The Fighter Class


undefinedProficiency BonusSecond Wind HealingFeatures
1+2d10Fighting Style, Second Wind
2+2d10Action Surge, Combat Superiority, Fighting Expert
3+2d12Subclass Feature
4+2d12Ability Score Improvement
5+32d8Extra Attack
6+32d8Ability Score Improvement, Feat Improvement
7+32d10Subclass Improvement
8+32d10Ability Score Improvement
10+42d12Extra Attack II

Basic Stats:

Level 1 HP = 10 + your Constitution Modifier; Gaining an additional [1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution Modifier] HP with every additional Fighter Level


  • Armor: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Shields

  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

  • Tools: None

  • Saves: Proficiency with Fortitude, Training with Reflex

    • Proficiency with Strength and Constitution Saving Throws

  • Skills: Choose 3 from Athletics, Acrobatics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, or Survival to become Proficient with


  • Gambeson, Light Chain Mail, or Full Chainmail

  • 1 Martial Melee Weapon with the Large Property, 2 Martial Melee Weapons without the Large or Versatile Properties, or 1 Martial Melee Weapon without the Large Property and a Shield or Buckler 

  • a Martial Ranged Weapon (w/ 20 suitable ammunition) or 5 Javelins

  • any Simple Weapon

  • a Backpack w/ a Bedroll, a Saex, a Mess Kit, a Tinderbox, 10 Torches, 10 Day of Rations, a Waterskin, and a 15m bundle of Hempen Rope



  • Fighting Style: Choose one of the Styles Below to focus your combat on 

    • Archer - Gain +2 to Attack Rolls made with Bows or Crossbows

    • Defensive - You modify your Armor to fit you in a superior way, it has +1 AC when you wear it

    • Duelist - When only wielding a single one-handed Weapon (without the Versatile Property) you gain +3 to that Weapon’s Damage Roll

    • Great Weapon Fighter - When using a Weapon in two hands that only uses 1 Damage Die and you Roll Damage, treat a result less of less than 3 as a 3. If it uses 2 Damage Die then treat any result on the Dice less than a 2 as a 2.    

    • Interception - If an ally is within 3m of you and a Weapon Attack would hit them you can reduce the damage by 1d10 + your Proficiency Bonus by using your Reaction to Intercept the Attack

    • Light Traveler - When not wearing Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, or wielding a Shield you gain a Climbing and Swimming Speed equal to your Movement Speed and increase your Movement Speed by 3m

    • Offensive - Gain +1 to Attack and Damage Rolls with Weapons you are Proficient with

    • Thrown Weapon Fighter - When you use your Action to Throw a Weapon you can immediately draw another Weapon of that Type as a Free Action from your belt and your current Attack will deal +1 Damage. You also have +1 to hit when Throwing a Weapon with the Thrown Property and any Weapons without the Thrown Property gain the Thrown Property (5m/15m) for you. Finally, you can draw and throw a Weapon with the Thrown Property as part of an Opportunity Attack.

    • Two Weapon Fighting - When you make an Attack with your off-hand Weapon you can add your Ability Modifier to the Damage Roll

    • Unarmed Fighting - Your Unarmed Strikes deal 1d6 + Strength Modifier Bludgeoning Damage but only while not wielding Shields or Weapons. Alternatively you can use Dexterity for these Attacks and Damage Rolls instead, if desired.  

  • Second Wind: As a Bonus Action you Roll your Second Wind Dice (the amount of which you can see in the table above, based on your Fighter Level). You heal for the total amount + your Constitution Modifier. You cannot use this Ability again until you finish a Short or Long Rest.

  • Action Surge: After making an Action you can use this Ability to perform another Action. You regain the use of this after a Short or Long Rest.  

  • Combat Superiority: You can pick 2 Maneuvers from the Maneuvers List. You gain 2 d8s which are your Superiority Dice, you can expend one to perform a selected Maneuver. You regain half of these Dice on a Short Rest and all of them on a Long Rest. The DC for Saves on these abilities equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Dexterity or Strength Modifier (your choice). You gain an additional 2 of these Dice at Level 7. You can change which of the Maneuvers you'd like to prepare at the end of every Long Rest.

  • Fighting Expert: All Weapons that you use (that you’re Proficient with) deal additional Damage. When you Roll Damage, use one Damage Die higher than the normal one. You are an expert weapon wielder and so can easily utilize any Weapon to a slight advantage over others. 

  • Ability Score Improvement: When you reach a Level with this Feature you can increase any Ability Score by +2 or two separate Ability Scores by +1 each

  • Extra Attack: When you make the Attack Action you can now make two Attacks instead of just one. When you reach Level 10 this increases so you can make 3 Attacks. 

  • Feat Improvement: As a part of gaining 6th Level in this versatile class you can select another Feat. You can ignore any Level requirements (but not other requirements) for this feat and can add it to the Feat list at the bottom of your Character Sheet. 

  • Indomitable: When you fail a Save you can use this Feature to instead Succeed on that Save. You must finish a Long Rest before using this ability again.

Subclass: You determine what kind of Fighter you’d like to be, some become exceedingly Proficient with fighting on horseback, others decide to pick up leadership or arcane roles, and some even determine that Ranged Combat is preferable to melee. 

  • Arcane Archer: When a soldier takes up the bow and the book at the same time they tend to become an Arcane Archer. There are those that have trained in a military structure to follow a special unit while others have learned of these abilities for a Monster Hunting or even an Assassin’s Guild.

    • Feature: Arcane Warrior

      • You gain Proficiency with Arcana and can use the Prestidigitation Cantrip at will. This increases to Expertise at 7th Level and you can select any Cantrip from the Wizard Spell List to learn along with any 1st Level Spell from that List, which you can use once per Short Rest

    • Feature: Spellbow - You can pick 2 options from the Arcane Shot List below. When making an Attack with a Bow or Crossbow you can use 1 of these options to enhance your shot, though you’re restricted to a single option per Attack. You have a number of uses of this ability equal to your Proficiency Bonus and regain all of them after completing a Short Rest or Long Rest. You can also prepare 1 additional option from the list at 5th, 7th, and 9th Levels. Any Saves required by this ability use your new Spellbow Save; which is [8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Intelligence Modifier] 

      • Banishing Shot - A target hit by this Transmutation infused Shot must make a Will Save, on a Failure it is transported to a harmless demi-plane until the end of its next turn and takes 1d6 Force Damage, or just half the Damage on a success

      • Beguiling Shot - This illusion arrow strikes a target then requires it to make a Will Save, on a Failure the target takes 1d6 Psychic Damage and is Stunned on its next turn. On a success it only takes half the damage.

      • Bursting Shot - After striking a Creature with this Shot you can detonate the Thunder Magic on it, causing all Creatures with 5m of it to make a Fortitude Save. On a failure they take 1d6 Thunder Damage, are pushed 3m back, and fall prone. On a Success they only suffer half damage

      • Enfeebling Shot - Pull Necrotic energy into your shot as it strikes an enemy, they must make a Fortitude Save. They take 2d6 Necrotic Damage and suffer -1d6 to their next Attack Roll or Saving Throw on a Failure, and just half Damage on a Success 

      • Grasping Shot - Vines of magic wrap around your arrow, and when you hit the Creature takes an additional 1d6 Piercing and 1d6 Poison Damage from the vines. Then they must make a Strength Saving Throw or be Restrained as if by a rope. 

      • Piercing Shot - Summon magic of the wind onto your Shot and launch the projectile 20m in a straight line without making an Attack Roll. Any Creature in that line (the arrow ignores cover) must make a Reflex Save, taking 2d6 Piercing Damage on a Failure or ½ as much on a success. 

      • Seeking Shot - Summon Divination Magic onto your shot to hit a very precise point. When you use this ability you gain Advantage on the Attack Roll and you ignore ½ and ¾ cover from your target. If it hits you deal an additional 1d6 Damage on your Shot. 

      • Shadow Shot - You conjure light magic onto your Shot, dealing an additional 2d6 Psychic Damage on a hit and reducing their vision to only 2m out. The target must make a Will Save to resist this effect, only suffering half Damage on one. 

      • Transportation Shot - Target a point (whether that is a person or object), when you hit with the arrow you can use your Bonus Action to teleport yourself there. 

    • Arcane Archer Improvement: Infused Magic

      • You have used enough magic that every Attack you make with a Weapon that has the Ranged Property is treated as magical for the sake of ignoring Resistance 

      • In addition, the magic allows you to redirect shots. If you were to miss with an Attack Roll using a Weapon with the Ranged Property you can use your Bonus Action to make another Attack Roll against a different creature within 10m of your intended target, redirecting the projectile with your magic. If you’ve used an Arcane Shot on that projectile the magic continues to work if it hits its new target 

    • Arcane Archer Advancement: Arcane Recycling 

      • If you Roll Initiative with no uses of Spellbow left you gain 1 use of it

    • Arcane Archer Advancement: Chains of the Archer

      • You can gather your Arcane Energy into a great bolt at an enemy you can see within 100m, making a Ranged Weapon Attack with the Bow or Crossbow you’re currently wielding. On a Hit the target is Restrained as great chains of magic sprout from your shot and chains them to the ground until the end of their next turn, dealing a bonus 2d8 Necrotic Damage to the hit. In addition, any Creature that starts its turn within 10m of this target must make a Reflex Save or the Chains reach out and Restrain them in the same way as the first Creature, dealing them 2d8 Necrotic Damage on a Failure or half as much on a Success. This continues for up to 3 turns as the Chains attempt to bind more Creatures.

  • Bannerlord: Leading from the front is a tried and true method of warfare, and each general needs to have led smaller groups on their way to the top. These Fighters give up some amount of Martial Training in exchange for their practice at leading, talking their way out of problems, and convincing the hardened warriors of the world to fight for them.

    • Bannerlord Feature: Lead from the Front

      • You gain Proficiency with Persuasion Checks (or Expertise if you’re already Proficient). At 7th Level this increases to Expertise (or Mastery if you’re already an Expert)

    • Bannerlord Feature: Commander

      • Every time you Roll Initiative you can select a number of creatures (up to your Charisma Modifier) to grant them 1d4 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma Modifier Shielding, which lasts until the combat ends, though this can only be used up to 3 times. You regain all uses upon finishing a Short Rest. This increases to 2d4 at 6th Level and 3d4 at 9th Level.

    • Bannerlord Feature: Rally Cry

      • When you use your Second Wind Feature you can select a number of allies within 20m of you that can hear you (equal to 1 + your Charisma Modifier). These Creatures also regain HP, equivalent to half the amount you regain from the Roll.

      • You can add your Charisma Modifier to the total Roll for the Second Wind Feature

    • Bannerlord Feature: Handle the Pressure

      • If a Creature strikes an ally (that is within 10m) with a Melee Attack you can use this Feature as a Reaction, calling out that Creature. It must make a Will Save of 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma Modifier. If it Fails it has the desire to hunt you down and must use its Reaction to move towards you, with all its Attacks against you 

    • Bannerlord Improvement: A Leader’s Will

      • You gain Training with Will Saves and can use your Charisma instead of Wisdom with them

    • Bannerlord Advancement: Inspirational Action

      • When you use the Action Surge Feature you can grant any allies (up to 1 + your Charisma Modifier) within 20m that can hear you the chance to use it as well. The allies you selected (if they choose) uses their Reaction to do so, being able to act as if they were using Action Surge on their turn if they do.

  • Battle Master: There are those who fight and those who make fighting an art, this type of Fighter is the latter. They have managed to train diligently in a variety of wicked techniques with the kind of proficiency required to pull off difficult maneuvers in deadly circumstances, no hesitations in their beautiful technique.

    • Feature: Versatile Combatant

      • You can pick an additional 3 Maneuvers from the Maneuvers List and gain an additional 2 Superiority Dice to add onto the Combat Superiority Feature. At the end of every Long Rest you can change out any of these Maneuvers with any others from the list. At 5th and 9th Levels you can prepare 1 additional Maneuver while at 7th Level you gain an additional Superiority Die along with the 2 from the Combat Superiority Feature.

        • [Insert Maneuvers List here]

      • In your studies you also learned the use of 1 Tool (Calligraphy, Mason, Navigator, etc.) of your choice. 

    • Battle Master Improvement: Knowing Combatant

      • Your Superiority Dice turn into d10s instead of d8s, including the ones from the Combat Superiority Feature

      • When you observe a humanoid for at least 1 minute you can utilize this ability to learn a few pieces of information about them…

        • You know their Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength Scores

        • You know their Maximum HP and their current HP

        • You know their Armor Class and what Saves they’re Proficient in

    • Battle Master Advancement: Master of Maneuvers

      • Your Superiority Dice turn into d12s instead of d10s, including the ones from the Combat Superiority Feature 

      • You can choose a skill that you are Proficient in (that is on the Fighter Skill List) to gain Expertise in

      • You gain Expertise with the Tool you selected from the Versatile Combatant Feature

  • Cavalier: Those of pastoralist origins and those of noble training from landed gentry both have a culturally affluent love of horses. These people can make such a connection with their creatures that an outsider would think it’s supranatural, their wicked strikes bringing down even the toughest of foes. Find more information for mounts here.

    • Feature: Saddle Master

      • You have grown extremely accustomed to fighting on a mount, gaining Proficiency with Land Vehicles and Animal Handling. If you’re already Proficient you can gain Expertise with one of them (your choice)

      • You can easily move around your Mount, so for you the Mounting or Dismounting (Movement Action) with your bonded Mount only costs you 2m of Movement instead of the normal 7m of Movement

      • Your skills with a mount and intrinsic ability to bond with them (given at least a Week of daily good interactions) provides the following benefits with your chosen ally…

        • Note: Typically the Riding Horse stat block is utilized, though discuss with your GM about other options [Provide link to Riding Horse stat block here]

        • Your Mount gains additional AC equal to your Proficiency Bonus 

        • Your Mount gains additional Max HP equal to your Fighter Level + your Proficiency Bonus + your Wisdom Modifier

        • Your Mount gains bonuses to their Saves equal to your Wisdom Modifier

        • And these benefits apply to mounts even if they aren’t Bonded to you with your excellent skills…

          • You have Advantage on any Reflex Saves to avoid getting knocked out of the saddle

          • If you are not incapacitated you can fall up to 5m from your mount without issue

          • Mounting and Dismount only cost you 4m instead of the normal 7m of Movement

          • Your Mounts gain +1 to all Saves while you’re Riding them

    • Cavalier Feature: Mounted Striker

      • When you make a Melee Weapon Attack from your Mount you do so with an additional +2 to the Attack and Damage Rolls, but you only receive half this Bonus for a Ranged or Thrown Weapon Attack

      • When you make an Attack against a Creature that isn’t Mounted while you are Mounted you no longer provoke Opportunity Attacks from that Creature until the start of your next turn 

    • Cavalier Improvement: Warding Rider 

      • If you strike a Creature with an Opportunity Attack you can do so regardless of if the target used the Disengage Action beforehand. On a hit you reduce that Creature’s Movement Speed to 0m. 

      • If an ally within 3m of you is hit by an Attack you can use your Reaction to Roll 1d8 and increase their AC by that amount. If you stop the Attack you can then make a Weapon Attack against them as a Reaction, dealing 1d8 bonus Damage on a hit

    • Cavalier Improvement: Powerful Presence

      • Once per turn when you hit a Creature with a Melee Attack you mark them until the end of your next turn. While marked they have Disadvantage on all Attacks against Creatures other than you and you have Advantage on all Opportunity Attacks against them 

    • Cavalier Advancement: A Worthy Reincarnation

      • You can spend 1 minute marking your chosen Mount with an intrinsic connection. If you do so every day for 1 month you mark this Creature’s soul as your own personal partner, and if they ever die you can spend 1 week casting this ritual again daily. Upon finishing this week of casting your mount is resummoned from the afterlife with the pleasure of Silph

    • Cavalier Advancement:  Mounted Charge

      • When you move at least 10m in a straight line before making an Attack you gain +5 to the Attack and Damage Rolls made for Attack and you can make one additional Attack as your Bonus Action. In addition, your Mount’s additional HP based on your stats is now doubled. Finally, all Attacks made from your mount are done at +4 instead of +2

  • Champion: The classic warrior is one who is ready to fight at any moment to save their allies from attacks and to strike down their enemies. These Fighters easily dispatch those who would do others harm as they incorporate a wide variety of skills into their repertoire.

    • Champion Feature: Focused Fighter

      • You can use a Bonus Action to Focus, granting you Advantage on your Melee Weapon Attacks this turn. This also grants an amount of Shielding equal to 2* your Proficiency Bonus. This ability can be used up to 3 times, with you regaining all of the uses on a Short Rest

    • Champion Feature: Versatile Fighter I

      • You gain an additional Fighting Style from the Fighter’s List

    • Champion Improvement: Resilience

      • You gain +1 to any Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength Checks you make that you don’t already apply your Proficiency Bonus to

    • Champion Improvement: Follow Up

      • When you Focus on an enemy and then hit with one of your subsequent Attacks you can use your Reaction to make an additional Attack against that Target. If you hit then you can expend your use of Second Wind to deal additional Damage for the amount Rolled.

      • The Shielding gained when Focus is used is equivalent to 3* your Proficiency Bonus instead of 2* your Proficiency Bonus  

    • Champion Advancement: Critical Strike

      • You Critically Strike with Melee Weapons you’re Proficient with on a 19 or 20

    • Champion Advancement: Focused Defense

      • If the Shielding from your Focused Fighter Feature takes any amount of Damage from an enemy’s Melee Weapon Attack you can use your Reaction to make a Melee Weapon Attack against your Attacker, dealing bonus Damage on a hit equal to your Proficiency Bonus

    • Champion Advancement: Versatile Fighter II

      • You select another additional Fighting Style from the Fighter’s List

  • Gunslinger: Though others have never made progress in the future of warfare technology you haven’t stopped for anyone, you have grown to tinker with pieces of metal and wood that others find tedious and not worth the effort. There are many secrets to the use of pressurized chemical reactions of Dragonpowder but you may be the first to ever discover their power within the premise of causing harm to others

    • Gunslinger Feature: Tech Savant

      • You gain Proficiency with Tinker’s Tools (utilizing your Intelligence Modifier) and utilize these tools to work on your Dragonpowder Weapons, such as repairing them.

    • Gunslinger Feature: Dragonpowder Marksman

      • You gain Proficiency with Dragon Powder Weapons and through practice have unlocked multiple advanced techniques to better utilize them, known as Trick Shots. You have a number of uses of this ability equal to your Proficiency Bonus and regain these on completing a Short Rest. You can pick 3 Trick Shots from the List below at the end of every Long Rest to prepare for the day, and at 5th, 7th, and 9th Levels you can prepare 1 additional Trick Shot in this way. 

        • The DC for Saves on these abilities is 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Dexterity or Intelligence Modifiers (your Choice) 

        • You Reduce the Reload Property of Firearms by 1.

        • If you have a Firearm with the Light Property holstered that is already loaded and utilize a Trick Shot with a different Weapon you can draw the holstered Weapon, fire it, and holster it again as part of using a Trick Shot (not applying any reduction to its Reload however) 

      • Trick Shots - 

        • Dazing Shot - Strike someone across the helmet, they must make a Fortitude Save, gaining Disadvantage on their Attacks on the next turn on a Failure

        • Deadeye Shot - You give yourself Advantage on this Attack Roll

        • Disarming Shot - If the Creature struck is holding a weapon it must make a Strength Saving Throw, their weapon flying 3m away from them on a Failure

        • Forceful Shot - The target must make a Strength Saving Throw or be pushed back 5m from the shot

        • Hyper Load - Use one of your Trick Shots to quickly Reduce the Reload Property of your current Weapon by 3

        • Piercing Shot - Shoot a powerful bullet in a line straight from you, ignoring cover, up to the Short Range of the Firearm. All creatures in that line must make a Reflex Save or take 2d8 + your Dexterity Modifier Damage from the shot on a Failed Save, or half as much on a successful one

        • Return Fire - If you are targeted by a Ranged Attack and it misses you can utilize your Reaction to use this Trick Shot, allowing you to make a Ranged Weapon Attack as normal

        • Sprinting Shot - If an enemy moves within 2m of you this Trick Shot allows you to use your Reaction, moving up to your Movement Speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks from that Creature. As a part of the same Reaction you can make a Ranged Weapon Attack with Disadvantage against this Creature

        • Violent Shot - Gain an additional +2 to the Dangerous Property for the Weapon for this shot, and if the Attack still hits you deal an additional 2 Damage Dice to the Damage Roll

        • Winging Shot - The target must make a Fortitude Save, on a Failure they take an additional 1d6 Damage and are knocked prone

    • Gunslinger Improvement: Dragonpowder Expert - Your experience grants you additional skills with Dragonpowder Weapons

      • You have learned the art of the Quickdraw and so gain Proficiency with Initiative Rolls

      • You can spend a Bonus Action to reduce the Reload Property of your equipped Firearm by 1 

      • If your weapon Misfires you expend one use of your Trick Shots to attempt a DC10 Repair (Tinker’s Tools) Check, on a Success it is fixed while on a Failure it goes from Damaged to Broken.

    • Gunslinger Advancement: Maestro of Powder

      • If you roll Initiative and have no uses of Trick Shot left you gain 1

      • Your Dragonpowder Weapons critically strike on a 19 or 20 if not shooting at Long Range

      • If you are holding only a single Dragonpowder Weapon and a Creature hits you with a Melee Attack you can use your Reaction to move 5m in the opposite direction without provoking an Opportunity Attack

  • Psionic Warrior: When a warrior is touched by the outer realms there is a chance that these magics have found their ways into the warrior’s mind, connecting them on another level to the world and people around them. What is done with these powers varies greatly but there is no doubt that those who study the magic of the mind stray on the edge of civilized society.

    • Psionic Warrior Feature: Psionic 

      • You unlock hidden psychic potential within you that allow you to enhance your abilities. You have 4 Psionic Dice in the form of d8s, these can be used in ways listed below and you regain all of these Dice on a Long Rest or 2 Psionic Dice  on a Short Rest. Your maximum number of Psionic Dice increases by one at 5th, 7th, and 9th Levels. Whenever you Roll an Ability Check or Save you can expend one of these to add the result to that Roll, summoning some psychic energy to assist you 

      • You gain Proficiency with Will Saves

    • Psionic Warrior Feature: Psionic Mind

      • You can utilize your Psionic Dice to activate specific psionic powers in important moments

        • Psionic Deflection - When you are hit with an Attack you can expend one Psionic Die to reduce the incoming Damage by an amount equal to the value rolled + your Intelligence Modifier

        • Psionic Strike - When you make a Weapon Attack and deal Damage you can expend a Psionic Die to add additional Force Damage equal to the amount Rolled + your Intelligence Modifier

        • Psionic Blast - Spend a Psionic Die to suck in a huge chunk of your Psionic energy and release it in one go as an Action with this name. All Creatures within 5m of you must make a Fortitude Save with a DC = [8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Intelligence Modifier]. On a Failure it takes 1d8 Force Damage and 1d8 Psychic Damage and are pushed back 3m and knocked prone, while on a success they only take half Damage and aren’t moved. 

    • Psionic Warrior Improvement: Soul Enhancement

      • When you utilize Psionic Strike to deal additional Damage you no longer expend that Psionic Die if you roll a 1 on the Die. In addition, Psionic Strike triggers a Fortitude Save just like the Psionic Blast ability, and you also gain Shielding equal to your Intelligence Modifier when you do so. 

      • Every time you utilize Psionic Strike you can use your Bonus Action to make another Attack Roll with a sword made of Psionic Energy, this utilizes your Proficiency Bonus and Intelligence Modifier for the Attack Roll and deals 1d8 + your Intelligence Modifier Psychic Damage. 

    • Psionic Warrior Improvement: Soul Wall

      • You gain Resistance to Psychic Damage and when you use a Psionic Die to assist on a Save you can add your Intelligence Modifier to the Roll as well. If doing this still results in a Failure on the you no don’t expend the use of the Psionic Die and can return it to your current amount

    • Psionic Warrior Advancement: Mind Barrier

      • If you are Charmed, Confused, Dazed, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Slowed, or Stunned then you can use a Reaction (when the effect would take effect) and expend a Psionic Die to remove the effect

      • You gain Expertise with Will Saves

  • Rune Knight: You have discovered how to enhance your martial prowess using the ancient magic of the giants, the magic smiths known as Rune Cutters were found amongst them and you likely learned your methods from some lost piece of knowledge from these mystical artisans. Whether you found the giant’s work carved into a hill or cave, learned of the runes from a traveling sage, or met the giant in person, you studied the giant’s craft. In time, you learned how to carve and apply runes to your equipment and how to invoke their magic, ultimately becoming a Rune Knight.

    • Rune Knight Feature: Jotun Knowledge

      • You learn the language Giant and gain Proficiency with Smith’s Tools and Calligraphy Tools

    • Rune Knight Feature: Rune Magic

      • You learn how to use runes to enhance your gear. When you gain this feature, you learn how to inscribe 2 runes of your choice on Weapons and Armor, increasing to 3 at 7th Level and to 4 at 10th Level. You utilize the tools above over the course of an Hour in your Runic Ritual to inscribe your chosen item (a Weapon or an Armor) with a Rune you know. Each combination of a Rune and Item lasts until you choose to change it after completing a Long Rest by repeating the Ritual. If you already have utilized your maximum number of Runes and use this Feature on a new item you select which of the previous combinations to end the effect of. Finally, each time you gain another Level in this Class you can choose another Rune to replace one you already know, and any item which has this Rune inscribed loses the effect immediately. Note how each of these Runes have additional abilities that require you to Invoke them; this ability can only be used once and recharges upon completion of a Short or Long Rest.

        • Cloud Rune - This rune’s magic emulates the deceptiveness of a cloud giant. While wearing or carrying an object inscribed with this rune, you have advantage on Sleight of Hand checks and Deception checks. You Invoke this Rune when a creature you can see within 10m of you is hit by an Attack, using your Reaction to cause that Attack to target a different Creature within the same range, using the same roll.

        • Fire Rune - This rune’s magic channels the masterful craftsmanship of fire giant smiths. While wearing or carrying an object inscribed with this rune, your Proficiency Bonus is doubled for any Ability Check you make that uses your Proficiency with a Tool. You can Invoke this Rune when you hit a Creature with a Weapon Attack, summoning fiery shackles around them. The target must succeed on a Fortitude Save or be Restrained for 1 minute. While Restrained in this way the target takes 2d6 Fire Damage at the start of each of its turns. The target can repeat the Save at the end of each of its turns and or by using their Action to do so, banishing the shackles on a success.

        • Frost Rune - This rune’s magic evokes a frost giant’s stoic calm. While wearing or carrying an object inscribed with this rune, you have Advantage on Animal Handling and Intimidation Checks. You can use your Bonus Action to Invoke the Rune, increasing your Strength score by 2 for 10 minutes. This increase can cause your score to exceed 20.

        • Hill Rune - This rune’s magic bestows a resilience reminiscent of a hill giant. While wearing or carrying an object inscribed with this rune, you have Advantage on Saves against being Poisoned, and you have Resistance to Poison Damage. You can use your Bonus Action to Invoke the Rune, gaining Resistance to non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage for 1 minute.

        • Stone Rune - This rune’s magic channels the insightfulness of a stone giant. While wearing or carrying an object inscribed with this rune, you have Advantage on Insight Checks, and you have Low Light Vision up to 30m. If you already have Low Light Vision or Darkvision, its Range increases by 30m. In addition, when a creature you can see ends its turn within 10m of you, you can use your Reaction to invoke the Rune and force the creature to make a Will Save. On a Failure the creature is Charmed by you for 1 minute. While Charmed in this way, the creature has a speed of 0 and is Incapacitated, descending into a dreamy stupor. The effect ends if the Charmed creature takes any Damage or if someone else uses an Action to shake the creature out of its haze.

        • Storm Rune - Using this rune, you can glimpse the future like a storm giant. While wearing or carrying an object inscribed with this rune, you have advantage on Arcana and History Checks, and you can’t be surprised as long as you are not incapacitated. You can invoke the Rune as a Bonus Action to enter a prophetic state for 1 minute or until you’re incapacitated. Until the state ends, when you or another creature you can see within 20m of you makes any Roll you can use your Reaction to cause the roll to have Advantage or Disadvantage by Invoking the Rune.

    • Rune Knight Feature: Giant’s Might

      • You can imbue yourself with the might of giants. As an Action, you magically gain the following benefits, which last for 1 minute, which you can use a number of times per Long Rest equal to your Proficiency Bonus…

        • If you are smaller size than Large, you become Large, along with anything you are wearing. If you lack the room to become Large, your size doesn’t change.

        • You have Advantage on Strength checks and Fortitude Saves

        • Your Weapon Attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage; this increases to 1d8 at 7th Level 

    • Rune Knight Improvement: Defensive Runes

      • You learn to invoke your rune magic to protect your allies. When another Creature you can see within 20m of you is hit by an Attack, you can use your Reaction to grant a bonus to the creature’s AC against that attack equal to 1 + your Intelligence Modifier

      • Once per Short Rest you can use an Hour to preform another Runic Ritual on any piece of Armor. A Creature who wears this armor and is hit by an Attack Roll can use their Reaction to cast the Shield Spell. This can be utilized once and then you must use this Feature again to gain another use of it. Only one piece of Armor can benefit from this Feature at a time

      • Once per Short Rest you can use an Hour to preform another Runic Ritual on any piece of Armor. A Creature who wears this armor and is hit by an Attack Roll can use their Reaction to cast the Absorb Elements Spell. This can be utilized once and then you must use this Feature again to gain another use of it. Only one piece of Armor can benefit from this Feature at a time

        • These Rituals fail if the piece of Armor selected for it already has any other Rune (including one of these) inscribed onto it

    • Rune Knight Advancement: Giant’s Blood

      • Roll 3d10, your height increases by an amount of centimeters equal to your Roll

      • You gain Resistance to Cold and Thunder Damage 

      • Your Giant’s Might Feature doubles your Jump Distance

      • Your Giant’s Might Feature grants you 10 Shielding whenever you activate it

  • Sniper: Warriors of this Class can focus on such a variety of abilities that some become fixated on thought of contesting enemies at the longest ranges possible, training with ranged weapons until it’s almost impossible for them to miss. Some take up duties as assassins while others try to win tournaments, but all are feared for their accuracy.

    • Sniper Feature: Marksman Training

      • You can steady your aim and slow your breathing at will, which utilizes all of your Movement Action and is a feature that can only be applied by activating at the very beginning of your turn. You can use this Feature a number of times equal to your Proficiency Bonus, which recharges on a Short or Long Rest. When you do so you have the following effects on that turn…

        • Your Attack Rolls with Ranged Weapons increases by +2

        • Your Critical Chance for Ranged Weapons increases by 1

        • You ignore ½ and ¾ cover

        • You treat Long Range as Normal Range for your Weapon

        • You deal additional Damage equal to your Fighter Level with Ranged Weapons

        • You have Advantage on Fortitude Saves

        • You have Disadvantage on Reflex Saves

    • Sniper Feature: Bullseye

      • You have been trained in how to hunt down and destroy Creatures with your Bow. You can use your Bonus Action to Target an enemy within 30m of you that you can see and that you have dealt Damage to. If you deal Damage to them with a Ranged Weapon this turn you deal an additional 1d6 Damage, increasing to 2d6 at 7th Level

      • When you Critically Strike with a Ranged Weapon you roll 3 Damage Dice instead of 2 

    • Sniper Improvement: Combat Archer

      • Your Critical Chance with Ranged Weapons increases by 1 with ranged Weapons and both your Normal Range and Long Range are doubled

      • When an Enemy closes within Melee Range you can use your Reaction to move half your Movement Speed. This movement does not provoke Opportunity Attacks but if you utilize this Feature then you cannot use your Marksman Training Feature on your next turn

      • You gain Proficiency with Insight or Perception (your choice) or Expertise if you’re already Proficient

    • Sniper Advancement: Unerring Shot

      • While wielding only a Ranged Weapon in your hands your AC and Reflex Saves increases by +2

      • You do not have Disadvantage on Attacks against Creatures in Melee with you with Ranged Weapons

      • Once per turn you can select a Creature you hit with an Attack using a Ranged Weapon, they cannot use their Reaction on Opportunity Attacks until the end of their next turn

      • If you have Advantage on an Attack using a Ranged Weapon you can give up that Advantage to take an additional Attack instead with your Bonus Action. You must declare doing so before rolling your first Attack

  • Warden: If a fighter takes up the job to defend rather than to attack they are called many names, defenders, bodyguards, or kings guards but when they are one of the best they are known as a Warden. The only duty of this subclass is to find the enemies which would harm their weaker allies and make them think twice about moving past this bulwark of a person.

    • Warden Feature: Bulwark

      • You gain an additional 6 Maximum HP when you take this subclass. You gain an additional 2 Maximum HP for every level of Fighter you take after this one

    • Warden Feature: Stalwart - You can activate the Stalwart ability a number of times per Day equal to 1 + your Constitution Modifier. You regain all uses of this ability on a Short or Long Rest

      • You use your Action to activate this ability, drawing the attention of your enemies, and in doing so any Creature that is hostile to you within 20m must make a Will Save vs your Stalwart Save DC (8 + your Constitution Modifier + your Proficiency Bonus), on a Failure they must intend to enter melee combat with you as soon as possible. This grants the following effects…

        • Their Attacks made against others are done at Disadvantage

        • Any Attacks that hit you have their Damage reduced by an amount equal to your Constitution Modifier

        • Every Attack made against you from one of the affected Creatures stores energy within you, allowing you to heal 1HP per Attack regardless of whether it hit

    • Warden Improvement: Defensive Master

      • When wielding a Shield or wearing Armor you gain an additional +1AC and an enemy’s movement that occurs within Melee of you triggers Opportunity Attacks from you even if they take the Disengage Action. If you hit with this Opportunity Attack their Movement is reduced to 0 and you regain the use of your Reaction. However, you can only use this regenerated Reaction once for Opportunity Attacks until you would normally get your Reaction back on the start of your next turn  

    • Warden Advancement: True Protector 

      • Your Opportunity Attack deal additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus

      • If a Creature makes a Melee Attack against an ally next to you then you can use your Reaction to make an Opportunity Attack against it. You can utilize the benefits from all other Features of this Class on this Opportunity Attacks as well, such as from the Defensive Master Feature

    • Warden Advancement: Final Chance

      • If an ally is within 5m of you and would be reduced to 0HP (but not outright die) then you can use your Reaction to reduce your current HP by the amount of Damage they took and they remain at 1HP instead. You can use this Feature once per Long Rest

    • Warden Advancement: Blessings from Above

      • Your defending nature has granted you a boon from the universe itself. Your Maximum HP increases by 20. 

      • You can utilize your Indomitable Feature thrice per Long Rest


The Monk Class


The Barbarian Class