The Fighter Class
Level | Proficiency Bonus | Second Wind Healing | Features |
1 | +2 | 1d10 | Fighting Style, Second Wind |
2 | +2 | 1d10 | Action Surge, Combat Superiority |
3 | +2 | 1d12 | Subclass I |
4 | +2 | 1d12 | Ability Score Improvement |
5 | +3 | 2d8 | Extra Attack I |
6 | +3 | 2d8 | Ability Score Improvement, Feat Improvement |
7 | +3 | 2d10 | Subclass II |
8 | +3 | 2d10 | Ability Score Improvement |
9 | +4 | 2d12 | Subclass III |
10 | +4 | 2d12 | Ability Score Improvement |
11 | +4 | 3d10 | Extra Attack II |
12 | +4 | 3d10 | Ability Score Improvement |
Basic Stats:
Level 1 HP = 10 + your Constitution Modifier; Gaining an additional [1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution Modifier] HP with every additional Fighter Level
Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Bucklers, Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: None
Saves: Proficiency with Strength and Constitution Saving Throws
Skills: Choose 3 from Athletics, Acrobatics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Survival, or Warfare to become Proficient with
Any Simple Armor of your choice
A Buckler or a Shield
2 Martial Weapons and 2 Simple Weapons of your Choice
1 Martial Ranged Weapon (w/ 20 suitable ammunition) or 5 Martial Weapons with the Thrown Property
a Backpack w/ a Bedroll, a Saex, a Mess Kit, a Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Day of Rations, a Waterskin, and a 15m bundle of Hempen Rope
Fighting Style: Choose one of the Styles Below to focus your combat on
Archer - Gain +2 to Attack Rolls made with Bows or Crossbows
Defensive - You modify your Armor to fit you in a superior way, it has +1 AC when you wear it
Duelist - When only wielding a single one-handed Weapon (without the Versatile Property) you gain +3 to that Weapon’s Damage Roll
Great Weapon Fighter - When using a Weapon in two hands that only uses 1 Damage Die and you Roll Damage, treat a result less or less than 3 as a 3. If it uses 2 Damage Die then treat any result on the Dice less than a 2 as a 2
Interception - If an ally is adjacent to you and a Weapon Attack would hit them you can reduce the damage by 1d10 + your Proficiency Bonus by using your Reaction to Intercept the Attack
Light Traveler - When not wearing Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, or wielding a Shield you gain a Climbing and Swimming Speed equal to your Movement Speed and increase your Movement Speed by 2m
Offensive - Gain +1 to Attack and Damage Rolls with Weapons you are Proficient with
Thrown Weapon Fighter - When you use your Action to Throw a Weapon you can immediately draw another Weapon of that Type as a Free Action. Any Weapons without the Thrown Property gain the Thrown Property (2m/10m) if you’re Proficient. Finally, you can draw and throw a Weapon with the Thrown Property as part of an Opportunity Attack
Two Weapon Fighting - When you make an Attack with your off-hand Weapon you can add your Ability Modifier to the Damage Roll
Unarmed Fighting - Your Unarmed Strikes deal 1d6 + Strength Modifier Bludgeoning Damage
Second Wind: Once per Short Rest as a Bonus Action you Roll your Second Wind Dice (which you can see in the table above, based on your Fighter Level) to regain an amount of HP equal to the total
Action Surge: After making an Action you can use this Ability to perform another Action, if you take the Attack Action again with this Feature you can reutilize a Weapon Art even if you utilized one during your first Attack Action. You regain the use of this after a Short or Long Rest.
Combat Superiority - You can pick 2 Maneuvers from the Maneuvers List, being able to change these every time you complete a Long Rest. The total number you can prepare increases by 1 at 5th, 8th, and 11th Fighter Levels
You gain 2 d8s which are your Superiority Dice, you can expend one to perform a selected Maneuver, which you regain on a Long Rest. You gain an additional Superiority Die at 6th, 9th, and 12th Levels
The Superiority DC for Saves of these abilities equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Dexterity or Strength Modifier (your choice)
You have an advanced knowledge of Weapon Arts, and by spending an Hour practicing with a Weapon you can switch the Weapon Art it has for another from the Weapon Art List
Ability Score Improvement: When you reach a Level with this Feature you can increase any Ability Score by +2 or two separate Ability Scores by +1 each
Extra Attack: When you make the Attack Action you can now make 2 Attacks instead of just 1, and when you gain Extra Attack II at Fighter Level 11 this increases so you can make 3 Attacks
Subclass: You determine what kind of Fighter you’d like to be, some become exceedingly Proficient with fighting on horseback, others decide to pick up leadership or arcane roles, and some even determine that Ranged Combat is preferable to melee.
Arcane Archer: When a soldier takes up the bow and the book at the same time they tend to become an Arcane Archer. There are those that have trained in a military structure to follow a special unit while others have learned of these abilities for a Monster Hunting or even an Assassin’s Guild.
Arcane Warrior
You gain Proficiency with Arcana, which increases to Expertise at Fighter Level 8
You learn the Prestidigitation Cantrip. At Fighter Level 8 you can select an additional Cantrip from the Wizard Spell List to learn along with any 1st Level Spell, which you can use once per Short Rest, your magics have the same bonuses as your Spellbow feature
Spellbow - You can prepare 2 of the Arcane Shots from the List below, increasing your total Prepared Shots by 1 at 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th Levels
When making an Attack with a Bow or Crossbow you can use 1 of these options to enhance your shot, though you’re restricted to a single option per Attack. You have a number of uses of this ability equal to your Proficiency Bonus and regain all of them after completing a Short Rest. Any Saves required by this ability use your new Spellbow Save; which is [8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Intelligence Modifier]. In addition, if you are out of Arcane Shots you can spend 2 of your Superiority Dice to utilize one of your Prepared
Banishing Shot - A target hit by this Transmutation infused Shot must make a Charisma Saving Throw on a Failure it is transported to a harmless demi-plane until the end of its next turn and takes 2d6 Force Damage, or just half the Damage on a success
Beguiling Shot - This illusion arrow strikes a target then requires it to make a Wisdom Saving Throw, on a Failure the target takes 2d6 Psychic Damage and is Stunned on its next turn. On a success it only takes half the damage and isn’t stunned
Blinding Shot - This shot creates a zone of darkness in a sphere of 6m from the spot of the creature that it struck, blinding all those within unable to see in magical darkness
Bursting Shot - After striking a Creature with this Shot you can detonate the Thunder Magic on it, causing all Creatures with 5m of it to make a Strength Saving Throw. On a failure they take 2d6 Thunder Damage, are pushed 3m back, and fall prone. On a Success they only suffer half damage
Enfeebling Shot - Pull Necrotic energy into your shot as it strikes an enemy, they must make a Strength Saving Throw. They take 2d6 Necrotic Damage and suffer - 2d6 to their next Attack Roll or Saving Throw on a Failure, and just half Damage on a Success
Grasping Shot - Vines of magic wrap around your arrow, and when you hit the Creature takes an additional 1d6 Piercing and 1d6 Poison Damage from the vines. Then they must make a Strength Saving Throw or be Restrained as if by a rope.
Igneous Shot - Target a creature, forcing them to make a Constitution Saving Throw dealing 2d6 Fire and Igniting them on a Failure, or dealing half damage on a Failure
Piercing Shot - Summon magic of the wind onto your Shot and launch the projectile 20m in a straight line without making an Attack Roll. Any Creature in that line (the arrow ignores cover) must make a Dexterity Saving Throw, taking 2d6 Piercing Damage on a Failure or half as much on a success
Silencing Shot - You target a Spellcaster with this arrow, dealing a bonus 1d6 Psychic Damage immediately. The caster must make a Wisdom Saving Throw and on a Failure they cannot cast any Spells with the Verbal component until the end of their next turn. If they are Concentrating on a Spell they have Disadvantage on the Concentration Check
Seeking Shot - Summon Divination Magic onto your shot to hit a very precise point. When you use this ability you gain Advantage on the Attack Roll and you ignore ½ and ¾ cover from your target. If it hits you deal an additional 1d6 Damage on your Shot
Shadow Shot - You conjure light magic onto your Shot, dealing an additional 2d6 Psychic Damage on a hit and reducing their vision to only 2m out. The target must make an Intelligence Saving Throw to resist this effect, only suffering half Damage on one
Transportation Shot - Target a point (whether that is a person or object), when you hit with the arrow you can use your Bonus Action to teleport yourself there
Infused Magic
You have used enough magic that every Attack you make with a Ranged Weapon is treated as magical for the sake of ignoring Resistance
In addition, the magic allows you to redirect shots. If you were to miss with an Attack Roll using a Weapon with the Ranged Property you can use your Bonus Action to make another Attack Roll against a different creature within 10m of your intended target, redirecting the projectile with your magic. If you’ve used an Arcane Shot on that projectile the magic continues to work if it hits its new target and you have Advantage on this Bonus Action Attack
Arcane Recycling
The first time you utilize an Arcane Shot after completing a Long Rest does not cost you one of your Arcane Shots as you recycle the excess energy from the last day
Arcane Breath
If you Roll Initiative with no uses of Spellbow left you gain 1 use of it
Necrotic Chains
You can gather your Arcane Energy into a great bolt and unleash it towards an enemy you can see within 100m with your Action, making a Ranged Weapon Attack. On a Hit the target is Restrained as great chains of magic sprout from your shot and chains them to the ground until the end of their next turn, dealing a 8d8 Necrotic Damage. On a Success they take half the damage and are only Restrained until the end of their next turn
Any Creature that starts its turn within 10m of this target must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or the Chains reach out and Restrain them in the same way as the first Creature, dealing them 2d8 Necrotic Damage on a Failure or half as much on a Success. This continues for up to 3 turns as the Chains attempt to bind more Creatures
Battle Master: There are those who fight and those who make fighting an art, this type of Fighter is the latter. They have managed to train diligently in a variety of wicked techniques with the kind of proficiency required to pull off difficult maneuvers in deadly circumstances, no hesitations in their beautiful technique.
Combat Mastery
You can prepare an additional 2 Maneuvers from the Maneuvers List and gain an additional 2 Superiority Dice to add onto the Combat Superiority Feature
When you reach Fighter Level 7 your Superiority Dice increase to a d10 and at Level 11 they increase to a d12
You gain additional Superiority Dice at 7th and 10th Levels
Art of War
In your studies you also have learned the use of items outside of weapons and armor, gaining a Tool Proficiency of your choice at this Level and gaining another at 8th Level. You can switch out these choices every time you gain a Fighter Level
Knowing Combatant
When you observe a humanoid for at least 1 minute you can utilize this ability to learn a few pieces of information about them…
You know their Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength Scores
You know their current HP, their Maximum HP, and if there is anything magical affecting their HP
You know their Armor Class and what Saves they’re Proficient in
The first time you engage this target in combat you have Advantage on your Attack and Damage Rolls against them in the first round you make Attacks against them
Quick Maneuver
Whenever you roll Initiative and have no uses of Combat Mastery left you regain 2 Superiority Dice
Champion: The classic warrior is one who is ready to fight at any moment to save their allies from attacks and to strike down their enemies. These Fighters easily dispatch those who would do others harm as they incorporate a wide variety of skills into their repertoire.
Focus I
You can use your Bonus Action to Focus, granting you 3 Shielding and Advantage on Melee Weapon Attacks until the start of your next turn. This Shielding increases to 6 at Fighter Level 7 and to 9 at Fighter Level 11
Versatile Fighter I
You can select an additional Fighting Style from the Fighter’s List
Focus II - Your Focus grants additional bonuses
Once per turn when Dealing Damage you can deal additional Damage equal to the Shielding gained from this Feature
You can make Opportunity Attacks against Creatures even if they used the Disengage Action
You have Advantage on all Mental [Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom] Saving Throws
Focus III
If you are hit by a Melee Attack while you have Shielding active from your Focus Feature you can use your Reaction to make two Melee Weapon Attacks against your attacker, dealing additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus if you hit
You have Advantage on all Physical [Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength] Saving Throws that you are forced to make by an enemy you can see
Versatile Fighter II
You can select an additional Fighting Style from the Fighter’s List
Monster Hunter: Some Fighters focus on the ability to learn more information, with some needing to kill a certain type of Creature while others joined professional Monster Hunting guilds on the edges of society which necessitate the ability to understand creatures to survive
Slayer’s Knowledge I
Select one of the following Slayer Skills to gain Proficiency with, Arcana, History, Insight, Nature, Perception, or Religion
Select one of the following Creature types (Aberrations, Beasts, Humanoids, Monsters, or Planar) to become your Slayer Foe, granting you Advantage on all Slayer Skill Checks above against it
Slayer Spellcasting - You have practiced in a peculiar way to cast magic from your extensive training. You gain the Spells below whenever you reach the listed Fighter Level. You can cast each of these Spells once per Long Rest, and each has only Verbal Components for as you utilize them in the most martial way possible. In addition if you take the Attack Action on your turn you can Cast any of these Spells you have available as a Bonus Action on your turn
3rd - Detect Magic and Feather Fall
5th - Expeditious Retreat and Jump
7th - Protection from Good and Evil and Shield
9th - Absorb Elements and Comprehend Languages
11th - Gift of Alacrity and Haste
Slayer’s Knowledge II
Select another Slayer Skill to gain Proficiency with
Select another Slayer Foe to gain Advantage against
Slayer’s Blade
You can utilize your knowledge to better effects. You can select a Damage Type between Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder every time you complete a Long Rest. Once per Short Rest you can channel this energy and grant yourself abilities for the next minute, giving you Resistance to the selected Damage Type and grants an additional 1d6 Damage of that type every time you hit with a Weapon Attack
Slayer’s Knowledge III
Select another Slayer Skill to gain Proficiency with
Select another Slayer Foe to gain Advantage against
Slayer’s Resistance
If one of your Slayer Foe’s forces you to make a Save and you fail it, you can use your Reaction to succeed instead. You can utilize this ability once per Short Rest
Rune Knight: You have discovered how to enhance your martial prowess using the ancient magic of the giants, the magic smiths known as Rune Cutters were found amongst them and you likely learned your methods from some lost piece of knowledge from these mystical artisans. Whether you found the giant’s work carved into a hill or cave, learned of the runes from a traveling sage, or met the giant in person, you studied the giant’s craft. In time, you learned how to carve and apply runes to your equipment and how to invoke their magic, ultimately becoming a Rune Knight.
Jotun Knowledge
You learn the language Jotun and gain Proficiency with Jotun Tools and Smithing Tools
Jotun Magic - You learn how to use runes to enhance your gear
You learn 2 different Jotun Runes from the list below and how to inscribe each on separate items, either a Weapon or an Armor. Each of these Runes provides a constant benefit and an Invoked Benefit, which can be activated once per Short Rest at the user’s behest. If an ability would call for a Saving Throw you utilize your Superiority DC, representing your martial prowess with Jotun Magics
To inscribe a Rune you spend an Hour performing a Ritual with that item and applying that rune, which persists until you choose to replace it or you use this rune again. You can choose which Rune to change if you already have multiple active, the item losing the effect immediately when you choose to.
You can change your Known Runes every time you gain a Level in this Class and you gain another Known Rune at 6th, 9th, and 12th Levels. In addition, each of these Runes increases in power when you reach 8th Level in this Class
Cloud Rune - This rune’s magic emulates the deceptiveness of a cloud giant
While wearing or carrying an object inscribed with this rune, you have advantage on Sleight of Hand checks and Deception checks
You Invoke this Rune when a creature you can see within 10m of you is hit by an Attack, using your Reaction to cause that Attack to miss as a great mist springs forth around them
Cloud Improvement - You gain Resistance to Lightning Damage when utilizing an item inscribed with this Rune
Fire Rune - This rune’s magic channels the masterful craftsmanship of fire giant smiths
This rune provides the knowledge of old giants and you gain Expertise with Smith’s or Calligraphy Tools, which you can change every time you complete a Long Rest with this Rune active
You can Invoke this Rune when you hit a Creature with a Weapon Attack, summoning fiery shackles around them. The target must succeed on a Strength Saving Throw or be Restrained for 1 minute. While Restrained in this way the target takes 2d6 Fire Damage at the start of each of its turns. The target can repeat the Save at the end of each of its turns and or by using their Action to do so, banishing the shackles on a success
Fire Improvement - You gain Resistance to Fire Damage when utilizing an item equipped with this Rune
Frost Rune - This rune’s magic evokes a frost giant’s stoic calm
While wearing or carrying an object inscribed with this rune you gain knowledge of long lost giants, granting you Proficiency with Animal Handling, Survival, or Intimidation Checks (your choice). You can change this selection every time you complete a Long Rest with this Rune active
You can use your Bonus Action to Invoke the Rune, increasing your Attack and Damage Rolls with Melee and Thrown Weapons by +2 for 1 minute
Cloud Improvement - You gain Resistance to Cold Damage when utilizing an item inscribed with this Rune
Hill Rune - This rune’s magic bestows a resilience reminiscent of a hill giant
While wearing or carrying an object inscribed with this rune, you have Advantage on Saves against being Poisoned, and you have Resistance to Poison Damage
You can use your Bonus Action to Invoke the Rune, gaining Resistance to non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage for 1 minute
Hill Improvement - You gain Expertise with Constitution Saving Throws when utilizing an item inscribed with this room
Stone Rune - This rune’s magic channels the insightfulness of a stone giant
While wearing or carrying an object inscribed with this rune, you have Advantage on Insight Checks, and you have Low Light Vision up to 30m. If you already have Low Light Vision or Darkvision, its Range increases by 30m.
You can use your Reaction to invoke this Rune if an enemy ends its turn within 10m of you, forcing the creature to make a Wisdom Saving Throw. On a Failure the creature is Charmed by you for 1 minute. While Charmed in this way, the creature has a speed of 0 and is Incapacitated, descending into a dreamy stupor. The effect ends if the Charmed creature takes any Damage or if someone else uses an Action to shake the creature out of its haze
Stone Improvement - You gain Advantage on Damage Rolls with Melee Weapons when utilizing an item inscribed with this Rune
Storm Rune - Using this rune, you can glimpse the future like a storm giant
While wearing or carrying an object inscribed with this rune, you have advantage on Arcana and History Checks, and you can’t be surprised as long as you are not incapacitated.
You can invoke the Rune as a Bonus Action to enhance your senses with the energy in the world around you, granting you Advantage on all Saving Throws for 1 minute
Cloud Improvement - You gain Resistance to Thunder Damage when utilizing an item inscribed with this Rune
Giant’s Might - You can imbue yourself with the might of giants for 1 minute using an Action once per Short Rest. During this minute you gain the following bonuses…
Your Size increases by 1 up to Large, along with anything you are wearing. If you lack the room to become Large, your size doesn’t change.
You have Advantage on Athletics Checks and Strength Saving Throws
Your Melee or Thrown Weapon Attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage
Defensive Runes - You learn to invoke different runic magic to protect your allies
When another Creature you can see within 20m of you is hit by an Attack, you can use your Reaction to grant a bonus to the creature’s AC against that attack equal to your Proficiency Bonus
Once per Short Rest you can use an Hour to perform another Runic Ritual on any piece of Armor called the Shielding Ritual, granting it either the use of the Absorb Elements or Shield Spells (your choice). This can be applied to Armor even if it already has Rune inscribed onto it. The Creature with this Armor can cast the Shield Spell once per Short Rest
Giant’s Might II
You can utilize this magic twice per Short Rest and when you do activate it you immediately gain Shielding equal to your Fighter Level
Any time you critically strike while this is Active your target is pushed back 2m
Your bonus Damage increases to 1d8
Giant’s Might III - Your Your height increases by 1m and the Giant’s Might Feature gains additional benefits
Your Giant’s Might Feature doubles your Jump Distances
Your Giant’s Might Feature grants you 10 Shielding whenever you activate it
Your critical strikes now push back the target 4m and also knocks them Prone
Your bonus Damage increases to 1d10