The Cleric Class


undefinedProficiency ModifierCantrips Known1st Level Spell Slots2nd Level Spell Slots3rd Level Spell Slots4th Level Spell Slots5th Level Spell SlotsFeatures
1+2330000Spellcasting, Channel Divinity, Divine Domain Proficiencies
2+2330000Divine Domain Feature
3+2332000Harness DIvine Energy
4+2343000Ability Score Improvement
5+3443200Destroy Undead
6+3443300Divine Domain Improvement
7+3443310Divine Strikes
8+3443320Ability Score Improvement
9+4443331Divine Domain Advancement
10+4553332Divine Intervention

Basic Stats:

Level 1 HP = 8 + your Constitution Modifier; Gaining an additional [1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution Modifier] HP with every additional Cleric Level


  • Armor: Light Armor, Shields

  • Weapons: Club, Light Spear, Quarterstaff

  • Tools: None

  • Saves: Expertise with Will Saves

    • Proficiency with Wisdom and Charisma Saving Throws

  • Skills: Choose 3 from History, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Persuasion, and Religion


  • a Gambeson or a Light Chain Shirt or Full Chainmail and a holy symbol

  • a Shield

  • Any 1 of the simple weapons you’re Proficient with

  • a Backpack w/ A Bedroll, a Saex, a Mess Kit, a Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Day of Rations, a Waterskin, and a 15m bundle of Hempen Rope


  • Spellcasting:

    • Spellcasting

      • As a conduit for divine power, you can cast Divine Spells.

    • Cantrips

      • At 1st level, you know three cantrips of your choice from the cleric spell list. You learn additional cleric cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Cleric table, at 5th and 10th Levels.

    • Spell Slots

      • The Cleric table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your cleric spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest. You prepare the list of Cleric Spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the Divine Spell List. When you do so, choose a number of cleric spells equal to your Wisdom modifier + your Cleric Level (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

          • For example, if you are a 3rd-level cleric, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With a Wisdom of 16, your list of prepared spells can include six spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell Cure Wounds, you can cast it using a 1st-level or 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of prepared spells.

        • You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a Long Rest. Preparing a new list of Cleric Spells requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per Spell Level for each spell on your list.

    • Spellcasting Ability

      • Wisdom is your Spellcasting Ability for your cleric spells. The power of your spells comes from your devotion to your deity. You use your Wisdom whenever a cleric spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a cleric spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

        • Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

        • Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier

      • Ritual Casting

        • You can cast a cleric spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.

      • Spellcasting Focus

        • You use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus for your cleric spells instead of a wand or staff

  • Channel Divinity (x1):

    • At 1st level, you gain the ability to channel divine energy directly from your Divine, using that energy to fuel magical effects. You start with a single effect, listed below. When you use your Channel Divinity and have multiple options, you choose which effect to create. You must then finish a Short or Long Rest to use your Channel Divinity again. Some Channel Divinity effects require Saves, the DC of which equals your cleric spell save DC. Beginning at 5th level, you can use your Channel Divinity twice between Rests, and at 9th level you can utilize it thrice. You gain access to your Domain’s Channel Divinity at 2nd Level

      • Channel Divinity: Turn Undead - As an Action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring the undead. Each undead that can see or hear you within 10m of you must make a Will Save. If the creature Fails, it is Turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage. 

  • Harness Divine Energy:

    • Starting at this Level you can use your Divine’s power to fuel Spells in a pinch. You can expend a use of your Channel Divinity as a Bonus Action by touching your holy symbol and uttering a prayer. You can regain a Spell Slot of your choice up to a Level equal to your Proficiency Bonus once per Long Rest. This increases to 2 times at 6th Level and to 3 times at 9th. 

  • Ability Score Improvement: 

    • When you reach a Level with this Feature you can increase any Ability Score by +2 or two separate Ability Scores by +1 each

  • Destroy Undead: 

    • Starting at 5th Level when an undead fails its Save against your Channel Divinity (Turn Undead) ability the creature is instead instantly destroyed if its CR is below ½. This increases to CR1 at 7th Level and CR2 at 10th Level. 

  • Divine Strikes

    • At 7th Level you have inherent powers granted to your basic combat skills. When you deal Damage with a Cantrip or a Weapon you deal an additional 1d8 Radiant Damage. 

  • Divine Intervention:

    • When you truly need help you can call upon your Deity themselves to assist you. You implore its assistance and must roll percentile dice to do so. On a 90 or higher your deity intervenes in the situation. The GM chooses the nature of this assistance; but commonly a higher level Divine Spell could be used at the opportune time. Upon a Success you cannot utilize this ability again for the next week while on a Failure you can retry upon completing a Long Rest

Subclass: You can choose the type of Divine follower that you are at 1st Level, represented by a Domain that comes an assortment of Proficiencies learned by your training in the ways of your chosen place. There are ways to make any of these Domains work for any of the Divines but discuss with your GM how that would affect their world. You gain your Domain’s Features at 2nd Level, Improvements at 6th, and Advancements at 9th.

  • Death Domain - While commonly this Domain is seen as only subject to the purview of the Death Divine there are many divines which seek to keep the balance of life and death. They don’t seek to kill as many people fear but instead are focused on allowing people to move on through death. They are commonly insightful and tend to the remains of those who have passed on with conviction. 

    • Death Proficiencies - You gain these upon taking this Class, and upon reaching the Cleric Level Specified below you can pick from these Death Spells to Prepare

      • You gain Proficiency with Hammers, Handaxes, Light Crossbows, Sickles, and Quarterstaffs

      • You gain the Cantrip “Spare the Dying”

      • Death Spells (Cleric Level gained - Spells)

        • 1st - Bane, False Life

        • 3rd - Gentle Repose, Ray of Enfeeblement

        • 5th - Revivify, Vampiric Touch

        • 7th - Blight, Death Ward

        • 9th - Cloudkill, Raise Dead

    • Death Feature: Channel Divinity - Path to the Grave

      • Path to the Grave - Target a Creature you can see within 30m as your Action. Your deathly magic infects its physicality and the next time it takes Damage from an ally of yours the Creature becomes Vulnerable to that Damage, which also ends this effect. 

    • Death Feature: Living in Death

      • You can choose any Necromancy Cantrip (regardless of Spell List) and add it your prepared magics, this does not count against your Cantrips Known and you can change your selection any time you gain another Level in this Class

    • Death Improvement: Circle of Mortality

      • When you would utilize a Healing Spell on a Creature with 0HP you can treat the dice results as their maximum value instead of rolling.

      • Your Cantrip (Spare the Dying) has a Range of 40m, restores HP equal to your Spellcasting Modifier, and you can cast it as an Action or Bonus Action

    • Death Improvement: Sentinel of Death

      • When an ally within 10m of you takes a Critical Hit you can choose to use your Reaction to nullify that Critical Hit into a normal Hit. You can use this a number of times per Long Rest equal to your Wisdom Modifier. 

    • Death Advancement: Blackened Magic

      • When you deal Damage with any Cantrip or a Spell does Necrotic Damage you can add your Wisdom Modifier to the total

  • Forge Domain - Clerics who follow this Domain are almost exclusively those who follow the teachings of a War Divine or a Divine that combats evil directly. They are the ones that grant their allies the ability to fend off enemies to greater effect but are very rare as those who seek these powers rarely commit to becoming members of the cloth and instead stick to the agnostic practices of their masters. 

    • Forge Feature: Forge Proficiencies - You gain these upon taking this Class, and upon reaching the Cleric Level Specified below you can pick from these Forge Spells to Prepare

      • You gain Proficiency with Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Hammers, Warhammers, and Smith’s Tools

      • Forge Spells (Cleric Level gained - Spells)

        • 1st - Identify, Searing Smite

        • 3rd - Heat Metal, Magical Weapon

        • 5th - Elemental Weapon, Protection from Energy

        • 7th - Fabricate, Wall of Fire

        • 9th - Animate Objects, Creation

    • Forge Feature: Channel Divinity - Artisan’s Blessing

      • You can utilize your holy symbol to conduct an hour-long ritual to craft a metallic non-magical item though it only must have some metal in it. This includes a weapon, a suit of armor, 10 pieces of ammunition, a set of tools, or another metal object. It is completed at the end of the hour and you must use your Smith’s Tools to do so. However the thing that is created must be worth no more than 100 GP and as part of this ritual the coins must be laid out in an equal amount to the value of the created item. This includes the creation of a copy of a non magical item. 

    • Forge Feature: Blessing of the Forge

      • You can imbue your divine magic into a piece of armor or a weapon after finishing a Long Rest. This grants a weapon +1 to its Attack and Damage Rolls while it grants armor +1 to its base AC and +1 to your Fortitude Saves. This effect ends upon completing your next Long Rest and so you can reapply it to this object or onto a different one at this time. When you reach 5th Level in this Class you can use this Feature to grant a blessing to a Weapon and an Armor.  

    • Forge Improvement: Soul Forge

      • While wearing Medium or Heavy Armor you gain +1 to your AC and have Resistance to Fire Damage

    • Forge Advancement: Divine Strike

      • When you deal Damage with a Cantrip or Weapon you deal an additional 1d8 Fire Damage.

  • Knowledge Domain - Only some Clerics spend their time actually focused on the study of divines and how they impact the world at large. They gain access to large libraries of books and history tomes, sometimes secluding themselves under the Divines of Knowledge or Magic. It is common for these Clerics to be learned but not very powerful, even though some of the most powerful clerics come from this origin.

    • Knowledge Feature: Knowledge Proficiencies - You gain these upon taking this Class, and upon reaching the Cleric Level Specified below you can pick from these Forge Spells to Prepare

      • You gain Expertise w/ any 2 between Arcana, History, Nature or Religion

      • Death Spells - Command, Identify

      • Knowledge Spells (Cleric Level gained - Spells)

        • 1st - Command, Identify

        • 3rd - Augury, Suggestion

        • 5th - Non-detection, Speak with Dead

        • 7th - Arcane Eye, Confusion

        • 9th - Legend Lore, Scrying

    • Knowledge Feature: Blast of Knowledge

      • Once per Long Rest you can add +5 to any Intelligence Check as a Reaction, you can do so after knowing the result of the roll

    • Knowledge Feature: Channel Divinity - Knowledge of the Ages

      • You can touch any Tool or think upon any Skill and for the next hour you have Proficiency with Checks using that ability

    • Knowledge Improvement: Internal Knowledge - At this level, you can use your magic to read a creature's thoughts. You can then use your access to the creature's mind to command it. 

      • As an Action, choose one creature that you can see within 30m of you. That creature must make a Will Save. If the creature Fails, you can begin to read its surface thoughts (those foremost in its mind, reflecting its current emotions and what it is actively thinking about) while it remains within 30m of you for up to 1 minute. During that time, you can use your Action to end this effect and cast the Suggestion spell on the creature without expending a spell slot and without it requiring any Components. The target automatically Fails its Save against this Spell when utilized in this way. You can utilize this once before you must take a Long Rest to recharge this ability, however if the target succeeds on its Save then you regain the use of this ability after completing a Short Rest instead

    • Domain Advancement: Reach into the Knowledge

      • Upon gaining this Ability you can suddenly call upon all of magic and harness its power. You can select any 3rd Level Spell (from any Spell List) and add it to your list of Prepared Spells without counting against that limit for you. You treat this Spell as if it is a Cleric Spell and can utilize your chosen Spell once per Long Rest without expending a Spell Slot. You can utilize your normal Spell Slots to cast it after this use. You can change this Spell every time you finish a Long Rest 

  • Life Domain - The members of this Domain will obviously fall commonly under the Divines of goodness, light, medicine, or any kind of helpful goal. They are the most common and also the most sought after type of Cleric as many people cannot brew the potions required to heal illnesses or poisons that require a magical touch and so must seek out a healing cleric to do so. 

    • Life Feature: Life Proficiencies - You gain these upon taking this Class, and upon reaching the Cleric Level Specified below you can pick from these Forge Spells to Prepare

      • You gain Proficiency w/Medicine (or Expertise if you already are Proficient), Medium Armor, Clubs, and Hammers

      • Life Spells (Cleric Level gained - Spells)

        • 1st - Bless, Cure Wounds

        • 3rd - Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon

        • 5th - Beacon of Hope, Revivify

        • 7th - Death Ward, Guardian of Faith

        • 9th - Mass Cure Wounds, Raise Dead

    • Life Feature: Disciple of Life

      • Whenever you use a Spell that restores HP to a Creature it regains an additional 2 + the Spell’s Level HP

    • Life Feature: Channel Divinity - Preserve Life

      • You can utilize your Channel Divinity to heal the badly injured. Using your Action you evoke healing energy from your holy symbol and gain a sphere of gold in your hand that houses a number of HP equal to 5* your Cleric Level. As a part of this Action you can pull from this pool of HP and give them to any Creatures within 5m that you can see. This Feature does not work if the Creature has more than half their maximum HP. If you do not utilize all this pool of HP you can use your Bonus Actions (for up to 1 minute) to continue to distribute this pool of HP

    • Life Improvement: Armor of Healing

      • You can cast Shield of Faith on yourself without needing to Prepare the Spell or expending a Spell Slot, and not requiring Concentration for the duration. You can do so once per Short Rest.

    • Life Improvement: Blessed Healing

      • When you utilize the Disciple of Life feature for this Domain you also regain the same number of bonus HP that Disciple of Life gives you. If this would put you above your Maximum HP you can treat those points as Shielding instead

    • Life Advancement: Supreme Healer

      • Once per Short Rest you can focus your energy into a healing spell. You can use this ability before Rolling for that Spell and instead just gain the maximum amount possible to roll on the dice

  • Light Domain - Very similar to the Life Cleric this Domain focuses on warding away Damage instead of restoring HP after it has been taken. They are built to defend the weak from the strong and to castigate any people that would seek to assert their will without consent over the people lower than them.

    • Light Feature: Light Proficiencies - You gain these upon taking this Class, and upon reaching the Cleric Level Specified below you can pick from these Forge Spells to Prepare

      • You gain Proficiency with Medium Armor, Handaxes, Hammers, Light Crossbows, Warhammers, War Picks, and Battle Axes

        • Forge Spells (Cleric Level gained - Spells)

        • 1st - Light, Burning Hands, Faerie Fire

        • 3rd - Flaming Sphere, Scorching Ray

        • 5th - Daylight, Fireball

        • 7th - Guardian of Faith, Wall of Fire

        • 9th - Flame Strike, Scrying

    • Light Feature: Warding Flare

      • You learn to quickly interpose warding light between yourself and an enemy. When you are Attacked by an enemy within 10m that you can see you can use your Reaction to impose Disadvantage on the Attack Roll as a strange alleyway of light confuses the attacker

    • Light Feature: Channel Divinity - Radiance of Dawn

      • You can utilize your light to banish darkness and strike at enemies. As an Action you present your holy symbol and any darkness (magical or otherwise) is destroyed as any hostile Creatures within 10m also must make a Constitution Saving Throw. They take 2d10 + your Cleric Level Radiant Damage on a Failed Saved or half a much on a Successful one

    • Light Improvement: Powered Flare

      • You can utilize your Warding Flare ability to defend allied Creatures as well, as long as they are within 10m. In addition you can do so even if the attacker is up to 30m away

    • Forge Advancement: Flare of the Defender

      • Whenever you utilize your Warding Flare ability you can deal Damage to the attacker as a part of using that ability. You deal Radiant Damage equal to 1d12 + your Wisdom Modifier. You also gain 4 Light Dice (these are d12s for you) that you regain all of on a Long Rest or 1 of on a Short Rest. You can use them to increase the Damage of this Ability or to reduce the Damage of an Attack that still hits after utilizing your Warding Flare Ability

  • Nature Domain - Of course those that follow this Domain commonly follow the Divine of Nature and are rarely seen outside of that. They focus on allowing nature to flow through them and to utilize these primal abilities to augment their divine nature.

    • Nature Feature: Nature Proficiencies - You gain these upon taking this Class, and upon reaching the Cleric Level Specified below you can pick from these Forge Spells to Prepare

      • You gain Proficiency with Handaxes, the Seax, and Expertise with Nature

      • Nature Spells (Cleric Level gained - Spells)

        • 1st - Any Cantrip from the Druid Spell List

        • 1st - Animal Friendship, Speak with Animals

        • 3rd - Barkskin, Spike Growth

        • 5th - Plant Growth, Wind Wall

        • 7th - Dominate Beast, Grasping Vine

        • 9th - Insect Plague, Tree Stride

    • Nature Feature: Channel Divinity - Charm Animals and Plants

      • As an Action you can present your holy symbol to a non-hostile plant or Creature within 10m of you. It can make a Will Save, and on a Failure it is Charmed by you for up to 1 minute or until it takes damage, with no effect on a Failure. It becomes friendly to you automatically

    • Nature Improvement: Dampen Elements

      • Whenever you or an Ally takes Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Thunder, or Poison Damage you can use your Reaction to grant Resistance to that Damage

    • Nature Advancement: Natural Strike

      • When you deal Damage with a Cantrip or a Weapon you can deal an additional 1d8 Cold, Fire, or Lighting Damage (your Choice) to the strike

  • Peace Domain - The domain of those Divines interested in order, law, and calm bring forth the clerics of this Domain. They maintain a steady distance from violence if possible and focus on shutting down enemies, outside of combat if possible. 

    • Peace Feature: Peace Proficiencies - You gain these upon taking this Class, and upon reaching the Cleric Level Specified below you can pick from these Forge Spells to Prepare

    • You gain Proficiency with any 2 between Deception, Insight, Performance, or Persuasion. You also gain Proficiency with any Instrument of you Choice

      1. Forge Spells (Cleric Level gained - Spells)

        • 1st - Heroism, Hold Person

        • 3rd - Aid, Warding Bond

        • 5th - Beacon of Hope, Sending

        • 7th - Aura of Purity, Resilient Sphere

        • 9th - Greater Restoration, Hold Monster

    • Peace Feature: Emboldening Bond

      • You can utilize your Action to select any number of Creatures you can see within 10m that share a language (up to your Proficiency Bonus). Each of them is magically bonded to you for up to 10 minutes or until you use this ability again. While bonded and within 10m of you they gain 1d4 to all Attack Rolls, Ability Checks, or Saving Throws but cannot use it more than once per turn. You can utilize this a number of times per Long Rest up to your Proficiency Bonus

    • Peace Feature: Channel Divinity - Balm of Peace

      • As an Action you can produce restorative balm from your hands. You can move that turn (without provoking Opportunity Attacks) and any Creature that you can touch you can grant a number of HP equal to 2d6 + your Wisdom Modifier. This ability ends at the end of your turn

    • Peace Improvement: Wise Leader

      • You can utilize your Wisdom Modifier instead of your Charisma Modifier when rolling a Persuasion Check

    • Peace Improvement: Protective Bond

      • Any Creature bonded to you can end the bond as their Reaction if they were to take Damage, allowing them to move slightly and reduce the Damage by ½ from whatever the source is. 

    • Peace Advancement: True Bond

      • Your Bond now has a Range of up to 50m and if any of those bonded to you were to drop to 0HP they instead remain at 1HP but in doing so your bond breaks with them

  • Tempest Domain - When nothing is left standing the chaotic nature of some Divines are favored and in the wilds or the dangerous situations some adventures get into this Domain is favored to help out. They are commonly seen following the Divines of Nature or Exploration and are known for their inquisitive natures. 

    • Wrath of the Storm - You can rebuke attackers that hit you. Whenever you are hit with a Melee Attack by a Creature you can see you can use your Reaction to cause the Creature to make a Dexterity Saving Throw. It takes 1d8 Lightning and 1d8 Thunder Damage on a Failed Save or ½ as much on a Success. You can utilize this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier

    • Tempest Feature: Forge Proficiencies - You gain these upon taking this Class, and upon reaching the Cleric Level Specified below you can pick from these Forge Spells to Prepare

      • You gain Proficiency with Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Warhammers, Battle axes, Arming Swords, and Bastard Swords

      • Forge Spells (Cleric Level gained - Spells)

        • 1st - Fog Cloud, Thunderwave

        • 3rd - Gust of Wind, Shatter

        • 5th - Call Lighting, Lightning Bolt

        • 7th - Control Water, Ice Storm

        • 9th - Destructive Wave, Insect Plague

    • Tempest Feature: Wrath of the Storm

      • You can rebuke attackers that hit you. Whenever you are hit with a Melee Attack by a Creature you can see you can use your Reaction to cause the Creature to make a Reflex Save. It takes 1d8 Lightning and 1d8 Thunder Damage on a Failed Save or half as much on a Success. You can utilize this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom Modifier

    • Tempest Feature: Channel Divinity - Destructive Wrath

      • You can use your Bonus Action to utilize this ability, and for the next minute any time you hit with a Weapon Attack you deal an additional 1d8 Lightning or Thunder Damage (your choice)

    • Tempest Improvement: Forceful Strike

      • Whenever you strike a Creature with Lightning or Thunder Damage you also can push it up to 5m away if it is a Large or smaller Creature

    • Domain Advancement: Thunderous Strike

      • You deal an additional 1d8 Thunder Damage with all your Weapons or Cantrips

  • Trickery Domain - Divines don’t always give their powers to the best recipients and though the Divine of Trickery does enjoy granting these abilities out many notable clerics of this Domain came from those who tricked even the Divines into lending them their strength before deciding to just go completely crazy and throw caution to the wind afterwards. Not inherently violent however, clerics of Domain have an avoidant nature to combat a lot of the time. 

    • Trickery Feature: Trickery Proficiencies - You gain these upon taking this Class, and upon reaching the Cleric Level Specified below you can pick from these Forge Spells to Prepare

      • You gain Proficiency with Stealth, Sleight of Hand, and Disguise Kit

      • Trickery Spells (Cleric Level gained - Spells)

        • 1st - Charm Person, Disguise Self

        • 3rd - Mirror Image, Pass without Trace

        • 5th - Blink, Dispel Magic

        • 7th - Dimension Door, Polymorph

        • 9th - Dominate Person, Modify Memory

    • Trickery Feature: Blessing of the Trickster

      • You can select any willing Creature within 5m, up to your Wisdom Modifier, these Creatures have Advantage on Stealth Checks for up to 1 Hour. You can use this once ability once per Short Rest

    • Trickery Feature: Channel Divinity - Invoke Duplicity

      • You can utilize your Action to create a perfect illusion of yourself that lasts for up to 1 minute, or until you lose your Concentration (as if you were concentrating on a spell). The illusion appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within 10m of you. As a Bonus Action on your turn, you can move the illusion up to 15m to a space you can see, but it must remain within 40m of you. For the duration, you can cast spells as though you were in the illusion's space, but you must use your own senses. Additionally, when both you and your illusion are within 5 melee Range of a creature that can see the illusion, you have Advantage on Attack Rolls against that creature, given how distracting the illusion is to the target

    • Trickery Improvement: Cloak of Shadows

      • You can cloak yourself as a Bonus Action a number of times per day equal to 2* your Proficiency Bonus. This cloak turns you invisible until the end of your next turn. 

    • Trickery Advancement: Vicious Strike

      • Your Cantrips and Weapon Attacks deal an additional 1d10 Poison Damage. This ignore Resistance to Poison and turn a Poison Immunity into just Poison Resistance but only for this magical poison

    War Domain - The War Divine doesn’t pull punches and neither does their Clerics, only seen in theirs or the Divine of Punishment; these Clerics are determined to inflict their Divine’s will, finding themselves halfway between a Cleric and a Paladin. 

    • You gain Proficiency with Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Warhammers, Batlleaxes, Greathammers, and Greataxes

    • Spells - Divine Favor, Shield of Faith

    • War Priest - Your Divine provides inspiration in combat, allowing you to sometimes take the Attack Action and immediately make an additional one as a Bonus Action. You can utilize this a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom Modifier. You regain 1 use of this ability upon finishing a Short Rest

    • Forge Feature: Forge Proficiencies - You gain these upon taking this Class, and upon reaching the Cleric Level Specified below you can pick from these Forge Spells to Prepare

      • You gain Proficiency with Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Warhammers, Battle axes, Great hammers, and Great axes

      • War Spells (Cleric Level gained - Spells)

        • 1st - Divine Favor, Shield of Faith

        • 3rd - Magical Weapon, Spiritual Weapon

        • 5th - Crusader’s Mantle, Spirit Guardians

        • 7th - Freedom of Movement Stoneskin

        • 9th - Flamestrike, Hold Monster

    • War Feature: War Priest

      • Your Divine provides inspiration in combat, allowing you to sometimes take the Attack Action and immediately make an additional one as a Bonus Action. You can utilize this a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom Modifier. You regain the uses of this ability after completing a Short Rest

    • War Feature: Channel Divinity - Guided Strike

      • When you make an Attack Roll you can expend a use of this ability as a part of this attack before you roll to take a -5 penalty on the Attack Roll and if you hit the Attack becomes a Critical Hit. If you miss you don’t expend a use of your Channel Divinity

    • War Improvement: Divine Warrior

      • You can utilize the Guided Strike Channel Divinity on an ally’s Attack if they are within 10m of you when they make it by utilize your Reaction. You can do so once per Short Rest and if they miss then you don’t expend the use of this ability

    • War Advancement: Divine Strike

      • You deal an additional 1d8 Radiant Damage on hits with Weapons




Disciplines of the Four Elements