The Monk Class


LevelProficiency ModifierMartial Arts DieKi PointsUnarmored MovementFeatures
1+2d600Martial Arts, Unarmored Defense
2+2d642mKi, Unarmored Movement
3+2d652mSubclass I, Deflect Strikes
4+2d864mAbility Score Improvement, Slow Fall
5+3d874mExtra Attack, Stunning Strike
6+3d886mSubclass II, Ki Strikes
7+3d1096mEvasion, Stillness of Mind
8+3d10108mAbility Score Improvement
9+4d10118mKi Movement
10+4d121210mSubclass III
11+4d121310mKi Purity
12+4d121512mAbility Score Improvement

Basic Stats:

Level 1 HP = 8 + your Constitution Modifier; Gaining an additional [1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution Modifier] HP with every additional Monk Level


  • Armor: None

  • Weapons: Simple Weapons

  • Tools: One type of Artisan Tool or Musical Instrument

  • Saves: Proficiency with Dexterity and Wisdom Saving Throws

  • Skills: Choose 3 Between Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Nature, Religion, Society, or Stealth


  • Any 2 Simple Weapons of your choice and 10 Darts

  • a Backpack w/ A Bedroll, a Saex, a Mess Kit, a Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Day of Rations, a Waterskin, and a 15m bundle of Hempen Rope


  • Martial Arts: You have gained extraordinary ability with Unarmed Strikes and Monk Weapons, which are any simple melee weapons that don't have the two-handed or heavy properties. You gain the following benefits while you are Unarmed or wielding only Monk Weapons and you aren't wearing armor or wielding a shield:

    • You treat Unarmed Strikes and Monk Weapons as Finesse Weapons

    • You can roll a d6 in place of the normal damage of your Unarmed Strikes or Monk Weapons, this die increases as you gain monk levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Monk table

    • When you use the Attack Action to make an Unarmed Strike or Monk Weapon Attack, you can use your Bonus Action to make an Unarmed Strike this turn

  • Ki Defense

    • When you are not wearing Armor your Base AC = 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Wisdom Modifier

  • Ki: Starting at 2nd Level you have a number of Ki Points shown on the Monk Table above, these represent your mastery of the ability to manipulate Magic throughout your body. You can use these Points on the abilities shown below, which recharge on a Short or Long Rest and cost a single Ki Point. Abilities that require a Save use your Monk DC, which = [8 + your Proficiency Modifier + your Wisdom Modifier]. As you gain Levels in this Class you gain other abilities that utilize Ki, with some dependent on  your chosen Subclass.  

    • Flurry of Blows: When you use the Martial Arts Feature to make an Unarmed Strike with your Bonus Action you make 3 Attacks instead of 1

    • Patient Defense: You use a Bonus Action to take the Dodge Action, causing all Attacks against you to be made at Disadvantage until the start of your next turn 

    • Step of the Wind: You take the Dash or Disengage Action as a Bonus Action, your Movement Speed is doubled until the end of this turn

    • Skin of Steel: You utilize your Bonus Action to harden your skin for the next Minute, gaining Resistance to non-magical Weapon Damage

    • Wise Influence: For the next Hour you treat the Deception, Intimidation, Performance, and Persuasion Skills as Wisdom Skills

  • Unarmored Movement

    • When you are not wearing Armor and are not using a Buckler or Shield you gain extra Movement Speed based on your Monk Level as seen by the Unarmored Movement Column in the Table above

    • When you are not wearing Armor and are not using a Buckler or Shield you can Disengage as a Bonus Action

  •  Deflect Strikes: You can use your Reaction to deflect non-magical Attacks against you by a Creature you can see

    • When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Monk Level. If you reduce the damage to 0 you can then make an Attack Roll using their own weapon against them, using the missile if it is a Thrown or Ranged Weapon with a Maximum Range of 30m. This Weapon is treated as a Monk Weapon for you (for the sake of this Reaction) with Damage equal to 2 of your Martial Arts Dice + your Dexterity Modifier. You can expend a Ki Point when making an Attack to grant yourself Advantage on the Attack Roll and deal an additional Martial Arts Die of Damage

  • Slow Fall: You can use your Reaction when Falling to Reduce the Damage taken by landing up to an amount equal to 5 times your Monk Level

  • Ability Score Improvement: When you reach a Level with this Feature you can choose between increasing an Ability Score by +2 or 2 Ability Scores by +1 each

  • Extra Attack: When you take the Attack Action you make 2 Attacks instead of 1

  • Stunning Strike: When you hit with a Martial Arts Attack you can expend 2 Ki Points to force the Target to make a Constitution Save against your Monk DC. If they fail they are Stunned until the end of their next turn

  • Ki Strikes: Your Martial Arts strikes are now treated as Magical for the sake of overcoming Resistance

  • Evasion: When you make a Dexterity Saving Throw to avoid Damage you take no Damage instead of half on a success and only half Damage on a Failure

  • Stillness of Mind: As an Action you can spend a Ki Point to end the Charmed, Dazed, Frightened, Possessed, or Stunned Conditions. In addition, you are now Proficient with Wisdom Saving Throws

  • Ki Movement - Your Ki allows you to move over vertical surfaces and liquids as if it was solid, as long as you continue moving

    • You gain Advantage on Acrobatics Checks to escape Grapples and can use Acrobatics to Grapple an opponent

    • You gain Expertise with Dexterity Saving Throws

  • Ki Purity

    • Your body has become Immune to non-Magical Diseases and Poisons and any Magic which would try to put you to sleep

    • You gain Resistance to Poison Damage and have Advantage on Saves against other Poison effects

    • You gain Expertise with Wisdom Saving Throws

Subclass - When a Monk reaches this Level they come fully into their training. For some this is the followings of their temple of training, taking on their unique styles of combat, while others instead let a more natural magic flow through them to give them their own style.

  • Long Death: There is a magical energy that is pervasive in Til, its essence harnessed by some for great feats of druidic magic while these Monks instead harness it for their own bodies, increasing their resistance to attacks and powers that would seek to harm them. Some even find a way to extend their life, though that has become a transgression as of late

    • I

      • Deathless

        • You gain +3 Max HP at this Level, as well as at 5th, 7th, 9th, and 12th Levels

        • When you are reduced to 0HP you can instead expend any number of Ki Points and a Reaction to regain an amount of HP equal twice the number of Ki Points, ignoring effects which would instantly kill you

        • You gain Proficiency with Medicine or Nature (your choice)

    • II

      • Regenerative Wind

        • You can use a Bonus Action to recover a number of hit points equal to 1d10 + your Monk Level, you regain use of this Ability on a Short or Long Rest

      • Improvement: Hour of Reaping

        • When a Creature you can see that you have dealt Damage to is reduced to 0 HP you gain Shielding equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom Modifier + your Monk Level. This Shielding Stacks with itself

        • You gain Resistance to Poison Damage

    • III

      • Death Touch

        • When you Stun an enemy using your Stunning Strike Feature you can expend any number of Ki Points to force powerful Necrotic energy into them. The Creature must make a Constitution Save with a DC equal to your Monk DC. They take Necrotic Damage equal to 2d12 per Ki Point utilized or half as much on a Success

        • You gain Immunity to Poison Damage

  • Enforcer - Driven by the pursuit of knowledge (with some Followers even following Urr the Divine of Knowledge) these Monks have dedicated themselves to one of the few Libraries that have become the heavily guarded repositories of the tomes of history in all of Til. People from all lands come to them to seek knowledge, and those particularly dedicated to the virtues of truth often pledge their minds and bodies to their cause. These monks are the embodiment of the maxim: “Know your enemy.”

    • I

      • Erudite Monastery I

        • Choose 2 Skills between Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion (your choice) to gain Proficiency with

      • Knowledge is Strength - Your mental training has taken over the intuitive knowledge of magic that other Monks have

        • You replace your Wisdom Modifier with your Intelligence Modifier for all Monk Features. This includes Features like Monk DC or Ki Defense

        • You can add your Intelligence Modifier to Wisdom Saving Throws and your Wisdom to Intelligence Saving Throws

      • Extract Aspects - Your training allows you to strike pressure points and garner crucial information about a foe. When you utilize your Flurry of Blows you can use this ability go gain information on your target and gain advantages against it for 1 minute

        • You know its Damage Vulnerabilities, Resistances, and Immunities

        • You know its Condition Immunities; 

        • If either of these first two items change (such as via the Fire Shield Spell) you know immediately as a part of this ability

        • You have +1 to any Save if this Creature (via a Spell or any Ability) forces you to make one

        • You gain +1 to Attack and Damage Rolls with your Unarmed Strikes and Monk Weapons against creatures that you’ve analyzed

        • If one misses you with an Attack, you can immediately use your Reaction to make an Unarmed Strike against that creature if it’s within your reach. You deal additional Damage equal to your Wisdom Modifier 

        • If you utilize your Flurry of Blows against this Creature you can make an additional Attack as a part of that Ability

    • II

      • Extort Truth

        • You can precisely strike a hidden cluster of nerves on a creature, temporarily preventing it from masking its true thoughts and intent. When you hit a creature with an Unarmed Strike, you can spend 1 Ki Point to force it to make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a failed save, the creature is unable to speak a deliberate lie, and all Charisma Checks directed at the creature are made with Advantage for up to 10 minutes. You know if it succeeded or failed on its Save. An affected creature is aware of the effect and can thus avoid answering questions to which it would normally respond with a lie. Such a creature can be evasive in its answers as long as the effect lasts. If you wish to impose this effect on a creature without injuring it, you can attack the creature to simply touch it, dealing no damage on a hit

      • Erudite Monastery II

        • You select another Skill from Erudite Monastery I to gain Proficiency with

        • You learn another Language of your choice

    • III

      • Erudite Monastery III

        • You select another Skill from Erudite Monastery I to gain Proficiency with

        • You learn another Language of your choice

      • Quicksilver Mind

        • You can constantly replenish your mind as you continue to fight, if you’ve already expended your Reaction in combat you can expend a Ki Point to immediately take another Reaction. In addition, you gain a new Reaction with this Ability that allows you to gain Advantage on any Wisdom Saving Throw that you have to make if you’re conscious

        • You gain Proficiency Intelligence Saving Throws

  • Open Hand - The striker of the Monks this is the ultimate melee warrior and one which does not stop when opposed by an aggressive force, instead they run directly into combat and use their speed to continuously strike their enemies where it hurts

    • I

      • Palm Strikes I

        • You can manipulate your enemy's ki when you harness your own. 

          • When you utilize the Martial Arts Feature to make an Unarmed Strike as your Bonus Action you can make 2 Attacks instead of 1

          • Once per turn when you hit a creature with an Unarmed Strike, you can impose one of the below effects on that target. You can expend a Ki Point to give the target Disadvantage on the Save.

            • It must make on a Dexterity Saving Throw or be knocked prone

            • It must make a Strength Saving Throw or be pushed back 2m

            • It must make a Wisdom Saving Throw or it can't take Reactions until the end of your next turn.

            • It must make a Constitution Saving Throw or it has Disadvantage on all Attack Rolls on its next turn

      • Monastic Grappling

        • You gain Proficiency with Athletics. This increases to Expertise when you reach 7th Level in this class

    • II

      • Palm Strikes II

        • You gain additional abilities for your Palm Strike options

          • It must make an Intelligence Saving Throw or be Dazed until the end of their next turn 

          • It must make a Charisma Saving Throw or have Disadvantage on Attack Rolls against Creatures other than you for 1 minute

          • It must make a Strength Saving Throw or take an additional 2d6 Bludgeoning Damage

          • It must make an Intelligence Saving Throw or be Stupefied until the end of their next turn 

      • Wholeness of Body 

        • You have learned to meditate in such a way that you harness the energy around you to regenerate from most injuries. You spend 10 minutes in this concentrated form of Meditation and upon completion you regain HP equal to 5 * your Monk Level and a number of Ki Points equal to your Monk Level

    • III

      • Palm Strikes III

        • The Damage Die for your Unarmed Strikes increases to 1d12. 

        • When you make an Athletics or Acrobatics Check to Grapple you have Advantage on the Roll

        • If you hit an enemy with an Opportunity Attack (using an Unarmed Strike) their speed is reduced to 0

        • If you strike a Creature with your Attack Action you have Advantage on any Flurry of Blows attacks you make against them this turn

  • Shadow: The powerful Monks which have gained powers from within the realm of the Abyss and which slink into darkness whenever they can. These Monks utilize their enhanced Movement to strike unsuspecting enemies and to quickly reposition in the middle of combat

    • I

      • Shadow Magic - You gain Cantrips and Spells from the shadows that utilize your Wisdom Modifier and do not need Material or Somatic Components as the method you use for drawing this energy does not stem from Arcane Sigils and so cannot be canceled by abjuration such as Counterspell or Dispel Magic. This also means even though you take the Cast a Spell Action to utilize these abilities they do not look similar to other casters

        • You learn Minor Illusion and can select any other Arcane Cantrip to learn

        • You can spend a Ki Point to cast one of the following Spells; Darkness, Darkvision, Pass Without Trace, or Silence. Your Darkness Spell does not affect your Vision and your Silence Spell does not affect your Speaking

      • Shadow Sight - your eyes are coated with shadows at all times, slowly becoming a deep black as you gain Levels in this Class

        • You gain Proficiency with Stealth

        • You gain 16m of Darkvision

    • II

      • Shadow Step

        • When you are in dim light or darkness you can use your Bonus Action to teleport to another spot within 30m that is also within dim light or darkness. If you teleport within Melee distance of an enemy, you can spend a Ki Point to utilize your Flurry of Blows ability as a part of this Bonus Action regardless of if you took the Attack Action on this turn

      • Shadow Sight II

        • You gain Expertise with Stealth

        • Your Darkvision increases to 32m

    • III

      • Cloak of Shadows

        • When in dim light or darkness you can coat yourself in shadows using your Action, becoming invisible to other Creatures. This effect ends if you cast a spell, make an Attack, or are no longer in dim light or darkness but returns at the end of your next turn

        • Your Shadow Magic gains additional abilities

          • Darkness and Silence when cast centered on yourself now moves with you for the Duration of the Spell or until you lose Concentration

          • Pass Without Trace does not have a Creature limit for you

          • Darkvision can be cast on 2 Creatures of your choice instead of 1

      • Shadow Sight III

        • You gain Mastery with Stealth

        • Your Darkvision increases to 60m

  • Sun

    • I

      • Radiant Bolt - You’ve learned to harness your internal energy and bring it forth with a brilliance that attempts to mimic a star 

        • Whenever you make an Unarmed Strike you can choose to utilize this ability, the Radiant Bolt Attack, which is treated like a Ranged Attack Roll. This counts as having made an Unarmed Attack for the sake of utilizing other Monk Abilities but has a range of 20m. Each bolt deals Radiant Damage equal to your Martial Arts Die + your Wisdom Modifier on a hit

        • Any time you utilize your Radiant Bolt Attack you can spend a Ki Point to make an additional Radiant Bolt Attack as a part of that Attack

      • Sun Sight I

        • You gain Proficiency with Perception

        • You gain 4m of Truesight 

    • II

      • Searing Sun Sphere

        • You gain the ability to manifest your Ki in a constant sphere rather than independent bolts, spending your Action and 2 Ki Points to do so. You select a point within 20m that you can see and a 4m radius sphere of brilliant sunlight appears for 1 minute. 

          • Any Creatures within this area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Monk Save DC, taking Radiant Damage equal to 2* your Martial Arts Dice + your Wisdom Modifier or half as much on a Success. Creatures that Fail also become Blinded until the end of their next turn or until they leave this area. You can spend your Bonus Action to move this Sphere up to 10m, forcing Creatures that enter the sphere or start their turn in the sphere to make the Save against this Damage

          • This burst of energy grants you some protection, providing 5 Shielding whenever you cast it 

      • Sun Sight II

        • You gain Expertise with Perception

        • Your Truesight increases to 8m 

    • III

      • Sun Stream 

        • You can spend 3 Ki Points and an Action to gather your energy into a violent burst of energy which also immediately grants you 10 Shielding. You select a direction and a 2m wide / 60m long stream of bright light erupts from you. All Creatures within this area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw vs your Monk DC or take [8d8 + your Wisdom Modifier] Radiant Damage and are Blinded, on a Success they take half this Damage and are not Blinded

      • Sun Sight III

        • You gain Mastery with Perception

        • Your Truesight increases to 16m


The Wild Magic Table


The Fighter Class