed is halved until the end of your next turn

        • Any Effect that would force you to move can only move you up to ½ your Movement Speed

        • If an enemy makes a Melee Attack against you and misses you can make an Attack against them. On a hit you deal additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus. You can utilize this special extra Attack once per Short or Long Rest


The Rogue Class


Spells (Complete)