Weapon Arts
Weapon Arts - These special abilities can be utilized once per turn with Martial Weapons that a Character is Proficient with, with some chances to switch them being available outside of combat depending on the Weapon and the Character. Any Weapon Arts that require a Save has a Weapon Art DC equal to 8 + the Attack Roll Bonus you have with that weapon. If a Weapon Art states that it affects that Creature’s next Roll (Attack, Save, etc.) then this lasts for up to 1 minute (10 rounds). An effect of this nature cannot stack so hitting that Creature again before they make this roll just restarts the duration at the 1 minute mark but provides no additional benefits.
Cleave - When you deal Damage with this Weapon you can target an additional Creature adjacent to you with a Weapon Attack as a part of that Attack Action
Counter - When a Creature misses you to make an Attack Roll you can use your Reaction to deal Damage equal to your current Weapon’s Ability Modifier
Cutter - When you deal Damage to a Creature with the Bloodied Condition you deal additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus
Dart - When you are targeted by an Opportunity Attack you can use your Reaction to make a Weapon Attack against that Creature
Defend - When a Creature targets you with an Attack Roll you can use your Reaction to increase your AC by 2 against just that Attack
Destabilize - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you reduce their ability to survive, granting them Disadvantage on their next Mental [Charisma/Intelligence/Wisdom] Saving Throw
Distract - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you reduce their ability to fight, causing their next Attack Roll to be at Disadvantage
Endure - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you increase your ability to survive, granting yourself Advantage on your next Physical [Constitution/Dexterity/Strength] Saving Throw
Graze - You deal Damage equal to the Ability Modifier you utilize for your Weapon after missing a Weapon Attack
Kick - When an enemy enters an adjacent square you can use your Reaction to kick them, dealing Bludgeoning Damage equal to your Strength Modifier and knocking them back 2m
Launch - When you make an Attack Roll you deal additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus
Nick - When you are wielding a Weapon with this Property in your Off-Hand you can use the Off-Hand Attack Bonus Action as a part of your Attack Action instead
Opportune - When you take an Opportunity Attack with this Weapon you have Advantage on the Roll
Push - After dealing Damage with this Weapon to a Creature of a Large size or smaller you can push them back 4m
Rancor - If you have Disadvantage on an Attack Roll you can use this ability before rolling to grant yourself Advantage instead. In exchange your target has Advantage on their next Attack Roll against you
Rapid - When you take the Attack Action with this Weapon you can make an additional Rapid Attack as a part of that Action. The Damage from this Attack does not use your Ability Modifier
Rush - After making an Attack Roll you can move 4m as a part of this Attack Action
Sap - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you reduce their ability to survive, granting them Disadvantage on their next Physical [Constitution/Dexterity/Strength] Saving Throw
Slow - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you reduce their Movement Speed on their next turn by 2m
Trip - After hitting with this Weapon to a Creature of a Large size or smaller you can knock them prone, in exchange for only dealing Minimum Damage
Vex - After dealing Damage to a Creature with this Weapon you grant yourself Advantage on your next Attack Roll against them this turn
Elite Weapon Arts - These special arts can only be utilized in specific situations, such as unique weapons granting access to them or a master of a type of Weapon being given access to them
Martial Hammers
Rapid Slam - This Attack from your Weapon deals additional Damage to all Creatures within 4m of you as your powerful strikes slam the ground. This occurs regardless of if you hit
Martial Axes
Brutal Push - On a hit you d.eal an additional 1d10 Damage and push the target back 6m. They take an additional 2d10 Damage if they hit a solid object
Martial Swords
Steel Wind Strike - You move faster than the eye can see, dealing an additional 2d10 Slashing Damage
Martial Ranged Weapons
Kickflip - When an enemy moves adjacent to you then you can use your Reaction to push them back 2m, moving yourself in the opposite direction by 4m and making a Weapon Attack against them
Magical Weapon Arts - These inspired arts can only be utilized by weapons of magical quality, which have been specifically imbued with the types of magic that can change both the weapon and the warrior
Arcane Weapon Arts
Abjuring Shield - Before you make a Weapon Attack you create a small Arcane Shield which flits around until the start of your next turn, reducing all Damage against you by 1d4
Arcing Blade - Once per turn you can replace a normal Attack with this magic, you can channeling energy through your blade with Magical power, releasing it as a 10m arc in a straight line and dealing 1d8 Force Damage to anyone it passes through
Swift Dart - When you make a Weapon Attack you summon a magical dart above your head, and after making all your Attacks this turn you can use a Bonus Action to launch them at an enemy you can see within 30m, dealing 1d4 Damage per dart
Divine Weapon Arts
Burst Flame - When you hit with a Weapon Attack you burst out divine flame in a 4m cone, dealing 1d4 Radiant Damage to all Creatures within this area
Electric Dance - When you utilize this Weapon Art small arcs of electricity course around your body for the duration. You can choose to move 2m after making a Weapon Arts, not provoking Opportunity Attacks as the electricity masks your movement akin to teleportation. Each time you make an Attack after utilizing this Weapon Art’s movement your next Attack deals an additional 2d4 Lightning Damage
Extended Blessing - This weapon launches magical healing to an ally you can see within 20m, granting 1d4 HP
Natural Weapon Arts
Aspect of the Beast Arts
Claw Aspect (Slashing Weapons) - Once per turn your blade turns into a strike faster than the eye can see, granting Advantage on the Roll. This Attack Deals additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus and knocks the Creature back 2m, which you can follow as a part of this Weapon Art. If you do then your next Weapon Attack this turn deals additional Damage equal to double your Proficiency Bonus, which stacks until the end of this turn
Horn Aspect (Bows) - Summon a piece of the Great Wind through your bowstring, activating once before making the Attack Roll. This Attack launches in a straight line up to the Long Range of your Weapon, a violent wind forcing all Creatures in that line to make a Dexterity Saving Throw vs your Weapon Art DC. Creatures in your Weapon’s Long Range have Advantage on this Roll. A Failure deals your normal Weapon’s Damage and knocks the Creature Prone while a Success just deals your normal Weapon Damage
Tail Aspect (Bludgeoning Weapons) - Your Weapon lashes out with an afterimage of a giant tail, slamming all Creatures adjacent to you for this Attack, knocking them all back 4m and knocking them Prone
Wing Aspect (Piercing Weapons) - Powerful energy lifts you into the air 4m, not provoking opportunity attacks. You then launch yourself in a line 10m, making Attack Rolls against each Creature and dealing additional Damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus
Occult Weapon Arts
Bloodied Blade - Your immediately deal 1d8 Bleeding Damage to yourself before making an Attack Roll this turn to activate your Weapon Art. For each Attack this turn you deal an additional 3d4 Bleeding Damage to all Creatures which have internal fluid