The Rogue Class


Rogue LevelProficiency ModifierPrecision Strike DamageFeatures
1+21d6Precision Strike
2+21d6Cunning Action, Roguish Skills
3+22d6Subclass Feature
4+22d6Ability Score Improvement
5+33d6Uncanny Dodge
6+33d6Subclass Improvement
8+34d6Ability Score Improvement
9+45d6Subclass Advancement, Slippery Mind
10+45d6Reliable Talent

Basic Stats:

Level 1 HP = 8 + your Constitution Modifier; Gaining an additional [1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution Modifier] HP with every additional Monk Level


  • Armor: Light Armor

  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Daggers, Shortswords, Scimitars, Arming Swords, Hand Crossbows

  • Tools: Thieves’ Tools; Optionally you can give up on this Tool to select another Proficiency from the Skills below

  • Languages: Thieves’ Cant

  • Saves: Proficiency with Reflex, Training with Will

    • or Proficiency with Dexterity and Intelligence Saving Throws

  • Skills: Choose 4 between Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth


  • a Shortsword, Scimitar, or Arming Sword

  • 10 Darts or a Lightbow (w/ 20 Arrows) or a Hand Crossbow (w/ 20 Bolts)

  • Leather Armor, 2 Daggers, and Thieves’ Tools (or 5GP if Straight Edge was chosen from above)

  • a Backpack w/ A Bedroll, a Saex, a Mess Kit, a Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Day of Rations, a Waterskin, and a 15m bundle of Hempen Rope


  • Precision Strike: You've gained skills in exploiting the weaknesses of others

    • Once per turn when you have Advantage on an Attack and that attack hits you gain additional damage equal to the Precision Strike Damage listed in the column above, based on your Rogue level. However, if you have an Ally within Melee Range of your target you can utilize this Precision Strike without the need of Advantage on the Attack Roll

  • Thieves' Cant:

    • You learn the secret language of Rogues, a combination of clicking, body language, and whistling that can provide information to allies exceedingly quickly and discreetly. 

  • Cunning Action:

    • Your quick skills allow you to perform quick maneuvers. Using your Bonus Action you can Setup, Dash, Disengage, or Hide instead of using an Action. 

      • Setup - This Cunning Action can be used if you have not moved yet this turn and you have a Weapon that you are Proficient with ready. When you use this Cunning Action you grant yourself on an Attack Roll you make this turn but your Movement Speed is reduced to 0 until the start of your next turn

  • Roguish Skills:

    • You have focused on some Skills with exceptional devotion. Choose two Skills from the Rogue List above and you gain Expertise in them. Optionally you may forgo one of these to choose your Proficiency with Thieves’ Tools instead. At 4th, 7th, and 10th Level you can select an additional Skill to gain Expertise with as part of this ability. You can apply these extra Expertise selections to any Proficiency you have gained, such as Background, Race, or via Multiclassing unlike the first 2 ones you select

  • Ability Score Improvement: When you reach a Level with this Feature you can increase any Ability Score by +2 or two separate Ability Scores by +1 each

  • Uncanny Dodge:

    • From long efforts in improving your Dodging skills you have learned to do so even as an Attack is striking you if you saw it coming. When you are hit by an Attack that deals Damage you can use your Reaction to use this Ability, reducing the incoming Damage by half

  • Evasion:

    • You can quickly get out of the way of big issues, traps, or explosions included. When you make a Reflex Save if you Succeed you take no Damage and if you fail you only take half the rolled Damage, using your Reaction to apply this ability

  • Slippery Mind:

    • You have hardened your focus and you gain Proficiency with Will Saves

  • Reliable Talent:

    • You have perfected the skills to the point where you almost never miss, any time you make an Ability Check with a Skill that you’re Proficient with and Roll a 9 or lower you treat it like you Rolled a 10

Subclass: This is the point where every Rogue chooses a different ability to specialize in. Some decide that they need to pick up the arcane arts while others determine it’s their skills outside of combat that they need to improve, and some decide to forgo stealth and become a charismatic point of attention

  • Arcane Trickster:

    • Arcane Trickster Feature: Spellcasting

      • Magic Known

        • You can choose 2 cantrips and 2 1st Level Spells from the Wizard’s Spell List though your Magic is limited to Spells from the schools of Illusion and Enchantment; Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your spells, since the power of your magic comes from your ability to memorize complex sets of magical runes. You utilize your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your Spellcasting Ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the Save DC for an Arcane Trickster spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one

            • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

            • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

        • Additionally, you can select another Spell that you have a Spell Slot for (and within the Illusion or Enchantment Schools) every time you gain another Level in this Class, and when you do so you can also replace any Spell you already know with another one that you meet the prerequisites for. However, when you reach 4th and 8th Levels in this Class you can select a Spell from any School of Magic from the Wizard Spell List instead, the total list of Spell Slots listed below

    • Arcane Trickster Feature: Rogue Hand

      • When casting Mage Hand you can turn it invisible, can stow one object the hand is holding in a container worn or carried by another creature, can retrieve an object in a container worn or carried by another creature, and can use thieves' tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range if you give the Cantrip your Tools before moving them. You can control the hand on your turn with a Bonus Action and can use a Sleight of Hand Check to do more complicated tasks, such as picking a lock

    • Arcane Trickster Improvement: Manipulate the Weave

      • Whenever you finish a Long Rest you can select any 2nd Level Wizard Spell, you can cast this Spell once per Short Rest without expending a Spell Slot. This Spell does not have to be of the Illusion or Enchantment schools unlike your other Spells. Every time you finish a Long Rest you can change out this Spell, and when you gain 3rd Level Spells at 9th Level you can choose from the 3rd Level Spells instead

    • Arcane Trickster Advancement: Magical Ambush

      • When you target a Creature that is unaware of your presence with a Spell that requires a Save, they have Disadvantage on it.

      • When your Mage Hand is next to the enemy you’re fighting you can treat it as an ally for the sake of utilizing your Precision Strike Feature

Arcane Trickster Level1st Level Spell Slots2nd Level Spell Slots3rd Level Spell SlotsCantrips KnownSpells Known
  • Assassin:

    • Assassin Feature: Assassinate

      • If you make an Attack with your Action the first turn after Rolling Initiative and can utilize Precision Strike with it then treat it as a Critical Hit regardless of the die roll, on a hit. To do so, the target must not have taken an Action yet this combat. At 7th Level when you use this Feature you can add another of your Weapon’s Damage Die to the total

      • If you are out of combat and Surprise an enemy that was unaware of you via the Attack Action you can also utilize this Feature 

    • Assassin Feature: Skulker

      • You can add your Proficiency Bonus to your Initiative Rolls

      • You gain Proficiency with Deception Checks

      • You gain Proficiency with Alchemist Supplies or Poisoner’s Supplies (your choice) and the Disguise Kit

        • Poisons you make deal 1 additional die of Damage and their base Save DC increases by 1 while Potions heal 2 more HP and last for twice as long

      • When you make an Attack Roll using a Weapon with the Ranged Property against a target that is unaware of you it doesn't reveal your location, but only for the first shot. If you then utilize at least 10 minutes moving undetected to a location separated by at least 100m and take another shot you can utilize this ability again

    • Assassin Improvement: Expert Prepper

      • You gain Expertise with Deception Checks

      • You gain Expertise with your choice of Alchemist Supplies, Poisoner’s Supplies, or Disguise Kit

    • Assassin Improvement: Clean Entrance

      • You become exceptional at getting close to your targets. You can spend 1 Day and 25GP collecting documents, disguises, and planning in order to create a fake identity for yourself. Doing so allows you to pass as your fake identity easily until you do something that would cause obvious suspicion. However, you cannot create a fake identity using a real person's identity without extra steps, should you have someone in mind speak to your GM about the chances of this succeeding. Additionally, if you target a person and spend at least an hour watching them closely you can perfectly mimic their speech, movement patterns, mannerisms, and writing. Doing so allows you to pass as this person for a short amount of time, longer if you are without scrutiny. 

    • Assassin Improvement: Mark and Kill

      • If you watch a Creature for at least 1 Minute you can mentally mark them as your target. You have Advantage on Deception Checks against them and you deal an additional d6 to all Damage Rolls against them

    • Assassin Advancement: Death Strike

      • When you use your Precision Strike Feature you deal an additional 1d12 Necrotic Damage after applying your normal damage as you learn how to impart lethal arcana into your blade, able to do so a number of times per Short Rest equal to your Proficiency Bonus. You gain an additional d12 after reaching 11th Level in this Class. Finally, on a critical strike you roll an additional 2d12 instead of 1d12 for this Feature

    • Assassin Advancement: Without Presence

      • You have Advantage against Saves vs Divination Magic and are immune to certain features such as Divine Sense, Truesight, or Scrying (though a successful Scry still provides images as to what’s around you if not what you are doing)

  • Duelist:

    • Duelist Feature: Outlandish Swordsmanship

      • You gain Proficiency with Bastard Swords, Estocs, Sabers, Shields, and Bucklers

      • While you are within 2m of an enemy and there are no other Creatures within 2m of you, then you can utilize your Precision Strike without the need for Advantage

      • You can add your Charisma Modifier to your Initiative Rolls 

    • Duelist Feature: Fancy Footwork

      • When you make an Attack against a Creature you do not Provoke any Attacks of Opportunity from them this turn regardless of if you hit

      • You gain Proficiency with Persuasion Checks (or Expertise if you’re Proficient)

    • Duelist Improvement: Panache

      • You can easily set off enemies with your remarks, as a Bonus Action you can make a Persuasion Check vs an Enemy’s Insight Check. If you win you gain Advantage on your next Attack against them while they gain Disadvantage against you for Attacks on their next turn. If you use this against a non-hostile Creature (such as a local Merchant) you instead gain Advantage on your next Charisma (Persuasion or Deception) against them. You can use this Ability once per person per Short Rest outside of combat

    • Duelist Improvement: Performative Elegance

      • You can add your Charisma Modifier to Acrobatics and Athletics Checks that you make if there is someone around for you to show off to

      • You gain Proficiency with Performance Checks (or Expertise if you already are Proficient)

      • You gain Expertise with Persuasion Checks (or Mastery if you’re already an Expert)

    • Duelist Advancement: Elegant Physicality

      • You can use your Bonus Action to add your Charisma Modifier to Athletics, Acrobatics, Animal Handling, or Slight of Hand Check

    • Duelist Advancement: Precise Parry

      • When you use your Uncanny Dodge ability you can make an Attack Roll against your Attacker as a part of this feature. On a hit you deal Precision Strike Damage against the target and can add bonus Damage equal to 1d6 * your Charisma Modifier

  • Ghastly:

    • Ghastly Feature: Whispers of the Dead

      • You have some minor communication with the echoes of spirits that have died in the world around you. Whenever you finish a Short or Long Rest, you can gain one skill or tool proficiency of your choice, as a ghostly presence shares its knowledge with you. You lose this bonus when you use this feature to select a different proficiency

    • Ghastly Feature: Damned Wailing

      • Immediately after you use your Precision Strike you can select a different Creature that you can see within 10m of the first creature. It takes Necrotic Damage equal to half the amount of Precision Strike Damage you did as wails of the dead sound around them for a moment. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining all uses on completion of a Long Rest

    • Ghastly Improvement: Tokens from Beyond

      • When a life ends within 30m you can use your Reaction to snatch a token from the departing soul, a sliver of its life essence that takes physical form: opening your free hand and causing a Tiny trinket to appear there, a soul trinket. The GM determines the trinket's form or has you roll on the Trinkets table in the Player's Handbook to generate it. You can have a maximum number of soul trinkets equal to your Proficiency Bonus, and you can't create one while at your maximum. You can use these soul trinkets in the following ways by expending them, which is a Free Action and only requires the trigger to activate:

        • If you fail a Death Save you can make it a Success instead, if you have 3 Soul Trinkets you can make it a Critical Success

        • You can grant yourself +2 to any Fortitude, Reflex, or Will Save; you must make the decision to expend it before Rolling

        • You can grant yourself +2 to any Skill Check that requires Dexterity; you must make the decision to expend it before Rolling

        • You can select another target when you utilize your Wails of the Grave with the same requirements

        • You can ask the spirit associated with the trinket one question, it appears and answers in a language it knew in life. It's under no obligation to be truthful, and it answers as concisely as possible, eager to be free, and can only answer based on what it knew in life

    • Ghastly Advancement: Beyond Physical

      • Once per Long Rest you can harness you otherworldly knowledge to transcend the mortal plane. You use an Action to transfer your Soul into a ghostly form, having a Flying Speed of 5m and being immune to all damage and conditions unless they would target a ghost, such as an Attack that deals Force Damage. You have a single Hit Point and if you lose it your body takes 4d12 Psychic Damage. You can pass through physical things as if they were difficult terrain and can only be seen by ethereal sight or True Sight. You can stay in this form for 10 minutes and can extend the duration by 10 minutes using a Soul Trinket

    • Ghastly Advancement: Beyond Life

      • You make Death Saving Throws with Advantage

      • You gain Proficiency with Fortitude Saves

      • You gain Proficiency with Will Saves

  • Infiltrator:

    • Infiltrator Feature: Tricks of the Trade - You have an adaptable skillset to get into any kind of place, after completing a Long Rest you can choose which of the following Trades you’d like to practice:

      • Acrobat - If you do not have a Weapon drawn you have Advantage on all Acrobatics checks and do not gain Disadvantage on Stealth Checks while performing acrobatic maneuvers

      • Backstabber - When you utilize a Melee Weapon with the Small Property and hit a Creature who is unaware of your presence you deal additional Damage equal to your Rogue Level

      • Charmer - You gain Proficiency with Persuasion or Deception Checks (your Choice) and have Advantage against Creatures that aren’t hostile to you and aren’t in positions of authority

      • Poisoner - You gain Proficiency with the Poisoner’s Kit and the first one you make is treated as one tier higher

      • Runner - When you Disengage as a Bonus Action using your Cunning Action you can also move half your Movement Speed as a part of that Feature

      • Skilled - Select any Skill you have Proficiency with that utilizes Dexterity, you now have Expertise with that Skill

      • Thievery - You gain Proficiency with Thieves’ Tools or Expertise if you are already Proficient

    • Infiltrator Feature: Unarmored Defense

      • When you aren’t wearing armor you have an AC = 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus

    • Infiltrator Improvement: Lateral Thinking Rogue - You select a type of Infiltration that to specialize in from the list below and then select one of that Specialty’s abilities to gain. Then, every time you complete a Long Rest you can select a new Infiltration type and subtype to gain access to, giving up your earlier ones in exchange, while every time you complete a Short Rest you can only change the subtype. Each of these abilities can be used once per Short Rest 

      • Doppelganger - You have honed your skills of shadow to the point that even the Fae has begun (unwittingly) transferring its power to you. As a Bonus Action you can touch a Small or Medium Humanoid and immediately take on their physical appearance and voice, for up to 1 hour or until you end this effect with another Bonus Action. 

        • While using this feature all of your statistics remain the same. This gives you Advantage on Persuasion and Deception Checks against characters that trust the character whose appearance you have taken, and advantage on Intimidation checks made against characters that are afraid of the character whose appearance you have taken. This feature may be ended at will.

        • Copycat - Whenever you hit a Creature with a Melee Attack you can utilize this ability to gain Insight into a creature that you’re fighting. They have Disadvantage on all Attacks against you on their next turn and you have Advantage on all Attacks against them on your next turn.

        • Plain Appearance - You can use your Bonus Action to give yourself a new, illusory appearance, including all your items. You can make yourself seem up to 50 cm shorter or taller and appear thin, fat, or in between. You can’t change your body type, so you must choose a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion is up to you. The spell lasts for up to 1 Hour, unless you use your Action to dismiss it sooner. The Investigation Check required to detect this effect is a DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Dexterity Modifier). 

          • The changes wrought by this fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, if you use this spell to add a hat to a creature’s outfit, objects pass through the hat, and anyone who touches it would feel nothing or would feel the creature’s head and hair. If you use this spell to appear thinner than you are, the hand of someone who reaches out to touch you would bump into you while it was seemingly still in midair.

        • True Copy - When you select this ability you do not gain any active ability. Instead, when you would drop to 0HP you can instead produce a brief simulacrum of yourself and that takes the Damage instead. If it was an area of effect that would cause this you take half the Damage that would’ve dropped you to 0HP instead.  

      • Ghost - As an expert in infiltration a requirement of this is to be able to move silently, following the shadows at the beck and call of your instincts. Without your knowledge however, these instincts have been bolstered by a slowly increasing bond to the Shadowfell. As an Action you can turn yourself Invisible for up to a minute. This ends prematurely if you choose to end the effect (as a Free Action) or if you take the Attack or Cast a Spell Actions.

        • Blur - When you are hit by an Attack you can utilize this ability to increase your AC by 5. Whenever you have this subtype your AC also increases by 1 passively.  

        • Fade Step - When you use your Cunning Action to Hide you can move half your Movement Speed as a part of that Action. The Stealth Check you make covers your Movement as a part of this ability. You can utilize this subtype to cast the Misty Step Spell once per Short Rest. When you do so this Spell doesn’t require any components. 

        • Vigilant - You cannot be Surprised while you’ve chosen this subtype. This ability also allows you to add 2d6 to any Initiative Rolls you make. In addition, this ability can be used an unlimited number of times. 

      • Manipulator - You have garnered some wisps of arcane magic in your time as an Infiltrator, and in doing so have learned how to subtly manipulate others with your presence. This type of infiltration is often the most prone to failure and the most prone to success. You can use your Action to target a non-hostile Creature you can see within 10m, they must make a Will Save (DC = 8 + your Charisma Modifier + your Proficiency) and on a Failure they can gain the Charmed or Frightened Conditions (your choice). 

        • Befuddle - Any time you make a Deception Check against an enemy’s Insight Check you can utilize this ability to reduce their roll by 1d6 using your Reaction

        • Confusing Wink - When enemies are within Melee you can utilize this ability to cause them to lose focus when fighting you. As a Free Action you can utilize this ability to Disengage, and until the end of your turn you do not provoke attacks of Opportunity as if you’ve Disengaged from any enemy that you pass

        • Dominate - You target a Creature that you can touch and must make an Attack Roll against them (using your Proficiency Bonus and Dexterity), on a hit you can force them to make a Will Save with the same DC as your Manipulator Feature. On a Failure they are Dominated by you for up to 1 minute, you give them instructions and they perform it or you can use your Action to take direct controller

      • Saboteur - When others make more direct moves after achieving their infiltration you have instead focused on the physical and untraceable aspects of getting things done. You prefer to deal with enemies while you’re not anywhere close enough for them to seek out retribution. As a part of this Infiltrator type you have Advantage on checks made to disable traps, to lock and unlock mechanisms, or on Saves made against traps. In addition, if you must make any Save and Fail you can utilize this ability to Succeed instead. Finally, any traps you build or place deal an additional Damage Die of Damage and have an increase Save DC by +1.  

        • Explosive Escape - If you are hit by an Attack and utilize your Uncanny Dodge ability you can use this ability as a part of that. You deal 2d10 Force Damage to all Creatures within Melee of you and you teleport 5m in any direction to an unoccupied space within range. 

        • Iron Mind - You cannot be Charmed or Frightened whenever you have this ability

        • Target Acquisition - You can spend a Bonus Action to perfectly analyze your surroundings. You immediately detect any invisible creatures, creatures in other planes, and any traps (or harmful magic) within 25m of you. In addition, regardless of if you’ve used this ability you gain Truesight within 2m

    • Infiltrator Advancement: Full Versatility

      • You can select 2 from your Tricks of the Trade list and can change one of them every Short Rest

      • You can select 2 abilities from your chosen Specialty every time you select a new one

    • Infiltrator Advancement: Preternatural Dodge

      • When you utilize your Uncanny Dodge ability you can choose to take no Damage instead. You can do so once per Short Rest

  • Inquisitive:

    • Inquisitive Feature: Detective

      • You gain Proficiency with the Perception and Insight Skills if you weren't already Proficient, if you are already Proficient in one or both of these you can gain Proficiency with Investigation instead (if not already Proficient)

      • You can gain brief moments of poignant breakthrough with your experience. Any time you make an Investigation, Perception, or Insight Roll you can use this Feature to add +5 to that Roll. You can do so a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, regaining all uses upon completing a Short Rest

    • Inquisitive Feature: Detective’s Eye

      • Gain a Cunning Action with this name. As a Bonus Action you can make an Investigation, Insight, or Perception Check to pick out hidden secret passages, points of interest, or possible weaknesses of enemies during combat

    • Inquisitive Feature: Insightful Fighting

      • You gain a Cunning Action with this name. When within 2m of an enemy while using a Melee Weapon you’re Proficient with you can use this Ability to make a contested Roll, your Insight vs their Deception. On a Success you can utilize your Precision Strike on your Attacks against them without needing Advantage for up to 1 minute and gain a bonus to your Attack and Damage Rolls with Finesse Weapons equivalent to your Intelligence or Wisdom Modifier (your choice) against this target for the duration. However, this can only apply to 1 Creature at a time and using it on another Creature ends the effect on any Creature you’re currently studying

    • Inquisitive Improvement: Unerring Eye

      • You gain Truesight up to 2m, allowing you to detect invisible, shape changing, or illusory enemies within this range without issue

      • If you aren’t Blinded or Deafened you can detect the presence of illusions or other forms of magical disguise (though not exactly what they may be hiding) within 6m with ease

      • Choose 1 of the following Skills (Insight, Investigation, or Perception) that you have Expertise with, you gain Mastery with this Skill instead

    • Inquisitive Improvement: Master of Predictions

      • Whenever you make a Melee Attack using a Weapon you're Proficient with and miss, you predict where your opponent will dodge and you deal Damage equal to your Intelligence or Wisdom Modifier (your choice)

      • If you could have activated Precision Strike on a hit you roll your Precision Strike Damage and halve the total

    • Inquisitive Advancement: Lethal Strike

      • While you are fighting a Creature using your Insightful Fighting Feature your Precision Strike Damage increases by 2d6

    • Inquisitive Advancement: Eye for Weakness

      • You gain a Cunning Action of this name. When you make an Attack Roll against a Creature you can use your Bonus Action to know their current HP, AC, and bonuses to all Saves

  • Scout: 

    • Scout Feature: Into the Breach

      • You have committed to learning the ways of the wilds and gain Proficiency with 2 of the 4 Skills: History Nature, Perception, or Survival

        • At 6th Level you gain Expertise with one of the Skills you selected and Proficiency with one you didn’t

        • At 9th Level you select another to gain Expertise with and gain Proficiency with the last one you didn’t pick

        • At 12th Level you can select any of the 4 you have Expertise with and gain Mastery with it

    • Scout Feature: Fast Movement

      • When you take the Dash Action you have an additional 4m of Movement Speed and when an enemy enters within 2m you can use your Reaction to move up to your Dash Movement Speed away from them

      • You gain a bonus 2m to your Movement Speed, increasing by another 2m at 5th, 8th, and 11th Levels

    • Scout Improvement: Ambusher - When you are told to Roll Initiative you can activate this ability. This can be used once per Long Rest and provides the following benefits during the first round of combat…

      • You have Advantage on the Initiative Roll

      • You have Advantage on all Saves

      • On the first Round of Combat you have Doubled Movement Speed, gain the Extra Attack Feature, and have Advantage with any Attack Rolls against Creatures that haven’t gone yet. In addition, if you use your Extra Attack Feature to target 2 different Creatures then you can use your Precision Strike Feature on both

    • Scout Improvement: Unrestricted

      • You gain a Swimming Speed and a Climbing Speed of 10m

      • You gain the other Movement Speed benefits when only wearing Light Armor and not holding a Weapon

    • Scout Advancement: Ultimate Mobility

      • If have the Blinded, Dazed, Deafened, Grappled, Restrained, Paralyzed, Poisoned, or Stunned Condition you can end this effect as a Free Action. You can do so once per Long Rest

  • Soulknife: 

    • Soulknife Feature: Psionic - You unlock hidden psychic potential within you that allow you to enhance your abilities. You have 4 Psionic Dice in the form of a d8, these all refill on a Long Rest or half  on a Short Rest. You gain another one of these at 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th Levels.

      • Whenever you Roll an Ability Check or Save you can expend one of these to add the result to that Roll, summoning some psychic energy to assist you. Any abilities which requires a Save have a DC of 8 + your Intelligence Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus

      • You gain Proficiency with Will Saves 

    • Soulknife Feature: Psionic Mind - You can spend your Psionic Dice to activate specific psionic powers in important moments

      • Psionic Dagger - You can utilize your powers to form a Dagger made of your energy, this has the Finesse and Thrown (20m) Properties, with no long range on the Thrown Property. This requires an Attack Roll using your Intelligence Modifier and your Proficiency Bonus. It deals Psychic Damage equal to 1d8 + your Intelligence Modifier on a Hit. After making this Attack the Dagger disappears as the Psionic Energy dissipates

      • Telekinesis - Target an object within 10m you can see, expend a Psionic Die and an Action to shoot it at a point up to 40m from that object that you can see. You make a Spell Attack Roll using your Intelligence Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus, dealing 3d8 Damage on a hit

      • Telepathic - Choose a Creature you can see within 10m that shares a language with you. Expend a Psionic Die and Roll it, the result is how many hours you can communicate telepathically with this creature while they're within 1 mile of you. They can resist with an intelligence saving throw if they are hostile to you

      • Soul Shield - When you use your Uncanny Dodge feature you can expend a use of your Psionic Die to reduce the Damage by an additional 1d8 + your Proficiency Bonus. You can also do this when you utilize Evasion, if you fail the Reflex Save you can reduce the residual Damage by a similarly rolled amount. 

    • Soulknife Improvement: Soul Dagger

      • When you summon a Psionic Dagger you can add your Dexterity Modifier to the subsequent Attack and Damage Rolls. In addition, when you make your Attack and miss you have a second chance, on a miss you can expend another Die and add this to the Attack Roll, on a Hit the Die is expended and you can add the total to the Damage Roll as well.

      • If you utilize a Soul Dagger you can throw it at an Object within Range instead of a Creature, doing so allows you to teleport to that location as a part of this Action as long as you can see the dagger

    • Soulknife Improvement: Veil

      • You can weave a veil of psychic static to mask yourself. As an Action, you can magically become invisible, along with anything you are wearing or carrying, for 1 hour or until you dismiss this effect (no action required). This invisibility ends early immediately after you deal damage to a creature, or you force a creature to make a Save. Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest, unless you expend a Psionic Energy die as a part of this Action

    • Soulknife Advancement: Mind Guard

      • You gain Expertise with Will Saves

    • Soulknife Advancement: Double Blade

      • If you hit a Creature in Melee Range of you with a Soul Dagger you can spend your Bonus Action and another Psionic Die to make an off-hand Attack with another Dagger. You then roll this Die and add its value to the Attack Roll. In addition, you can utilize your Precision Strike Feature with this Attack even if you used it this turn


  • Thief Feature: Quick Feet

    • You do not take Damage from falling up to 20m. In addition, when you Jump you utilize your Dexterity Modifier instead of your Strength to determine its distance, you increase your Movement Speed by 4m, gain 10 m of Low Light Vision, and gain a Climbing Speed equal to your Movement Speed

  • Thief Feature: Quick Hands

    • Your skills at stealing gain you a new Cunning Action “Quick Hands”, this allows you to make the Use an Item Action as a Bonus Action even in combat. This can include opening a locked door with Thieves’ Tools (if you’re Proficient), snagging a jewel from a closed drawer, drawing and throwing a bottle of Alchemist’s Fire, applying Poison to a Weapon, or using a Healing Potion on a downed ally

  • Thief Feature: Improvisation

    • You can ignore the requirements of using magic items, such as being able to use a Spell Scroll without needing an Arcana Check

    • You gain Proficiency with Improvised Weapons

    • You gain Proficiency with Investigation Checks (or Expertise if you’re already Proficient)

  • Thief Improvement: Shadow

    • While you move at half or less of your normal Movement Speed you gain Advantage on all Stealth Checks

    • When you move by a Creature unaware of your Presence they have Disadvantage on all Perception Checks to detect you

    • You gain 5m of Tremor-sense

  • Thief Advancement: Master Thief

    • You gain Expertise with Improvised Weapons, Thieves’ Tools, Stealth, and Investigation Checks (or Mastery if you’re already Proficient)

  • Thief Advancement: Thief's Reflexes

    • If you are not Surprised when you Roll Initiative you get two turns. You Roll Initiative twice (adding whatever bonuses you have equally). Note to your GM that they can notate the lower one as a one time use. After taking your second turn that round you remove that from the list and proceed as normal with your highest initiative


  • Feature: Hidden Card

    • You can grant yourself a slight chance of success with a hidden item or thought you’ve prepared. You use a Bonus Action to prepare yourself and at any point within the next minute when you make an Ability Check you can use this Hidden Card to grant yourself a +1d4 bonus to this Roll. You can utilize this bonus up to 3 times per Short Rest or Long Rest.

    • You gain Proficiency with Deception Checks

  • Feature: Wild Card Gambit

    • You gain Proficiency with Card Games and gain a Playing Card Set; these are slightly magical and mark them as Razor Cards in your Inventory. You can utilize these Cards as Attacks a number of times per day equal to your Charisma Modifier, otherwise you simply have an additional bonus to your Gambling Rolls if you utilize your own person cards equal to your Charisma Modifier. 

    • Razor Cards

      • Range - 10m; Thrown, Small, Light; Uses Dexterity for Attack and Damage Rolls, dealing 1d4 Slashing Damage and not causing Disadvantage when Thrown at a Creature within Melee of you. The card gains an additional effect based on the number rolled on the Damage Die seen below and you can utilize your Precision Strike Feature with them as long as you don’t have Disadvantage on the Roll

        • 1: Blade: Roll your Sneak Attack damage and add it to your razor card’s damage. At the start of its next turn, the target takes additional damage equal to half the Sneak Attack damage rolled.

        • 2: Shackle: Until the start of your next turn, the target’s speed is halved. It can’t make more than one attack on its turn while its speed is reduced in this way.

        • 3: Heart: Roll your Sneak Attack damage and add it to your razor card’s damage. You also immediately regain a number of HP equal to the half the damage dealt. Any excess hit points regained become temporary hit points.

        • 4: Wild Card: This card morphs suits depending on the dealer’s wishes. Choose Blade, Shackle, or Heart. The card then immediately gains the suit’s respective effect.

      • Is magical for the sake of overcoming Resistance

  • Improvement: Ace up your Sleeve

    • You gain Expertise with Deception Checks and Playing Cards

  • Improvement: Shift the Odds - You double the amount of Razor Cards (total equal 2x your Charisma Modifier) and they gain additional benefits you can utilize as a part of this Feature listed below. You can only select 1 of these additional options per use of your Razor Card

    • When you hit with a Razor Card you can give up any additional bonuses when you hit with an Attack to instead deal 4d4 Force Damage

    • You can teleport to the Creature you hit with your Razor Card using your Bonus Action in exchange for not adding any other effects. This Creature can’t take Opportunity Attacks against you until the end of your turn

    • You can expend a card and your Reaction when you are forced to make a Save because of a Magical Effect to give yourself a +1d8 bonus to that Save, you must decide to do this before rolling

    • You can add +1d8 to your Initiative Roll, you must decide to do this before rolling

    • You can detonate a card on you, causing all Creatures within 5m of you to make a Reflex Save. On a Failure they take 4d8 Force Damage, or half as much on a Success

  • Advancement: New Suit - You gain additional Razor Card Options, changing to a d8 (with 8 becoming the Wild Card Option)

    • 4 - Club: The target is pushed back 5m, taking 2d4 Force Damage and an additional 2d4 Bludgeoning Damage if they hit a solid object

    • 5 - Spade:

    • 6 - Mist: When this card activates you immediately cast the Invisibility Spell on yourself, this lasts until the end of your next turn or until the Spell would end as normal

    • 7 - Bonfire: The target takes 3d12 Fire Damage and any flammable objects on their body begin to catch fire, giving them the Ignited Condition which they can use their Action to put out on their turn or they take 2d12 every turn for up to 1 minute. In addition, if there is a flammable object within 2m of them you can choose to catch that on fire as well.

  • Advancement: True Ace

    • You gain Mastery with Deception Checks and Playing Cards

  • Advancement: Wonderland Movement

    • Once per Long Rest you can use your Cards to see the space between Worlds. You can draw a Card and focus on a Location that you’ve been to for at least 1 Week. You meditate for 1 minute in this way and immediately teleport yourself to this location


The Bard Class


The Ranger Class