In a land far from the Imperium’s view a powerful culture begins to form. Secrets live within the Mountains and heroes seek to unearth it.

In the far northeast there are a series of islands that were once owned by the world’s new inhabitants, the goblinoids of north being the ones that destroyed Agug in the very first years of the 1st Age. In the last few centuries there has been a steady stream of people to follow the great orcish explorer Bartholomew the Navigator of the 2nd Century, the rich plains of its central location allowing for an explosion in population, granting Bartholomew’s Landing the ability to become the third largest city in the Archipelago. Now other great cities spring up around this island, Chorus in the North, frozen wilds that still worship the Divine of War openly; Al’beqari is to the South, warm waters granting excellent agricultural pursuits and their wise elders have invested into two of the greatest places of learning in the Archipelago, known as Wisdom on the Mount and The Al-Hatha Institute. Finally, before the ability to worship the Divine of War was granted to Chorus a group of zealots made their landing acoss the straight onto a land known as Beswaqueno, settling in the rugged plains to form a small city called Baizir. The Vikings of the North hail all across these waters and much to the loathing of the islands south they don’t seem to be keen to stop anytime soon.


Quinn's Delta