Weapon Arts



Weapon Arts - These special abilities can be utilized once per turn with Martial Weapons that a Character is Proficient with, with some chances to switch them being available outside of combat

  • Cleave - When you deal Damage with this Weapon you can target an additional Creature adjacent to you with a Weapon Attack as a part of that Attack Action

  • Counter - When a Creature misses you to make an Attack Roll you can use your Reaction to deal Damage equal to your current Weapon’s Ability Modifier 

  • Cutter - When you deal Damage to a Creature with the Bloodied Condition you deal additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus 

  • Dart - When you are targeted by an Opportunity Attack you can use your Reaction to make a Weapon Attack against that Creature

  • Defend - When a Creature targets you with an Attack Roll you can use your Reaction to increase your AC by 2 against just that Attack

  • Distract - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you reduce their ability to fight, causing their next Attack Roll to be at Disadvantage. This lasts for up to 1 minute

  • Endure - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you increase your ability to survive, granting yourself Advantage on your next Physical [Constitution/Dexterity/Strength] Saving Throw. This lasts for up to 1 minute 

  • Graze - You deal Damage equal to the Ability Modifier you utilize for your Weapon after missing a Weapon Attack

  • Kick - When an enemy enters an adjacent square you can use your Reaction to kick them, dealing [1d4+your Strength Modifier] Bludgeoning Damage and knocking them back 2m

  • Launch - When you make an Attack Roll you deal additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus            

  • Nick - When you are wielding a Weapon with this Property in your Off-Hand you can use the Off-Hand Attack Bonus Action as a part of your Attack Action instead

  • Opportune - When you take an Opportunity Attack with this Weapon you have Advantage on the Roll 

  • Push - After dealing Damage with this Weapon to a Creature of a Large size or smaller you can push them back 4m

  • Rancor - If you have Disadvantage on an Attack Roll you can use this ability before rolling to grant yourself Advantage instead. In exchange your target has Advantage on their next Attack Roll against you

  • Rapid - When you take the Attack Action with this Weapon you can make an additional Rapid Attack as a part of that Action. The Damage from this Attack does not use your Ability Modifier

  • Rush - After making an Attack Roll you can move 4m as a part of this Attack Action

  • Sap - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you reduce their ability to survive, granting them Disadvantage on their next Physical [Constitution/Dexterity/Strength] Saving Throw. This lasts for up to 1 minute 

  • Slow - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you reduce their Movement Speed on their next turn by 2m 

  • Trip - After hitting with this Weapon to a Creature of a Large size or smaller you can knock them prone, in exchange for only dealing Minimum Damage

  • Vex - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you grant yourself Advantage on your next Attack Roll against them with a Weapon of this Type. This lasts until the end of your next turn


Trick Shots