The land of the Delta is at war, and has been for the last two centuries. Vicious monsters control the Untamed Expanse while the Plaguemist poisons everywhere around the Edge. And as the Deltians try to survive the ravenous Imperium reaches north to claim their land as its own.

There is a great many people who wish to control the lands here, and though this is a brief overview it should provide you with a good idea on what awaits you. For most explanations I will hold to utilizing the colored map’s Political distribution of power, and any other time I’ll make a specific note about the location.

  • The Kingdom of Quinn - Those that lived on after the emigration of the Dwarvish people began to conglomerate on the Delta, specifically the mountains of Quinn whose great stones have slowed the encroachment of the waters of Quinn’s Bay. However, around two centuries ago the great troubles began when the Dwarves dug too deep and the beings from below doomed these Clans to fall. Only in the last half century have there been enough political will to coalesce into the new Kingdom, led by King Al-Kamil Bari. Now the Kingdom seeks to expand its power in all directions, coming into contact with the other political powers as he seeks to reinforce the capital of Quinn as his heralds have begun to speak of the resurgence of the underground

  • Hazik - This region is controlled via Hazik City, one of the largest metropolitan places in all of the Archipelago. Over the years there have been many who have sought the freedom away from the Imperium and over time the southern coast of the delta has collected people with these sentiments as the empire has grown over the last two centuries, though they’ve suffered greatly from the loss of the Edge (discussed below). The current Hazik (ruling this society of its own name) is Theophania Beryl, an aging woman whose taken a very conservative approach to statecraft over her current thirty years of rulership, which has in turn led to this somewhat calm reign. She regularly finds herself at odds with all the other states in the Delta but with her effective logistics she’s managed the defense of the realm with some ease. The cries of her nobles (including many of her own family) have grown too loud in recent years to ignore. So she must soon make an important decision. War with the Dynasty or with the Kingdom of Quinn or even with the Commonwealth are all waiting as their growth as outstripped the quiet Hazik and if it continues there won’t be a Hazik left, a circumstance which the wise Theophania cannot leave to her children after the Beryl family’s almost century-long rule.

  • The Eastern Islander Commonwealth - This Commonwealth is a plutocracy that rules from the City of Draconia on Palug’s Island. After a downturn about 100 years ago the then Emperor fell on hard times and foolishly blamed his dragonborn constituents for the troubling times. Colonel Palug Blade-Tongue led his constituents in an exodus to the island now known as Palug’s Island. He formed multiple families to rule based on their magical, financial, and military resources. 4 of each type formed the powerful Clans. Each of them has 3 Sezits (representatives) to work within the governing body; the Sezatia. After 50 years of controlling the original inhabitants they began sending the non-dragonborn second class citizens to the Eastern Islands, Zebijill, and the Eastern peninsulas of the Delta.

  • The Dynasty (Duchy of Rothellia) - This is a Duchy of the Imperium, representing the intrepid north end of Demovia which only recently was forced under the golden banner. Duke Pedro II has slowly been expanding into the Delta, continuing the near constant raids of the last 75 years, the small island of Tempest’s Liason in the center of the delta being ceded to them by the Commonwealth twenty-five years ago, and culminating in the capture of the independent city-state Anagueso three years ago. They seek to expand across the Delta but after Anagueso and Tempest’s Liaison the Hazik and the Kingdom of Quinn seek to take these territories back. And though these groups don’t get along normally there is a growing desire from the higher ups to teach the Demovians a lesson, striking back even while in the back room dealings the Emperor seeds knowledge of the Dynasty to their enemies in a hope that this growing desire for independence within the Dynasty can swiftly be crushed.

  • The Edge - The great city once known as “The Pearl of the North” fell in a sudden political collapse fifteen years ago, having been taken by a necromancer who fell in the midst, unleashing a Plague of Zombies that have consumed the countryside, exuding this harmful mist as they spread out. The Hazik have spent the last 5 years slowly pushing them back to the Great Lakes but beyond this they only become more dangerous, halting any progress that any of the independent groups wishes to make. Zombies roam in random packs and its likely that without the constant struggle of the brave guardians of the north they might make their way toward the more populated areas on the Delta

  • The Unclaimed Expanse - After political turmoil and the abandonment of many villages about 300 years ago there were 3 great monsters that began their journey away from older creatures to take over these areas. There is the Ariziian the Fearsome (green dragon) who owns one of the Great Lakes, the Ancient Dracolich only known as “Void” who was once a Black Dragon, and “God Above” as it is known, the most powerful Roc that has ever existed. It is mostly made up of by wild expanses with few trees but recently there have been a few colonists of the Commonwealth that have begun making their way to establish colonies into the North

